Homestar Runner Wallpaper

Homestar Runner Wallpaper. HomeStar Runner
  • HomeStar Runner

  • FleurDuMal
    Sep 12, 11:28 AM
    A bit pointless given that no software utilises the extra cores yet. But nice to know, I guess.

    I'm still getting used to having two cores in my laptop!

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. On outdoor background stock
  • On outdoor background stock

  • drsmithy
    Sep 14, 10:05 AM
    On the server side.

    The server/desktop division with Windows - as with OS X - is one of marketing, not software. Windows "Workstation" and Windows "Server" use the same codebase.

    Couldn't be farther from the truth. I have no problem with Microsoft or Windows, evident by the fact that I've ran their operating systems for the last 10 years. I have a problem with all the crap they're putting in Vista, but otherwise - Win2k and XP Pro have left me primarily trouble-free.

    Well, if you can't find evidence of Windows running on well on machine with >2 processors, or of the significant low-level changes Microsoft have made to ensure it does, you aren't looking very hard.

    Similarly, if you're one of the "Vista is just XP with a fancy skin" crowd, you've obviously not done much research. The changes in Vista are on par with the scale of changes Apple made to NeXT to get OS X.

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. fast runner wallpaper th,
  • fast runner wallpaper th,

  • ImNoSuperMan
    Jul 27, 10:33 AM
    T minus 11 days...............

    Cant wait.

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. plus homestar runnerfig -a
  • plus homestar runnerfig -a

  • Teddy's
    Jul 27, 12:32 PM
    at last, I may be able to build a system that will run Vista well!


    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. Runnerfig -a easter eggs,
  • Runnerfig -a easter eggs,

  • iGary
    Aug 11, 11:19 AM
    I've been looking at the Treo, but they're not easy to come by for Vodafone contract, if at all.

    And they suck - I had a 600, which fell into the water and was replaced by insurance with a 650, which is only marginally better.

    I don't believe the rumor - Steve wouldn't blab, he just wouldn't.

    We only have a month to wait, though. :)

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. Homestar Runner Liger Zero
  • Homestar Runner Liger Zero

  • budafied
    Apr 6, 10:49 AM
    This may make my 13" MBP summer purchase change a bit...

    It'd be a hard choice between a current i5 13" MBP and an i5 13" MBA, especially with that higher res screen and the SSD. The only problem is that it will be my only machine, so I'm not sure I can do just an Air for an extended period of time. The netbook-only setup I have now is pretty lame.

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. Homestar Runner Desktop Buddy
  • Homestar Runner Desktop Buddy

  • noservice2001
    Aug 5, 04:15 PM
    cmon, ipod.....

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. homestar runnerfig -a list
  • homestar runnerfig -a list

  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 27, 10:24 AM
    Laugh all you want, but they are being sensible. If the media hype gets too great, they act, as they should.

    I have no antenna issue with my iPhone 4, and I don't use a case or a bumper. I understand what Apple meant by calling it a non-issue.

    Apple did not track you, it sent anonymized cell tower location information back to itself. But there was a bug that kept a locally-stored database file from being culled from all but the most recent data. So they will now provide an update to fix that bug.

    But if you want to pretend that Apple is in denial mode, and use exclamation points as if your hair were on fire, go right ahead. You nicely prove the point I was just making with samcraig.

    Don't you just love it? Apple identifies an potential issue, and does something to remedy it, and they get yelled at for doing so. If they do nothing, they get yelled at for doing nothing.

    Catch 22.

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. homestar runner photos
  • homestar runner photos

  • gorgeousninja
    Mar 23, 08:21 AM
    Complete BS "iphone" lookalikes date back to ebfore the iphone was anounced. So either some companys have people who can predict the future, or the design and tech behind the iphone was aused BEFORe it was released and apple just changed excisting designs.

    Ipad is basicly a large smartphone.

    History revisionist ahoy!

    Please name us one single phone that the original iPhone is a direct copy of....

    That's right, there isn't one....

    Oh, and if the iPad is really just a smartphone, it's rather lacking in 'phone' features don't you think?...

    So you don't continue to make too big a fool of yourself, the iPhone is in actual fact just a small iPad.

    The iPad concept predates the iPhone, though they needed the rest of the world to catch up to them before they could release it.

    Feel free to stick your fingers in your ears and scream so you can't hear..

    but it's still the truth...

