Implantation Bleeding Period

Implantation Bleeding Period. Implantation bleeding should
  • Implantation bleeding should

  • DavidCar
    Sep 16, 12:18 PM
    As I've postulated in other threads, this is why I believe the 19th is still quite viable for a MBP update release. Apple may be starting a precedent by releasing updated hardware before an event featuring announcements that will benefit greatly on those new updated systems.A note from a reseller posted on xlr8yourmac yesterday notes that ALL their MB/P orders were delayed until the 19th.

    Implantation Bleeding Period. Strange early period
  • Strange early period

  • KindredMAC
    May 7, 01:13 PM
    I've had the service for over 4 years and I have never paid full price.
    I would not mind if they lowered the price to say $49/annually or even tiered pricing, but all out free scares me a little.

    Implantation Bleeding Period. implantation bleeding bm
  • implantation bleeding bm

  • whiteblooder
    Mar 30, 01:07 AM
    to weep too much for a company that chooses to do business overseas isntead of here in America, employing Americans.Why produce something for more money and less efficiently when it can be done better and cheaper elsewhere? This however are drastically improving though, not sure if we (Americans) could produce all of these things with taxes, restrictions, trade barriers etc.

    Implantation Bleeding Period. does implantation bleeding
  • does implantation bleeding

  • Brometheus
    Apr 25, 09:26 AM
    I think Steve is outright lying about this.. I don't think most people aren't fond of this, including myself..

    My opinion is that he's probably not lying. He's parsing his words in his usual terse style. Steve is not denying the existence of a record of each user's location. He's denying the accusation that Apple uses this information to track individual users. He's implying that it's being used for some other purpose.

    Implantation Bleeding Period. implantation bleeding anlt;div
  • implantation bleeding anlt;div

  • Monty88
    Mar 30, 11:10 PM
    Is Lion available to iOS developers as well? Or is it solely for those with paid memberships to the "Mac Developer Program"?

    Implantation Bleeding Period. causes implantation bleed,
  • causes implantation bleed,

  • Stella
    Nov 23, 09:05 AM
    A friend of mine heard from someone who works at Rim that they and Apple are working on a phone! If I thoght that this news would do anything to Apple or Rim stock, I would not be telling you. I already own Apple and cannot see Rim's advancing any more than a few points on the news.

    My future wife's ( who I don't know yet ) cat said Apple would be buying a stake in Symbian and slapping an OSX like interface theme on it.

    Oh, that would be so good, if they did - using the #1 Smartphone OS in the world.

    Implantation Bleeding Period. [implantation bleeding]
  • [implantation bleeding]

  • Popeye206
    Apr 5, 02:32 PM
    I don't see what the big deal is. Of course Apple is going to try to minimize the risk of the jailbreak community. They want to avoid headlines about spyware and such that creep out of the jailbroken community. It's just good PR.

    Guys this is so simple.

    JB'ing your device is a user risk related thing. Not for the general public. It also voids your warrantee with Apple.

    So... do you think it's good business practice for Toyota to encourage customers of another device to void their warrantee and put their product at risk of other issues if they don't know what they're doing?

    That would be like Apple saying, download this App and plug into our Camry and we'll modify your engine to give you 20 more HP, but it's not approved by Toyota.

    Not well thought out by Toyota.

    Implantation Bleeding Period. pregnant Implantation Bleeding
  • pregnant Implantation Bleeding

  • p0intblank
    Sep 11, 08:47 AM
    It's funny to see that people have completely forgotten about the Apple Expo in Paris, also tomorrow :D.

    To me it is kinda strange that the expo starts 7 hours prior to the media event. Are they going to keep those black curtains (assuming there are some) during the complete 1st day of the event?

    Are there any guarded stands whatsoever in the expo? Is anyone going there tomorrow to report? :)

    I believe the Sept. 12th event is being streamed to the Apple Paris Expo. Also Steve isn't giving a keynote at that event, only the media one. Anything that is announced by Apple tomorrow will be at the special event.

    Implantation Bleeding Period. Do start implantation bleeding
  • Do start implantation bleeding

  • kev0476
    Aug 3, 11:04 PM
    they are just cycling through old rumors now... only difference, it is so close to wwdc.

    Implantation Bleeding Period. does implantation bleeding
  • does implantation bleeding

  • inlovewithi
    Apr 26, 03:45 PM
    You might be interesting reading this ( MR makes so much more sense after having read it.

    Thanks. I like to call it denial of what makes a person uncomfortable, which creates tunnel vision.

    Implantation Bleeding Period. implantatio implantation
  • implantatio implantation

  • Val-kyrie
    Aug 11, 06:30 PM
    Why would they give the Macbook that but leave the iMac with the original Core Duo? Doesn't make sense. I would think all three would get it or just the Macbook Pro.

