Hrt 2011 Livery

Hrt 2011 Livery. Re: Other 2011 Livery#39;s
  • Re: Other 2011 Livery#39;s

  • trssho
    May 6, 07:27 AM
    Change for the sake of change is not a good thing, and I am sure that is not why apple would be doing it. Technologies more than anything else changes rapidly. If ARM has a breakthrough technology in the pipe,and Apple is aware of it, surely they would be prepared to jump ship.

    No one can think Apple would change stream, and not know what they were getting into. Innovation is Apples niche, and seems to be working well for them. Imagine if ARM is developing a revolutionary concept in processor technology that makes current transistors look like vacuum tube technology. It could happen! Who would argue that in 20 years computing and processor technology will be vastly different than what we see today. Who's to say that it couldn't happen in 2-5 years.

    Hrt 2011 Livery. The new HRT livery designed by
  • The new HRT livery designed by

  • Duke&tank
    Mar 27, 01:01 AM
    I'm starting to wonder if a Iphone 5 is even going to come out this year i mean with the Verizon IPhone launched in February "kinda close to June - July IMO" so they might wait tell june of next year where we get AT&T and a Verizon IPhone upgrades.

    just my thoughts on it. of course Apple is a secret company so we won't know tell it happens:)

    Hrt 2011 Livery. 2011 HRT F1 car livery reminds
  • 2011 HRT F1 car livery reminds

  • -aggie-
    May 4, 07:50 PM
    Anon proceed forthwith lest I transmute DP to a small rat.

    Hrt 2011 Livery. HRT reveal 2011 livery.
  • HRT reveal 2011 livery.

  • Eidorian
    Jul 21, 02:20 PM
    This may be a dumb question, but why would apple just use the new chips in mbp's and not the mb? Dosn't seem to make sense. As soon as core 2 merom comes out every pc notebook will have it. Price wouldn't be an issue cause merom is same price as yonah, correct?The MBP is a PRO model. They can keep Yonah (Which is fast enough mind you) and still speed bump it/lower the price some more.

    I don't think we'll see these at WWDC unless there are other substantial changes. Going from a Yonah to a Merom chip may be great news, but it's hardly something Steve can crow about on stage. "Here's the new macbook pro... it looks and functions exactly like the old one, but 20% faster. Um, yeah. You already know all about the macbook pro, so there's really nothing else for me to say, is there?"

    I expect we will see mac pros and leopard demo'ed at WWDC, plus the usual talk about how well apple is doing, etc. Maybe some talk about pro apps because it's a developer's conference. MAYBE a new ipod (nano) just because it's such big news, even tho it's not really for developers.

    But as far as new MBPs go, I'd expect a quiet announcement some tuesday in the relatively near future.So new iMacs next Tuesday? :eek:

    I do agree that the new Pro towers need a much more proper launch while the other lines can just get a shiny new Core 2 Duo logo on their site and an update to Apple's Intel page.

    I posted this very early on:

    Hrt 2011 Livery. new livery for the 2011
  • new livery for the 2011

  • Applejuiced
    Mar 26, 11:38 PM
    No, they come out with new phones every WEEK, and you actually mean "cheaper and ********". This is not coming from a fanboy, I own and use daily an android device.

    I would very highly doubt if they actually delayed the release. Techcrunch doesn't have an amazing track record, if I remember right.

    True, they got tons of them comming out.
    They might be cheaper but some of them do have better hardware specs but when it comes to the OS and the way it runs everything they sure are crappy and cant compete with the iOS.

    I'm going to laugh at all those who say iOS 5 wont be delayed when it actually will be :rolleyes:

    I give it by July there will be a new ios out and a new iphone.
    Just my guess judging by the last 4 years but we will see how it goes.
    Nobody really knows.

    Hrt 2011 Livery. Here#39;s my latest HRT livery:
  • Here#39;s my latest HRT livery:

  • Benjy91
    Apr 18, 03:28 PM
    Wow, an article about Apple suing someone, that has more negatives than positives?

    Thats probably a first.

    Hrt 2011 Livery. mar mar Hrt+2011+f1+car
  • mar mar Hrt+2011+f1+car

  • Chase R
    May 4, 10:10 PM
    My guess:

    They offer it on the Mac App Store, and on a USB stick (for about $10 more).

    I don't really see how the Mac App Store idea would work, though, since the drive needs to be (well, should be) formatted prior to installation.

    I'd opt for the physical OS.

