Adam Young From Owl City

Adam Young From Owl City. Owl City#39;s Adam Young Responds
  • Owl City#39;s Adam Young Responds

  • ready2switch
    Oct 23, 09:36 AM
    Apple needs to get away from making such a big deal our of small updates (processor change) as Intel will have such things changing more often than motorola or ibm ever did. apple should reserve such announcements and hoopla for major revisions or complete overhauls. based on recent benchmarks there is little performance improvement in these new chips save for the speed bump.

    Agreed. Exactly why C2D should have been dropped in a month ago alongside the major PC manufacturers. While Merom is a necessary update for Apple's new place in the world of Intel, it's not really that big. Save the hype for enclosure redesigns and other major changes.

    Adam Young From Owl City. owl-city-70929.jpg. Photos of
  • owl-city-70929.jpg. Photos of

  • Interstella5555
    Mar 22, 11:29 AM
    No- I'm saying this should not be allowed to screw up gay minors. Adults can do what they want to screw themselves up.

    Word :-)

    Adam Young From Owl City. Owl City#39;s Adam Young is in
  • Owl City#39;s Adam Young is in

  • MacSA
    Sep 6, 12:11 PM
    Is it just me, or does the $599 mini *not* let you configure it with a DVD burner?

    Apple want you to "upgrade" to the more expensive model. The superdrive was a BTO option of �30. That Superdrive probably costs Apple �5, and they're still using a Combo Drive, which must cost them 99p

    Im going to give this Mac Mini a miss.

    Adam Young From Owl City. OWL CITY!

  • 63dot
    Jan 5, 12:31 AM
    NICE!!! I use to have a '71 2002. Granted it had rotted rockers, faded paint and a leaking rear main seal. But the thing started on the coldest day of the year. I loved that car. I'll try to dig up pics.

    That's the old BMW for you, tough as nails. I wish BMW, Volvo, and Mercedes still made cars like they used to but building cars that rugged and long lasting is terrible for the bottom line.

    I see more '70s BMWs than '80s models out there and it's probably around then that they got smart and built in obsolescence. That being said, I loved the look of the '80s BMWs and at the time, and I thought they were making a huge step up from the 2002. Little did we know.

    Adam Young From Owl City. Adam Young Owl City: OWL CITY
  • Adam Young Owl City: OWL CITY

  • kalsta
    May 2, 11:26 PM
    Well, considering the dialog box says "Are you sure you want to delete xxxx?" I think a "Yes" or "No" are the best possible choices.

    Weird. When I ask someone a yes/no question, I expect a yes/no response.

    Do you understand what I mean?

    Adam Young From Owl City. 90%. Adam Young
  • 90%. Adam Young

  • Micjose
    Mar 22, 04:52 PM
    This is great for large quantities of uncompressed music. Totally would get one if it did have that much more space.

    Adam Young From Owl City. Owl City#39;s frontman Adam Young
  • Owl City#39;s frontman Adam Young

  • Habakuk
    Mar 26, 03:13 AM
    touchArcade wrote ( "…clean digital signal while the VGA and component cables provide analog output only (and lack audio information)."

    This is not true. The component (and composite) cable provides audio. The VGA does not. It's okay that the small iDevices offer multiple video out (and audio out) options:

    - Headphone out
    - Docks (balanced analog audio out only)
    - Component cable
    - Composite cable (not compatible with Component)
    - VGA adapter
    - HDMI
    - and last but not least wireless Apple TV 2

    They all offer different options and techniques for different purposes. Digital/analog, CRT TV sets, balanced/unbalanced audio, mirroring or not. Serves for just viewing your photos and videos, for DJs, VJs, video editing, presentations etc.

    I am using them frequently. There should be an article that points out the differences. I am sure even the software devs don't know exactly everything on that topic.

    Adam Young From Owl City. Qamp;A: Owl City#39;s Adam Young on
  • Qamp;A: Owl City#39;s Adam Young on

  • matticus008
    Nov 27, 06:46 PM
    If Apple can squeeze extra money out of some egotists who like to think of themselves as prosumers, fine, but the overwhelming majority of users aren't going to get anal about some supposed color-accuracy issues: they want a good-quality, good-looking reliable monitor and if Apple can't provide that at a decent price, Apple loses them to someone who can.
    Certainly, but that's not the question. The question is, 'does Apple care?' And I think the answer is probably a resounding "no." If people don't care about sophistication and refinement, then all of the effort Apple puts into making its Cinema Displays is a waste on those customers--they'd never buy them anyway. Why go after customers whose only loyalty is to the best price? They're a finicky and transient group.

    It's better to sell to a smaller market which will be loyal over time in Apple's view, and that's a perfectly legitimate strategy to have.

