Etichette Osama bin Laden

Etichette Osama bin Laden. osama bin laden mini me in.
  • osama bin laden mini me in.

  • Evangelion
    Jul 12, 01:45 AM
    The new Powermac or Pro Mac, seems to be a nice machine. It will be interesting to see how much faster than the quad G5.

    The big question is.

    Would any professional that depends on Adobe apps going to buy this machine right away?

    Why the obsession with Adobe? There are other companies out there as well.

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. osama bin laden on facebook.
  • osama bin laden on facebook.

  • ReanimationLP
    Aug 29, 11:41 AM
    Who the hell listens to GreenPeace anymore.


    Etichette Osama bin Laden. a dead Osama bin Laden. Is
  • a dead Osama bin Laden. Is

  • slinger1968
    Oct 27, 02:39 AM
    Yeah I'd love one too. A little pricey for a process since it's in the Extreme series though.I was thinking about the mainstream quadcore Kentsfield chips that will be released in Q1 07 but even an Extreme series 2.66GHz Kentsfield (~ $999) will be a lot cheaper than a 2 chip 2.66GHz Woodcrest ($715 x 2 @newegg).

    I'd guess the mainstream 2.4GHz quad-core Kentsfield will be somewhere around $700, certainly cheaper than two 2.33GHz Woodcrest chips(I know this isn't currently an option on the Mac Pro) and probably about the same as two 2GHz Woodcrest chips.

    Plus the chipset/motherboard and ram will be cheaper too.

    By next spring/summer, just in time for CS3, Apple could reasonably sell a single chip quad-core Kentsfield towers for no more than $1999 but I don't think there's much of a chance it will happen. Too bad

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden#39;s Death
  • Osama Bin Laden#39;s Death

  • archipellago
    May 2, 04:41 PM
    That's completely false. The current installed base of Macs is around 100 million, and it grows by over a million Macs per month. You don't need a certain percentage of market share for a useful botnet; you need numbers. You talking to a handful of hackers is hardly conclusive. I can interview a handful of people in my neighborhood and find a consensus on any number of falsehoods. Get some facts (rather than making stuff up) and then re-join the discussion.

    trying to stick to facts...

    OSX marketshare was just shy of 50 mill as announced by Tim Cook at his 'state of the mac address' in October last year...

    will be higher now...but not massively so..

    heres a link to help you..

    apology by PM or in the thread is fine. :p;):rolleyes:

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. osama bin laden cia agent.
  • osama bin laden cia agent.

  • babyj
    Sep 21, 03:17 AM
    There is going to be a lot of changes to how we watch and pay for tv shows over the next few years, its still early days at the moment. The main change will be watching everything on demand rather than at the time it is broadcast.

    The bottom line is that the tv companies (producers and broadcasters) have to make money from the shows. That money can come from advertising, cable / satellite subscriptions, paying for downloads or for on demand type services.

    Everyone is treading very carefully at present as they don't want to upset the balance. For example, brands won't pay for advertising if no one is watching the ads as viewers are all buying downloads and until the downloads are paying the bills the tv companies don't want to do anything too drastic.

    Here in the UK the next big thing is likely to be the BBC going all out with downloads and streaming of their content. Which in theory won't cost anyone in the UK much (maybe just paying for the traffic) as we already pay through the tv license.

    If Apple want to get a good market share in the UK they need to forget about tv shows and do a deal for content from the BBC and the Premiership, as the exclusive live rights to the latter is what made Sky so big and popular.

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. Mastermind Osama bin Laden is.
  • Mastermind Osama bin Laden is.

  • relimw
    Sep 25, 11:36 PM
    Is my 8-core MBP going to be announced tomorrow?!? It's a Tuesday after all!!!
    Ok, now that that's out of the way...

    Would the XServes not be the ideal choice to get Clovertown initially? I mean, we've already been through how few apps make really good use of all those cores, a server would make more sense.

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. osama bin laden in a cave.
  • osama bin laden in a cave.

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 22, 08:28 PM
    I would argue not choosing to believe in a divine being is more rational than hedging your bets.


    Look up Pascal's wager

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden dead Image:
  • Osama Bin Laden dead Image:

  • D*I*S_Frontman
    Oct 10, 08:34 AM
    I love my Macs. I love OS X. Having a reliable machine running unobtrusively and intuitively makes me more productive and lets me enjoy the process more.

