332nd Fighter Group

332nd Fighter Group. 332nd Fighter Group
  • 332nd Fighter Group

  • Bonte
    Jul 30, 12:23 PM
    But then the acronym would iPP :D

    Or iPod iPhone - iPiP :)

    www.iphone.org (http://www.iphone.org)

    332nd Fighter Group. The 332nd Fighter Group ended
  • The 332nd Fighter Group ended

  • emotion
    Nov 22, 05:43 AM
    What's he banging on about? By "PC guys" who does he mean? Microsoft?
    If this is the case is he saying that Windows Mobile (the OS he's stupidly paying for some of his products) isn't up to scratch? I can't see Palm surviving the year if he's this mixed up.

    I have been using PDAs for years. I like using them. I've tried quite a few and where Windows CE (and variants) fail is they try and be too computer like. Palm OS is nice in that it does the simple stuff that you need on the move (and in meetings etc) well. It would be hard for Apple to figure this out and improve on the situation. They already have half the software written (iSync, iTunes, iPhoto).

    The only thing Apple need to decide is: to they try and tackle the hard problem for a PDA/smart phone ie. data input. How do you write text on the device. This is the thing that killed the PDA market imo and why you see so many devices with thumbboards these days instead of (or as well as) touch screens. If they don't they have an extended iPod. Which might work out ok.

    The other problem is the data rates mobile phone carriers charge. They need to be EDGE/HSDPA, flat rate and VOIP enabled. Not many carriers can manage that (T-Mobile are close in the UK though).

    OK, rant over :)

    332nd Fighter Group. as the 332nd Fighter Group
  • as the 332nd Fighter Group

  • McGiord
    Apr 9, 08:31 PM
    Suppose subtraction precedes addition, like this: 4-5+6, then the answer would be 5 not -7.

    One thing is the rules and mnemonic things invented in some school system, and other is how to properly use your brain to do some math.

    Algebraically speaking the expression that you used as a reference will always result in 5.

    Mac OS X cannot be wrong on this:

    332nd Fighter Group. the 332nd Fighter Group
  • the 332nd Fighter Group

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 22, 03:10 PM
    I would really like to see Apple have a laptop cheaper than $1,100, and I think there would be a definite market for the, especially for teenagers looking into getting a Mac. I know that's unlikely, but...
    Anyways I hope that the MBPs get the processor update (and a new enclosure) very soon and I really hope the MBs and Mac Minis follow soon after.
    I don't get any reason for Apple not too, and I think with Intel it would be possible for Apple to get some cheaper computers out there. It would be nice, but seems unlikely.... *sighs*

    Agreed. A light, small, cheap Apple laptop targeted at students would be excellent, and an education iMac that's available to the public would be great too. Unlikely, but I'm with you on this one.

    In other news, I expect the iMac to stay with an X1600 series card (because Apple have historically used the mid-range cards: 9600, X600, X1600 and possibly the rumored X2600s next year) so maybe an X1600 Pro and/or an XT. I also think that they should update the MacBook Pros graphics card because its a Pro laptop with a mid-range card so a Mobility X1800 would be nice.

    332nd Fighter Group. 332ND FIGHTER GROUP.

  • ucfgrad93
    May 5, 11:31 AM
    BTW, searching a room disarms traps, so we should get to a point where our last move is search instead of move, if I understand the rules.


    332nd Fighter Group. of the 332nd Fighter Group
  • of the 332nd Fighter Group

  • Snowy_River
    Jul 22, 12:29 AM
    The iBooks got a big case revision when they moved into the Intel MacBook world, the MacBook-Pros-that-look-like-PowerBooks should, too.

    Just so long as they don't make the glossy screen standard on the MBP, like they did on the MB. I can't stand that glare ridden, reflective surface finish!

    332nd Fighter Group. as the 332nd Fighter Group
  • as the 332nd Fighter Group

  • twoodcc
    Aug 3, 10:32 PM
    good news, but it seems that it will be later than we were expecting. September?:confused:

    332nd Fighter Group. as the 332nd Fighter Group
  • as the 332nd Fighter Group

  • doctor-don
    Apr 25, 10:44 AM
    "In the meantime, government agencies in a number of countries have launched investigations into the situation, seeking explanations from Apple and details on how users can protect their privacy."

    Don't lend your phone and don't LOSE it.


    332nd Fighter Group. 332nd Fighter Group).
  • 332nd Fighter Group).

  • MSlaw
    May 6, 08:18 AM
    This would actually be the logical thing to do. (in the future) Offload more and more onto the GPU (which is way more powerful than any CPU out there anyway) and develop the CPUs in house. The customer could possibly get cheaper and more powerful macs.

    332nd Fighter Group. Airman from 332nd Fighter
  • Airman from 332nd Fighter

  • kirk26
    Apr 5, 02:04 PM
    Only thing more shaky than a JB iPhone is a POS Scion. They deserve each other.

    Nothing wrong with a Scion there, buddy. ;)

    332nd Fighter Group. of the 332nd Fighter Group
  • of the 332nd Fighter Group

  • trrosen
    May 7, 12:31 PM
    Can it be free some time in the next...Week or so? They're about to charge my card, but I do want to keep using the service. $99 is a bit much but Find My iPhone is practically worth it alone.

    Its a little late for you but as other have mentioned you can pretty much always buy MM from amazon for around $70 then just enter the code to renew.

    332nd Fighter Group. 332nd Fighter Group - USAAF
  • 332nd Fighter Group - USAAF

  • Super Dave
    Jul 30, 09:36 AM
    Someone above mentioned the software that would be required on the Windows side for syncing.

    Well, in the supposed leaked 10.5 screenshots a month or two ago, people noticed that iCal and Address Book appeared to be merged into a single application.

