In Line Fuse


  • hob
    Mar 27, 05:03 PM
    Cloud based services will require mobile phone operators to change their pricing structures or see lots of dissapointed customers.

    O2 UK - 24 month contract �35pm, right now = 1000 SMS's, 600 minutes, 500MB data. I'd far rather see 500SMS's, 300 minutes, 1.5GB data... but of course, the SMS and minutes cost them next to nothing vs. data costs...

    In Line Fuse. In your case fit an in-line
  • In your case fit an in-line

  • Slurpy2k8
    Apr 7, 02:19 PM
    Some of you people are ****ing hilarious, and heinously hypocritical.

    The same people who bash (and are still bashing) Apple for not having enough iPad2 supply (to satiate an absolutely insane demand), calling it some sort of conspiracy to create demand, are the same people now bashing Apple for procuring and guaranteeing these components ahead of time, which inevitably has had a negative effect on companies.

    What the hell do you people want? Apple will clearly sell every damn iPad2 they produce, and they'll do what they need to do to produce as much as they can. Having a ton of cash reserves, and the foresight to pay for these compoenents in advance makes them an effective, and intelligent company, not monopolistic. Should Apple shoot itself in the face to please its competitors? Should any company? Unbelievable.

    In Line Fuse. via an in-line fuse.
  • via an in-line fuse.

  • Xenious
    Sep 11, 10:02 AM
    While I am excited I'm still not convienced we can conquer the bandwidth issues for higher resolution sources. What I would really like to see (yes I'm dreaming, copywrite, etc) is iTunes to let me do what I do for music with my movies. I realize you can do this today, but lets make it built in and easy. I put a DVD in and iTunes asks me if I want to "rip" it into my video library. The fattest download pipe is when I buy a DVD off the shelf and take it home.

    At 15$ a pop I'd rather have a physical DVD. I'm one of the odd ones that was/is hoping for rental subscriptions. I would like the same model as netflix except with the downloads. I pay a monthly fee and can download and watch x movies at the same time. The beauty over netflix there is if I want to watch a movie, I can have it relatively faster then waiting for it to ship.

    Finally I of course want a real video ipod. Even if the content isn't all available yet from iTunes, I can make my own and will have the new hardware form factor. One year and holding I am waiting to upgrade my old 3G ipod with dying battery.

    In Line Fuse. High Current In-Line Fuse
  • High Current In-Line Fuse

  • cdallen
    Mar 30, 11:23 AM
    That seems quite rude. Wikipedia happens to have a wealth of base level knowledge. I understand that one should not cite it when doing in depth research but when looking for general knowledge it is a great source.

    Many of my professors have realized this and told us that if we need a different explanation of something to look it up on Wikipedia because it tends to use more common language than out text books. The do not allow citing Wikipedia no matter how well the article is sourced.

    Just like any book you look at using for research you must weigh the quality before choosing to use it.

    That being said, any college level class in history that covers the Cold War will talk about Alfred Sauvy and his contribution to how we talk about the world during that time period.

    Thank you

    In Line Fuse. 4 Gauge Power Cable amp; In-Line
  • 4 Gauge Power Cable amp; In-Line

  • chasemac
    Jul 30, 01:12 AM
    I think it's real. No signs of photoshopping and the pic was taken in an elevator :D

    Awesome!:) Its real. Go ahead, verify the source!:)

    In Line Fuse. splash-proof in-line fuse
  • splash-proof in-line fuse

  • ryboflavo
    Jul 30, 01:13 PM
    I'd say get the Nokia 6682 until January, which is when the Apple phone is more likely to be announced. Just a guess, I doubt Apple would announce such a product at WWDC. Who knows? By the way, the Nokia 6682 is probably the best phone on the market right now. Cosmetically, it's decent and fuctionally, it out performs most. Good size for phone for those who actually like holding a phone to your ear and yet, small enough to carry around.

    January, and probably won't be called in iPhone. Apple will innovate a whole new concept to music and how we use cell phones. Let's not limit our thinking to just iPods and cell phones. I read an article awhile back about Apple's interest in the high-speed Internet market (for cell phones). Imagine if calling someone was more like an audio/video chat instead. Now that would be sweet.


    In Line Fuse. is a typical in-line fuse
  • is a typical in-line fuse

  • Saladinos
    Apr 26, 02:45 PM
    Apple needs to respond. I would prefer them to do it with an iOS overhaul and some diversification of their product line. Apple won't sacrifice margins significantly, so to expand market share they should appeal to more people and step up advertising on the cheaper previous-gen models.