    That being said, I am now pretty much immune to the reality distortion field that surrounds Steve Jobs. High-end Macs are dog-slow at most things when compared with high-end AMD/Intel offerings. On the occasional perfectly-tweaked AltiVec intensive tasks a Dual G4 can just barely eek out a frog hair margin victory over the competition. Otherwise they get smoked.

    The software side of Apple is doing great things, however. When good ol' Steve said Apple would be "innovating" its way through the recession, this has got to be what he meant. And they are succeeding on that front. OS X spanks all comers when it comes to features, interface, and stability. NO contest.

    I think everyone knows that the latest Mac offerings are stop-gap measures. Steve is treading water calmly, trying not to panic, waiting on his two primary chip manifacturers, IBM and Motorola, to deliver the real world processors the R&D has been promising for some time now and rescue Apple.

    Not to say Apple is in immediate financial trouble. With Steve at the helm, Apple will continue to be profitable. Apple is in serious credibility trouble, however, among professionals due to lackluster performance. 100mhz mobos are a complete joke for $1k + systems and 167mhz top speed with crippled DDR as the best available? Yikes.

    Mac people don't expect the world. We just want machines on par with the rest of the computing world, because we KNOW we already have far and away the best OS working environment. We just don't have that right now. It is my hope that IBM will charge in like the Cavalry and drop a powerful new chip in Apple's lap that will bring Macs right back to the top performance-wise.

    Then those switch ads will have some teeth.

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden Song
  • Osama Bin Laden Song

  • jefhatfield
    Oct 12, 12:47 PM
    Originally posted by MacCoaster

    Believe me, a lot of people do. Thanks to my UNIX knowledge, I am so much more productive in Linux/BSD on a PC than a Mac. For beginners to computers, sure Macs could be much more productive.

    We were just discussing the G4--it was never intended to be an explict vs war between Mac and PCs. It's not a software thread. It's a frickin' hardware thread where we are discussing the inferiority of the G4.

    Research scientists should think twice before using a Mac for research--since the G4 blows so much. That's where it matters. It's faster for them to use PCs than Macs. Gee, by 100 seconds. Think about it... a lot of scientific formulas are a lot more complex than our simplistic benchmark programs--100 minutes is sure much longer than 5 minutes.

    too many of those programs are only on pcs

    one research scientist my wife works with started coding in dos on the mac compiler and if he succeeded in getting into the server, which would not happen anyway, he would have caused major damage

    this phd had no idea that the g4 and the mac os was not dos...he was sure everything was dos like his windows 98 box he and all the other research scientists use

    the sas program they have only works on 95 and 98:p

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. Mastermind Osama bin Laden is.
  • Mastermind Osama bin Laden is.

  • -aggie-
    May 5, 10:40 AM
    AT&T's plan worked brilliantly.

    They put me through a year where about 40% of my calls got dropped and then fixed it so only about 5% get dropped now.

    So even though that's worse than the other carriers I am personally thrilled with that number.

    So...good plan, AT&T!

    I'm in your area, but out in the boonies. I've never had a dropped call.

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. Osama bin Laden
  • Osama bin Laden

  • skellener
    Sep 12, 07:24 PM
    At $2 a pop I'd be out maybe $6 per month.

    Most shows air once a week so that's 3-5 times a month. So even 1 show will cost you $6-$10. So sure, if you watch one televison show (say LOST) at 3-5 episodes a month your doing fine. I would imagine most people take in 5 shows (3-5 episodes a month) or more per month. That's $30-$50 already for only 5 televison shows a month. $50 gets me all the standard and HD channels on DirecTV. iTunes is still not at that quality/price point yet.

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden is Dead: What
  • Osama Bin Laden is Dead: What

  • Multimedia
    Oct 13, 07:24 AM
    I have the nVidia 7800GT card in both my G5 quads. It and the Quadro FX4000 were Apple's first offerings with 2xdual-link ports that I'm aware of. They went to the ATI X1900XT with the Mac Pro and replaced the the FX4000 with the FX4500 sometime last spring. Anyway, I think all the G5 quads are PCI-E x16 capable so you should be able to drop in any Mac EFI compliant PCI-E video card that has the dual-link connectors, but I'm not positive on this. The x1900xt sops up an adjacent card slot, which isn't an issue on the Mac Pro, but could cause problems on a G5 depending on what you may have installed. But I'm willing to bet that the current 7300GT card for $149 (1x dual-link, 1x single-link) will work just fine. I'm sure someone knows for sure.