    Hey dude, with all due consideration, bad fake screenshots don't even rank along side a rumour of a rumour as far as a useful source of information.


    332nd Fighter Group. 332nd Fighter Group from a
  • 332nd Fighter Group from a

  • snberk103
    May 5, 09:23 PM
    Fine, but prove to me it's because of the metric system.

    I don't know that it does.... I was merely rebutting the point that learning the Imperial measures gave US kids a competitive edge.

    332nd Fighter Group. the 332nd Fighter Group
  • the 332nd Fighter Group

  • shaolindave
    May 4, 04:48 PM
    I still don't think that this is a good idea. If the download version of Lion were simply a Disc Image file, then that would be fine (I could just burn my own or put it on a stick), but if it is on the App Store, then the entire OS has to be packaged as a .app file. As such, it will not be possible to do a "fresh" reformatted installation of Lion without cracking the .app bundle and burning the install data to a bootable disc.

    exactly! if the app's sole purpose was to create a boot disc, then that's awesome. if someone the app could create a boot disc and upgrade the OS, then that's awesome.

    however, if the app will only install lion on a machine running a working copy of snow leopard, then there will be problems.

    keep in mind, right now exactly 0% of the products sold on the app store will run without the OS already installed.

    332nd Fighter Group. Tuskegee Airmen (332nd Fighter
  • Tuskegee Airmen (332nd Fighter

  • Don't panic
    May 6, 11:03 AM
    i suggested rosius because there is some value in protectjng him from potential hp loss, but it can be anyone.
    if no one wants to do it i can peel off myself and someone else can lead the big group

    332nd Fighter Group. of the 332nd Fighter Group
  • of the 332nd Fighter Group

  • dernhelm
    Aug 11, 11:12 AM
    Why would they give the Macbook that but leave the iMac with the original Core Duo? Doesn't make sense. I would think all three would get it or just the Macbook Pro.

    The report out of China was about companies supplying macbooks, not the one's supplying the iMacs. They said nothing about the iMac because they weren't in that model's supply chain. I would expect the iMac to updated at the same time as well. I'm also betting that the macbook pro and macbook both get core 2 duo chips, with MBP getting faster ones with 4MB L2 cache, and MB getting slower ones with lower L2 cache.

    332nd Fighter Group. as the 332nd Fighter Group
  • as the 332nd Fighter Group

  • emotion
    Nov 22, 05:43 AM
    What's he banging on about? By "PC guys" who does he mean? Microsoft?
    If this is the case is he saying that Windows Mobile (the OS he's stupidly paying for some of his products) isn't up to scratch? I can't see Palm surviving the year if he's this mixed up.

    I have been using PDAs for years. I like using them. I've tried quite a few and where Windows CE (and variants) fail is they try and be too computer like. Palm OS is nice in that it does the simple stuff that you need on the move (and in meetings etc) well. It would be hard for Apple to figure this out and improve on the situation. They already have half the software written (iSync, iTunes, iPhoto).

    The only thing Apple need to decide is: to they try and tackle the hard problem for a PDA/smart phone ie. data input. How do you write text on the device. This is the thing that killed the PDA market imo and why you see so many devices with thumbboards these days instead of (or as well as) touch screens. If they don't they have an extended iPod. Which might work out ok.

    The other problem is the data rates mobile phone carriers charge. They need to be EDGE/HSDPA, flat rate and VOIP enabled. Not many carriers can manage that (T-Mobile are close in the UK though).

    OK, rant over :)

    332nd Fighter Group. The 332nd Fighter Group
  • The 332nd Fighter Group

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 9, 09:46 PM
    Yeah for common ground! Our relationship just hit an inception point and I think things are looking up. :)

    Nothing wrong with a fun disagreement, though! Time to hit the hay, have a good night!

    332nd Fighter Group. Fighter Group).
  • Fighter Group).

  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 07:07 AM
    So...2 it is.

    2 means that there are two answers:
    1) the wrong one: any other answer
    2) the right one: 2 itself
    I love my Mac.

    Apr 18, 03:25 PM
    If Apple cannot beat them....they sue them. Way to go Apple, you are devoid of morals and innovation.

    When can we officially say that Apple is now the New Microsoft?

    Apple is devoid of morals and innovation? Are you kidding me? Do you have any idea of Apple's philanthropy? Also, Apple INVENTED the whole concept of touch UI for iPhone and iPad - now the rest of the industry is scrambling to catch up by copying the leader. While imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, the imitators are simply copying for free what took Apple years to develop at a likely cost of several hundred million dollars. And Apple does not have a right to protect its investment?

    Apple should just buy Samsung. That will get them a big foot in the consumer electronics sector.

    Aug 7, 05:08 PM
    The power supply is on top like the rumor sites said it would be. This seems like a stupid design decision to me. The power cord will hang over everything else. They probably did it out of necessity, but my dual G5 is still prettier.

    simple, really - heat rises...;)

    Apr 25, 09:24 AM
    No one cares! Did you know your computer saves information about stuff you do???!!! Oh my! Now, your computer-phone saves stuff too! Exploitation!

    They may as well put it on the worthless evening news...."Tonight @ 11, what could be killing you and your children...your iPhone (but not a droid)."

    Shut it, please.

    Apr 25, 10:17 AM
    You do realize everything you said is untrue, right?

    That's par for the course for him. It'd be a page one story if he ever WASN'T spreading FUD.

    I don't see any location consent popups on my iPhones here.

    Are you serious? You're not looking very hard. Or at all.

    Apr 24, 02:43 AM
    I hope this arrives with the Mac Pros and enough GPU power to drive it (Crossfired 6990s anyone?)

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