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  • OptyCT
    Apr 20, 06:48 PM
    Please explain to me how I am experiencing a "degraded" experience on my current Android phone?

    I can do everything your iPhone can, plus tether at no additional cost and download any song I want for free.

    Ease of use in Android is just as simple as an iPhone, with the ability to customize IF YOU SO PLEASE.

    So if you would, cut the degraded experience crap.

    I'm an avid Mac and iPad user, but I also own and use a Droid Incredible. A couple of months ago, I just about had it with the phone. Battery life was poor, frequent reboots, etc. So, I decided to root the phone. After rooting, it was an entirely new experience. All of my issues with the Incredible were resolved. Battery life was much improved, UI was a lot smoother and well thought out, etc. However, the constant annoyance with Android was still there...the Android Market. The quality of apps on the Android market, when compared to the App Store, are very low. It reminds me of the App Store from four years ago. On top of that, I'm paranoid to download any app that isn't made by a well-known developer.

    In response to the previous post that touted the ability to tether and download music at no cost on a rooted Android, my Cyanogenmod Incredible can also do this. However, you'd have to be a fool to think that the wireless carriers are going to allow this to continue. There's already warnings from top root developers that the carriers are going to lock this down in the near future.

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  • Multimedia
    Oct 31, 05:10 PM
    What's funny is that the 8-core Mac Pro will be more of a stop-gap model. After all, the Clovertown is two Woodcrest CPUs on the same die, but still running off the same FSB bandwidth and the first pair of cores must utilize the FSB to transfer data to the second pair of cores and vice versa. We won't see unified quad-core CPUs until sometime next year along with the multiplexed/bonded (and faster base rate) FSB implementations. ...AMD will be shipping fully unified quad-core CPUs in mid-December to early January. Not that it matters since Apple isn't using them.

    Anyway, it's just another evolutionary step... Buy what you need when you need it and that's all there is to it.Yeah I know. So are you thinking the Dual Clovertown may be a dog 'cause both sets of four cores have to share one bus each? If it won't really run faster what's the point? I hope that isn't going to be a problem for "simple" video compression work which is all I want it for.

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  • Backtothemac
    Oct 7, 01:54 PM
    Originally posted by ddtlm

    Does it annoy you to know that even in Photoshop (gasp!) those 25-year old ISA x86 machines kick the snot out of the latest and greatest Mac? Sure seems to.

    2.8ghz, by the way.

    Don't know what chart you were looking at, but with both processors being used, the 1.25 kicked the "snot" out of the PC's.

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  • AlBDamned
    Aug 30, 11:38 AM
    From Cult of Mac's blog (http://blog.wired.com/cultofmac/) on the issue:

    I have now had the chance to read through Greenpeace's "Guide to Greener Electronics," and there are a few things that should be clarified about where Apple ranks.

    First of all, the article I linked this morning claimed that Apple and Lenovo were at the bottom of the charts. Well, that's not true. Lenovo scored an appalling 1.3 out of 10 while Apple pulled a marginally more successful 2.7 out of 10. In between were Motorola and Acer.

    The criticisms of Apple are fair, I would say, though I think there's some nuance to what HP is doing with recycling that tends to make it look unfavorably better than others. Why? Ink cartridges and printers. HP has a lot more to take back than any other company, so their commitment to percentage of sales taken back is actually a possibility.

    Given that Apple actually offers free computer recycling with the purchase of a computer, something that Dell does but HP does not, it's odd to say they're doing less to keep computers out of the waste stream. On the other hand, Apple has no takeback goals, so it really does balance out.

    The other criticisms of Apple are on target, however. The company is secretive, and that meets they tend to be secretive about their environmental planning as well. They have a regulated substances list, but it isn't public. They're committed to eliminating PVCs, but won't say when. Ditto for BFRs.

    It's not necessarily that Apple's environmental record is legitimately bad, but they do a very poor job of informing their customers about their environmental efforts. Silence is suspicious here, folks.

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  • UnixMac
    Oct 10, 06:34 PM
    my 500mhz MP did it in 87 seconds.

    I am amazed however that a P4 can do it in 1/20 that time.... It almost says to me that there is a flaw in how software is coded. Can you use the Altivec to improve this?

