black and white wallpaper pattern

black and white wallpaper pattern. Wallpaper -Seabrook - Damasks
  • Wallpaper -Seabrook - Damasks

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 01:22 PM
    I'll support any group (religious or secular) that:

    A: Doesn't try to curtail my freedom and liberty and

    B: Acts as a bulwark against any group which does seek to curtail my freedom and liberty.

    Currently the biggest threat to freedom and democracy is Islam. Call me a bigot or "islamophobe" but that's just burying one's head in the sand. Thus, I support Rational Secularists, Atheists, Agnostics, Israel, Judaism (Orthodox), Christians, and Eastern faiths like Baha'i, Zoroastrians, Sikhs, Hindus, etc etc.

    Apologies if I've left anyone out.

    The fire and brimstone of hell certainly figures in a lot of the fundamentalist sects of Christianity and many of the Protestant ones too. My father-in-law is a presbyterian lay preacher and constantly prattled on about it.

    The Eastern Orthodox church is the oldest church, yet I think anyone would be hard-pressed to label it as fundamentalist.

    Have a look at St. John Chrysostom's Easter homily:

    Let all pious men rejoice and all lovers of God rejoice in the splendor of this feast; let the wise servants blissfully enter into the joy of their Lord, let those who have borne the burden of Lent now receive their pay, and those who have toiled since the first hour, let them now receive their due reward; let any who came after the third hour be grateful to join in the feast, and those who may have come after the sixth, let them not be afraid of being too late, for the Lord is gracious and He receives the last even as the first.
    He gives rest to him who comes on the eleventh hour as well as to him who has toiled since the first: yes, He has pity on the last and he serves the first; He rewards the one and is generous to the other; He repays the deed and praises the effort.

    Come, all of you: enter into the joy of your Lord. You the first and you the last, receive alike your reward; you rich and you poor, dance together; you sober and you weaklings, celebrate the day; you who have kept the Fast and you who have not, rejoice today.

    The table is richly laden; enjoy its royal banquet. The calf is a fatted one; let no one go away hungry. All of you enjoy the banquet of faith; all of you receive the riches of His goodness. Let no one grieve over his poverty, for the universal kingdom has been revealed; let no one weep over his sins, for pardon has shone from the grave; let no one fear death, for the death of our Savior has set us free. He has destroyed it by enduring it; He has despoiled Hades by going down into its kingdom; He has angered it by allowing it to taste of His flesh.

    When Isaiah foresaw all this, he cried out: "O Hades, you have been angered by encountering Him in the nether world." Hades is angered because it is frustrated. It is angered because it has been mocked. It is angered because it has been destroyed. It is angered because it has been reduced to naught. It is angered because it is now captive. It seized a body, and lo! It discovered God. It seized earth, and behold! It encountered heaven. It seized the visible, and was overcome by the invisible.

    "O death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?" Christ is risen, and you are abolished! Christ is risen and the demons are cast down! Christ is risen and the angels rejoice! Christ is risen and life is freed! Christ is risen and the tomb is emptied of its dead! For Christ, being risen from the dead, has become the leader and reviver of those who had fallen asleep. To Him be glory and power for ever and ever. Amen.

    Eastern Orthodox celebrates life and downplays the "fire and brimstone" of hell, which isn't even in the Bible anyway, all that came later. In the Old Testament hell was being denied the presence of God and feeling shame, not eternal torment at the hands of demons.

    black and white wallpaper pattern. Besides wallpapers, the
  • Besides wallpapers, the

  • Apple OC
    Apr 24, 09:11 PM
    Yep. I've lived a completely sheltered life, never studied my faith, and certainly never questioned it- never been in any in-depth discussions of religion, and most importantly, I do not understand why I think Christianity is legitimate rather than any other religion.

    I believe only the things my parents have told me, and I plug my ears whenever someone says anything different. I'm completely unaware of modern science and how some people consider it to be a religion killer.

    To top it off, compared to all atheists, I'm an illiterate, illogical, southern-bred moron and I will never be able to make an educated decision for myself.

    And just to be clear, I DID NOT make a 35 on the ACT my Junior year of high school, and I am not on scholarship to a top 25 university.

    happy now? :cool:

    lol ... thanks for clearing that up

    black and white wallpaper pattern. Black and White Wallpaper with
  • Black and White Wallpaper with

  • drapacioli
    Sep 2, 03:43 PM
    You might have a point. I've been side by side with another person (also an AT&T subscriber) who has a Nokia. I have no or low bars and they have bars.

