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  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 10, 02:21 AM
    It's not like they threatened anyone. They likely went to the organizers and said "We'd like to make a really cool announcement at your event but we'd need most of your presentation and sponsorship space to do it." SuperMeet said sure, Apple paid, and here we are. It's not like the other sponsors didn't get their money back (I'm assuming.)
    The other presenters just had to toss months of planning out the window and scramble to reschedule events w/less than a weeks notice during the industry's biggest annual convention. Hopefully the members of the audience that signed up to see the original line-up will be able to make it to all the reschedule events and, on top of that, everyone going to the SuperMeet has now paid money for tickets to what is nothing more than an Apple PR event.

    Dick move by Apple but all will be forgiven as long as they release the holy grail of editing on Tuesday. If they preview 'iMovie Pro' lord help them...

    He is asked if he will update his editing studio's workflow to the new Final Cut, and he basically danced around the question, pleaded the 5th, and made it pretty clear that he is holding back some reservations about how the industry will adapt to the changes.

    To be fair to Mark (the head of Post at Bunim/Murray) there really isn't anything he could say due to the NDA. Just because what he saw of the new FCP might not lead him to believe it would work in Bunim/Murray's current workflow doesn't mean it might not be awesome for someone else's work flow. It was a tough spot for Mark to be in and I'm not exactly sure why he even kicked off the meeting with "I was there, but don't ask me about it because I'm under NDA". He could've never even have brought it up and it wouldn't have altered the course of the conversation at all.


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  • Moyank24
    Feb 28, 09:02 PM
    We all have our crosses to bear. Ultimately it is up to the homosexual to sin or not

    What does my post have to do with cinema excellence?

    default: a preselected option adopted by a computer program or other mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer.
    Unless influenced otherwise the brain develops heterosexually

    Yeah, I know what default means. Your explanation has to be one of the most ridiculous I have encountered. Thanks for the laugh.

    Though, i do have to wonder. What do you think "influcenes" the brain that may cause homosexuality?

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  • PCClone
    Apr 27, 10:40 AM
    How I create a location map on my iPad 2?

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  • NJRonbo
    Jun 14, 06:11 PM


    You are doing all of us a great service here with this information.

    The salesman just called me from the store I was in today.

    He is telling me that there is no guarantee of the iPhone even
    if you get the pin -- but he admitted he was not certain. All he
    knew was that there was something like 9500 pins nationwide.

    Told him that I had just read your message and that you were
    saying if I got a PIN I have a guarantee of a phone.

    He warned me that Radio Shack does not want the word
    "guarantee" used.

    I am putting a lot of faith in what you are saying here.
    I will be at my Radio Shack store early tomorrow.

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  • Pro31
    Apr 11, 02:24 PM
    This is good for me because I waited forever due to wanting a white iphone, and so I didn't upgrade until the fall time frame. Now I won't have to see how awesome the iphone 5 is while not being able to upgrade! :).

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  • cmaier
    Apr 19, 02:35 PM
    Yes. People here are failing to understand the difference between traditional patents that we usually hear about here, and design patents. I believe what Apple is suing over is infringed design patents.

    7 utility patents and 3 design patents, plus 3 trade dress registrations and a bunch (7? i forget) trademark registrations, plus some unregistered state-law unfair competition/trademark stuff.

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  • boncellis
    Jul 20, 12:07 PM
    Ah I see ... thought it was about WWDC 2006 my bad.

    Yeah I don't think we will see 10.5 released at MWSF '07 (thinking CQ2 2007) but after I get back from WWDC I may have a different understanding of the current state of 10.5.

    Can't wait to hear your take on it, shawnce. I have to admit that I enjoy your rejoinders whenever the trolls show up, so your take is particularly refreshing in my opinion.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 03:02 PM
    That's US mobile subscribers marketshare for Jan and Feb '11. My numbers are worldwide smartphone marketshare. Completly different things.