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. Homestarrunner character
  • Homestarrunner character

  • Willis
    Jul 27, 03:58 PM
    It's always a little alarming when a post starts "sorry if I missed it but..."

    The 2.7 G5 will be the highest clocked chip in a mac for a while, but probably not the fastest. In a number of benchmarks, Yonah has already beaten dual G5's, the conroes and woodrests will likely widen the gap even more.

    true.... didnt the Macbook outrun a G5 in final cut studio or something?

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. lode runner 3d softwares
  • lode runner 3d softwares

  • firestarter
    Apr 12, 03:20 PM
    Anyway, Takeshi Kitano rules. :D


    Just trying to spread the message! ;)

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. Animated Runner Software Free
  • Animated Runner Software Free

  • mdriftmeyer
    Aug 26, 12:37 PM
    California, it's replies like this that pisses switchers off, even seasones mac users get upset with these replies. What the hell is Rev A?. What idiot argument is this?. That's it ok for apple to make a ****ed-up product cause it's the first version?. What?.. apple just started making computers that they don't know how to make quality products until they already made the first version?. Apple should be horrified at your suggestion. Imagine if no one bought Rev A (whatever the **** that means) machines from Apple. APPLE WOULD GO BROKE!!. There's always Rev A machines when it comes to computers dude. The next mac pro upgrade will use a new processor, faster, new video, more ram, newer harddrive and becomes rev A cause THEY ARE THE FIRST APPLE PRODUCTS TO USE THE NEW UPGRADED PROCESSOR, NEW HARDDIVE, ETC. Really, stop with this nonsense. You are like the 10th idiotic apple fan I have read using this dumb argument.

    Let's make it clear. The first revision of any highly integrated system is produced with an acceptable failure rate. With results coming in, failures recorded and internal testing continuous between the life of the first and second revision you will see a drop in failures in the next revision.

    Every item that is in the next revision will have been tested, more flaws removed, etc. No piece of hardware is released with zero defects. [human interference aside such as dropping the product, overheating it, intentionally forcing failure]

    If for every 1000 systems shipped approximately 20 fail, after a minimum predicted total hours, this 2% attrition rate is highly desirable. If you can't accept it you can stop using technology, now.

    For every ten people bitching on this board about failures there is over 1,000 that don't.

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. Home Star Wallpapers and Home
  • Home Star Wallpapers and Home

  • aegisdesign
    Sep 13, 12:35 PM
    going out on a limb here and assuming you have a heavily cluttered desktop

    Yes, I know. it takes me a couple of days to really clutter up my desktop whilst I'm working on a project and the desktop's the handiest place to stash stuff. I've also usually got 30-40 windows open too.

    If I'm busy I don't have the time to de-clutter and get back teh snappy.

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. Homestar Kirby by *MeleeKirby
  • Homestar Kirby by *MeleeKirby

  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 1, 04:36 PM
    But they are treated equal, any gay man can marry a woman and any lesbian woman can marry a man just as any heterosexual man can marry a woman and any heterosexual woman can marry a man

    And yet, not. :rolleyes:

    Not being able to marry the human being you are attracted to, love, and want to spend the rest of your life with? Doesn't sound too equal to me.

    Glad most of the other civil rights issues are taken care of - you would be the one claiming "But people in a wheelchair are treated equally! They have every right to use the same stairs as ambulatory people!" Good grief.

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. Homestarrunner Image
  • Homestarrunner Image

  • sisyphus
    Jul 14, 02:34 PM
    That's nice...

    They'd better have something in between this and the iMac...

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. Homestarrunner character
  • Homestarrunner character

  • entatlrg
    Apr 6, 12:38 PM
    The most interesting thing here is how some people hang on every word over updates to the MacBook Air line.

    Some won't touch it without a Sandy Bridge update, others want it left alone to save the NVIDIA graphics.

    From dated chips, future proofing, when to buy, getting in at the right time and on and on ...

    What gives?

    In 90% of the tasks the average MacBook Air owner does are they really going to notice it either way?

    Future proofing/saving a few hundred dollars ... there is no such thing ... just look back at the electronics you purchased in the past... how has 'future proofing' worked for you so far? lol

    Like it. Buy it. Enjoy it.

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. lt;a href d 283554 gt;Variegation
  • lt;a href d 283554 gt;Variegation

  • killr_b
    Apr 25, 02:13 PM
    And the next time somebody calls you, make sure you get their permission to store their phone number. Don't want to record their data without their consent.