    I seem to recall that FP on the G4 was superior to PIII of double the MHz, so how can the P4 be THAT MUCH faster?

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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 15, 01:20 PM
    We're placing more importance on the bullying of gays because of the historical and widespread discrimination, hatred, and violence that gays have had to endure (and still endure) that obese people have not. We discussed this 8 pages ago.

    So let me get this straight.

    Fat people are CONSTANTLY harassed but because the media doesn't report on every fat persons suicide or pain we are now directing to to the Gay community because the media jumps on it. I find this absolutely trash. How about we do something about suicide in America period. Soldiers killing themselves, teens killing themselves over Facebook.

    Refers back to my previous post, the Gay community needs to stop singling themselves out.

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  • ryme4reson
    Oct 8, 05:59 PM
    It says the cd-rom on your Pb is slower than the PC. In addition the G4 sucks, but its the CD ROM speed making most of that difference

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  • Backtothemac
    Oct 7, 10:57 AM
    Originally posted by TheT
    I think Mac users just live in their happy little world and think their computers are still the best... well, wake up!
    As of now, PCs kick every Mac's ass, they are just simply faster! Mhz may not matter that much, but a 2Ghz DP compared to a 1.25Ghz DP has to be faster, if you configure it right.
    The reason I use a mac is the software, no Windows can beat OSX! And, as a matter of fact, my mac looks better than any of the pcs my friends have...

    Um, no. You are wrong. Just because the Intel machine is 2GHZ doesn't mean squat. Pipelines, stages, all of this matters. Don't assume anything about the quality of a 25 year old architecture. X86 blows crap, and always will.

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  • ZilogZ80
    Apr 6, 04:02 AM
    Most of these "problems" are down to people not knowing how to operate their Macs. I would recommend to any new switcher (& a lot of the people who have posted in this thread!) get a good book ("The Missing Manual" is great) which explains everything you need to know.

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  • Stella
    Mar 18, 10:00 AM
    This is beyond the mark...

    Wish he'd do something useful like cracking WMA.

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  • r1ch4rd
    Apr 23, 03:46 PM
    I've concluded American Atheists who are continually challenged on their beliefs and "surrounded by enemies" are more likely to read into atheism and all it entails, rather like a convert to a religion knows the religion better than people who were born into it. Europe is very secular, compared to the US at least, and thus a lot of people are "born into" atheism/secularism.

    Well now, I don't think being an atheist actually entails anything. I certainly don't do anything specific related to it, but I know what you mean :).

    I think this is a positive thing that people can be pushed towards science and understanding - even if it is because they are having to constantly defend themselves!

    Who knows, perhaps they will find something they are passionate about and push forward science even further. Religious groups don't come accross as particularly progressive, so I guess it's up to "us" ;)

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  • miloblithe
    Aug 29, 10:56 AM
    Boo hoo. its a business, waht do they realistically expect?

    Corporate Social Responsibility

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  • Octobot
    Nov 2, 11:15 AM
    If one follows the link,
    the cooler Clovertons are much lower GHz.

    Can't seem to find the above mentioned statement..
    so its saying that the 2.66 won't be too power hungry in contrast to the higher models..?
    Does this revive the whole 8-core excitement.. (multimedia) Do we still see a release this month.. worth purchasing?

    Or are we still at the point.. where waiting till first quarter 07 is a better bet.?

    I really need to make my mind up on when to buy :confused:

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  • Sydde
    Apr 26, 11:53 PM
    Huntn, please show me some evidence for what you're saying. Then I'll tell you what I think of it. Meanwhile, I should admit that the Bible's original manuscripts no longer exist, and there are copyists' mistakes in the existing copies. There are mistranslations in at least some Bible translations. Take Matthew 24:24 in the King James Version. It's ungrammatical. But I still need you to give us some evidence that, for example, some tendentious ancient people tampered with Bible passages.
    Tampering with the text is not, per se, the real issue. What Huntn us probably referring to is the selective composition of the whole. The Protestant bible typically has 66 books. Some other versions can have as many as 81 (see "biblical apocrypha (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_apocrypha)"). Then there are fascinating tales such as the Gospel According to Judas Iscariot (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel_of_Judas) and the Gospel of Barnabas (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel_of_Barnabas), which relate a rather different account of the last days of Jesus.

