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  • Intuit
    Apr 21, 06:09 AM
    I got to back chrono up I know tons of ways viruses can hide in windows. Here's a few.

    Setting visibility to hidden.
    Using file names that look like legitimate software.
    editing the registry to disable 'show hidden folders'.
    Registering the virus as a service.
    Software level root kit using api hooks to modify the result of system calls.
    Hardware level root kit changing the system itself.
    .dll injection to force another process to run your code.

    The entire window messaging system is insecure you can delete everything displayed in the process list of Task manager for example.

    some of these techniques will make a virus completely invisible so don't bash

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  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 01:22 PM
    I'll support any group (religious or secular) that:

    A: Doesn't try to curtail my freedom and liberty and

    B: Acts as a bulwark against any group which does seek to curtail my freedom and liberty.

    Currently the biggest threat to freedom and democracy is Islam. Call me a bigot or "islamophobe" but that's just burying one's head in the sand. Thus, I support Rational Secularists, Atheists, Agnostics, Israel, Judaism (Orthodox), Christians, and Eastern faiths like Baha'i, Zoroastrians, Sikhs, Hindus, etc etc.

    Apologies if I've left anyone out.

    The fire and brimstone of hell certainly figures in a lot of the fundamentalist sects of Christianity and many of the Protestant ones too. My father-in-law is a presbyterian lay preacher and constantly prattled on about it.

    The Eastern Orthodox church is the oldest church, yet I think anyone would be hard-pressed to label it as fundamentalist.

    Have a look at St. John Chrysostom's Easter homily:

    Let all pious men rejoice and all lovers of God rejoice in the splendor of this feast; let the wise servants blissfully enter into the joy of their Lord, let those who have borne the burden of Lent now receive their pay, and those who have toiled since the first hour, let them now receive their due reward; let any who came after the third hour be grateful to join in the feast, and those who may have come after the sixth, let them not be afraid of being too late, for the Lord is gracious and He receives the last even as the first.
    He gives rest to him who comes on the eleventh hour as well as to him who has toiled since the first: yes, He has pity on the last and he serves the first; He rewards the one and is generous to the other; He repays the deed and praises the effort.

    Come, all of you: enter into the joy of your Lord. You the first and you the last, receive alike your reward; you rich and you poor, dance together; you sober and you weaklings, celebrate the day; you who have kept the Fast and you who have not, rejoice today.

    The table is richly laden; enjoy its royal banquet. The calf is a fatted one; let no one go away hungry. All of you enjoy the banquet of faith; all of you receive the riches of His goodness. Let no one grieve over his poverty, for the universal kingdom has been revealed; let no one weep over his sins, for pardon has shone from the grave; let no one fear death, for the death of our Savior has set us free. He has destroyed it by enduring it; He has despoiled Hades by going down into its kingdom; He has angered it by allowing it to taste of His flesh.

    When Isaiah foresaw all this, he cried out: "O Hades, you have been angered by encountering Him in the nether world." Hades is angered because it is frustrated. It is angered because it has been mocked. It is angered because it has been destroyed. It is angered because it has been reduced to naught. It is angered because it is now captive. It seized a body, and lo! It discovered God. It seized earth, and behold! It encountered heaven. It seized the visible, and was overcome by the invisible.

    "O death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?" Christ is risen, and you are abolished! Christ is risen and the demons are cast down! Christ is risen and the angels rejoice! Christ is risen and life is freed! Christ is risen and the tomb is emptied of its dead! For Christ, being risen from the dead, has become the leader and reviver of those who had fallen asleep. To Him be glory and power for ever and ever. Amen.

    Eastern Orthodox celebrates life and downplays the "fire and brimstone" of hell, which isn't even in the Bible anyway, all that came later. In the Old Testament hell was being denied the presence of God and feeling shame, not eternal torment at the hands of demons.

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  • Backtothemac
    Oct 7, 10:57 AM
    Originally posted by TheT
    I think Mac users just live in their happy little world and think their computers are still the best... well, wake up!
    As of now, PCs kick every Mac's ass, they are just simply faster! Mhz may not matter that much, but a 2Ghz DP compared to a 1.25Ghz DP has to be faster, if you configure it right.
    The reason I use a mac is the software, no Windows can beat OSX! And, as a matter of fact, my mac looks better than any of the pcs my friends have...

    Um, no. You are wrong. Just because the Intel machine is 2GHZ doesn't mean squat. Pipelines, stages, all of this matters. Don't assume anything about the quality of a 25 year old architecture. X86 blows crap, and always will.