    Adam Young From Owl City. Owl City, aka Adam Young,
  • Owl City, aka Adam Young,

  • ifjake
    Jul 18, 09:37 AM
    for me, price must be less than 5 dollars, but not 5 dollars. i'd say even 2 dollars, since we're not going to own it, and owning a 40 minutes show from iTMS costs that much. This has to be competitive with stuff like netflix where the actual DVD is likely going to be much better quality than the low resolution crap they're likely to use with iTMS. ideally i would expect something like the 480p HD trailers they have at, but given the size of these files (let's see 1.5 minute trailer at 480p (848x400 it says) is 40MB, so say, a 120 minute movie at similar bitrates would be 3.2 GB) you're going to have to rent it the night before you want to watch it just so it'll download, even at fast broadband speeds. i'd say this isn't going to work. of course, i've always thought that movies apart from actual physical media will never be able to reach the quality we're all now expecting (soon 1080p tops) and even used to (DVDs), so i'm definitely biased towards this not working.

    Adam Young From Owl City. -adam-young-enchanted-owl-
  • -adam-young-enchanted-owl-

  • Spica
    Sep 7, 09:55 AM
    I just bought a brand new core solo from a reseller 4 days ago!!! Is there any remedy for me?

    This sucks.

    Adam Young From Owl City. Tags: adam young, hello
  • Tags: adam young, hello

  • imac_japan
    May 3, 10:18 AM
    As for me, I think Apple could make some changes but that it is in much better shape than it was, say, eight years ago.

    I agree !! but they need to do more than provide quick cool products...The ipod and the itunes music store isn't going to last because there are going to be others. They need to push a product (ie: cheap mac) into the home ! People will buy it

    Adam Young From Owl City. owl-city-70783.jpg. Photos of
  • owl-city-70783.jpg. Photos of

  • rmwebs
    May 2, 04:25 PM
    Hmm..that'll feel odd...

    Hold down for 2(ish) seconds
    click 'X'
    click 'ok'.


    Drag to trash...

    Seems like change for the sake of change. Hardly a groundbreaking new feature.

    Adam Young From Owl City. Owl City Lead Singer Adam
  • Owl City Lead Singer Adam

  • baryon
    Jun 23, 07:08 AM
    Okay, but I cannot live without full featured Photoshop and Final Cut Pro. Also, I can't live without extensions like Perian, applications like Transmission, Cyberduck and VLC. I don't see how those would make it into iOS, through Apple's approval system. I need custom built applications and less "official" stuff as well. I'm fine with my iPod Touch not letting me run everything I run on my Mac, but I need my computer to be able to do EVERYTHING. I'm sure Apple loves iOS and wants to deploy it everywhere they can, but I'm also sure they don't want to stop with OS X. Now Steve has said recently that PCs are like trucks and that they'll still be around but only for people who really need them. If that's the case, PCs are no longer going to be consumer devices, so they won't have the good support they have now (new features regularly, updates, etc...) So we're going to be left behind if we want to keep using a computer for what a computer really is: everything.

    I love the idea of iOS but that's because it makes sense that an iPhone or iPad cannot run a conventional OS. A real desktop computer with a touch screen would have many problems such as precision. Also I can't see iOS adopting custom built drivers and applications for custom hardware and stuff like that. Yes iOS rocks for most people who only use a computer for Facebook, MSN and browsing the web. But I feel like that's totally not me, and I don't want to get left out of all the innovation. We're seeing Apple focus more and more on iOS and leaving OS X behind a bit could be one of their next moves. I don't want OS X to end up like Final Cut Pro: rarely updated and with an interface that comes from the past millennium.

    There's no indication that this would be the case, but I'm sure it would work for Apple and most people.

    Adam Young From Owl City. Adam Young of Owl City
  • Adam Young of Owl City

  • popelife
    Jan 3, 06:17 PM
    Don't forget the possibility of a 12" MBP. I'm upgrading to a MBP in May, figured I might as well wait until after the release of Leopard, iLife 07, iWork 07 and so on.

    Sensible. If you can wait, now is probably a good time to wait. MBP updates are surely somewhere on the horizon.

    If a 12" model is available I'd gladly get it as long as it's not under par with current models like Apple did with the Powerbooks.

    It may have to be. I'd expect a C2D at 1.6GHz maximum. It's a heat/power/size thing. A 12" MBP would probably also have to use a less power-hungry GPU than the current machines (although something better than Intel graphics).

    But for a lot of people, portability will win out over sheer power.

    Adam Young From Owl City. Owl City- Fireflies
  • Owl City- Fireflies

  • MacBoobsPro
    Aug 7, 05:32 AM
    It says Vista 2.0, not 2...

    Can we please talk about the subject of the thread, not about shagging farmyard animals?