    Finally, one cannot ignore the Nag Hammadi texts (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nag_Hammadi_library) nor the books summarily left out (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Testament_apocrypha) of the new testament.

    So what? So someone had to decide which books belonged in there and which did not. The choice was most certainly partly arbitrary and partly political. I mean, even if you could reasonably claim divine inspiration for the authorship, can you also claim divine guidance for the compilation? Especially considering that various Christian sects cannot agree on even that.

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  • smiley
    Mar 19, 11:07 AM
    I appreciate what DVD Jon did to help Linux owners watch dvds, but this is going to far. I hope Apple come up with a fix for this, and soon.

    How is this going farther than DeCSS for DVD's?

    Last I checked, Linux users couldn't use iTunes DRM'd songs on Linux either. How is this different from the DVD cracker? Its purpose is to use digital files LEGALLY PURCHASED on a device of the purchaser's choice.

    The only differences here are that 1) the offending company is Apple, and 2) The iTunes Music Store's terms of service agreement. By using Jon's tool, you KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY are violating an agreement that you yourself agreed to.

    I never signed away my rights to play a DVD on Linux when I bought it, for example, so DeCSS has a tiny bit more of a leg to stand on.

    But, this certainly isn't "going too far"

    YMAMV (Your moral ambiguity may vary)

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  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 07:28 PM
    Which is why copyright is a bunch of bull.

    I think you missed the point of that one. h'biki was saying that if someone, let's say someone well-known, like Britney Spears, got a copy of your wedding video and used it to make a music video for her latest song, that it wouldn't hurt anyone. It'd just be infringing on copyright, after all, even though it's your face and your wedding that's now on MTV without your permission.

    And to your earlier comment, yes, breaking the law is wrong. If the law is unfair and unjust, you change the law. The exception to this is when the law, again, as I said and you must have skipped, causes you direct personal or meaningful financial harm. Then you might have an argument for breaking the law. Otherwise, the right thing to do is to have the law changed. The digital music situation fits into this category. If you break the law, you don't encourage the law being changed, and there is no immediacy of threat to justify your illegal actions except that it's more convenient for you and that you don't care about the law. You're the reason DRM exists in the first place.

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  • Longey Nowze
    May 5, 08:25 PM
    I don't think it's an iPhone problem, I live outside the US and I have never had a dropped call. I have also used the iPhone in various countries including the US in Boston to be exact and I experienced no problems.

    My husband has been an AT&T user for over a decade. He never experienced dropped calls until we started dating and he was talking to me (I'm on an iPhone, he is not). We often get disconnected 2-4 times per hour as we talk during our commutes home. We have different shifts, but take the same routes home and we get dropped no matter whether I'm stationary and he's moving, vice versa, or if we're both moving. This also happens when we're on business trips - both stationary - him at home, me in a hotel - and we will get disconnected. The recurring motif has been the iPhone. When I talk with others who have AT&T but no iPhone, they only get disconnected when they are talking w/ someone who has an iPhone. The worst issue is when I am communicating w/ someone iPhone to iPhone.

    IF this wasn't the iPhone and otherwise so awesome, I would have switched a long time ago... and frankly, I'm still contemplating going to another phone when my contract is up - because the dropped calls are so aggravating.

    Coworkers of mine that have switched from Blackberry on AT&T to iPhone have reported an inordinant number of disconnected calls since switching to the iPhone, even though it's the same carrier, same phone number and same physical location of use.

    My "assumption" is that the iPhone software is making some errant call to the tower intermittently (whether too high/low power request or other issue) at which point, the tower drops the call.

    While my experience with disconnects are sometimes random, there are some places that either I or my husband will be travelling by, when we will experience a disconnect - a place where he never gets disconnected while speaking to others w/o iPhones... places I never got disconnected before having an iPhone, either.

    This may not be just an AT&T issue. It could be when you are a certain distance from a tower (lower power or significantly higher power?) and/or the phone is experiencing a push of data, that the interrupt happens.

    This has largely been the elephant in the living room that AT&T and Apple has been ignoring. I have not only not seen an improvement, I've seen the situation get worse over time - whether this has to do w/ an increase of iPhone use faster than the towers can keep up, OR problems w/ iPhone OS updates or a combination of both - who knows. They need to fix this already.