    Well if I can understand that:

    1. US mobile subscriber marketshare is US smartphone marketshare & Worldwide smartphone marketshare is World wide smartphone marketshare.

    2. You never specified which marketshare you were talking about.

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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 11, 02:21 PM
    Now in Europe I know it is different and that GSM is the standard.
    It is more like 81% of the world market.

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  • 63dot
    Aug 18, 10:52 AM
    damn and i wanted asia... ahh but europe wont be too bad. damn it i am 5'7 so i might end up with the short end of the stick.

    we are the same height...we can call ourselves the "toxic twins"

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  • thedarkhorse
    Apr 11, 04:34 AM
    Yes, its crap. The first version followed the basic principles of NLE but the new version is pathetic.

    However, Randy came up with FCP for Macromedia so he has what it takes if Jobs and other consumer oriented guys can keep their ***** away from the mix.

    I think the point is apple is trying to break the mold of traditional NLE editing. Many tools and terms we use in FCP and other NLEs are derived from linear tape editing from 20+ years ago. They are trying to push to the future of editing in a new direction and that may involve rethinking aspects of how we edit. Whether it's going to work or not I guess we'll have to see...

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  • Cougarcat
    Mar 26, 02:23 PM
    You may get your wish soon. It appears that Lion will be Step 1 in the blending of the two OS's. A bridge. Step 2 may very well be the one & only Apple OS - based on iOS.

    There's too much money in the volume sales of iPhones & iPads for Apple to focus on anything else.

    Ridiculous. Mac OS X and iOS can never merge because their UI paradigms are completely different. Why don't people understand this?

    And on what computers would iOS apps be developed on of Apple were to can the Mac? iOS may be much more popular, but the Mac is more popular now than it ever has been and still makes then plenty of money.

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Dec 7, 11:08 AM
    Does GT5 support using the clutch pedal in a wheel such as the G25? I was disappointed with GT5:P that you can't use it...
    But, you COULD use the clutch in GT5:P. When the race starts, hit Triangle and the clutch works. You had to do this every race, so it wasn't the most elegant of solutions, but it did work.

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  • Nuck81
    Dec 8, 03:44 AM
    Actually, Sony explained that the damage is not unlocked or progressive as one dives deeper into the game. It's just that as one goes further into the game, one is able to FINALLY collect more premium cars which do have the better damage engine.

    As far as the cars...I really want more already...but not more of the same version. I REALLY want a Triumph TR6 and Datsun 240Z...theres a Triumph Spitfire, which is not near as collectible. Also should have the Brabham fan car as well IMO, plus some Can-Am cars. Stupid having 40 or so of the same body style.

    Also, can one set a stick to look around? Racing without the ability to look around is for earlier generations, not THIS generation.

    you can look left and right if you assign it somewhere in the layout options.

    I look left and right with the right analog as I gas and brake with R2/L2

    Courses In London.

  • ZoomZoomZoom
    Sep 19, 02:24 AM
    Does it even MATTER if Apple keeps up? Do we actually WANT Apple to release a new computer every month when Intel bumps up their chips a few megahertz

    Why yes we do.

    If you can get more speed, and if the competition is doing it, why not? If you're spending a ton of money on a computer, wouldn't you want to most recent one available? Am I being too greedy when I see competitors using a newer, faster chip at the same price as the old chip (easily swappable too) and demand that I want that in my "pro" laptop from Apple?

    As for constant revisions, you're probably thinking a bit about resale values. In the long run, constant speed bumps won't affect your resale value at all. (Think about it. You compare old laptop speed to current generation speed. It doesn't matter whatever happened in the middle.)

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  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 27, 10:55 AM
    The difference is a question of access. To get at the records kept by your cell phone provider, you need a subpoena. Any roommate/guest/thief/stalker with access to your computer or iPhone can get the data off your iphone or the backup as it exists right now. I don't mind the former, but I want to do everything I can to prevent the latter.