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  • balamw
    Apr 9, 06:01 AM
    You can't cut and paste, only copy and paste.

    A lot of games won't work on mac.

    The magic mouse is absolutely horrible, so stay away.

    They heat quite quickly.

    Cut and Paste is a limitation of Finder only. You can Cut and Paste files in other alternatives and of-course in apps like Word, etc...

    Many of those games will work in Boot Camp under Windows.

    Preference in mice is a personal thing. I absolutely love the Magic Trackpads built into the Macbook Pros. And since you are not limited to a particular mouse, just bring along what you are most comfortable with.

    Heat is a mixed bag. For "normal" use (we browsing, etc...) I find the situation better than the typical PC. I hated the Dell notebook work had issued me because it sounded like a wind tunnnel at idle. Gaming, or other intensive use of the system does generate a lot of heat and I would not recommend using it on your unprotected lap under those circumstances.


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  • torbjoern
    Apr 24, 11:12 AM
    The deal with religious people is founded in human nature; it's the need to have faith in something bigger than oneself. For some reason, the Church of Scientology comes to my mind when I'm writing this. Oh yes, here is my question: how many religions are founded on somebody's desire to exploit that need?

    Lately I read that the iPhone was considered the world's greatest invention. It isn't. God is the greatest invention ever.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 23, 05:14 PM
    im not a phone genius but i am pretty sure the Android is cross-carrier. If it surpasses the iPhone any time soon, it will be because of that. But i guarantee that if the iPhone went cross-carrier as well, we would see a HUGE jump in sales in which Android will plummet. Think about it. a REALLY BIG reason a lot of people go with the Android is because the iPhone isnt available on their carrier.


    iPhone has already gone cross carriers in other parts of the world and we did not see a huge jump.

    Android is going to pass the iPhone because of choices and on multiple types of hardware. Some people want a hardware keyboard other want all touch screen, Some want smaller sizes and so on.

    iPhone is take it or leave it. Android phones you have a lot more choices on hardware.

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  • takao
    Mar 13, 04:40 PM
    I wouldn't be so smug if I was you. Looks like Austria uses over 60% imported oil and gas for electricity manufacture ( that Persian Gulf political turmoil must be pretty exciting for you guys, yes? Probably costly too.

    You're also reliant on those nice people in Russia to keep their natural gas pipelines open (–Ukraine_gas_disputes), aren't you... being land-locked and all.

    you know what actually is costly ? the US policies in regard to Iran: it actually prevented developing the south iranian gas fields for use for european earth gas users since the US embargoes any company doing business with iran in excess of 10 million dollar ... and because of the US preventing alternative sources we are depending on Russia which had been a consistent supplier for more than half a century

    nice distraction from your own argument ... where is the terror and war in which austria is involved because of the lack of nuclear energy ?
    i would rather claim that nuclear power plants, construction of such powerplants, nuclear fuel production etc. bring forward a lot more international conflict

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  • ksz
    Oct 25, 10:46 PM
    I am so there with the cash ready a willing to fly out the window to Apple's account sooner than Apple can say:

    "8-Core Mac Pro Available At the Apple Online Store For Ordering." :)
    If it has hardware RAID and eSATA I'll be ordering mine within seconds of the announcement...well, after checking the price of course.

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  • deputy_doofy
    Apr 21, 07:54 AM
    This virus talk is full of ignorance. Mac OSX is not more secure than Windows. Windows is just targeted more, because of the marketshare.

    If you think that Apple writes perfect code everytime then you have no idea what you're talking about.

    I keep hearing this, but in just over 10 years now, I have yet to see one virus -- you know, a self-propagating piece of software (not counting trojans or user-initiated apps). For all the IT "geniuses" on this board, you obviously ALL failed statistics (because OS X should not have a virus count == 0, but it does).

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  • latergator116
    Mar 20, 07:30 PM
    What is unfair and unjust about DRM? It's your $.99, if you don't like DRM, don't bitch about it - just spend it elsewhere! :rolleyes:

    I wasn't talking about DRM or iTunes.

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  • jmcrutch
    Mar 18, 08:51 AM
    If AT&T were to allow tethering with unlimited, they know that ASAP people would start dropping their home internet en masse. Not saying everyone would, but plenty would for the same reason they dropped their home landline telephone. Will this happen eventualy anyway - yes. But AT&T, as the provider has the right to do as they see fit for their business and their shareholders.

    While you might not use more data via tethering, if it were allowed with no extra charges, and on unlimited plans, AT&T would see a huge spike in usage that would not go down - and they would be doing so without any increase in their revenues (in fact, they'd see a decrease as noted above).