    Hrt 2011 Livery. Real V8 Supercar Liveries 2011
  • Real V8 Supercar Liveries 2011

  • Hastings101
    Apr 8, 02:36 AM
    no, but I sometimes think that Andy Rubin believes he's the next Jobs ... at least he dresses similar to Jobs:

    He kind of looks like him, lose a little more hair, the glasses, change his face a little...

    Hrt 2011 Livery. HRT 20th Anniversary Bathurst
  • HRT 20th Anniversary Bathurst

  • Merkie
    Mar 27, 07:30 AM
    18 is correct.

    6 WiFi only models:

    Hrt 2011 Livery. HRT livery expected on the
  • HRT livery expected on the

  • -aggie-
    May 3, 09:16 PM
    I notice I'm not mentioned in DP's post. :)

    I have some questions to the masters or whoever.

    What do the AP POINTS have to do with this game? It seems like only HP matters.

    You wrote HP subtraction would be determined at random. Are you saying one person could get all the points in your example in the OP.

    Hrt 2011 Livery. F1+hrt+2011
  • F1+hrt+2011

  • April Dancer
    Sep 11, 01:58 AM
    C'mon Steve. The 12th is my birthday. I'm a loyal supporter. Gimme a pressie! :D

    I want a new iPod (possible) and I need a new phone (no chance!)

    It's going to be the iTMS movie store, I know it. Bo-oring Zzzzzzzz...... I have 250 videos on my iPod, all ripped by my own fair hands, I don't need Apple's help. So please bring on the good stuff!

    Hrt 2011 Livery. hrting-new-2011-livery/
  • hrting-new-2011-livery/

  • dontwalkhand
    Apr 20, 01:18 AM
    Wirelessly posted (iPhone : Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I am happy for this, this means when my upgrade happens, iPhone 6 will be a HUGE one :-)

    Hrt 2011 Livery. Had a go at a HRT car with the
  • Had a go at a HRT car with the

  • Machead III
    Sep 11, 09:02 AM
    how about this for a scenario

    quiet release of C2D MB/MBP at the start of the expo - similar to the imac/mac mini

    then his steveness can deliver the full its showtime reel at the special event.

    announce movie store, with ipod updates, and full ipod video as 'one more thing'

    This would be absolute perfection.

    Hrt 2011 Livery. Toll HRT will now be powered
  • Toll HRT will now be powered

  • adbe
    Mar 26, 10:31 PM
    For anyone thinking Apple will release a new iPad in the fall... don't bet on it. The last two releases have shown that it takes AT LEAST several months before supply is able to adequately meet demand--especially when you look at it from a worldwide perspective. Do you really think they'd risk a shortage during the holiday season? Not a chance.

    What if the 3 was pitched as a new tier, rather than a replacement? A retina class screen would probably still squash the margins to levels unacceptable to Apple. If they could simply sell the device for a higher price point, or slightly drop the iPad2s price point, then there's no real shortage risk.

    Hrt 2011 Livery. HRT 2011 Launch Livery
  • HRT 2011 Launch Livery

  • Tilpots
    May 7, 01:46 PM
    Is the size of Apple's NC Data Center overkill for just delivering MobileMe services? Or is that the type of facility they would need to bring it in-house with current subscribers?

    Hrt 2011 Livery. HRT 2011 Launch Livery
  • HRT 2011 Launch Livery

  • adbe
    Mar 26, 10:42 PM

    What am I supposed to do when my contract ends this July!?

    You do realize you don't have to renew the contract right? AT&T will be more than happy to keep taking your money until such time as you feel ready to sign a new one.

    Hrt 2011 Livery. HRT 2011 Launch Livery
  • HRT 2011 Launch Livery

  • Mjmar
    Mar 26, 10:00 PM
    Fall iPhone 5?

    Hrt 2011 Livery. Re: 2011 Car Launches
  • Re: 2011 Car Launches

  • wHo_tHe
    Mar 30, 07:42 PM
    This question is primarily because I have a Macbook Air.

    If Apple are going to release this via the App Store (assuming the speculation is true), does this mean that you don't have to burn Lion to a disk to install it? Or would I have to transfer it to some sort of USB drive first?

    I guess I'm asking if you can just double click it in your downloads folder and run the OS installation from there That is the way Lion works. You just run the downloaded installer from the disk image. No need to burn to DVD or USB. The installer runs for a bit in your current OS, then reboots itself to complete the installation.

