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coloring pages easter day. Easter is a Christian holiday.
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  • jmgregory1
    Mar 22, 01:16 PM

    'lets make a tablet for our business users, to get serious workloads done. we can call it the playbook'.
    i didn't know charlie sheen was in charge of their team?

    If you watch and listen to Rim's co-leaders, you see the resemblance to Charlie Sheen. I'm all for company's fluffing their feathers and believing in the products they market and sell, but these guys come off as being sooo Charlie Sheen. Their grasp of reality is lacking to the point of making them sound ridiculous. I'm surprised investors don't punish them more for this - but of course many Wall Streeters still use BB's, so it makes sense.

    Change is tough for lots of people and companies - which keeps Rim going and will at the same time be the death of them.

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  • unlinked
    Apr 6, 04:51 PM
    BTW... the Xoom at the Best Buy here is broken... been that way for two weeks now according to the sales guy.

    If the sales are so bad why don't they just replace it from the stock they have?

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  • radiohead14
    Apr 6, 11:45 AM
    as long as the new MBAs will have longer battery life (7+ preferably), then i'm cool with the HD 3000 in there, as the MBA's purpose is to be an ultra portable

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  • whoson1st0
    Aug 25, 02:58 PM
    I had the same problem with their battery recall site. My PB s/n was valid but it said my battery was not.

    I tried calling the apple support number provided but every time I pressed '5' to talk to someone about the battery issue, I would get disconnected.

    Eventually I reached tech support (after a 30 minute wait, I assume because others were having the same problem as me and also calling tech support) and the analyst said the database of valid batteries was not yet complete and they were telling everyone to check back today (I have not checked yet).

    What bothered me, of course, is why couldn't they post this information on the battery support page? Or put it on the message when you call apple support? Instead the message over the phone simply pointed users back to the website, which of course wasn't working, and thus I spent almost an hour wasting my time on something that apple knew wasn't working yet.

    I mean sure, this entire incident wasn't the worst thing in the world, but it certainly doesn't raise my confidence in apple support or customer satisfaction.

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  • ericinboston
    Apr 27, 08:31 AM
    I wonder how long this "bug" has existed? You know...the bug that's recording all sorts of other information into the database.

    2 years? 4 years?

    If it's been longer than a few months, no one will ever believe a)it is a bug b)a bug this severe for privacy concerns, c)that it was never mentioned before as a bug, and d)until the lawsuit has never been on the roadmap to be fixed.

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  • bibbz
    Jun 9, 07:34 PM

    I have a couple questions.. I want to preorder with radioshack. I am NOT the primary account holder, but I am an authorized user. I also know the last 4 digits of the account holders social. Will this be a problem when picking up the phone?

    I also have a FAN account. Will these be a problem?
    FAN account isnt an issue.

    At the shack we can only do an upgrade or add a line if the account holder is in the store. Some stores will do it, bc physically the computer will let us, but we are not supposed to.

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  • MattSepeta
    Mar 23, 02:09 PM
    If you are supporting non-intervention, than I disagree. I support the notion that the UN (using member-nations' pooled military or civilian assets) should be able to intervene in a nation's affairs if it is thought necessary to either 1) protect other nations from harm or 2) protect a nation's own people from its government, or in the case of a civil war, one or more factions.

    With that being said, the UN has many flaws and I am not satisfied with the way things are done. But I do feel that intervention is sometimes necessary, if imperfect.

    That is totally reasonable and understandable, although I do disagree. I can't with good heart support sending my neighbors son/daughter overseas to fight for another people.

    I just find it pretty disgusting when we have the VP going on the record talking out his arse about "Unless we are attacked or unless there is proof we are about to be attacked", then a couple years later nary a peep when we start bombing a foreign country that is not even close to a threat to us. Did Biden qualify it with a " we should be able to intervene in a nation's affairs if it is thought necessary to either 1) protect other nations from harm or 2) protect a nation's own people from its government, or in the case of a civil war, one or more factions." NOPE!

    Now THAT is a classic "When my guy does it it is ok."

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  • mdntcallr
    Nov 28, 06:27 PM
    it's ridiculous for Universal to even be thinking this. NONE of the money would get to artists or anything like that. it would just go to the company.
    also. i dont pirate music.

    alot of itunes people don't. we are the people actually paying for it. so screw that.