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  • EricNau
    Sep 21, 04:34 PM
    Dude. If this is your family, you need to be watching less TV and getting outside more. Or at least stay inside and play board-games with the kids. It's much more fun than vegging out on the couch.

    geeze. Yeah, if I watched that much TV, I'd be complaining about the iTS too!

    It's not.

    In my experience, video on demand is exactly what younger kids want. My boys (3 and 5, so not that far off your model family) watch more than their share of TV, but they tend to be quite "clumpy" in what they watch since they've grown up with PVRs all their life, they tend to watch lots of the same show, and rewatch things over and over. For instance tonight we were treated to 3 back-to-back episodes of "The Batman" from a recently released DVD and one episode of "Teen Titans" from the TiVo. I don't have to keep buying those shows, since once purchased or recorded, I have them. Tomorrow will be the younger one's choice, so my guess is we get to watch the Wiggles on DVD for the umpteenth time.

    I do buy some shows on DVD of from iTunes just to get them off the PVR, to reward the content provider for things we enjoy, and create some space for new stuff to be recorded. For instance I bought two seasons worth of Dora The Explorer (49 shows) for $60.This works out to an average cost per episode of $1.22. On DVD they sell 4 episodes for $10-$16 which means a minimum cost per episode of $2.50, and up to $4. I no longer have to TiVo these and have them at my fingertips.

    You're also still way off on your prices. The "multi-pass" for The Daily Show or Colbert is $9.99 for 16 shows (i.e. 4 weeks Monday-Thursday). You don't pay $2/show for them unless you're a masochist. Note also that you don't pay anything for half of the year since they are in reruns about half the time, so it works out to ~$60/year per show. (BTW What's the third TDS show? I guess I haven't been watching lately. :o)

    News and sports are a completely different matter though.

    You're right, my pricing was way off. When I originally calculated $150/month I was counting hours of TV multiplied by $2. Meaning I forgot to take into account season and multi-passes. Plus, when I was figuring daily shows I forgot to drop the weekends. :o

    Either way, I am still willing to bet for a large family, cable is significantly cheaper (especially when you take into account all the TV watched for "background noise" (such as the food network)).

    Plus the lack of news and sports and many, many TV shows would be a huge turnoff for a lot of customers.

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  • benixau
    Oct 12, 03:22 PM
    If you want to get exceptional mathematical performance then why are you getting a micro computer???? I cannot out-type my computer and i cannot do mathematical functions fater than it, or even excel with all of its overhead.

    BTW, my g4 is soooo slow at doing maths functions that i finished an assignment a whole 5mins ahead of a mate. In excel. these were some serious slowdown stuff, 10 cross-referenced, dependently linked, nested functions sheets. Now my mac only has 2 867s with 256ddr, his p4 2.53 with 512 couldnt beat me, WITH WIN95.

    Now any more real world tests you would like????:D

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  • arkitect
    Mar 12, 04:46 AM
    Thanks Olly, I was wondering how hydrogen could explode, not exactly flammable really is it?


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  • skunk
    Mar 14, 06:08 PM
    If you're talking about energy consumption, yeah, and that's primarily because of oil. If you're talking about electricity consumption, we're actually not that bad.I beg to differ: your electricity consumption is shocking too. It's all that AC. We Brits always made do with punkah wallahs. Useful local employment opportunities and saves on polluting the atmosphere, too. You have a ready supply of "illegals" who would jump at the chance.

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  • MacMyDay
    Sep 20, 01:06 AM
    I know of at least one company ( in the UK who won't be too happy if they keep that name.

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  • Evangelion
    Mar 20, 12:39 PM
    We've had this dictionary discussion before.

    And apparently it needs to be had again, since people STILL don't understand what the word means!

    But when a book author finds somebody using a photocopier to make a copy of their book instead of buying it, the word used doesn't matter as much as the fact you got something they were selling without paying.

    The word does matter, since the word carries with it certain meaning and different acts (described by different words) carry different penalties. If you hit me in the face, could I claim that you were trying to murder me? after all I could have died. Or are you saying that all of a sudden the word does matter?

    Copying copyrighted material against the will of the copyright-holder is wrong, I'm not disputing that. What I am disputing is the notion that it's stealing. It's not, fair and square.

    Same logic: Musical artists aren't selling you round bits of plastic. They are selling you a copy of their music. Same logic: When you buy PhotoShop, you are buying more than the CD and some packaging. You are buying a license to use it, and even if you download a copy without taking something away from somebody else, you are getting something worth money and the owner/producer has reason to expect payment.