    I think we better do. He looks serious. But hes not moved for ages! :D

    Adam Young From Owl City. Adam Young is preparing to
  • Adam Young is preparing to

  • roland.g
    Sep 1, 01:32 PM
    Has apple done this before? I'm not trying to make it sound like i'm rude, I really just dont know. I know that when the first MBP's came out they did that silent upgrade in power but I didnt think it was price.

    When they had 17" Lampshade G4 iMacs, the price came down one day without notice. I think they also dropped the price $100 on G5 iMac when they upped specs adding Airport (and maybe BT) standard. That was when they went $1,799 to $1,699.

    Adam Young From Owl City. Adam Young - Owl City
  • Adam Young - Owl City

  • aiqw9182
    Apr 12, 09:13 PM
    This all started just because I said I hope Final Cut doesn't turn into iMovie. Somehow that turned into iMovie is pro and Final Cut is the Model T of editing.

    No, it didn't. It turned into you complaining about iMovie's layout. Now let's try not to clog up this thread and enjoy the show.

    Adam Young From Owl City. Adam Young is preparing to
  • Adam Young is preparing to

  • mccldwll
    Apr 25, 07:36 AM
    Apple hackers develop better jailbreaks now so they can keep up with the superior system Android has.

    There's so much more one can do with Android.

    After having every iPhone, I tried Android and I'm so amazed at their great capabilities.

    Android is awesome.

    That said my Iphone 4 is best as an iPod replacement.

    I have the best of both worlds.

    Don't believe a word this troll posts. Not even a good liar. Here's its first post--from about 2 weeks ago!

    " Apr 8, 01:55 PM * #1
    macrumors 6502
    Join Date: Apr 2011
    Location: Western Hemisphere
    Please Help with OS versions MBP & iPhone 4
    Just switched from PC to Mac

    Bought a new 2010 MBP with 10.6.4, and a new iPhone 4 with 4.3.x

    I've been using the computer for about five months, but the iPhone just arrived right now, and I haven't even unpacked it yet when a question came to mind.


    May I sync the new iPhone to iTunes for the Initial Setup WITHOUT updating OS X on my MBP?

    I prefer NOT to just yet, since the computer is running perfectly and I'm still getting accustomed to it.

    I'm also not ready to have the Mac App Store installed until I get familiar with the rest of this change from PC to Mac.

    Thanks "

    Adam Young From Owl City. Adam Young Owl City:
  • Adam Young Owl City:

  • Multimedia
    Sep 1, 01:33 PM
    Says who? AppleInsider is now confirming this story. They have been dead-on accurate all year. Read 'em and weep (I'd like to see Conroe instead of Merom, but it ain't happenin').If iMacs don't get Conroe inside that is going to be SO WEAK. The Power GAP between all Macs and the Mac Pro would be so wide you could drive a truck through it. Makes no sense to me for Conroe to not go into something. Right now that's only iMac. Market for Conroe headless Mac has got to be huge. :confused: :eek: :(

    2.33GHz is the top of Merom folks. How can that be the best Apple can offer non Mac Pro customers? Seems rediculous. There has got to be a home for Conroe Processors in iMacs or a new mid-tower.

    Nov 28, 11:24 AM
    Is anybody surprise by this?
    Seriously we knew this all along.
    Plus, what surprises me is that Microsoft did no TV advertising for the Zune at all. So many people out there have no idea it even exists.

    Zune has no chance until they have an integration like ipod and itunes have. Maybe in Vista they will have a chance to get that but my feeling is too late for them.
    Apple will not let down and I am pretty sure before spring we'll see updates across the ipod line and maybe finally the widescreen ipod.

    Jul 14, 03:10 AM
    a BTO option would be great.

    i'd pop one in if i could afford it- it would be damn useful considering the amount of data i need to archive making films... :rolleyes:

    Jan 2, 07:24 PM
    You call that snow? PFFT. lol

    We don't get a whole lot here, and I lived in Texas and Arizona for the past 8 years, but I'm originally from northern PA, so I grew up with Lake Effect snow.

    Jul 18, 09:17 AM
    I hope the rental thing is true--I don't want to own. I'm not with Steve Jobs on this one (assuming the rumors are true that he opposes rentals).

    Owning music downloads fits my habits/needs. Owning movie downloads does NOT. The vast majority of movies I watch I never see again. And I don't want to store big movie files long-term. And I don't want to pay a higher price! Lower the price and make it short-term. I like that better.

    I completely agree. When it comes to movies I watch 15% of my movies more then once a year and the rest I watch once maybe twice.

    I like the a rent/buy model at the price of 3.99/9.99

    Apr 19, 05:26 PM
    Would be nice to see a 24" iMac back in the line up. 27" is just too big for my space.
    I may look into a new mini with a 24" monitor, to replace my 2007 24" 2.4 iMac.

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