    No one said the iMac won't get the Conroe Core 2 Duo chip; just that MBP and MB will get Merom--I also expect the Mac Mini to receive a dual-core Merom. WWDC is for developers; Paris, for more consumer-oriented things. I think the big announcement at Paris will be that all of Apple's lineup will be 64 bit with a simultaneous unveiling of updated iMacs, Mac Minis, MBPs, and MBs--though I still wonder about a new form factor for the MBPs. If not at Paris, then I expect a new form factor with the debut of the Santa Rosa chipset and Leopard next Spring.

    Implantation Bleeding Period. pregnancy implantation
  • pregnancy implantation

  • Scooterman1
    May 7, 04:16 PM
    This would be a good incentive for staying with Apple.

    Implantation Bleeding Period. If implantation bleeding lasts
  • If implantation bleeding lasts

  • 124151155
    Mar 26, 10:08 PM
    Cloud-Focused? Any more information on this?

    Implantation Bleeding Period. If implantation bleeding lasts
  • If implantation bleeding lasts

  • nuckinfutz
    May 8, 05:39 PM
    I meant it might happen, it's just a thought.

    Well they did kill itools so in the end they'd have to kill the whole MobileMe brand.

    Luckily the Apple today is cash rich compared to the Apple 8 or so years ago. We certainly should be expecting more from Apple.

    Implantation Bleeding Period. Implantation Bleeding?
  • Implantation Bleeding?

  • AppleIntelRock
    Sep 16, 01:27 PM
    Well i just gave in an ordered my MBP15" so i would get it before uni starts and well its going to ship on monday and delivered by wednesday UK store still has 24hrs shipping on all MBP's.

    Still i cant wait for it to arrive. im like a 4 year old at christmas when i get a new mac :P


    Implantation Bleeding Period. Implantation+leeding+
  • Implantation+leeding+

  • admanimal
    Mar 26, 11:33 PM
    I really hope wwdc is going to focus on computers rather than its IOS toys.

    Yeah, because why would Apple want to focus the event on iOS, which is only its most widely adopted platform with the most developers?

    Implantation Bleeding Period. Implantation bleeding?
  • Implantation bleeding?

  • uber_nerd
    Apr 23, 05:45 PM
    The basic fact is vector graphics aren't always appropriate. A lot of things really can only be done, or can be done much better, with pixels. For any image with a lot of detail, it's easier -- both for the artists making them, and for the computers rendering them -- to store an extremely high resolution bitmapped image, and then downscale it as necessary, than it is to make and render a vectorized version that is "truly" resolution independent.

    And now Apple's realized that by targeting "Retina Display" resolution levels, this is the last increase in image sizes they'll ever reasonably need: there's no point in making images bigger beyond this point (or displays with higher-than-retina-level DPI one would need to render them) because your eyes really won't be able to tell the difference.

    See above for the win!

    It will be the last big change for mouse driven interfaces. Even if retina size monitors become massive (e.g. 50 inch) the physical size of an icon on the screen will remain the same as today. Increasing resolution beyond "retina" is pointless, it would only play to pixel-peeping freaks with magnifying glasses - hardly a profitable segment of society.

    Same reason print resolution has not increased in a long long time. Once printing resolution matured there were other things to focus on (colour, contrast, etc). Same will play out for computer monitors.

    Implantation Bleeding Period. implantation bleeding and
  • implantation bleeding and

  • 42streetsdown
    May 6, 01:50 AM
    This seems like an inevitable move in the convergence of iOS devices and Mac computers. They will eventually be the same thing. Powerful, robust, thin, power efficient, easy to use touch interface. Lion is moving in the direction of the iPad and iOS in general. The iPad has been gaining more Mac-like features and robust applications. I think the time tables are probably off. I don't see this happening for 4 to 5 years at the earliest. But with billions upon billions in cash reserves, Apple can pretty much do whatever they want!

    If this convergence were to happen i think it'd be more likely for iOS to take on intel processors, not the other way around.

    Implantation Bleeding Period. implantation bleeding few
  • implantation bleeding few

  • Vic320
    Apr 25, 09:18 AM
    This whole thing is stupid. Of course the iPhone will track what cell towers and wi-fi access points are around it. It needs this information to be able to make phone calls and access the internet. It makes sense that this info be stored so that it does not have to gather in info every time (basic cacheing). What Apple did not anticipate was that someone would find this database and would start screaming about an "invasion of privacy". It is probably something that Apple could have foreseen and they should have encrypted this info, but until someone proves that this info is actually being transmitted back to Apple, it's just a bunch of crap.

    Mar 27, 03:00 PM
    Heh. No LTE, no NFC, no bigger screen, no antenna fix, and now no iOS upgrade? What's the point in releasing an iPhone at all this year?

    These are just RUMORS! They will do at least some. Most likely, NFC, antenna fix, and IOS upgrade.

