Guatemalan Civil War

Guatemalan Civil War. of their 36-year civil war
  • of their 36-year civil war

  • boncellis
    Jul 20, 10:22 AM
    As far as the name goes, how about the "Mac Quattro Pro." ;) Then maybe Apple could acquire the rights to the software and include it in the iWork suite...

    Guatemalan Civil War. 36-year civil war.
  • 36-year civil war.

  • macman312
    Apr 11, 06:57 PM
    My 3Gs contract ends in June and Apple will be pushing it's luck for me to go half a year without me being tempted to jump platforms instead of waiting for the iPhone 5.

    Hopefully apple will announce the iphone 5 in june but say something like "due to the disasters in japan they won't be available till september" and I agree with you that there is a new desire hd 2 coming out tomorrow/today(tuesday).
    I too end my contract in june and hope that as long as they announce it that my teleco company will have a list of people who want to wait for a few months for the iphone5 . These rumours may be incorrect also.

    Guatemalan Civil War. A vicious civil war that ended
  • A vicious civil war that ended

  • QCassidy352
    Apr 6, 02:33 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I'm not joking when I say this - I held off buying a Macbook for years purely because I didn't want to be associated with these hardcore Apple fanboys who live under Steve Job's bed. It's quite sickening.

    I love Apple products, but doesn't mean you have to be blind to the alternatives. It's absolutely amazing how easily people can be brainwashed.

    It's a two way street, really. I mean, what would one expect to see/read on a Mac rumor board?

    I've been on the other boards, like Android and non-Apple computers and they're just as bad. Some people bash Apple because it's the cool/in thing to do. The Android fanatics are worse in some cases. Their biggest argument is "Open" and "Choice". Sounds familiar...kind of like the Linux crowd back in the day. Where are they now?

    In the end, buy what you want and need. It's your money, your choice. If you don't like what someone else bought, get over it. Does it affect you? Does it somehow change how you live? I could give a flying f*&k what my neighbor buys. Whether it's a car, golf clubs, PC, phone, whatever...

    Spouting off sounds like jealousy...

    Agreed. Basing your buying decisions on who else does or doesn't buy the same product is... How can I put this nicely... Utterly ridiculous.

    Guatemalan Civil War. the Guatemalan civil war
  • the Guatemalan civil war

  • Lollypop
    Jul 20, 09:03 AM
    Is having more cores more energy efficient than having one big fat ass 24Ghz processor? Maybe thats a factor in the increasing core count.

    It depends on the architecture, its possible to have 24 1ghz cores being more power hungry than a single 24ghz processor.

    Processor manufacturers are having problems increasing the amount of instructions they can execute, intels latest goal is to have the most amount of instructions executed with the least energy consumtion, but given constraints manufacturers are finding it easier to add a second processor than to scale a single processor to deliver the same performance as two "simpler" processors.

    Guatemalan Civil War. Guatemalan Civil War,
  • Guatemalan Civil War,

  • EagerDragon
    Aug 27, 11:03 AM
    Apple is now getting their parts from the same bin that PC makers use. Intel = cheap parts. Cheap parts = low quality.

    Same thing with the batteries....

    OS X can run on PPC and X86. Apple should target X86 to consumers and PPC for pro's.

    That $100 million that Apple just wasted on Creative could have meant new supercooled mobile G5's if it would have been pumped into IBM ( Instead we have these halfbaked Wintel parts to deal with MUCH fewer problems with PowerPC based Mac's.

    If Apple could not get IBM to provide cooler and more powerful chips back then with the full set of customers behind them......... what makes you think that the pro comunity will be able to do so?

    I have no idea what the pro vs the rest of us is but I am sure it is less than 100% of all users, as such it is less likely.

    IBM has no incentive to produce a cool and fast chip, our pro comunity also wants performance to create all those videos and edit all those photos.

    There are a few snags, but they will iron them out. I am glad they did the switch to Intel. Do notice from my signature I do not yet own one, I am waiting for Leopard to take full advantage of the Intel chips. So this time next year I will be looking to get my 1 or 2 additional systems based on SantaRosa and Leopard.

    Guatemalan Civil War. guatemalan civil war
  • guatemalan civil war

  • ppnkg
    Jul 27, 07:07 PM
    With those frequent speed bumps I begin to worry that my G5 imac will not be fast enough to run Leopard...

