central park zoo penguins

central park zoo penguins. York#39;s Central Park Zoo.
  • York#39;s Central Park Zoo.

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 26, 12:28 AM
    Irrelevant. Don't throw bible verses at us, it's not helping your point, but i can understand that you're using it as a last ditch effort because you realize you have no point.

    Matthew can go F himself. Your religion has no place in our laws, we do not live in a christian nation. Get over it.
    I cited that verses for Catholics, not for the Catholic Church's critics.

    central park zoo penguins. In New Yorks Central Park Zoo,
  • In New Yorks Central Park Zoo,

  • HyperX13
    Apr 28, 09:05 PM
    Apple is turning it's back on enterprise! But who knows, maybe smart strategy!

    central park zoo penguins. of the Central Park Zoo.
  • of the Central Park Zoo.

  • miles01110
    May 2, 10:08 AM
    The fact is, understanding the proper terminology and different payloads and impacts of the different types of malware prevents unnecessary panic and promotes a proper security strategy.
    To the end user it makes no difference. It's fine if you know, but to a novice quickly correcting them on the difference between a virus, a trojan, or whatever else contributes approximately zero percent towards solving the problem.
    I'd say it's people that try to just lump all malware together in the same category, making a trojan that relies on social engineering sound as bad as a self-replicating worm that spreads using a remote execution/privilege escalation bug that are quite ignorant of general computer security.
    I'd say a social engineering attack is worse than a virus, because social engineering attacks succeed far more often than viruses do. Glass is half full.
    Really? If they cannot differentiate b/w viruses, they have no right to comment on them. There's some basic education involved in dealing with such things.

    If you cannot differentiate b/w a guest and an intruder, it's not my fault.
    I have no idea how this is relevant to anything I've brought up. "I agree."

    central park zoo penguins. York#39;s Central Park Zoo.
  • York#39;s Central Park Zoo.

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 25, 11:47 AM
    When someone uses the word "belief" they are really saying "to the best of my knowledge, experience and understanding, I conclude this to be true". The same would go for disbelief. Since humans are not perfect, not even remotely, we can never be 100% sure. Even that tree you see in front of you has a small probability of being an illusion or a figment of your imagination.

    central park zoo penguins. at the Central Park Zoo
  • at the Central Park Zoo

  • Sydde
    Mar 25, 11:50 PM
    [QUOTE=CaoCao;12258425]Prove why I should be denied the right to copulate in public/QUOTE]
    Because it is basically unsanitary. Similar to urinating on the sidewalk (urine is sterile upon exiting the body, but it does not stay that way very long).

    central park zoo penguins. in the Central Park Zoo.
  • in the Central Park Zoo.

  • chrono1081
    Apr 20, 07:41 PM
    But just like Windows, it's practically impossible to have any problems unless you do something stupid.

    Another analogy - if you buy a car and put the wrong type of oil in it or inflate the tyres to the wrong pressure, bad things will probably happen.

    If you don't know what you're doing with your own devices then maybe you need Apple to hold your hand.

    You obviously don't work in IT or no anything about how viruses are spread. Windows can get a virus just by being on a network with an infected machine or opening an email in Outlook from someone on an infected machine. I fix these kind of issues for a living and see it all the time. The truth is its insanely easy for viruses to get onto, and hide in Windows. Windows allows the files to completely hide themselves even if hidden and system files are set to show. The only way to see them on an infected machine is to yank the hard drive and plug it into a mac or linux based machine then you can spot hidden infected files if you know where they are located.

    So please, don't start with the "as long as users are smart" myth. It can easily happen to anyone, its a flaw in the OS.

    central park zoo penguins. York s Central Park Zoo.
  • York s Central Park Zoo.

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Apr 15, 10:25 AM
    Of course Apple would do something like this

    central park zoo penguins. of the Central Park Zoo
  • of the Central Park Zoo

  • Surely
    Apr 15, 10:58 AM
    Ha ha! I love when people rationalize all their views through scientific/observable fact...and then use the same subjectivity and bias (they ridicule) to judge opinions they disagree with. Sorry friend, you can no more prove that scripture invalid than MacVault can prove it valid. :rolleyes:

    I'm sorry, but any writing that advocates death to someone is wrong.

    If you want to preach love, kindness, and being good to thy neighbor, I'm all for that.

    Ha ha!:rolleyes:

    central park zoo penguins. at Central Park Zoo
  • at Central Park Zoo

  • leekohler
    Mar 25, 02:47 PM
    Again, I could care less what they say.

    Why would you not care? Regardless of what you may think, the reality is that what they say encourages others to act, whether those people are Catholic or otherwise. Because it's a major religion, it gives a lot of people encouragement and an excuse to act.

