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  • skunk
    Mar 24, 07:19 PM
    Not supporting actions is hate?

    You do real that Tomasi is talking about the attacks on "People who criticise gay sexual relations..."Don't be so disingenuous. The Catholic church has stigmatised gays relentlessly.

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  • Choose and exact hair color as

  • myamid
    Sep 12, 07:09 PM
    You are way off on serveral of your points -- iTV is widescreen to HD Complient Devices.

    An enthusiast does not want to store DVD's -- they want drive based solutions with drive based backup. This is how all high end stuff is done. I work with a client that supports this kind of setup.

    I think you are misguided on this point.

    No, actually the guy had a very good point...

    a) you're making assumptions on the iTV's capabilities which may not be true
    b) iTunes content (music or movies) is of fair, but not great quality - no "Enthusiast" would want it (tech fans aside that is...)
    c) Enthusiasts WILL buy HD DVDs / BluRay
    d) Enthusiasts will want to OWN the media...
    e) Enthusiasts most likely won't touch this with a stick...

    As I alluded to earlier though, tech enthusiasts are another story, but these people (like me) are ofter turned on at the idea of doing something new, even if in the end the quality is just so-so

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  • FreeState
    Mar 27, 10:09 PM
    Dr. Spitzer is an intelligent, nonreligious psychiatrist who believes that some can change their sexual orientations.

    Spitzer says it's very rare and FOF are misquoting him and missusing his study.

    Dr. Robert Spitzer Speaks Out Against Abuses of His Study
    When Dr. Robert Spitzer�s study of 200 gay men and women who reported a change in their sexual orientation appeared in the Archives of Sexual Behavior in anti-gay lobbyist seized on it as proof that homosexuality was, at its core, a choice that could be changed. But as Dr. Spitzer has said repeatedly, any appears to be exceptionally rare. Just last Monday The New York Times quotated him as saying:

    �Although I suspect change occurs, I suspect it�s very rare,� he said. �Is it 1 percent, 2 percent? I don�t think it�s 10 percent.�

    Dr. Spitzer consistently warned that his study should not be used as a part of political efforts to denying gays and lesbians, a warning which Focus on the Family, NARTH and Exodus have ignored with abandon. Now Truth Wins Out has released a video in which Dr. Spitzer registers his disappointment in no uncertain terms:

    � of course, they (Focus on the Family) were delighted with that study. What they fail to mention � and it�s not, I guess, a big surprise � is that in the discussion I noted that it was so hard for me to find 200 subjects to participate in the study that I have to conclude that, although change is possible and does occur, it�s probably quite rare. And of course, they don�t want to mention that.�

    (Out of) Focus on the Family

    This video comes out at a time when we noticed PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-gays and Gays) revamping their website and pulling one of Dr. Spitzer�s statements out of context, this time in an embedded video that rudely plays automatically as soon as the page is loaded. Maybe this is the Focus on the Family video that Dr. Spitzer mentions and is so unhappy with.

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  • Her hair color is londe.

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 11:09 PM
    No, your ignorance of Adobe's stance in the professional broadcast industry comes off as snotty.

    It is impossible for me to display any ignorance of a topic of which I have not addressed. I challenge you to find a post from me where I use the phrase "professional broadcast industry".

    If you cannot do it, then you are constructing a lie out of whole cloth in order to attack me, because, apparently, you cannot construct a counter argument to any of the points I have made.

    I think your need to attack me proves my case beyond any need of myself to defend my point or myself.

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  • Mord
    Jul 12, 04:12 PM
    we are not saying conroe is crap it just is not suitable for a mac pro.

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  • dmw007
    Jul 11, 10:57 PM
    The Mac Pros are going to receive Woodcrest processors. :)

    My credit card is ready!
    My credit card is ready and I have the green light to buy...muahaha...time to finally replace my 400MHz G4 Sawtooth Tower...

    Same here, I am ready to buy a Mac Pro. :)

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  • Povilas
    Oct 7, 02:51 PM
    OK, they leave and go where exactly? I can't see it happening. Some bigger developers will offer apps also for other devices, but I think no one is thinking about leaving.

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  • myamid
    Sep 12, 06:21 PM
    I have seen this stated a few time - but not stated anywhere by apple.
    All I picked up form SJ was " we are pleased with the quality"

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 27, 07:18 PM
    I was referring to the believers.

    Ah, thanks.

    It has been my experience, over many decades, that believers are rarely fun-loving individuals.


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  • zaphon
    Apr 20, 11:25 PM
    Nokia, Google, Blackberry (yes, screw you, arrogant Basille) etc should just throw in the towel at this point. They ain't catching up, and resistance is futile.

    *facepalm* Apple can go around skewing the numbers in their favor however they want (throwing in iPad's, iTouch, etc.), but the fact is both in the US and Worldwide, Android has the largest Smart Phone user base. So why would Google want to throw in the towel?