    Apple will still rule the tablet space though.

    In Line Fuse. ANL In Line Fuse Holder
  • ANL In Line Fuse Holder

  • daneoni
    Mar 30, 08:57 PM
    Can't say I've been excited by new OSes since Panther/Tiger. Yay it's more iOS-like and we get an app store.


    In Line Fuse. Bussman in-Line Fuse Holder
  • Bussman in-Line Fuse Holder

  • Eidorian
    Mar 30, 11:05 PM
    The lack of color in the system icons is god awful. Color graphics are much more easily identified than a scaled down grey icon.Grey is the new grey at Apple it seems. The stark minimalism is starting to become an issue.

    In Line Fuse. Littelfuse in Line Fuse Holder
  • Littelfuse in Line Fuse Holder

  • Eidorian
    Mar 29, 02:38 PM
    Why in limbo? The "phone part" of the Iphone is widely acknowledged to be craptastic.True enough, I am still in search of a mobile internet device with a camera. The iPad 3G comes close except in price, size, and the mediocre camera.

    I am not willing to frivolously spend money on such an endeavor just to return it to the store. I already feel guilty enough about my many product returns to the point where I believe my card number is just shy of being blacklisted. Thank god for cash.

    I have a good inner circle of friends but our jobs and relationships are really killing what free time we have to game. That limits my desire to an Alienware M11x to have something portable for games.

    The internet just needs to get to the point where it really is everywhere as a public service before I really buy into it. Sadly we are not there yet.

    In Line Fuse. FUSEHOLDER 6.3X32 IN LINE

  • blow45
    Mar 29, 03:57 PM
    Right I get that, and thats the point. On the military note does any country spend/waste more money than us on our armed forces. Not even close.

    The arms dealers run the US, pretty much, if one is a cynic here. And it's not only the money spent on them, it's the havoc they wreak worldwide. Ask the Libyans, the Iraqis, the Afganis, the Serbs, the Vietnamese, the Cubans etc. etc. It's the price to pay for being a world bully. I am not making a value judgement here, I am just calling it like it is, but I am myself OOT here, so I won't say anymore respecting the topic at hand and the forums.

    In Line Fuse. In-line fuses
  • In-line fuses

  • Wolfpup
    Nov 11, 09:27 AM
    What if free Antivirus software is designed to help identify security holes, and the best way to infect Mac's wide-scale?

    It couldn't help do that. I mean they only need a single copy of OS X to do that, not millions.

    I've always thought virii has to be engineered under contract by companies making the "solutions" to them, there are far too many virii out there on a daily basis, to such an extent that it has to be developed on a full-time basis with some corporate involvement somewhere.

    There probably are targeted attacks from corporations and governments, but mostly it's organized crime. And no, it's not the people providing protection (except for fake antimalware products, which started becoming common a few years back).

    unless there is money in making them..=]

    There is. That's also why Windows is the primary target of general malware (though that doesn't help you if someone is targeting a specific company or person-they'll attack whatever it is you're running).

    Sorry but any company that feeds fear and paranoia to sell or distribute their wares, needs to brought under check somehow.

    It's not fear and paranoia. Security vulnerabilities are real, and found all the time. And of course when it comes to malware, you don't even need that, social engineering can get it on people's systems too.

    In Line Fuse. Notice how I have an inline
  • Notice how I have an inline

  • ChrisNM
    Apr 25, 09:13 AM
    It's just the way you are holding your iPhone.

    In Line Fuse. In-Line Fuse Holders/ ATO-ATC
  • In-Line Fuse Holders/ ATO-ATC

  • Di9it8
    Aug 4, 04:07 AM
    Hopefully prior to Sept 16th so I can get the IPOD deal too.
    The iPod deal is to get rid of old stock, prior to the new models, as in the previous years:rolleyes:

    In Line Fuse. Tron® in-line fuse holders
  • Tron® in-line fuse holders

  • Merkie
    Mar 27, 06:53 AM
    I'd say that they have had a wakeup call with all of the new android honeycomb tablets coming out in competition and they are worried that the ipad2 won't look so good when there are other good options to choose from.
    The HP web os is also a very potent system which offers features much closer to a real computer than an entertainment gadget.

    If they wait around a year to update, they will be behind in features and specs, and the app market for android and web os will have grown in leaps and bounds as well.