    Let me know when they start to act on what they say.

    Again, not some extremist minority, the actual mainstream body of Catholicism.

    Again, why do you think the extremist minorities do what they do? Where do you think the encouragement comes from? Gelfin just explained this to you and you completely ignored it.

    Of course not, but then again, I've never needed a license to vote. Have you?

    You have to register. If you don't register, you don't vote. What's the difference between that and a license? And again, marriage is a right, as has been pointed out clearly in this thread. Yet you continue to ignore that fact. Why?

    central park zoo penguins. visit with the penguins,
  • visit with the penguins,

  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 05:29 PM
    you say it only applies to muslims yet the victims in blasphemy cases in pakistan, for example, are mostly christians.

    If you've been reading, when applied correctly, it only applies to Muslims

    The "war" against islam that you speak of is being encouraged by imams, and at saudi funded madrassas in the UK and beyond.

    Fundamentalists who have taken an extreme point of view. Are you saying that Islam is not allowed any extremists? All religions have then. But not Muslims are extremists.

    in the US more hate crimes were perpetrated against jews in 2010 than any other group. hate crimes against muslims had gone down in 2010. so, i guess the islamophobia is really poisonous and rampant...

    interestingly, as the muslim population increases so too do reported cases of anti-semitic hate crimes.

    I could see this coming. We don't all live in the US. Reported rates go down, but it also works psychologically.

    If I even dare comment on the last thing, the thread topic will change.

    central park zoo penguins. at the Central Park Zoo
  • at the Central Park Zoo

  • FX120
    May 2, 01:22 PM
    This is partially because due to a design flaw in Windows, many third-party applications won't even run unless they have administrator access (silly, no?).

    So outdated software or poor programming = Design flaw in Windows?

    Don't get me wrong, I have some legacy applications that won't run without elevated permissions, but they're just that, legacy applications. I suppose Microsoft could just take Apples approach and forcibly antiquate software.

    central park zoo penguins. City#39;s Central Park Zoo
  • City#39;s Central Park Zoo

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Jul 12, 09:45 AM
    Er...have you seen the MacBook Pro pricing? The MacBook pricing? The iMac pricing? The Mini pricing? (Which went UP by a fair amount). If you're thinking that x86 processors are cheaper than PPC, you're sadly mistaken. Cheap computers being cheap has just about nothing whatsoever to do with the CPU....

    What I wrote was that after the PPC->x86 transition, it is easier to compare Apples prices with other manufactures selling PCs with the same hardware configuration as Apple. This has nothing to do with the price of the processor. The transition has made it possible to compare apples to apples. For example, if you compare the price of a MBP with a PCs with same hardware configuration, you will see that the prices are about the same. I suspect that MacPro will be priced in the same ball park as high-end PC workstations.

    central park zoo penguins. York#39;s Central Park Zoo.
  • York#39;s Central Park Zoo.

  • Spectrum
    Aug 29, 12:16 PM
    Boo hoo. its a business, waht do they realistically expect?
    Why do these "tree-huggers" have to interfere with business?
    How do we know this Greenpeace report is accurate?
    ...bunch of hewwie
    This should be a Page 2 story at best. Let's be clear about what this bit of propaganda is... We know Greenpeace is anti-technology, anti-capitalism. They know Apple is not only a huge success story, but also has a big presence in consumer's minds. Everyone knows Apple and iPods. Clearly Greenpeace, like the iPod labor camp story before it, is USING Apple to forward their own agenda of killing technology and thwarting capitalism and innovation.Eh, I believe little of what Greenpeace ever says. :rolleyes:
    I'm sorry but Greenpeace is so corrupt and misguided that it's really difficult to want to follow them. I really have to wonder if they're getting funding from the 'top' environmentally friendly companies. An environmentalist shakedown of sorts.
    Yea they're {Greenpeace} really credible...:rolleyes:
    Who the hell listens to GreenPeace anymore.
    Greenpeace can suck my left toe.
    I could not care any less.

    These groups don't care at all about the environment. They only want to hinder businesses. These are the same groups that protest plans and lobby politicians to stop building power plants and refineries so the existing ones can be over worked (lower efficiency) and not allow for downtime for maintenance, further lowering efficiency. These groups have an agenda that has nothing to do with the environment. I believe that Apple does just fine, as do many other companies.
    No One cares what Greenpeace thinks. They are nothing but the military wing of the Sierra Club. The only thing I can't stand more than Greenpeace is the ELF.