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 13, 12:39 PM
    Sorry to burst your buble but Charleston SC has operating reactors

    It's a good thing he lives in Chrleston, SC. ;)

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  • jefhatfield
    Oct 10, 11:45 AM
    Originally posted by benixau
    Dear lord,

    If you have any heart for 25 million of your wiser men, please make apple use the power4 chip at lightning speeds, and please lord, do it soon. It is becoming hard for us mac men to defend ourselves.

    PS. If you could give me a brand new top of the line mac while your at it i wouldnt mind either.

    Edit: There is no blasphemy intended here

    it reminds me of that janis joplin song...imagine the music in the background ;)

    when motorola was stuck at 500 mhz for 18 months, then i started becoming very vocal about dropping them on the high end stuff and going to ibm when there were rumors that they can make a faster chip

    but motorola has climbed, though somewhat slowly, out of their pit, and are doing ok

    sure, it may be many months ahead when the pcs hit 3.5 ghz+, but i think motorola will deliver a 2 ghz chip sometime next year

    and really, after 2 ghz, does anyone think speed will be a top five factor in why one buys a machine?

    when i was a computer salesman in 1999, speed and price were the top two issues...and while price will remain a top issue until all computers get really cheap, i think speed will diminish in its importance for the average consumer

    many seem to like the dual 1.25 ghz machines and we know apple will speed bump their whole line of powermacs early next year, if not sooner

    a lot of the complaints about apple's speed on their machines sound like a lot of benchmark stats reading and not real world usage

    most of us do email, internet, word processing, spreadsheets, and light graphics most of the time in the majority of users in the field...of the many machines i sold, i did not come across one high end graphics user or audio professional who needed more than our store was able to provide them

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  • Sydde
    Apr 22, 10:25 PM
    someone hasn't posted in that thread for 5 months ... why would people all of a sudden want to revive it ... today we have this one.

    Because it is the third longest example of drift on PRSI (for now) and since appleguy123 started that one, of course he wants it to continue.

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  • Analog Kid
    Oct 26, 01:42 AM
    Do either IBM or Motorola have a quad-core chip on the horizon?
    How many cores in a Cell? Nine, depending on how you count...

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    Sep 12, 06:19 PM
    >>> Those who think this isn't a Tivo killer don't understand Tivo's plans.

    Those that think this is a Tivo Killer don't understand economics, or why people buy Tivos.

    Fort this to even be in the BALLPARK, it needs a Hard Dive. Needs to be Hi Def. That ain't happening at a 299.99 price tag. Still, people love the Tivo interface, so to get them, it's gonna have to offer MORE than Tivo- like an optical drive, a couple tuners. No WAY that is in this box and "not discolsed yet" at 299.

    Tivo Killer. That's a killer joke, or Appleboy dreaming. Not close to reality.

    You have got this all wrong.

    The iTV is a winner for these reasons:
    1) It does stream HD content -- Just because the iTunes content is NOT HD (it is near DVD) does not mean the DEVICE is not capable. In fact it uses the HDMI connector (as well as S and componet video) and the built in wireless AND gigabit ethernet insure the bandwidth is there for future HD content.

    2) The iTV defeats TIVO in NOT NEEDING a Hard Drive. The PC or MAC Desktop BECOMES the Media Server.

    3) Tuners: Numerous Third Solutions (elgato for example) exist right now to capture High Def video to the Mac and PC -- the stream is pauseable.

    4) HD DVD -- With Blue Ray forthcoming, the Mac can still add DVD content to iTunes and then stream to iTV.

    5) Multiple Streams/Multiple TVs -- iTV beats Tivo in that you can use multiple iTV's connected to a powerful desktop to service multiple monitors using the Front Row Interface.

    6) The platform to expand: Apple's resources are superior to Tivo's and they will evolve beyond Tivo in the coming 2 years.

    For a superior discussion of all these points visit CNET News:


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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 01:23 PM
    After reading much of this thread's replies, I can honestly say that MANY MR users are living in 2009. The tablet is a PC. Yeah, maybe it can't do 100% of what a MacPro can do, but it does 90% of it. You can use the iPad as a PC and do lots of productivity.

    If you aren't calling it a PC in you will in 2012 or 2013. Get used to it now, Technosaurus Rex'ers.

    The same thing happened when PCs first hit the work place. Then it was all about minicomputers and mainframes, not these toy devices. But hey, put a 3270 card into the PC, hook it up to the big iron, and now you had a real computer device! People simply couldn't imagine that these little PCs would ever surpass the big iron in both power and popularity. But eventually they did.

    Tablets are the same way. People are blindly assuming that the tablet of today is what we will be using in 2020. It isn't, any more than the iPod touch is the same as the 2001 original iPod. Things change, devices get vastly more powerful and full of features that people simply could not imagine when they began.

    The post-PC era is going to steamroller the naysayers.