    It's just from my experience. I've been with AT&T for five years and had 4 cell phones throughout my contracts. Some phones, such as my LG Vu and Motorola RAZR had spotty reception, but my K1 and Captivate had almost no dropped calls except in the mountains where you can't expect cell reception to be high anyway.

    Not to say I love AT&T or anything like that, they are expensive and the 3G signal is not always the best. However we can get our way with AT&T when phones break or problems occur because we have been with them for a while.

    black and white wallpaper pattern. lack and white patterns,
  • lack and white patterns,

  • Bonte
    Sep 22, 07:47 AM
    Either way, I am still willing to bet for a large family, cable is significantly cheaper (especially when you take into account all the TV watched for "background noise" (such as the food network)).

    Here in Europe we don't have that problem so much but i'm going crazy if i have to watch all the dumb advertising on the US networks, you guys pay much more then just the cable cost. Every 5 minutes there's a commercial brake and the endless repeating of the facts after it. I am willing to pay not to have these annoyances.

    black and white wallpaper pattern. Vintage wallpaper black and
  • Vintage wallpaper black and

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 24, 01:42 PM
    umm, everything? Did you read the bit I quoted from you?

    And you then go on to explain how this doesn't exist in a church which is neither fundamentalist nor Protestant. I'm still at odds as to what point you are trying to make?

    black and white wallpaper pattern. As Creations Black
  • As Creations Black

  • Anuba
    Jun 7, 07:35 AM
    My husband has been an AT&T user for over a decade. He never experienced dropped calls until we started dating and he was talking to me (I'm on an iPhone, he is not).
    Right, and during that decade there were no iPhones overloading the networks. Barely anyone used the data traffic capacity back then. With the iPhone, usage of the onboard internet browser on smartphones went up from 15% to 85%. Steve has unleashed hell and now he's poured gasoline on the whole thing by introducing the 3G iPad.

    What you have now is a situation with millions of people overloading the network by utilizing their wireless devices in ways the networks won't be able to handle for at least another 5 years, and it's only going to get worse. Netbooks, iPhones, iPads, Androids... sorry, guess we'll have to discontinue voice traffic services, please go back to your land phone.

    "Explosion of wireless devices causing data traffic jam" (

    It's not only a capacity problem, it's also a spectrum problem. AT&T could put up a dozen cell towers in a ring around your house, it ain't gonna do much about the dropped calls. The data traffic jamming is the reason for dropped calls. Voice and data are different services but it's the same network infrastructure equipment handling both services. This equipment uses dozens of different technologies to maximize capacity. Adaptive Multi Rate codecs, Cell Load Sharing, Dynamic Half-Rate Allocation, Frequency Hopping, Intra Cell Handover, DTX Discontinuous Transmission, Fractional Load Planning, Multiple Re-use Pattern... all these technologies are band-aids that milk more capacity out of the network. Each time one of these technologies kicks in during a call, there's a slight risk of the call being dropped, and this risk increases ten fold if the infrastructure is so busy with data traffic it really doesn't have the resources to manage voice traffic properly. As long as the carriers don't get more spectrum, they're stuck in this situation.

    "Currently, wireless companies have 534 megahertz of spectrum allotted to them, with an additional 50 megahertz in the pipeline. The industry says it needs at least 800 megahertz more within six years to accommodate demand.

    "Spectrum for us is our highway," said Christopher Guttman-McCabe, vice president of regulatory affairs for CTIA-The Wireless Association, a trade group. "But the volume of traffic is picking up. Without more lanes, we'll have more traffic and more congestion," which will result in slower service."

    So who are the real culprits in this mess? Well, 1) naive carriers who introduced services the networks weren't built for (they have the technology but not the capacity for this massive volume), and 2) these customers:

    "Limited spectrum is only part of the problem, experts say, though an important part. Often, slow cell service is caused by a handful of bandwidth hogs -- watching videos on their iPhones, for example -- in a small area between cell phone towers.
    "You have a few users clogging up capacity -- that is not something which can be solved just by providing more spectrum," said Aditya Kaul, director of mobile networks for ABI Research, a technology research firm."