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  • michaelflynn
    Apr 6, 12:46 PM
    A lot of pros have already left Mac, but I have been holding out. However, this is the last straw. If the new FCP disappoints I will be jumping ship, buying a high-end PC and switching to Avid or Premiere. I just can't stand the frustrations anymore of watching every consumer itoy get upgraded, and then the Pro stuff getting shafted.

    The time is now. The new FCP had better have something equivalent to Mercury Playback, optimization for RED footage, different HD codecs, real-time playback, 64 bit, multi-core usage, etc. If it's a dumbed-down consumer product I will be absolutely livid.

    I would try out Premiere on your Mac before jumping to PC. I edit on Premiere for Windwos at one of my part-time jobs, and it is terribly unstable on every machine I've used. Constant crashes and hang-ups, and I don't like the interface as much as FCP. People cite native DSLR support as an advantage, but you have to sit there and wait for Premiere to "conform" every clip, which can take 45 minutes for large projects...probably the same amount of time it would take to convert to ProRes!

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  • cheekyspanky
    Aug 11, 06:47 PM
    yea! i was gonna buy the Sony K800 but now i'll wait a bit longer if the iPhone is really coming out casue i want one!

    The K800 battery life is rubbish I've found, I wouldn't particularly recommend one, same with the K610i.

    I guess this phone will be sold directly though Apple, as it would take months for the mobile phone networks to take a new handset through all the internal testing stages.

    I've never paid for a phone up til now (as is the case with most UK residents I'd assume) so it would be an impressive feat if Apple can persuade people in this type of marketplace to actually put their hands in their pockets for a phone.

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  • p0intblank
    Aug 5, 04:50 PM
    Just an opinion p0intblank.We all have em :)

    Oh, I know. Don't think I was shooting yours down or anything. I'm all for listening to others and hearing what they think.

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  • jeanlain
    Apr 6, 01:58 PM
    There's something I don't get. Doesn't DVD SP allow you to author non-commercial (non-DRMed) bluray discs, with the same feature set as DVDs (but in HD)?
    If it does, that should be good enough for many. I doubt that the big houses that produce commercial DVDs (Warner, Sony, etc), use Adobe Encore for their titles anyway... They likely use high end solutions from another league entirely.

    coloring pages easter day. coloring pages easter day.
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  • AppleFreak89
    Jun 9, 08:58 AM
    Everything BIBBZ is saying is correct and works the same at my store. we had a lot of people trade in their 3g for 3gs' and pay $5 out of pocket :). its a good deal.

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  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 27, 08:13 AM
    I think it's kind of cool. How do I see the tracking map before Apple throws out the update :o

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  • Small White Car
    Apr 10, 12:20 AM
    Oh, we are totally getting an iPad app to go along with this program. I can feel it.

    I would oh-so love the ability to down-rez a Final Cut project and send it to an all my rough cutting there...and then bring it back to the Mac and re-link it to the real footage to do the detail work.

    I've had a lot of fun playing with iMovie on the iPad. I am drooling for something similar that works as part of a Final Cut Pro workflow.

    Interesting news, but the bit about booting competitors is downright disgusting.

    I'm a little confused...why was Avid presenting at a Final Cut Pro User Group's meeting anyway? Do they just come in and are like "Hey, you've all made a mistake!" or something?

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  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 08:15 AM
    A lot of people are upset over this. But, no one seems to care that the US Government can snoop on any electronic communication it wants for well over 10 years now:

    Data transmissions, cell phone calls, you name it. I think we're trying to cook the wrong goose if you ask me.

    I think ALL the gooses should be cooked. No one should get the free pass.. so I don't think it's wrong to call Apple out on this.

    I thought looking at my location histories was interesting. I, too, have no delusions that I cannot be tracked (cell phone, credit card purchases, etc.) I wonder if all the paranoids realize that any GPS camera encodes that information in the image. Share that photo online and anyone can get the metadata with location of photograph.

    You wanna be connected, you can't be truly anonymous.
    You wanna be anonymous, sell you computer, smart phone, cut up credit cards, and move to an undocumented shack in the middle of nowhere with no utilities.