    Hrt 2011 Livery. Liveries 2011 3 months,
  • Liveries 2011 3 months,

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 25, 10:18 AM
    .What people are looking? The press? The "journalistic" dingbats of today couldn't do an expose on how to break out of a wet paper bag if their life depended on it. The brilliant politicians?! They don't know squat and are only as informed as (in this case, Apple), their source lets them be. Otherwise they know squat! ../

    Politicians and reporters? Why would you think they would be the ones to investigate it? No, I was talking about computer folks, hackers, jailbreakers, all the people who love to take Apple's stuff apart. It would be an enourmous coup to be able to prove this info is being transmitted back to Apple. You'd have every news organization reporting your findings.

    Yet it does not happen. Because no one can find any evidence that anything Steve said is wrong.

    Mar 30, 02:36 PM
    I hardly think $1 for 20 gigabytes of available anywhere storage is very unreasonable.

    Maybe that rate wouldn't be bad, but if you read the article, that's not what they're charging. Beyond the initial free amount, its $1 per 1 gig, not $1 per 20 gigs. A terabyte per year is a thousand dollars a year. That's not too cheap. And this isn't including bandwidth usage, which is gonna cost money too, of course. Plus, what do you think, are these rates and bandwidth usage costs gonna be higher or lower in the future?

    They (banks) aren't storing physical cash somewhere anymore, it's all just a line of electronic code that states what your balance is.

    Well, it actually it still exists as money, but of course banks aren't storing it all in a vault- they're loaning it out to other people, at rates 10 to 100 times greater than the interest rate they are offering you for using that money- and they're using your money to make them money. I'm sure they could loan out money at much lower rates and still do fine, but that's what we're used to paying, so there you go. But anyway, back on track-

    If you want premium content, you pay for it.

    That premium content you're happy to be paying lots of money for is actually making the provider plenty of money on the back end too- remember cable and satellite television still has plenty of advertisements. Again, they could probably charge you a third of what you currently pay and it would still be profitable. (I'm just sayin'...)

    People just think it's ridiculous to spend money on music because avenues have popped up where you can get it for free.

    True, but for me, no, I actually buy my music and support the artists- I just think its ridiculous to buy my music and pay someone else over and over and over again, forever, just to be able listen to it.

    I have 2 computers at home, a laptop, a phone that has storage, a DVR, even my Xbox can store music files..... How nice to be able to visit my parents, or go on vacation, or be at a friend's house, log on to their computer, and have my entire music library instantly available at my fingertips.

    80 gigs of music in a computer's memory doesn't actually "weigh" all that much. You can have all those files right there on your devices right now, unless you have terabytes of things to store. As storage continues to grow on computers, I think you'll find that the prices will be more and more appealing for larger and larger amounts of storage.

    Look, I understand your points, and if you have multiple platforms that need to share and sync enormous amounts of files, that can be a challenge and the cloud would be convenient. But for the amount of music and photography and other files I have and the way I would store it and access it, I personally would rather just have all the files I need right there on my computer at my fingertips without having to pay someone to access it from a remote location. You're certainly free to spend money to access things you already purchased, but its not for me. To each their own.

    Mar 30, 08:50 PM
    I still can't remove Launchpad on mine >.< Did you update via Software Update or reinstall the new build? I updated via Software Update to build 2.

    Software update doesn't give you build two. It gives you the ability to download build two from a code in the App Store.

    Developers have to redownload the whole OS so it wouldn't make much sense for it to be less than a megabyte... :rolleyes:

    Apr 24, 07:00 AM
    In the not too distant future we will be getting convertible iMac's. You have all seen the patents that Apple have applied for, where the screen tilts into a more horizontal position on your desk and is usable as a touch screen device.

    When in this mode the screen will be a lot closer to your eyes and would greatly benefit from being higher resolution

    That really is such a bad idea :(

    Can you imagine the terrible usability in having a screen tilted on it's back and having to lift our arms up to do finger painting.

    Who wants to cover their display with their hands?

    Mar 29, 05:13 PM
    No, "best wishes" for our Japanese friends.

    "Prayers" to the flying spaghetti monster are a waste of time - put the people of Japan into your thoughts, don't involve some ficticious deity.

    Why couldn�t you let it slide? Assuming you don�t like people �imposing� their beliefs on you, why would you impose yours on others? I think there�s a word for that.

    Nov 26, 09:25 PM
    If the tablet had built-in Bluetooth and could use a wireless keyboard and mouse then it could replace a notebook computer. Maybe the keyboard snaps on and acts as a cover for the tablet screen. Maybe it's like a Macbook that come apart at the hingebut also you can write on the screen. You have to figure Apple is doing something different but yet this thing still runs the same Mac OS X Leopard as the other Macs.

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