    Wanna get rid of dropped calls before 2015? Find the bandwidth hogs in your neighborhood and tell them if they don't stop using 3G like it was regular broadband, you will shoot them. Tell them it's because of them that everyone else who had an unlimited plan will soon have a capped plan, and if they don't stop, everyone will soon be on a plan where they pay by the megabyte.

    black and white wallpaper pattern. I love it lack and white
  • I love it lack and white

  • skellener
    Sep 12, 04:25 PM
    This is the perfect device for Apple to start selling subscriptions to shows to replace cable. Wouldn't you rather pay for only the shows that you watch?

    You are absolutely correct!

    Repeat after me...there will NEVER be a DVR from Apple...there will NEVER be a DVR from Apple...there will NEVER be a DVR from Apple...there will NEVER be a DVR from Apple...there will NEVER be a DVR from Apple...there will NEVER be a DVR from Apple...there will NEVER be a DVR from Apple...

    Apple does not want you to record television. They want you to purchase shows from iTunes! Case in point iTV.

    As fas as wouldn't I rather pay for only the shows I watch? Sure! But Apple's current pricing is much to prohibitive. It's cheaper for me to pay $50 a month for DirecTV with the HD option than to pay $2 a pop per tiny 320x240 (oops, excuse me 640x480) episode. The price needs to come down and the quality needs to go up (again) for me to ditch DirecTV. I would be happy to do it, if the price/quality meets my needs. Maybe by 2008?

    black and white wallpaper pattern. Mosaico Wallpaper in Black
  • Mosaico Wallpaper in Black

  • xlambodog
    Mar 18, 02:40 PM
    To start off, I do not want to get intimate with the moral aspect of this. Everyone has their opinion.

    On my end, I have a jail-broken iPhone 3GS on 4.2.1, with MyWi installed, and I have a grand-fathered unlimited plan.

    I want to tether for that 1 time where I really need internet on my laptop when I am out and about, and maybe when I am out camping and I have my laptop.

    Most of us have MyWi so we can do this, right? It's more of a backup system. I've used it only twice, including the time I tested it. I don't picture people using tethering everyday, or even for prolonged periods of time. Why doesn't AT&T just provide users the ability to tether 5-10 times a month? Then if you need more "access" you can pay for it?

    When I say "access", imagine a "movie ticket" that grants you access to the movie. If you want to see a different "movie" at a different time, you need another "movie ticket."

    Right now, most of us want access to the theater, and hope to see another movie without another ticket

    black and white wallpaper pattern. And no wallpaper has ever held
  • And no wallpaper has ever held

  • ender land
    Apr 23, 09:29 PM
    Wow. I see it completely the other way. The religious people look at the atheists as lost souls, sinners, who need to be saved. They want their beliefs to be the basis for our laws. They need to have god thrown in our faces, on our money, in our pledges, in our courtrooms, etc. etc. And this is in the land of the free where separation of church and state is supposed to be one our most basic rights!
    Don't believe me, check any poll about who people in the United States trust or who they would vote for. Atheists are always at the bottom of both lists!

    How many people became theistic because of atheism? Or have their religious views strengthened as a result of atheism?

    How many people became atheist because of religion? Or have their atheistic views strengthened as a result of religion?

    This was my point in that statement.

    And of course atheists will be less trusted. Atheism rejects non-societal Morals (unless you want to pull the "absolute morals exist and god(s) do not" version of atheism). Morality is completely defined by society at that point or at a more direct sense, by us.

    Someone who is a practicing theist has a "standard" of Morals to abide by. Granted, a lot - if not most - of politicians are the "I'm a once a month Christian so people will vote for me" type but some (like GWB for better or worse) appear to take their faith with them to the office. This is a far more reliable set of beliefs, whether or not you agree with them, than someone who has arbitrary or personally decided morals.

    black and white wallpaper pattern. good vs evil wallpapers black
  • good vs evil wallpapers black

  • Icaras
    Apr 9, 12:43 AM
    That's a complete joke, surely? There's no way you can compare console gaming, in basically a home arcade, to swiping your fingers around on a 3.5" screen. No way. I am a gamer, and always will be.

    Gaming on the iPhone is good for 2-minute bursts, such as when sitting on the toilet. It's not a great games device. Most of the games are cheap with no replay value.

    Say that about games like Final Fantasy III, Aralon, or even NOVA 2. Try finishing any of these games while on one sitting at the toilet. :eek:

    You're right about prematurely comparing iOS to console gaming though. However, I feel iOS absolutely competes with handheld devices by Sony and Nintendo.