    Guatemalan Civil War. the guatemalan civil war,
  • the guatemalan civil war,

  • ergle2
    Sep 19, 12:14 PM
    so... after reading here for a while i got a question, its kinda stupid, i'm good at that,
    first off, i was doubting between the 24" and the macpro so i disided that for my needs i should realy go with a macpro, but know that i'm hearing things about this 8 core macpro, i'm realy doubting about ordering my quad macpro this month,

    has anybody got an idea of how long it would be before apple launches " a macpro octo " :confused:

    thx for your time :)

    It's Apple. No-one has any idea when they'll do anything. :)

    It could be as soon as January, could be a lot later -- but I seriously doubt it'd be at the same price as a quad is now. I'd figure on a fairly major premium. It wouldn't surprise me if the OEM price of processors was in the $1200-1500 range alone (current 3.0GHz 5160's are around $900) for a lower clock-speed version.

    Which is fastest will very much depend upon how well your specific applications scale -- fewer, faster cores can often bear more slower cores, and scaling isn't linear -- traditional thought on SMP was that the first extra core you add adds 80-90% to the speed (for fully-threaded apps, obv.), the second adds about 60-70%, the third about 40%, and so-on... diminishing returns. This will be more so because each chip has a finite amount of bandwidth that is shared between all the cores -- more cores = more contention for the available bandwidth.

    Of course, the Mac Pro CPUs are socketed, so you can always go Octo at a later date if you so choose...

    Guatemalan Civil War. Guatemalan civil war that
  • Guatemalan civil war that

  • PCClone
    Apr 27, 09:44 AM
    This is a lie

    Keeping a database of our general location is logging our location. :mad: Does Apple really think this double talk, where they say they keep a database of location but don't log the location is going to fly?

    At least our overlord will now, I hope, stop collecting location data when location services are turned off. It's a disgrace that it took a media storm to shame them into action.

    Maybe your name should be full of sh#%. We know you are a goo fan troll.

    Guatemalan Civil War. the guatemalan civil war
  • the guatemalan civil war

  • GoodWatch
    Apr 27, 09:51 AM
    Good job Apple. Now let's move on to someone else, like freakin' Sony and their Playstation network.


    Guatemalan Civil War. guatemalan civil war,
  • guatemalan civil war,

  • Nuck81
    Dec 9, 01:32 AM
    well turns out you win the delorean s2 in part of the game. so much for that epic purchase :(

    one cool thing about this game is since im in front of screen a lot ive been listening to some good new music while playing. been getting back in the old zone. a lot of the old tracks are coming back to me. i can hit a lot of the corners from memory

    the required oil change for all used cars sucks. i put in the code for my free car from pre order. got the nascar and the mclaren stealth. that car is even better than my fully tricked out F40! i tried it on a practice track and it felt much smoother.i almost feel liek its cheating with the SS racing tires. oh well it's still fun and if you miss a corner badly it's still your fault and you lose, so theres till some challenge there.

    edit: looks like i cant sell the delorean. anyone want to trade?

    you want to change the oil as soon as you get any car, even premium. It automatically nets you a 5% hp boost that will degrade over time until you need another oil change

    Guatemalan Civil War. the war-torn country from
  • the war-torn country from

  • Homy
    Jul 20, 11:44 AM
    eight cores + Tiger = Octopussy?!?:p

    Guatemalan Civil War. Guatemala#39;s 1960-1996 civil
  • Guatemala#39;s 1960-1996 civil

  • jmazzamj
    Apr 6, 02:22 PM
    This insight is not very far-fetched: The 17W Sandy Bridge processor will be used in the next gen 11" Airs, not the 13" which will use the 25W version of Sandy Bridge. I can bet on this...

    Next Air will see a DRAMATIC speed improvement CPU wise and a minor decrease in GPU performance.


    Guatemalan Civil War. the Guatemalan Civil War
  • the Guatemalan Civil War

  • Full of Win
    Mar 22, 01:29 PM
    Lack of Flash support is the achilles heel of iPad. I hope Jobs gets off his high horse and relents.

    Don't hold your breath. There are many words that one can use to describe Steve Jobs, contrite or compromising not being one of them.

    Guatemalan Civil War. The Guatemalan Civil War -
  • The Guatemalan Civil War -

  • xStep
    Apr 11, 08:20 PM
    There are thousands if not more of us who would gladly pony up and stick with Apple.

    Nailed it

    Difinitely not. I won't say where I'd agree and disagree with for the rest of it, but that last sentence isn't right. Thousands implies a rather low number. Not nearly enough revenue for Apple to keep working on FCS. ;)

    Guatemalan Civil War. 36-year civil war.
  • 36-year civil war.