    Keep better tabs on your phone. Encrypt the computer backup. Yeah yeah, I know sometimes we lose things. Hell, I've lost my iphone in my couch and took a half hour to find out WHERE in the couch it went.

    Even still, you have to take some responsibility at some point. We can't all rely on Apple/Google/Purina Brand Puppy Chow to keep our data completely 100% safe. As they say in the IT security industry, "Your biggest threats are the end users". Technology can only go so far.

    If you're REALLY paranoid, install Where's my Iphone, and if you lose it, remote wipe it.

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  • ltcol266845
    Aug 26, 04:53 PM
    Well, the on advantage of not being able to afford a lappy until next years it that I might a MacBook based on the Santa Rosa platform.

    It seems though that Santa Rosa might end up getting delayed... there have been many issues with getting 802.11n finalized, which is an important component to the new platform

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  • Grokgod
    Jul 28, 10:58 AM
    What I am really interesting is in wether the new chip will be COOLER in the MBP's than whats in it now.

    Anyone have any specs as to compare the two chips and the heat that they produce in the MBP's.

    These things have got to get cooler!

    Or at least a plastic something to cover the ALU so that you can type on them>

    Does the pCheese world have this problem with HOT! palm rest?

    They never seem to over at FRys electronics

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  • Inspector Courses London

  • xxBURT0Nxx
    Apr 6, 10:31 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I have a 13" ultimate of the current generation. The limiting factor for me is the graphics, not the processor. so going to sandy bridge with the intel 3000 would be a less appealing machine for my uses than the current model. It's really too bad the sandy bridge macs are tied to those garbage integrated graphics.

    only the 13" mbp has integrated graphics, they are not quite as good as the 320m on older models or in the current mba, but they are much better than integrated graphics of the past. All other mbp models come with the integrated graphics as well as a discrete graphics processor.

    Apr 12, 01:49 AM
    Im waiting til June, if iphone 5 is delayed then i will jump to a nice android smartphone. Many people forget that cellular market has changed a lot and now competition is harder than before, there are nice alternatives, very nice ones.

    Aug 26, 06:58 PM
    It's not really that.

    It's just that the joke is soooo done. Played out.

    It's time to turn the page.

    I never found it funnny in the first place. But then again I never found it funny a few years back when everyone was going around going WAAAZZZ UPPP! :eek: Cause it was on the budweiser advert :)

    Feb 28, 08:20 PM
    According to the school's website (, he was not fired as the OP's article suggests. Rather, his contract was not renewed. AFAIK, adjunct instructors do not enjoy the same privileges as tenured professors. If his contract ran out and was simply not renewed, then that's that, unless it can be argued that the college has some legal obligation to offer a new contract.

    But threads like this are above further research. Not sure why you'd want to mess up a perfectly good party.

    NY Guitarist
    Apr 5, 07:23 PM
    I hope the next release of FCS integrates the different apps within the suite under a single UI.

    The whole "Send to" export concept always seemed like an awkward workaround for using this package as a "suite".

    As sad as it was to see Apple kill off Shake, my hope is that it will be reborn inside FC as the node based compositor portion of the package. Motion inherited some of Shake's features, notably SmoothCam, so hopefully more of Shake will live on in FCP.

    I'd really like to see FCS become of a single app where the "suite" of apps becomes more of a "mode" of operating. In other words if you choose to do editing the UI can switch to a mode that focuses on that, as with compositing, titles (LiveType) or audio editing (Soundtrack).. and so on.

    Apr 27, 09:21 AM
    He could have released this years ago.

    Why should he? He released the short form BC, which is valid and legal proof of citizenship.

    Hawaii law states that no one can request an original long form BC, not even the person who's name is on the BC, so Obama had to call in a few favors to get this. I'm surprised the right wing loons aren't accusing him of overstepping his bounds and destroying states' rights to get it.

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