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  • iindigo
    May 2, 02:24 PM
    They have done nothing to discourage it? Well, they introduced an annoying pop-up asking for confirmation that makes the developers customers frustrated. Any suggestion what other meaningful action they can take?
    Also, I can't think of any application I have installed on my Windows PC that behaves like this.

    When I first started using a Mac seriously, which was when Vista was out and got criticized for UAC, I was really surprised to discover that OS X has the exact same thing. In Windows 7 you not only have the option to switch it on and off, you can also customize the intrusiveness of it, I find it much more user friendly than in OS X.
    I think a lot of people here need to actually try Windows 7 out instead of categorically dismiss it.

    What do you mean, "Try Windows 7"? I've used and maintained every version of Windows from 98SE all the way up to 7. I even toyed around with 95 in a virtual machine from pure curiosity. Hell, I even have a Windows 7 boot camp partition.

    I know exactly what Windows 7 is like. It comes with maintaining every computer at the house, several of the computers at the high school, fixing collegemates' computers, and being known as the neighborhood tech kid since age 14 (now 22, for reference).

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  • myamid
    Sep 12, 06:17 PM
    An interesting device it sounds like the El Gato EyeHome. As long as it can play all normal video/audio formats (whatever you have QuickTime components for) and it has support for El Gato EyeTV I'll happily replace my XP MCE box with one.

    I actually have an EyeHome and if you ask me, the iTV is pretty much the same thing... There are only small obvious differences
    -Wifi & HDMI on iTV
    -Ability to stream Fairplay protected content...

    Probably not enough for me to dump my EyeHome...

    Bill McEnaney
    Mar 26, 12:07 AM
    When your moral beliefs or beliefs about human nature are bigoted and wrong, yes, we will attack you. Get used to it because that is the direction the world is moving, like it or not.
    Matthew 5:10-12

    May 2, 08:56 AM
    So what does this do? What's the effect of the payload?

    Apr 6, 11:39 PM
    Finder - It works different from explorer. Not better, Not worse. Different. Both have features that the other is lacking

    The lack of embedded shortcut keys in system menus. Especially to activate them File Open Etc Etc. I used them all the time... Especially with a dialog box for Open or Cancel or Save an Cancel on Pop-up dialog boxes. You cannot tab or arrow through the choices.

    No right click without an external mouse. Apple's solution on the multitouch pad is buggy - Still drives me nuts after all these years.

    Apr 28, 11:33 AM
    Ahh, good catch! But that's before the iPad was even released... not sure what Al meant by his comment...

    The launch of the iPad won't affect Apple's market share without the iPad included, which brings us back to Al's comment. ;)

    Mar 14, 12:16 PM
    The US is actually in a very good position to switch towards much more renewable energy while at the same time, upgrading our aging infrastructure. That said, what we lack is the political will and political capital to actually push such initiatives.

    Look up State RPS and DOE programs. Legislation has been in place for awhile. Here in CA, we had a 33% renewables mandated by 2020 law passed in 2006. The problem isn't political. It's financial and technological. Financial because most of these renewables are way more expensive and require rate hikes. Technological because energy storage sucks and most of these renewables can't be used for base load.

    Nuclear is not a necessity in the US like it MAY (I say may because I am skeptical but will take your word for it) be in Japan, and I think the current crisis going on there should make us seriously stop and think for a minute. The combination of wind, solar, tidal and geo-thermal could be quite effective here. Especially when you start consider the option of offshore wind farms which they have already approved in some parts of the NE.

    Wind and solar can't cover base load. Tidal is too small in capacity. Geothermal is speculated to have the potential to cover only 10% of US capacity by 2050 and that's assuming demand won't skyrocket due to electric vehicles (which it will). That's also too small in capacity. For the US, there is no other option for base load generation other than coal, nuclear, or combined cycle natural gas. So all the replace nuclear/coal with green talk doesn't work.

    I'm kinda dumbfounded that electrical use in the US would be climbing when:

    * Lighting, computers, insulation, and hvac systems have all been dramatically improved in the last 20 years. Dramatically.
    * Our population growth rate.. oh wait. all those ****** people on the internet that act like you've gotta be ****** around and having kids all the time or you're a loser....


    20 years ago, you didn't have 3 TV's in every home. Wait til Electric Vehicles become mainstream.

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