  • shawnce
    Aug 6, 02:45 PM
    So to post my top bets for WWDC...

    1) A much clearer roadmap for 64 bit support in Mac OS X. I believe they will outline full 64 bit support across all non-10.4 deprecated frameworks (I believe in the initial release of 10.5). Of course it will also fully support 32 bit applications run side by side with 64 bit applications.

    2) Resolution Independent UI will be ready for main stream use with display products possible with in the next year or two (would love to be surprised with 150-200 DPI or so display of course).

    3) Quartz 2D Extreme will be ready for main stream use along with some good news on the OpenGL front.

    4) Full roll out of the unified user interface look and fell across all frameworks and Apple applications (at least most).

    5) Improved Quartz API to allow for more advanced window styles and effects.

    6) PowerMac replacement with Quad core model... a true workstation class system (likely similar enclosure to what we have now in the PMG5).

    ... gotta go.

    Guatemalan Civil War. the Guatemalan Civil War.
  • the Guatemalan Civil War.

  • littleman23408
    Dec 14, 06:26 AM
    Lookin good SevenInchScrew:cool:

    Guatemalan Civil War. Guatemala#39;s civil war in
  • Guatemala#39;s civil war in

  • Moyank24
    Apr 28, 04:11 PM
    Because there was never a question of wither or not any of those men were born in the US, with Obama the past was always a bit hazy as to if he was actually born in Hawaii or thats just what his parents told him. Obviously he doesn�t remember BEING BORN in hawaii..his parents could have just told him that.

    But now we have proof and its all over with there�s no need to be calling names about it.

    What exactly was a bit hazy? He provided proof 3 years ago.

    The only thing that is hazy is your argument against racism. Different color, funny name...a bunch of white conservative bullies. Sometimes 1 + 1 does equal 2.

    Guatemalan Civil War. thirty-six year civil war.
  • thirty-six year civil war.

  • ghall
    Aug 25, 02:59 PM
    Hey, I'm not about to complain, they sent me a brand new MacBook Pro (even though I was on hold for an hour). Yeah, I have certainly noticed longer hold times on the support lines. Crazy, huh?

    Guatemalan Civil War. bloody civil war.
  • bloody civil war.

  • notjustjay
    Nov 28, 11:52 PM
    i would love if the government changed the royalty law to extend only to the artists and not the record companies.....

    Not only would I support this, I would GLADLY pay an "iPod levy" if somehow it was guaranteed to land in the pockets of the artists who I listened to.

    It's corporate greed that I refuse to bow down to.

    Apr 20, 10:46 AM

    feel free to point out how difficult it is to see any similarities...

    Choosing icons that have taken on universal meanings and thus are similar, is quite a bit different from direct copying, of which we see none.

    The closest ones in that group are probably the phones, and yet if you search for a phone icon on the web, or even on cell phone buttons, probably a quarter of them are slanted. Moreover, green is an extremely common color for the primary phone button, which is why Apple chose it themselves.

    The use of rounded square icon backgrounds is a bit more damning, but still a style choice. Also, Apple's has a shadow and my Fascinate doesn't have the rounded square on most anyway.

    Btw, I have noticed that Apple hasn't tried to claim ownership of the twirling wait symbol, but a lot of us were using that before they were.

    I think Apple might have much better luck showing that the Galaxy phone shape greatly resembles the 3GS.

    Apr 11, 11:47 AM
    My 3Gs contract ends in June and Apple will be pushing it's luck for me to go half a year without me being tempted to jump platforms instead of waiting for the iPhone 5.

    ooh they'd better if they know what's good for them! you tell them off!

    NY Guitarist
    Apr 5, 08:14 PM
    Interestingly this contradicts the information my friend on the design team hinted towards. I know the release is imminent so time will tell.

    So are you saying that the apps will be broken up and sold individually?

    Apr 27, 08:09 AM
    Since I'm neither a criminal nor paranoid, I thought it was kind of cool/interesting too.

    I was looking forward to seeing mine seeing as I've been doing a lot of travelling last few months, then I remembered I'm still running 3.1.3.

    May 1, 04:09 AM
    While there are some racists who tried to jump on the birther bandwagon, I did see plenty of non-racists have some concern about where Obama was born, or if in Hawaii, being born there before it was a state and then being a coverup to put his age right after statehood.If those people really were non-racists, they would have ignored such questions entirely, confident in the knowledge that if anything untoward was going on, the World's Greatest Intelligence Agency� would have found it out before he even got his name on the ballot.

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