106 5 The Buzz

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  • eawmp1
    Apr 10, 09:24 AM
    While the rules defined give the correct answer, when there is this much debate I'll argue the representation of the problem is ambiguous.

    106 5 The Buzz. 5) Nate Kanney - 106
  • 5) Nate Kanney - 106

  • steadysignal
    Apr 20, 07:49 AM
    Springing for just a faster processor. Dont't think thats gonna happen. I'll just stick with my iP4 until the following year...

    seconded. i hold my cash until the update is more meaningful.

    106 5 The Buzz. published 106 days, 5 hours,
  • published 106 days, 5 hours,

  • Hildron101010
    Mar 30, 08:01 PM
    Are there any new internet or network features? Is internet access built in differently to take advantage of the cloud as the major news sources claim?

    More to the point, I'll be interested in the new focus after 10.7 b/c the new team head is focused on internet tech and cloud services� I want to see something like Chrome OS but can run native apps with a radically new UI, something simple like Sony's Rachel UI for the Xperia X10, or the PS3 UI� or even iPad UI...

    Also, new filesystem for the Love of God� please! License something or develop your own� HFS+ is old and dead. We should, at minimum, have a 64-bit system, with clones, and full disk encryption. Maybe links to cloud/web services in a unique way no one have thought of yet� Just get rid of all the redundancy and crap to make a super efficient machine�

    I still think HFS+ is great. And they do have full disk encryption. I don't know why you thought they didn't, but they do. And what do you mean by a 64-bit system? The kernel already is 64-bit with the support for 32-bit apps.

    106 5 The Buzz. 5. That#39;s it! Google Buzz
  • 5. That#39;s it! Google Buzz

  • Glideslope
    Mar 28, 10:55 AM
    You can update hardware silently on a different day and still dedicate time to the two major OSes. I don't see the big deal. The MacBook Pros got Quad Core/Thunderbolt treatment but there was only a press release. Shame the iPhone cycle will be slightly extended this year though but oh well.

    Sept 2011.

    iPhone 5 / iPad HD/Wi-Fi/3G/ New iMacs with SandyBridge Quads.

    Sept 2012

    iPhone 6 LTE / iPad 3 HD/LTE / Tinted/Smoke Transparent Aluminum. :apple:

    106 5 The Buzz. enhanced-uzz-28517-1288357887
  • enhanced-uzz-28517-1288357887

  • Jape
    Dec 4, 08:30 PM
    yea i agree, both apple stores in my area have it though.

    106 5 The Buzz. 106 € at Nordstrom
  • 106 € at Nordstrom

  • mdatwood
    Apr 25, 11:32 AM
    IF apple is not collecting the data, then what's the point of the file in the first place.

    AGPS and it helps with tower switching while actually using the phone. Android has the same type of file (and likely other phones before it) for the same reasons. The only difference is that Apple left out a time based truncation feature.

    106 5 The Buzz. 5 comments so
  • 5 comments so

  • chris975d
    Mar 27, 07:23 AM
    You mean 12.

    18 is correct.

    6 WiFi only models:

    106 5 The Buzz. ufc 106 live stream
  • ufc 106 live stream

  • marvel2
    Jan 11, 10:28 PM
    Little problem with my TT car kit. My iPhone no longer automatically pairs with the car kit when I plug it in. I use to be able to turn BT on and plug it in the TT kit and it would pair in a few seconds. Now I have to manually pair the two by going into the BT settings on the iPhone.

    Anyone else with this problem?


  • tny
    Nov 26, 10:25 PM
    Seriously, does anyone here even hear about tablet PCs anymore? Nope.
    What happened with Microsoft Origami? Nothing.

    This is an iSight shot from the front page of today's CompUSA flyer. The Sony VAIO UX Micro PC with Windows XP Professional is brand new, and an "origami" device.

    106 5 The Buzz. Vans California 106 Vulc 2011
  • Vans California 106 Vulc 2011

  • kresh
    Sep 15, 05:05 PM
    According to this review, it runs measurably (not necessarily significantly) cooler with longer battery life, etc.

    I hope so :)

    106 5 The Buzz. Facebook Twitter Email Buzz QR
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  • gkarris
    Apr 23, 05:18 PM
    Am I the only one who loves looking at high res high quality icons? I feel a bit sad over here. :p

    Yes, but they're so big.

    You'd only be able to fit, like, one icon on the screen... :eek:


    106 5 The Buzz. Facebook Twitter Email Buzz QR
  • Facebook Twitter Email Buzz QR

  • SmileyBlast!
    May 4, 03:10 PM
    thanks for alerting me to this. I had no idea that macrumors took up gbs of my bandwidth cap. :p
    lol :)

    106 5 The Buzz. Ballantyne Buzz
  • Ballantyne Buzz

  • glassbathroom
    Aug 7, 04:15 PM
    Just ordered a 3.0 GHz Mac Pro.

    I didn't bother with the Airport Card as this seemed to make the order time jump to 3-5 weeks! Estimated ship date - 14th August.

    106 5 The Buzz. Entertainment Buzz: 15 Sexiest
  • Entertainment Buzz: 15 Sexiest

  • ravenvii
    May 3, 05:27 PM
    [QUOTE=ravenvii;12507483]CURRENT KNOWN MAP:

    map confusion - I'm assuming the yellow marks are three doors. but is our start position inside the mansion ?

    Yes the marks are doors. And yes you start inside the mansion.