    Greenpeace can shove it.
    Groups like this {Greenpeace} want to stop business and the growth of the American economy. That's their agenda. Why isn't greenpeace over in China or Indian demanding cleaner emissions from their cars/power plants/industry? Ever been to Shanghai? Good luck seeing over 100 feet from the smog. That's on a good day. Those two countries are killing the environment, but it's all Apple's fault according to GP. Give me a break.
    In other news: Greenpeace ranks #1 in psycho environmentalist organizations... film at 11.
    I think people are missing the point....Anyway who really gives a crap what a bunch of pot smoking tree hugging hippies think.
    I know I don't :cool:

    I have to say, I am APPALLED by the irresponsible attitude of some people on this forum (and probably the world). Businesses, corporations, governments, AND individuals should all be behaving in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This is in no way "anti-progress". When did you all gain the right to be so selfish, self-centred, and bigoted in your beliefs?

    Edit: Added some more bigoted quotes.
    Edit: Added a couple more gems.
    Edit: One more.

    central park zoo penguins. penguin at central park zoo,
  • penguin at central park zoo,

  • Cromulent
    Apr 24, 11:06 AM
    Well, only if you insist that yours is the ONLY correct interpretation, right? What about the denominations that say "Here's what WE believe, but if someone believes something else, that's fine?"

    Well in that case anything could be classed as Christianity. Frankly I find that absurd. What's the point of identifying as a Christian if any interpretation of Christianity is considered OK? You may as well just call yourself a spiritualist as it would be closer to the truth.

    I mean that kind of logic just annoys me no end. Either God exists or he does not. If he does exist one must assume that he intends the Bible to be read literally. If he didn't then why did he go through the whole bother of having it written by the disciples in the first place if people were just going to change and reinterpret it willy nilly based on whatever the current political or social ideals of the time are?

    central park zoo penguins. The penguins of the Central
  • The penguins of the Central

  • dukebound85
    Mar 13, 12:31 PM
    NIMBY. I'm okay with nuclear power as long as it's far far away from where I live. Of course, it's not like my town is prone to natural (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleston_earthquake) disasters (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Hugo) or anything.

    Sorry to burst your buble but Charleston SC has operating reactors


    Note for ships marked with refit: Sam Rayburn (SSBN-635) was converted into a training platform — Moored Training Ship (MTS-635). Sam Rayburn arrived for conversion on 1 February 1986, and on 29 July 1989 the first Moored Training Ship achieved initial criticality. Modifications included special mooring arrangements including a mechanism to absorb power generated by the main propulsion shaft. Daniel Webster (SSBN-626) was converted to the second Moored Training Ship (MTS-2 / MTS-626) in 1993. The Moored Training Ship Site is located at Naval Weapons Station Charleston in Goose Creek, South Carolina. Sam Rayburn is scheduled to operate as an MTS until 2014 while undergoing shipyard availabilities at four year intervals.

    central park zoo penguins. of the Central Park Zoo
  • of the Central Park Zoo

  • Moyank24
    Mar 18, 01:43 AM
    Option 3; STOP trying to cheat the system, and START using your iDevice the way the manufacturer and your carrier designed it.

    And while you're at it, knock off the piracy with the napster/limewire/torrent crap.

    (Yeah, I said it! SOMEBODY had to!)

    Do napster and limewire even exist anymore?

    central park zoo penguins. York#39;s Central Park Zoo.
  • York#39;s Central Park Zoo.

  • dante@sisna.com
    Oct 30, 02:24 AM
    I have to agree there as well. My G5 Quad is one of the nicest computers I've ever owned. Definitely one of the top 3, possibly the best. And that's saying a lot considering the types of PCs and Unix systems I've owned over the years. I've never had one bit of trouble with it and it's still rather powerful compared to what's out there now. Although, I can see why people would want to sell... I've been watching the G5 systems selling on ebay, hoping I could get a deal on another one, but it's not happening. They're going for just as much as a new one did last January. I could probably sell mine (8GB RAM, FX4500, 2x500GB HD) for more than what I paid for it initially.. Very tempting and I may consider that in another month when the 8-core Mac Pros are released. Because while the G5 Quad is an awesome system, the reality is that as soon as all my software goes universal, it becomes obsolete. ...I have no use for Classic or anything that's still PowerPC native. The only software I use that hasn't made the universal/Intel transition is Adobe CS2. And it runs OK as is on my MBP, not great, but at least it's usable and still faster than it was on my older dual G4.

