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  • wmmk
    Jul 14, 03:09 PM
    ... and the other one HD-DVD! :eek: ;) :D
    :dools: whoa, that'd be lovely. would they both also accept normal DVDs and CDs?

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  • TheKrillr
    Aug 26, 11:33 PM
    Expect new Merom-based macs, and a new iPod, on September 18th.

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  • DaveP
    Aug 6, 05:34 PM
    I find it amusing how optimistic Mac users are. Every once in a while Apple has an event where they really wow with product releases, but seems like 9 out of 10 people are predicting amazing releases. By the way, I'm not criticizing in any way, and being optimistic is good.

    I'm predicting Steve will annouce his retirement :eek: :p

    Probably about as likely as some of the wish lists we've seen, haha.

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  • udontsurf9
    Jun 23, 09:02 AM
    got my call here in houston, tx. They said it'll be ready at 8:30 Thursday morning

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  • DTphonehome
    Nov 28, 06:49 PM

    As if Apple would ever agree to this! Back when the iTMS was in its infancy, I could see Universal making a demand like this. But now, what leverage do they have? "If you don't pay, we're going to pull all Universal songs off the iTMS!" Um, ok, great, lose one of the only profitable revenue streams the music industry has these days? Right.

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  • dgree03
    Apr 6, 04:00 PM
    "Junk?" You're hilarious. Show me a single Honeycomb app that compares to GarageBand. Keynote. Pages. OmniFocus. Swords & Sworcery. Djay. The list goes on and on. Enjoy your widgets. It's too bad for your wife you don't know how to find and download good iPad apps for her.

    Is every app in the app store of the same caliber as those few apps you named?(a few of which are apple made apps, so I wouldnt expectless)

    There is junk in the iOS store and junk in Android.

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  • Erasmus
    Jul 23, 05:09 AM
    (Lots of Stuff...)

    Well I bet that took a while...

    Excellent points. Especially liked the Microsoft joke!
    Never mind. Perhaps this forum will be ready for another of my spanners soon?

    Let's hope Apple engineers don't do anything bodgy.

    No word on TDP's of Clovertown and Kentsfield (Thanks mwswami)? Did I see that Kentsfield is two Conroes on the same chip? Would that mean the TDP would be roughly 130??? :eek: :eek: :eek:
    Certainly Uncool :cool:

    Won't give up hope yet on upgradeable iMac. Quad Cores here I come!

    BTW, I feel like such a noob for asking this, but when they say Santa Rosa will be able to support an 800Mhz FSB, is that talking about the RAM speed, up from 667Mhz?

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  • leekohler
    Apr 28, 04:43 PM
    Obama's too smart. :)

    Oh snap! :D

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  • cait-sith
    Aug 11, 12:44 PM
    Doesn't Europe have many many carriers in each country? There's no carrier that spans the entire EU, is there?

    Who wants to pay 400$ for a phone that will look like an antique 12 months from now? That's a lot of money to pay for the status of having a brand new phone.

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  • G4DP
    Mar 26, 01:35 AM
    So what we saw in the pre-view was basically it?

    I hope not. because they'll have a hard time to justify the �100 upgrade charge if it is.

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  • ~Shard~
    Jul 15, 10:59 AM
    Well I wouldnt worry about that in the case of a mac. Only people who are really going to replace there PSU are going to be people who know something about computers. A lot of people replace there ram. PSU are not upgraded very offen if ever at all.

    Also the people who do replace PSU most of them know dont cheap out on them. Among home builder comminty a thing most agree on is NEVER cheap out on a PSU. Go name brand. Reason being is why would you build a 1k system and then risk it all with a cheap PSU (rule can be cut if pretty much using dirt cheap parts to begin with and trying to go as cheaply as possible (less than 500 and in old spare parts). My own PC rig using an Antec True Power PSU in it (that i pick up from compUSA oddly enough).

    I think going ATX is a good thing because it means Apple is going to be using more standardized parts so it will be cheaper for apple to get them.

    And another good point! ;) Yeah, you would hope that if someone is replacing their PSU they know what they're doing... it is different from a Joe User simply installing some RAM.

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  • dernhelm
    Mar 31, 05:46 PM
    There they go, building their own little walled garden...

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 20, 10:50 AM
    I think Apple might have much better luck showing that the Galaxy phone shape greatly resembles the 3GS.

    Depends on which model. The AT&T/Rogers Galaxy S Captivate hardly ressembles the iPhone :

    I'm also hard-pressed to see how the Nexus S comes even close :

    Let's not even go there with the Epic 4G :

    Yet they are all included in the complaint...

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  • maelstromr
    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    Where did I say Apple is exploiting me?:confused:

    Apple did a shoddy programming job by not encrypting the data. Thaty is why Apple is under pressure by the various govenments and rightfully so. Nobody says Apple is using this data in a malicious way. (aside of this lawsuit but that is only here in the USA and stupid and greed driven by lawyers and totally besides the real issue)

    Maybe next time read the post you are responding to - rather negatively to boot. The post I quoted discussed Apple exploiting people.

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  • Moyank24
    Feb 27, 09:03 PM
    The Catholic Church strikes again...

    Apparently the students are really upset, so I'm interested to see what, if any, impact that will have.

    In a move that infuriated some students, Chestnut Hill College abruptly terminated the teaching contract of an adjunct professor, saying his 15-year relationship with another man defied Roman Catholic Church teachings.

    The Rev. James St. George, 45, of Lansdale, was due to teach two courses - world religions, and theology and justice - starting Tuesday at the Catholic college in Northwest Philadelphia.

    That all changed Feb. 18 when the priest, who is pastor at St. Miriam Catholic Apostolic Church in Blue Bell, received a terse note from the school saying his services were no longer needed. He was floored.