    Sharing a photo is actively giving out a location. Just like foursquare, tweeting and updating facebook. This issue is about giving out data which is involuntary, non encrypted and not being able to turn it off.

    And as for the latter half of your statement - it's a dangerous/slippery slope to start being apathetic about your right to privacy. Once it's all out there - it's that much harder to get it back.

    And again - there's a difference between voluntarily and involuntarily releasing of private information.

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    Apr 7, 10:52 PM
    This is not a low for apple, when you have stock and have entered into a legal agreement to sell the stock, you sell what you have. Not selling the product is lost sales and dollars.

    The fiasco here lies with Best Buy entirely. Apple did the right thing to pull their product.

    Get a clue dude.

    another low for apple, i ordered Mar 19th still waiting ...

    fiasco just continues, does not look nice apple.

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 27, 08:51 AM
    If I were a birther, I'd wonder why it took him so long to forge ... I mean produce this document. ;)

    Did I cross the the line of being a racist?

    I don't think anybody suggested you were racist for doing that.

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  • NoSmokingBandit
    Aug 14, 11:35 PM
    I have enough skill to win the faster races, i just have more fun with a "real" car instead of something with neck-snapping acceleration and tires that stick to the road if you take a hair-pin at 200mph.

    I have a lot more fun driving cars that anyone can afford.

    Full of Win
    Mar 22, 01:10 PM
    This is just a preview of the future, Android based tablets will clean the iPads clock. Apple made the so-called iPad 2 as a 1.5. Low res camera, not enough RAM, and low res screen. It's going to be a verrrry long 2012 for Apple. Sure it's selling like hot cakes now, but when buyers see tablets that they don't have to stand inline for, that have better equipment and are cheaper ... Apples house of cards will come crashing down around them.

    The only strength that Apple has is the app ecosystem; which is why they are going after Amazon for spiting on the sidewalk. They know the world of hurt coming their way.

    Aug 26, 09:06 PM
    when will the Apple retail stores reflect the changes to the product line?


    Aug 12, 12:08 AM
    Apple won't put GPS in unless they can create a whole new 'Apple' interface for it.

    I'm no GPS expert, but I'm not sure how they could do that with a simple candybar phone. It would need to be some sort of smartphone / pocketPC thing.
    I don't think size is much of an issue with GPS. The Chocolate by LG is a candybar slider and it has GPS in it.

    Jul 22, 03:03 AM
    So I read in this thread that Kentsfield and Clovertown ARE compatible with Conroe and Woodcrest sockets (respectively) (Cloverton or Clovertown?)
    Hope for upgrading an iMac to Quad Core is kindled! At least if Apple releases Conroe iMacs.

    BTW, In my opinion, one thing a person should never, ever say is some computer has too much power, and that it will never be needed. So when 128 core CPUs come out in ~10 years time, will we still be considering dual core CPUs as fast enough for our use?

    I seem to remember that when the original DOS operating system was created, its RAM was limited. I can't remember exactly to how much, but it was decided that people would never use more than a few kilobytes of memory. Now we are arguing that Mac should provide no less than a gigabyte! Now we are moving to 64 bit processing, with its capability to address a few exobytes, or millions of Terabytes of storage, it seems impossible that we will ever need 128bit computing. But, no doubt, one day we will.

    When we will be able to download our entire lives, and even conciousness into a computer, as is said to happen in about 40 years (very much looking forward to), I dare say it will take a lot of memory to do, and even more processing power to manage effectively, especially if we wanted to "live" inside computers, as we will no doubt want to do someday.

    So as a conclusion to my most recent rant, Please, never tell me a computer is too powerfu, has too many cores, or has too much storage capacity. If it is there to be used, it will be used. It always is.

    I agree with your point on never saying a computer is too powerful, although living in computers is probably not going to happen. Sounds a bit too Matrix-like for me.

    Apr 11, 12:01 AM
    Uh, iMovie was botched?

    Yes, its crap. The first version followed the basic principles of NLE but the new version is pathetic.

    However, Randy came up with FCP for Macromedia so he has what it takes if Jobs and other consumer oriented guys can keep their ***** away from the mix.

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