    What you are describing is copyright-infringment, not stealing. Of course, RIAA and the like would just LOVE to label those who download music as thieves, since that word has such strong negative connections. But they are not thieves and they are not stealing no matter how much RIAA tries to claim that they are.

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  • OllyW
    Apr 15, 09:32 AM
    THAT video shows how one should handle bullying IMHO. I bet that scrawny lil Jersey Shore wannabe won't mess with that kid anymore.

    THAT case only worked because the bullying victim was much bigger and stronger than the bully.

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  • Timothy
    Mar 19, 02:04 AM
    These rants about the RIAA never fail to amuse me. And, the idea that people who are illegally downloading music are somehow doing a favor to the world is another great myth. It's all justification and *********.

    It is really easy to pick a lock. There are lots of people who can do it. Why not run down to your local record store and stock up on CDs? I mean, ***** the RIAA, right?

    Posers. Learn the real issues around the music industry if you care. But don't just try to justify theft with some robin hood *********.

    Apr 12, 10:33 PM
    All this stuff sounds pretty cool. Lots of modern enhancements to an already popular product. It is just as SJ said, the Macs aren't going anywhere as they are needed to be the "trucks" of the world - all the conspiracy theorists that say Apple with replace OSX with iOS can just chill out :cool:

    Sep 12, 04:55 PM
    This is the device I've been waiting for 2+ years for Apple to come out with. Those who think this isn't a Tivo killer don't understand Tivo's plans. This hasn't just killed the current Tivo, this has killed the gen4 Tivo that isn't even out yet. It's stolen its thunder by at least a year if not much more.

    It's been obvious for awhile now that Tivo has been moving in their slow ponderous way towards a method of content delivery over internet. They have been doing it for ads for years now, and they want to do it with content so bad they can taste it. They hired a key guy from bittorrent several years ago, but haven't done anything impressive since. They want it, but with it taking them 3 years to go with cable card and dual tuner, they just aren't able to get their act together in time.

    Apple has played their cards exactly right. They've done what Tivo, Netflix, Microsoft, Sony, and Blockbuster would all give their collective left nut to do. They've done what every local cable company and even every media mogul SHOULD have been laying awake worrying about, which is to have made them irrelevant in one fell swoop. Not to every single consumer by a long shot, but to a significant demographic of tech-savvy consumers who know what they want and will shift paradigms to get it.

    As much as I want this right this very second, waiting for 802.11n is the right thing to do and I'm glad Apple did it. I don't have a TV, but I'll buy a 20" monitor and one of these the day it comes out. I'll buy a second one and a projector as soon as possible afterwards.

    This is going to be a much bigger deal than the iPod, and that's saying a lot.

    You're crazy! Jobs just demoed a wireless replacement for a $5.00 cable that connects your computer to your TV. If you think this will change everything you're nuts!

    First off Apple still has not managed to get much video content for their iTunes store.

    Second, Apple has yet to supply any HD content.

    Third, one of the biggest sources for high-speed broadband in the US is cable. So Apple isn't putting any cable company out of business anytime soon.

    Fourth, Content providers like ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, etc. will not make the content available to Apple until after it has been released to cable or over the air. Otherwise they will loose significant money from advertisers for exclusive airing rights content.

    In otherwords, don't disconnect your cable, over-the-air antenna, or satellite antenna anytime soon.

    Oct 29, 10:23 AM
    I heard somewhere that the Clovertowns are actually slower than the Xeons, but with 2x as many cores will there be much difference?

    We can't answer that question without knowing what you want to do with the system... it fully depends on the work loads you plan to throw at it. In some cases fewer faster cores makes sense in others more, even if slower (lower clocked), cores makes sense.

    Oct 28, 07:10 PM
    Monday the 13th Intel announces Clovertown and Kentsfield are shipping.Thanks. So Tuesday the 14th or if not then, the 21st would be our likely days. 14th is probably more likely because all Apple has to do is take orders even if they haven't received any Clovertowns yet and the following week is Thanksgiving-Black Friday week which would mess with their publicity. So we're talking two weeks from Tuesday. Perfect. Can't wait to place my order the same day. :)

    Apr 28, 01:40 PM

    So I can take an iPad out of the box and use it without ever involving a "pc?"

    If so, I must have a defective iPad since mine was completely useless until I connected it to iTunes ON A PC... :eek:

    As has been stated (literally) hundreds of times:

    Any Apple retailer will do your initial sync, free of charge.

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