    Jul 30, 08:53 AM
    An iPod with phone capabilities is a both natural and necessary step for Apple. Seeing how e.g. SonyEricsson already provides cellphones with 4 Gb stored music, Apple needs to act fast.
    The interface of the iPod is brilliant, but I still believe that most people prefer one device instead of lugging around on both a cellphone and a Nano. The simple fact is that most of us have too many gadgets today; cellphone/iPod/digCam/PDA/GPS... You shouldn't need a dolly just to be able to bring all your "necessary" mobile electronic gadgets with you. Hence, including phone capabilities in the iPod is vital if Apple wants to stay in the mp3 market long term.

    Aug 2, 01:39 PM
    you have got to be CRAZY to think that he's going to intro an ipod at WWDC, when MW Paris is right around the corner! MW Paris in september is pretty much ALWAYS when they intro ipods and consumer products this time of year.
    I am still a bit curious why the last iPod-updater had text strings such as: "t_feature_app_PHONE_APP, kPhoneSignalStrength,
    if an iPhone isn't around the corner. It doesn't make sense to include that unless the iPhone is very close to be released.
    Besides, wouldn't it be beneficial, in terms of new apps, to let the developers know that the iPhone was about to be released very shortly?

    Apr 19, 11:09 AM
    I don't think anything will get done with the extreme left and extreme right fighting it out.

    With America's bleak looking future (S&P put a warning out today), something definitely has to be done. These small $10bil cuts over 10 years is not nearly enough. Those cuts are the same as me using pennies from those "Give a penny, take a penny" trays. They are moot and mean nothing.

    The US needs is a complete overall of its spending and tax code.

    Spending: Post every single line item on the internet so the people can see where the money is going. Place mandatory cuts on everything. Each department should be given a % of the country's income and that's all they get. NO MORE ISSUING DEBT.

    Taxes: Throw away the 1 million pages of tax codes and create something much more simple. Tax income (not necessarily rates) will have to go up in order for America to survive.

    -However, if income taxes go up, then make sales tax illegal. Since we are having problems with sales tax on online purchases in individual states, then just get rid of the program all together. It doesn't make sense anymore unless we have a VAT, which Americans can't afford. Sales tax is a double tax anyway. I already paid taxes on the money used to buy the goods, so why pay again?

    -EVERYONE needs to pay taxes. No more of this "45% of people don't pay anything." There should be a mandatory minimum rate that you cannot drop below no matter how many deductions you have. This could be as simple as your taxes cannot drop any more than 33% of your current tax bracket. So, If you are in a 10% bracket, your taxes will be no less than 7.66%.

    -Capital gains tax should only affect people making more than 50% (or some other %) of their income from capital gains. This will allow the average family to invest their money and contribute to the marketplace without being taxed on money that they already paid taxes on. Sure, they may make money or lose money on their investment, but let's cut them a break since they are using hard earned money. As for people who make more than 50% of their income from capital gains, tax them at the regular income rates.

    I'm not against tax increases as long as the country is using it as a last resort. I want to see a massive effort by both parties to fix our current deficit issue. Taxes are inevitable, but lets make a good effort to reduce spending before that happens. I want to see the government act responsibly before I give them more money.

    I can't believe I'm almost agreeing with someone who has a picture of George Bush as their avatar. :D

    I don't fully agree with "every item needs to be cut" in spending. We honestly do not need to be cutting education any more, as it's been the first on the chopping block for every cut thus far. The education system has its problems, that's for sure, but cutting its budget will only create more. Almost everything else could easily see some cuts, especially defense. I think the cuts should come from finding waste and fraud in the larger social programs, which I'm sure is rampant. But finding those would probably cost as much money as it saves.

    Fully agree on simplifying tax code. The tax code is out of control and should be much, much simpler. There are things in there that must involve three people in the country. "Do you own land on which a blue house stands that was flooded on the second Tuesday of any month ending in an 'y'?" I think most deductions could be done away with, especially the really specialized ones.

    Not sure how sales tax cutting would help the states, as they are the ones who are receiving that income. I wish STATE income tax returns would be simplified, especially for non residents. My non-resident California state return this year was larger than my federal return. That's BS. A non-resident tax return should be a post card: I made $xxx in your state, your rate is x%, I owe $xx.

    Indeed, everyone should pay some sort of tax, even if it's only a few percent. If you get that back in social services, then great, you win. But everyone should put something in the pot.

    I can go with your capital gains idea, but I might even go lower than 50% as the starting point. Our household income is just over six figures, and I have a bit over the six-figure mark in various investments currently. My Capital Gains last year? $35. A whopping .03%. Obviously, last year wasn't the best investment year, but I think the 50% mark could be high. Say anyone with over 30% in capital's not money they "worked hard" for, so they can't use that argument. It's basically free money.

    Apr 5, 02:06 PM
    That ad should be pulled for one reason, it's ugly as sin.
    I am sure part of the deal is giving Toyota discount on iAds.

    Business is business.

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