    Ouch! You do make an Outstanding Case for that 8 Core MacPro. For Sure. Okay, so maybe I would be tempted to sell my Quad G5. Scary. . ..

    central park zoo penguins. Delacorte Clock middot; Penguin House, Central Park Zoo
  • Delacorte Clock middot; Penguin House, Central Park Zoo

  • greenstork
    Sep 12, 04:50 PM
    There's no need for DVR functionality. Apple will replace your cable subscription. You just subscribe to the shows you want and al la carte other shows after that. Networks will probably even do the season premieres free to get you hooked or add sponsor the shows to make them free. TV on demand is obviously the next wave - even the cable companies know it and have on demand etc. I mean not to be racist but I'm happy to stop paying comcast for the 10+ stations that are in languages I don't even speak. I barely speak english - hahaha.

    In conclusion - its the same data - just different timing.

    Except the quality just won't be there yet with this device. As everyone runs out to buy flat screen TVs this year and next, they're going to get home and want to play iTunes movies only to be completely dismayed by the 640x480 content/quality. 4:3 resolution, yuck :confused:

    I know it's 802.11 and certainly features an HDMI out, but streaming 720p HD TV takes about 480 Mbps of bandwith, according to Ars:http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060906-7681.html Even 802.11n would have trouble with an uncompressed 720p signal, so quality will most likely be compromised as streaming video is increasingly compressed.

    I'm happy to ditch Comcast's 25 shopping channels, in favor of a paid siubscription model, but I'm guessing that the cable & satellite companies are going to do HD a heck of a lot better than Apple.

    And in the meantime, Apple's selection of TV shows kinda blows. There are one or two that I like that are available, and 10 shows that I love that are completely missing. Until everything I might want to watch is available, there's no way I'm ditching my cable company, and this may never happen.

    Television content providers and producers are beholden to advertisers, who need a medium to peddle their wares. These advertisers hate this Apple subscription model, which I'm guessing is one of the big reasons why the iTV doesn't have any DVR capabilities.

    Those companies that distribute television and movies (like Apple et al.) -- that are in bed with the content providers, don't really support/sell DVRs -- with the possible exception of the cable & satellite companies themselves, who have monopoly-like power.

    I'm sure TiVo would have loved to implement a movie store years ago but the content providers hate TiVo. As cynical as it sounds, the only way you're going to get all of the technological functionality that you want is if you build it yourself or tolerate advertisements.

    central park zoo penguins. of Central Park Zoo.
  • of Central Park Zoo.

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    May 4, 02:39 PM
    You're making a huge assumption that the people who vote on posts are the same people who are posting in a thread.

    No, I'm making an assumption that fanboys are voting down all the anti-Apple posts in droves. Whether they have posted in the thread is completely irrelevant. The point is you don't see people voting in droves for logical posts, but you do see negative votes in any post that speaks either for Microsoft or against Apple, regardless of the content of that message. That implies emotional reaction which implies fanaticism. You can argue semantics, but 1+1 still equals 2. Sherlock Holmes didn't have to do a poll to figure things out.

    Mar 24, 07:57 PM
    So they can't do it to you, but you can do it to them?

    Here's another way to word what I think dscuber9000 was trying to say ...

    When your beliefs about human nature are based in bigotry, then you will no longer be able to enforce laws based on those beliefs or publicly express your bigoted views without the risk of condemnation.

    You are free to keep them in your thoughts and in conversation with like-minded people. However, if aired publicly, you will probably be reminded of the fact that you are a bigot and wrong.

    Sep 21, 05:01 AM
    eyeHome does not support HD and it never will. I got this in an email directly from Elgato. That is the biggest difference. Also, the general consensus is that eyeHome is not in the same league of robustness/intuitiveness as other elgato products or Apple products. eyeHome cannot even play back eyeTV 500 , eyeTV Hybrid recordings.

    the iTV doesn't do HD either. Quoting Bob iger, Disney CEO:

    He also hinted that, sometime down the line, Apple may improve its iTV and digital media offerings to include HD content.

    It features "DVD quality, not HD quality at this point," he said.


    Apr 11, 11:01 AM
    Unlikely, but you can install Lion on an external drive and boot from that when you want to.

    Would it be considered switching if I bought the mini? I"ll still have a few laptops which I'll be using with XP, but then again; I can just VNC to the OSX mac mini

    Sep 26, 04:15 PM
    2nd Story: Pixar announces that it is increasing its movie release schedule from one movie every two years to a movie every two days :)

    I'm sure the studios are drooling for a 80 core model, it would make rendering a lot faster. I heard that Monsters Inc had single frames that took up to 90 hours to render. :eek:

    Mar 11, 08:57 AM

    To get an idea of how massive this one was, I am in Himeji, and just an hour east of me, in Osaka, buildings were swaying. Now if you look at a map of where the quake is and how far away Osaka is, my god.

    No link. TV coverage - NHK World.

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