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  • diamond.g
    Apr 9, 06:19 PM
    The point is the line between these two camps is being blurred. It's a feature of the post-PC era. Look at what the App Store games section is evolving into - daily, monthly, yearly. It's pretty astounding. Soon, "hardcore gaming" will characterize other devices in addition to consoles. THIS is the real revolution that's going on when it comes to the gaming market. Apple is redefining it.

    The only thing I can see Apple redefining is our willingness to buy a game that we cannot resell. I am not seeing anything (game play wise) that couldn't be done on other platforms.

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  • r1ch4rd
    Apr 22, 09:57 PM
    And if over two thousand years from now people still believe in the Higgs Boson despite no evidence that it exists I'd likely be skeptical of their beliefs as well.

    Hopefully we will find the answer soon enough because there are scientists working on both sides to prove and disprove the higgs boson and once we have it agreed one way or the other, we won't have many scientists preaching that you should have blind faith alone. The higgs boson is not going to be testing our loyalty!

    The key thing for me that gives science credibility over religion is the ability to go back and revise your "beliefs" based on more recent findings or new understanding.

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  • skunk
    Apr 24, 06:20 PM
    The muslim extremists in my country always get supported by those who call themselves "moderate muslims". Probably because of some "solidarity" (blind obedience) code within the ummah. When they gang up together like that on controversial issues, it's very easy to see them all as extremists. That's how they strive to appear, even when they're not.That's the trouble with the Word of God�: it's just not negotiable. 7th century rules.

    Apr 28, 07:59 AM
    Apple is already showing it's cards in melding OS X with hints of iOS.

    I know and that's what's worrying. :(

    ender land
    Apr 23, 09:32 PM
    citizenzen, there are strong elements of faith involved in maintaining a thought-out and convicted worldview, whether theistic or atheistic.

    Mar 25, 01:26 PM
    Unfortunately, none of that is relevant to the original point of the thread. Looking back through the thread, Catholics and Catholicism were/ are the discussion. Not all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream'.

    It is entirely relevant. The leadership of the Catholic Church, as one very significant representative of a multitude of peer sects that engage in similar behavior, uses its political and rhetorical power to promote the attitudes that spread their own prejudice and enable prejudiced people, including a subset of extremists, to excuse themselves from the obligation to treat those people with fundamental dignity and respect.

    Had a more conservative member of this board attempted to 'stretch' the original point of the thread to included all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream', I would bet my life that ones attempting to 'stretch' the original point of this thread would jump down his or her throat in a second.

    First, I explicitly did not stretch the topic of the thread. I stretched an analogy about the topic of the thread. You are attacking as illegitimate something that didn't happen, and ignoring the legitimacy of what did.

    Second, it was a conservative, and now that I look you in fact, who introduced the word "mainstream" as a "no true Scotsman" weasel word to disclaim the association between "strongly held beliefs" that certain other people are not to be tolerated and extremists who take strong actions consistent with those beliefs. When you are as influential as a major religion, you cannot just go around saying such-and-such group is intentionally undermining and destroying everything decent in the world and not expect some impressionable half-wit with poor impulse control to take you seriously and act accordingly.

    Let me boil it down:

    (1a) Catholics (or anyone else) may believe what they like about gay people, so long as (1b) they don't try to force gay people to live consistent with those beliefs.

    In a like spirit of mutual respect, (2a) I'll think what I like about Catholics, particularly in regard to their attitudes about gay people, but (2b) I will not attempt to force them to believe otherwise or to behave inconsistently with their beliefs.

    Stipulating (1b) does not constitute denying (1a). However, Tomasi's whine in the first post asserts exactly the opposite, that to demand (1b) is itself a violation of (2b). If this is the case, if (1b) is held to be an unreasonable expectation, then mutual respect is likewise off the table, and Catholics are welcome to roll up (2b) and cram it in a spirit of defense of essential human rights against an aggressive assault.

    Take your pick. You get the respect you give.

    Mar 14, 12:18 AM
    The small ones, like satellites dishes. You can buy them at Jaycar.

    Pretty much like a weather vein or TV aerial. Provides a couple of hundred watts at 24V or 12V. I was thinking about one for if there is ever a blackout (ie a drunk hitting a power pole, it's happened) instead of needing a petrol generator.

    Every home generating 500W of their own wind power with one of these little things on their roof in a city of Los Angeles with a million homes = 500,000,000 watts. As well as a solar panel at 500W too is up to a billion watts not required from any central power source.

    California is making great strides in this area. Through creative financing, tax breaks, and fairly high electric rates, quite a few people have solar. It's especially important here in the summer when electricity use is at its greatest.

    However, the one thing that nobody has brought up is that evil word..... CONSERVATION

    Not using electricity is a lot cheaper all around than building a new power plant, no matter the fuel source.

    Mar 15, 07:33 AM
    I love when people don't read threads....

    this was already posted, way to go...

    While I am not 100% percent against nuclear and see the pluses with the minuses, and I realize how much blood has been shed over oil, so I hope this article has some truth to it.

    If solar takes off with these types of salt plants, then we can rely less on nuclear and oil. I am all for solar.

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