    They consented to me retaining their data when they didn't block their number before calling. Which is possible and an option. There was no option for this "tracking list" other than a stupid TOS that you can't op out of partially.

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. Homestarrunner reciting the final scene in Star Wars III Image
  • Homestarrunner reciting the final scene in Star Wars III Image

  • Benjamins
    Mar 31, 06:14 PM
    I completely agree, but let's be honest, Apple and Microsoft fans are no different.

    true, but the smugness and self righteousness of Google fanboys are so much worse.

    Homestar Runner Wallpaper. Homestarrunner
  • Homestarrunner

  • mrblack927
    Apr 27, 08:15 AM
    Wow. That's surprising. This whole time people downplayed it because there was no evidence that apple was actually transmitting this data. It wasn't a big deal because the db file was local only. Now when Apple addresses it they had to not only admit that the file exists but that they actually were transmitting data.

    Ah well, still not a big deal. :p

    Dec 1, 11:31 PM
    I hate to link to IGN, but here goes:

    GT5 damage explained (

    Confusion seems to have stemmed from its differing implementation across the game's extensive garage, a point that Sony further clarified. "Standard models have minor deformation and scratches," said Sony, "Premium cars have greater visible level of damage, and Premium racing models have the highest level of damage."
    Also from this ( article:

    "The first update, Yamauchi said, is coming this Saturday and will include restrictions for weight and power in online races.

    Yamauchi went on to say that his team would be "upgrading every week, every month." "

    Mar 31, 06:47 PM
    Google should have included a clause that allows anyone to re-install raw/clean Android on their phone/tablet once they have it. Basically wipe off any crud the carriers decide to install on it.

    In fact, that should be the option when you first launch your device when you get it. Boot to Google Android, or Carrier/Manufacturer Android. Should be included on every device.

    S i
    Sep 19, 08:24 AM
    I wish this board would block automatically "************" and replace it with "************" so this tired so-called-joke would end someday.

    Huh? :confused:

    Nice :D

    I'm going to be p*ssed right off if Apple roll out a measly chip update as this latest rumour states. They need to keep up in order to attract the switchers....& keep them. Switching can go both ways of course. Let's see some other MBP updates too, so the wait translates to something positive.


    I'll "bitch & switch" because I go where I feel I can get competitive advantage (rolling many aspects into this). I'm bitching first as a courtesy to Apple. Is it better if people slip off quietly & buy PCs? If community unhappiness hastens some kind of Macbook attention from Apple then that's great.

    Apr 9, 02:23 AM
    However...most, if not ALL of the pros I know that have been using FCP continue to do so....and there are more motion pictures, BIG ones...this year, edited on FCP than I can remember in years past. Pulling this BS out of your arse is crap. The iToy phenomenon, in my very humble opinion will actually HELP the Pro Apple is making more money than EVER!!! This will afford them the expertise they need to develop the pro apps...more so than they've ever been able to do in the past. Keep in mind...for these iToys to be great, they need content....and again, IMHO...I think Apple knows this, and would be happy if every app, movie, song, etc...that resides in iTunes, Mac Store, App Store, etc....was created WITH their soft/hardware as well. Again, just my opinion....Apple won't shoot themselves and the entire creative community in the foot....just when they've becoming the HIGHEST gaining computer sales platform in the world!!! They're selling more computers (MB, MBP, MBair, MP, iMacs) then EVER...and I attribute that somewhat to the excellent user experience so many folks have had with their "iToys". You gotta figure some of those folks will be "Pro" creative guys. And enticed they will be (my Yoda impersonation) by the hardware and software that Apple if anything, there is Growth in the Pro sector...hardware and software both. NOT a mass exodus. Again...if you truly have proof that "All those Pros have already left Mac"...I'm all ears. If anything, they've made significant gains. Hence the reason AVID has DECREASED their pricing from the astronomical rates it used to cost...and the proprietary rigs you had to have to run the program.

    Final Cut jobs tend to pay less than Avid jobs.

    Aug 8, 12:02 AM
    Running the preview now... some nice developer level stuff that I cannot ebelish on however beyond what was talked about in the keynote...Next spring Apple will have a good answer to Vista with little disruption to end users and developers (unlike Vista).

    All of a sudden Macworld 07 just got a lot more interesting. :)

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