    "I'm still trying to find my sea legs," he said Saturday. He said he could not get college administrators to return calls to give him an explanation.

    On Friday, though, the college issued a statement accusing him not only of being gay, which it called contrary to traditional Catholic doctrine, but also of misrepresenting before he was hired that he was a member of an independent branch of Catholicism.

    He denied both accusations Saturday, saying he never hid his sexuality or his affiliation with the Old Catholic Apostolic Church of the Americas from school officials.

    The college recruited him, not the other way around, he said. In a meeting with officials, he recalled asking: "You know I'm not a Roman Catholic priest, right?"

    They replied, "We have all denominations here. It's no problem," St. George said.

    "Now they say, 'He fooled us,' " St. George said. " 'He calls himself Father St. George.' Well, I am a priest. I have always been Father Jim. From the day I was ordained, I have never made any secret of what church it was."

    He said he had been validly ordained through the Old Catholic Apostolic Church, which some consider illicit because it has no ties with the Vatican. The branch allows its priests to be gay or straight, celibate or married, male or female.

    "They are trying to say, 'He really isn't a priest because he belongs to this other church,' " St. George said. "It's all lies. There's no other word for me to use."

    St. George said his homosexuality hadn't been specifically discussed before his hiring, although he has referred to it on his blog, "Venture of Faith."

    "What am I supposed to do?" he said, "Say, 'Before we go any further, I'm gay'? Who says that?"

    College officials could not be reached Saturday for comment. But a statement issued by the college president, Sister Carol Jean Vale, said:

    "At the time St. George joined our faculty, he presented himself as Father St. George and openly wore a traditional Catholic priest's collar. While St. George appears to be an ordained pastor - he leads St. Miriam, an independent and self-described reformed Antioch-rite Catholic house of worship located in Blue Bell, Pa. - his church allows priests the option to engage in same-sex partnerships. This is contrary to the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.

    "It was with great disappointment when we learned through St. George's public statements of his involvement in a gay relationship with another man for the past 15 years. It is important to note that this information came to our attention only after St. George chose to make his private life public information on his blog.

    "While we welcome diversity, it is expected that all members of our college community, regardless of their personal beliefs, respect and uphold our Roman Catholic mission, character, and values both in the classroom and in public statements that identify them with our school. For this reason, we chose not to offer an additional teaching contract to St. George."

    Full article

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 7, 07:21 AM
    I won't rejoin this discussion. But since neko girl may be waiting for my reply, I'll only suggest a source (

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  • DoFoT9
    Aug 8, 04:47 AM
    i am looking forward to this game. i will be getting the US version though. i haven't pre-ordered or anything, but i still might

    me too!! i am So excited! i wont pre order or anything, might save for a steering wheel though. :)

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  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Sep 18, 11:33 PM
    I still think it's funny that everyone thinks these Macbook Pros are "long overdue" - when, exactly, did the FIRST Dell laptop with C2D ship? I thought it was supposed to be around tomorrow...but surely it couldn't have been before last Monday or so at the earliest.

    So that's, what? A week behind in the worst case scenario? Oh God...

    However - if they waited till November, then yeah, I'd agree that they were overdue...:)

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  • tartufo
    Apr 12, 08:28 AM
    I hope not. I want the 5 now :)

    Jul 14, 03:29 PM
    Since apple is part of the Blu Ray consortium wouldn't you think they will use blu ray only?

    Jul 27, 02:29 PM
    While I like your thinking, your mock-up is wrong. If Apple are going to release a mid-Tower it has to appeal to both gamers and those looking for a headless iMac. They would really have to bring out about three main models, one which was basically an upgradable iMac spec for a couple to few hundred bucks less than the real deal and two higher spec conroes, (short of Mac Pro though). From what I can see, yours looks too small to easily customise, which would appeal to gamers.

    Single optical, single HD (2nd slot free), assume better specs will mainly lie with graphics and ram.
    I'm not much of a gamer, so take this with a healthy grain of salt...

    Gamers seem to like to do a few things:

    Sep 7, 01:06 PM

    no defintly saw the logo for 5 in the game.
    here are some vids from other various website that are on the demo

    Apr 8, 03:59 AM
    Every day Apple stores get shipments of iPads....but they don't sell them when the arrive. They hold them for the line that forms the next morning.

    Seems odd to me. Like they are purposely making a spectacle in front of the store every morning.

    This morning the store I went to had NO AT&T models?!?!?! So tomorrow morning there will be yet another line of those that failed today (including myself).

    On topic, I called Best Buy and was told that unless I pre-ordered before the day of the sale, I could not get an iPad 2. My co-worker walked in last week off the street and purchased one. Why the inconsistent message? I don't get it.

    That is the marketing strategy of Apple, right? Like they spread rumors so news websites / forums like this spread the fire. Great technique for just a few bucks of marketing. Very interesting! Looking at myself.. i am waiting for the new iMac. I do not know if it will come, I only know that they update the models somewhere in May. They haven't done anything yet to turn on the marketing machine for the new iMac, but there are already people thrilled to buy one becouse all the rumors and waiting without having any information.

    We are the marketing of Apple. They know how to do this as no other company can. It is a choice if u want to be a part of it. :o

    Feb 28, 09:24 PM
    I do not know the cause, it appears scientists do not either. Since no one appears to know, what could you possibly have expected from me?

    Well, then why do expect us to explain it to you? Why do you expect us to justify who we are? We are who we are and we have just as much to offer the world as you do. We have families, talents and love just like anyone else. Love is rare. Why would you deny that to two adults who truly care about each other? To me, that's sick and disgusting. Keep your religion to yourself. Wallow in it's BS as much as you want. But keep it out of our lives.

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