    And yeah, I will buy the Mac pro with the x1900xt unless something better comes along before I click the buy button.According to Apple none of the Mac Pro cards work in the Quad G5s and vice versa. Read rumor ATI is developing a 2xDual Link PCIe retail card that will work in Quads but haven't seen anything to reveal when it will finally ship. I guess that's a topic for discussion with ATI at MacWorld Expo.

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden DEAD !
  • Osama Bin Laden DEAD !

  • Glass!
    May 2, 10:49 AM
    Using Google Images as an attack vector has become very popular recently, it's a problem on Windows too (

    They're just using the age-old "Your computer has a virus" scareware trick that has been around on Windows for years.

    Safari treating zips as safe is very broken, but the user still has to manually open the file and install it, and enter their credit card details... Are the people replying to the threads in the OP really that stupid?

    That's fine, but that's not what most fanboys espouse. "THERE ARE NO VIRUSES FOR OS X!!!" is not the same as "There is no malware for OS X," which confuses the uninformed user.

    There is malware for every platform -- from Windows to Haiku to Minix, therefore qualifying the difference between malware and viruses is neccessary. For example, this malware for most Unix platforms that will delete your homefolder, you just have to copy it into a text file, give it executable permissions and run it:

    rm -rf $HOME/

    It's malware, but it sure isn't a virus.

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. osama bin laden gun. questions
  • osama bin laden gun. questions

  • ender land
    Apr 23, 10:31 PM
    Frankly, it doesn't take much faith to claim that nothing and no-one stands above nature (i.e. being supernatural).


    Do you realize the sheer magnitude of this statement?

    If even 0.0000001% of an incredibly lowball estimate as to the number of current Christians in the world (not to mention past Christians or other theistic religions) have legitimately experienced a supernatural event - pick one, doesn't matter which or how large or small it is - this is an incorrect statement.

    Even if 99.9999% of a billion people claiming supernatural events such as religion are lying, that is still a thousand experiences which invalidate your premise.

    Everything we can see is derived from nature.

    Spoken like a true empiricist.

    Where would God come from then?

    I have never understood why this is used as an argument against a god(s). Clearly, something exists now (as an aside, if you disagree with this statement there is absolutely no grounds to say religion is not true either, so I'm going to assume you do agree something does in fact exist, namely the universe). No matter how you believe, either atheism, creationism, flying spagetti monsterism, anything, at some point, there will be the problem that something always existed. Or existed "before." Whether it's God or a singularity point or whatever, all rational beliefs agree upon this point.

    Asking how God existed prior to the known universe is meaningless in terms of invalidating any religion.

    If there are spiritual entities which stand above us humans, they do certainly not stand above these laws. It doesn't make sense, and was never even supposed to make sense to the human mind in the first place (ask any priest about the latter, he will confirm it).

    Simple example: I make some robots. I put them into a world (let's say I put them in a room with no visible or perceptible interior doors/windows/etc). They interact and are reasonably self aware. Their entire world is this room. Gravity is "obvious" to them. Suddenly, I rotate the entire room 90 degrees. They would have a situation where the statement "no spiritual entity.. stand[s] above these laws."

    Clearly this does not necessarily prove god(s). But it does mean your belief as stated above is illogical (unless starting from the assumed premise that no god(s) exist, in which case your faith rests upon this belief).

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. The death of Osama bin Laden
  • The death of Osama bin Laden

  • AndrewLockhart
    Aug 25, 03:47 PM
    For once I am glad to live in the UK. Usually we get ripped off left right and center. The iPhone4 is available on all networks, even if there is little difference in price.
    Andy Lockhart

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. Etichette Osama bin Laden.
  • Etichette Osama bin Laden.

  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 06:41 PM
    Except there have been threads where people did this and when they sent it to friends to view, their computer had to be authorised to do so.

    This can't happen on finished and exported projects of a video track and an audio track (say, an MPEG or QuickTime MOV) or on a DVD to my knowledge. Those are the forms in which work should be transmitted and shared, not the iMovie projects themselves. If the DRM does somehow kick in in these instances, then there's a flaw in it and it needs to be addressed. Thanks for raising the issue, though. I hadn't heard of this, and if it happens, it's pretty ridiculous.

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. Etichette Osama bin Laden.
  • Etichette Osama bin Laden.