    I feel the quality is there for many games and growing. I think it would be foolish to dismiss gaming on iOS when there is obvious growth and a healthy consumer market happening at the App Store.

    black and white wallpaper pattern. A Black amp; White Collection
  • A Black amp; White Collection

  • totoum
    Apr 13, 11:58 AM
    Folks who are criticizing people who are expressing their concern about the new version, please read this post.

    I thought it was mentioned that all keyboard shortcuts were still there so I don't get what the concern in that post is about

    black and white wallpaper pattern. Black and White Wallpaper
  • Black and White Wallpaper

  • ABernardoJr
    Apr 20, 09:37 PM
    Is that a prerequisite? I have Apple battery charger.

    lol It is not a prerequisite, but it might become a bit problematic when assumptions like these are made:

    I don't. I just don't have OS/X. I just assumed that OS/X might not have it since some OS/X users here were confused about Windows hiding system files. :)

    I'm not saying the assumption was true or false but assumptions on things that can be clarified by having the product certainly make it seem that it might help lol

    black and white wallpaper pattern. Vintage wallpaper black and
  • Vintage wallpaper black and

  • samdweck
    Oct 7, 04:28 PM
    Originally posted by alex_ant

    Won't happen. To a Mac zealot, if the G4 is slower than anything, either 1) the benchmark was rigged, or 2) "pcheese" and "Windblowz" suck anyway.

    The Pentium 5 could come along and deliver 15,000 in SPECfp and all the Mac zealots would be whining about how SPEC isn't a real-world benchmark and how Macs deliver such better real-world performance etc., even when they have nothing to substantiate their claims but the biased and selective evidence from themselves and their Mac-using friends.

    I love Macs, but I harbor no illusions about them not generally being just about the slowest thing on the block at the moment.


    mac rules, pc sucks, how hard is this? if you dont' agree, why are you on a site devoted to macs? leave now!!!!!!! (not u alex... lol)

    black and white wallpaper pattern. Black White Floral Pattern
  • Black White Floral Pattern

  • DiamondMac
    Mar 18, 01:35 PM
    No in the TOS it states there is a limit to unlimited (5gb), deceptive.

    As several others have said, SHOW us where it says that. Please

    black and white wallpaper pattern. white pattern wallpaper
  • white pattern wallpaper

  • Peace
    Sep 12, 05:02 PM
    Engadget has posted pics :

    black and white wallpaper pattern. lack and white wallpaper,
  • lack and white wallpaper,

  • Sounds Good
    Apr 5, 09:36 PM
    Dragging your Applications folder to the right hand side of the Dock as a stack shows every single application you have installed on the computer, just like the Start Menu.
    What if I just want my top 10 favorites? In Windows I just drag the icon (of whatever I want) to the Start button, then drop it into the list of my favorites (I'm not sure of the actual term for this). Can this be done on a Mac?

    Since I open the same 10 or 12 programs or folders or files many times throughout the day, every day, this is pretty important to me. It would absolutely mess up my work flow to lose this feature.

    black and white wallpaper pattern. Black and White Pattern
  • Black and White Pattern

  • yg17
    Mar 26, 09:27 AM
    And all this coming from the organization who protects a bunch of child rapists. Why are people taking them seriously anymore?

    black and white wallpaper pattern. Seamless wallpaper pattern
  • Seamless wallpaper pattern

  • Multimedia
    Nov 2, 09:00 PM
    Don't know if you saw this article, I thought I would provide it for your review.

    Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6700 - 2.66 GHz Kentsfield Review ('s Kentsfield so it's a little off topic. But you did the right thing in posting this. Not wrong.

    The most interesting thing I find about this article is that Tiger is dumping top Conroe NOW for $974. I love the marketing copy on this page. ( :eek: :

    We're Selling Our Core2 Extreme CPUs at COST.
    That's right...we're selling our complete stock of Intel Core2 Extreme processors AT COST! If you've been waiting for a price drop before making a move to the latest in CPU technology, it's time to take action now."

    The More The Hype The Better I say.