    106 5 The Buzz. published 106 days, 5 hours,
  • published 106 days, 5 hours,

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 10, 11:21 AM
    In my opinion-

    48/2(9+3) = 288

    48/(2(9+3)) = 2

    To make it clear you could write it with ( ... )^-1 like a real man! :D

    106 5 The Buzz. Buzz Foto | Paparazzi As An
  • Buzz Foto | Paparazzi As An

  • radio893fm
    Nov 22, 10:14 AM
    Mr Palm, Apple fan boys:

    The perfect smart phone has already been created and is out in the wild: SONY ERICSSON P990.

    Wifi, location free, 2 mp camera with flash, keyboard, MP3 player, videos, etc. Now if only Apple would open the iTunes so it can sync with some other devices than the iPod would be very nice...

    106 5 The Buzz. 365-DAY 105 amp; 106
  • 365-DAY 105 amp; 106

  • ergle2
    Sep 16, 05:15 AM
    At most it would have the yet to be released Mobility X1700 or currently available Geforce GO7600.

    There is simply not enough room for either a Mobility X1800 or Geforce GO7700 chip in this 1" thick notebook. Stay in fairyland . . . why can't people be a bit realistic?

    Thanks for the condescending tone in response to an off-the-cuff "would be nice" comment -- it makes you look such a man.

    Of course, given the Go 7700 is effectively an 80nm 7600 -- and therefore should use less power -- I'd say it was realistic to suggest it be used.

    Well done.

    106 5 The Buzz. Day 106
  • Day 106

  • chris975d
    Mar 27, 07:07 AM
    The rumors talking about the iPad 3 are mostly saying it would be a different model than the current iPad. There's multiple Macbook Pros. Don't be surprised if there are multiple iPads, like an iPad pro.

    I, like a few other members here, believe this may be the most likely scenario. People keep talking of a rumored "iPad 3" being launched in the Fall, but I think it might just be a misunderstanding, and it's actually a larger iPod Touch...somewhere in the 5 to 7 inch range. Apple really pushes the touch as a gaming device, and this size (5 to 7 inches) would be great for that. In my opinion, the 3.5" size of the current touch/iPhone makes it hard to game..by the time you put onscreen controls (virtual thumbstick, action buttons, etc), you have very little screen for gameplay left.

    106 5 The Buzz. enhanced-uzz-31469-1261843635
  • enhanced-uzz-31469-1261843635

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 15, 09:03 PM
    Btw, how many days does it take for the new MBPs to arrive in the Apple showrooms from the time they are announced?

    Ideally, Apple likes to have them in stores, ready to buy as soon as they announce them. But that's rarely the case. Sometimes they get them in right away, sometimes they don't.

    Apr 23, 09:34 PM
    Now that looks good. :)

    Mar 28, 09:58 AM
    They also will start having 3GS users come off of AppleCare contracts.

    Nobody will buy a new iPhone if their's breaks after AC is up ...knowing that maybe in the Fall we will see an iPhone5.

    Again, leaves to much of an 'open window' for defections based on frustration, etc.

    ...and as pointed out already by others... I agree, iPhone4 is already a dated design. delaying will just erode Apple's lead in the ever growing mobile hardware market.

    Everyday another competitors comes along... it is no longer 2007... their lead is not what it use to be.

    us 3GS users have been eligible for upgrades since last month

    i was going to wait for the iphone 5 but my 3GS had water damage so i went over to android

    Nov 17, 10:42 AM
    here's a video on the kit.


    Apr 7, 06:04 PM
    > And how would Microsoft go about "leveraging the desktop"? People throw out computers and buy an iPad. People don't say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy a Microsoft tablet to go with it". They say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy an iPad so I can get rid of that old PC"

    Not true. People go with what they know - and Apple/Google are quickly setting the new OS standard for tablets; But do not ignore that's LOTs of people that are familiar with Windows (over 1 billion window users. Are they going to throw that away or find a way to leverage?).

    I think for the first time, computing is morphing into pro and consumer lines. There will always be a need for powerful desktop machines for PhotoShop, making movies, engineering, architecture, etc. They need big monitors, monitors that at this point at least are largely terrestrial. Then there is the mobile business market. The coders, the salespeople, etc. They don't need a massive screen or massive computing power. A laptop works just fine for them. Finally, there's the consumer market. Tablets do almost everything they need. The cloud and mobile broadband provide them all the computing power and storage they need.

    Where does Microsoft fit into this? Their licensing fees are truly exorbitant and there's been a study flow of customers away from MS. No surprise there. They're always playing catchup in regards to Apple and Google. Where is their relevance in today's computing world? I'm having a hard time seeing it outside of a few specialized applications. MS has become IBM.

    I think the thing to note here is that, yes Apple has the power and money to hold down the main supply of the worlds touchscreen panels but we shouldn't go and believe they are doing it JUST to be anti-competative, they are hardly getting enough for themselves. Its not their fault everyone wants an iPad (blame the competition lol) , so at least the panels are getting used :)

    It is ironic that Apple created this market and now is being thrashed because the iPad is selling like gangbusters and so there's simply no extra capacity available to anyone else.

    When the iPad debuted with such low prices, I was convinced that Apple was determined to corner the tablet market. I'm now more convinced than ever, that is Apple's intention. They'd be stupid not to buy up all the component capacity. The iPad is a major hit.

    Aug 11, 02:55 PM
    No more will there be a year between speed increases etc.

    Remember, we're almost at 6 months with the Mac Mini, and it's seen neither a chip upgrade nor a speed bump.

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