  • macenforcer
    Aug 29, 02:25 PM
    You know its not just apple, its intel and many other companies. You see it is not profitable to make something last nowadays. Remember when TV's could be repaired? Not anymore.

    Ever wonder why every time a new mac comes out or any computer comes out you need to buy all new ram? Its not really that much faster. How about the CPU's? When a new one comes out why can't I just put it into my old computer and go. Socket this and socket that, they are all just sockets. Why does the Xeon need a different socket than the Core 2 DUO? Same CPU basically. Although with core intel has kept the same sockets as Pentium Ds but you need a new chipset.

    We as a society could reduce the amount of computer waste by half immediately if a standard was devised to allow upgrades to work without purchasing all new computers. Heck, apple could just sell motherboard upgrades for its entire line of old computers and that would be great. No company will ever really do what it takes to save the environment because that costs them $$ in the end.

    Humans are a cancer on the planet. Look at pics of the earth from space. Its disgusting.

    Earth is going to look like Cybertron (Transformers home planet) folks. Just give it time.

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden EXECUTION
  • Osama Bin Laden EXECUTION

  • samdweck
    Oct 7, 07:11 PM
    yes, we can still be friends, and i am sorry about comparing you to hitler... i am jewish and know the seriousness of that!

    Etichette Osama bin Laden. in laden osama bin laden.
  • in laden osama bin laden.

  • digitalbiker
    Sep 12, 06:04 PM
    Yeah, but that's for every NFL game, right? I'm just talking about the games for a single team, 16 total games throughout the season. I agree with you, $30 is probably too low but still, it should be a lot less than Sunday Ticket. Wouldn't they rather get most of that money directly (with a small cut to Apple) rather than getting a tiny sliver from Comcast (where it's part of the extended cable package and not charged for separately)?

    Sunday Ticket is exclusive to Directv and I read where Directv only takes 5% of the profit from this package. The NFL receives the reaming 95%.

    Apr 20, 06:28 PM
    I guess if you want a computer that is cheap and weak, you can get a Windows computer.

    Cheap (maybe) - Weak (no) unless you're taking reliability into account.

    Apr 9, 03:33 AM
    Apple will buy Nintendo eventually.

    It's over for Nintendo.

    Get ready for the iwii

    for Nintendo.



    Oct 6, 10:02 AM
    What I really would like to know is when the eight-core Mac will be available.

    Does anyone remember how much lag there was between the availability of the Woodcrest chips and the time the Mac Pros came out?Right away. Same for the C2D iMacs. But now we're waiting way past the time we thought the mobiles would get Meroms.The new Quad core chips are expected to be out in mid-November. Considering that the new chips work with the current Mac Pros, so long as Apple doesn't plan on having big changes to the motherboard, they could theoretically update the product line pretty quickly.

    I've asked someone who needs to purchase large quantities of professional machines from Apple for a company, and he couldn't get info from tight-lipped Apple about this.

    So I just wanted to hear some educated guesses to help with my impatience. :)Sorry to say there is no way to predict how soon nor even if Apple will certainly offer the Clovertown option. As you can read above, there is considerable disagreement about how much the market wants and needs 8-core Mac Pros.

    We can pray for December and hope for January is my best random and unsubstantiated pure guess. Technically I agree with you completely and it should happen in December or even November as I explain above with the simple addition of one line on the "Configure Now" page:

    Two 2.33GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon [Add $800]

    But Steve may want to hold back the offering for dramatic purposes so he can present it as "new" in his January 9 SteveNote at MacWorld San Francisco. I hope not, although I may wait until then anyway so I can get a copy of iLife '07 with it for no extra charge. :p

    After G
    Sep 12, 08:05 PM
    I don't watch TV - the market for it is not me ... TV these days is too full of crap. No DVR because I don't want to save crap.

    My watching model is: I watch it once, I know what happened, I don't care for keeping it. Because of this, I don't buy DVDs. I don't want to pay $20 for a watch-once movie. And most of the $5-11 deals aren't. The theater is a better offer for me, but the environment sucked a long time ago, and still does.

    Hmm ... I find myself doing more with the computer ... and less everywhere else. Sounds like I fit right in to the iTV demographic, that "digital hub" thing.

    Aug 29, 02:36 PM
    As soon as you mention Greenpeace, morons seem to go on auto-pilot and once they do that you can't stop them.
    Do you think Greenpeace's behavior might have something to do with that?

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