    That leads me to believe now more than ever it's gonna happen from Apple in two weeks. :D

    Here's first good picture of 2.66GHz Kentsfield I've come across:

    black and white wallpaper pattern. Black And White Patterns
  • Black And White Patterns

  • cambox
    Apr 13, 12:36 PM
    Original post by gusapple

    I think that this is counter-intuitive. By a long shot. Why would Apple leave their customer base? They still are including all of their "smoke and mirrors" but with a dumbed down option. All that I can see from it is that file management is FINALLY going to be better than a manual system. And anyways, Apple updated the UI from something that was popular in 2000 to something that looks better for today. Plus, there are lots of people who want to start using Pro apps but don't know how. I think that it is awesome that Apple is creating interest in an industry that will grow rapidly in the next few years.

    I think what you are talking about is called Imovie? Accessible by 10 year olds and its wonderful for that and for people who do weddings etc, but in my world we use the traditional layout because it works just fine and why fix something thats not broken? 64 bit is great and yes we need that but not the shinny useless bits that kids want on the iphones, ipads and Garageband. I think Apple has lost the plot here and also lost the respect of pro app users..well those who truly are pro FCP users.

    Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 04:35 PM
    No gods exist. There is not a shred of evidence, ontological or otherwise.
    Before Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria with his microscope, many probably would have insisted that there was not a shred of evidence that any microbe existed.

    Apr 28, 08:31 AM
    By that definition, the internal combustion engine is nothing but a fad. I think maybe you're just not familiar with what the word "fad" actually means Check it out:

    I am quite familiar, perhaps you should read it again.

    a temporary fashion, notion, manner of conduct, etc., especially one followed enthusiastically by a group.

    The iPod was introduced in hit popularity in 2003 / when it was later replaced (in the eyes of masses of people buying them) by the iPhone, and later iPod Touch as the next "new thing".

    Do you still see masses of people with White or Black iPods? Or do you see them carrying iPhones or iPod Touches now?

    What has been on the news recently the most, sought after by most Apple fans? I don't think it is the iPod.

    May 2, 10:28 AM
    It is safer to run under an administrator account all the time in OS X than in Windows. On Windows, the administrator is almost the equivalent to the root account on *nixes and as such has unrestricted access to any and all files on the system.

    On OS X and other *nix systems, however, the administrator account still can't do all that much without entering the root password. Admin accounts can't touch anything in the System folder. About the worst malware can do, even under an admin account in OS X, is one of the following:

    1) Install itself in your user account Library folder
    2) Install itself in the system's secondary Library folder (/Library/)

    In both cases, the offending executables/libraries/whatever are easily removed - In the case of #1, create a new account and copy your old stuff over. In the case of #2, check the startup folder within, perhaps frameworks in some cases (though I have never seen malware that makes use of the OS X framework system) and delete the malware files. The files and folders contained in the Library folder are all nicely, neatly labeled and any malware should stick out like a sore thumb - it can't hide as something like EXPLORE32.EXE.

    Yep. This is what Unix security means. Tight permissions control. Permission checking needs to at some point become a background service though, because the way it is, if some badly written application with root access changes the permissions on a folder for whatever reason, it's possible for malware written to look for these permission problems to take advantage of it. But other than that, yes, there is no way to access files outside of /Library and /Users/[username] without permission.

    Apr 24, 10:06 PM
    Yep. I've lived a completely sheltered life, never studied my faith, and certainly never questioned it- never been in any in-depth discussions of religion, and most importantly, I do not understand why I think Christianity is legitimate rather than any other religion.

    I believe only the things my parents have told me, and I plug my ears whenever someone says anything different. I'm completely unaware of modern science and how some people consider it to be a religion killer.

    To top it off, compared to all atheists, I'm an illiterate, illogical, southern-bred moron and I will never be able to make an educated decision for myself.

    And just to be clear, I DID NOT make a 35 on the ACT my Junior year of high school, and I am not on scholarship to a top 25 university.

    happy now? :cool:
    No because I believe I asked a fair question and you gave me a smarmy answer.

    Chupa Chupa
    Apr 28, 07:52 AM
    Very true. Plus it could be a fad to own the latest toy. We won't know until some time passes. Anything new from Apple gets a lot of attention.

    Wait til the newness wears off.

    Well you have a point there. The iPod was a so-called fad too. It took 8 or 9 years for it to wear off and see fickle consumers switch to the next fad, the iPhone and iPad. The iPad-like devices may be a fad but it's likely to die out b/c a it's replaced by a next gen device rather than boredom. Apple is already showing it's cards in melding OS X with hints of iOS.

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