    Let's face it, the majority of apps for phones and tablets are rubbish and we don't need 300k android apps that are equally rubbish and pointless.

    What we need are a few really good productivity apps on tablets with serious multitasking and connectivity features.

    And in the end, Apple knows that the fanboys will rush out and buy a new version of whatever they are selling, regardless of how recent the last version was.A wake-up call? Apple set the standard for tablets, and so far Apple is the only company who is able to sell millions of tablets. There are hardly and Android tablets available, and they're certainly not shipping in the volume as the iPad 2 is.

    Apple currenly has absolutely no reason to be worried at all. They have the best tablet, the best apps and the best reputation. Oh, and they own 99% of the market. Hardware-wise, the iPad 2 is top of the bill. Extremly fast GPU, dual core processor, increased RAM, dual cameras, 720p recording. The only aspect of the iPad 2 that might be lacking, is the OS. So if Apple wants to keep the lead, they should innovate on software, not hardware. The hardware is already top of the bill.

    iPad 3 release this fall makes no sense to me at all.

    In Line Fuse. (Picture of In-Line Fuse
  • (Picture of In-Line Fuse

  • slu
    Aug 7, 01:59 PM
    All I can say is Apple better be coming out with a mid-range tower. Upping the baseline of the MacPro to $2500, what is that. Sure it looks like a sweet computer, but what about small businesses or starving artists who cant afford that. Now we're stuck with the all-in-ones.

    You can configure it down in price as well you know. You can get 2.0 Ghz Xeons instead. If the store did not keep timing out on me, I'd tell you how much cheaper that would make it.

    In Line Fuse. The 30 amp in-line fuse turned
  • The 30 amp in-line fuse turned

  • ipedro
    May 4, 03:59 PM
    I think this will be part of Apple's lower prices for OS's. Snow Leopard was only $29 because it was more of a maintenance update for Leopard than a full new OS. But how do they explain that to customers who bought Leopard and will be asked to pay 4X as much?

    The fact that top selling MacBookAir doesn't have an optical drive, already implies that they will almost definitely sell a USB key with Lion so there's no reason to also sell it on a disc for the remaining Mac's who don't upgrade via the Mac App Store.

    Mac App Store: $49 | USB Key $59

    In Line Fuse. 3M Self Tapping In-Line Fuse
  • 3M Self Tapping In-Line Fuse

  • Steve121178
    Apr 26, 04:38 PM
    These smartphone stats are quite interesting. We have a open plan office and when I look around me I see about 5 iPhone 4's, 3 iPhone 3GS's and 1 android. :rolleyes:

    Also look at how much money Apple has in the bank now in relation to their smartphone market share...

    What's that got to do with anything?

    In Line Fuse. In-line fuse installation
  • In-line fuse installation

  • 0815
    Apr 5, 02:36 PM
    2010 - Apple Loses #1 Mobile OS spot to Android OS
    2011 - Apple pisses off their JB customers and loses 10% more
    2012 - Apple loses #2 and #3 spot to Windows Mobile & HP OS

    Within 12 months Apple will own the same market share as their computers, 9% ... and it'll have been the same story: rose to glory, abuse the customer and business partners, people get sick of the rulebook and leave for more open pastures.

    This is all deja vu from the 80s repeating itself, wow.

    I dumped iPhone at xmas, now I'll likely dump iPad 2 if this trend continues. If they really push the washington involvement to stop jailbreaking, I'll get rid of my 3 iMac\MB Air\MB Pro... I don't support companies who attack me. They're here because of me, not the opposite. If they don't get that, adios.

    Let's see it that way:
    - Microsoft needs to pay cellphone manufactures to put their OS on it (Nokia)
    - Google pulls an "Apple" to avoid nightmare fragmentation and over-customization of providers and their lack of support for new OS versions (as already admitted by google)
    - Apple will still make tons of money

    So apple is a sure winner, google still has a chance but needs to change things.

    Also: I don't feel attacked by Apple ... I have more the feeling they still put good quality products out, invest in innovation that is copied by others and keep the carrier from putting crap on the device, which I see as a good thing.

    Apr 21, 02:27 PM
    Not gonna happen

    Mar 30, 07:56 PM
    It looks so much worse. :(

    I like it, it's subtle enough.They didn't go overboard with the metaphor like they did with Address Book, which I find to be atrocious.

    Also, new filesystem for the Love of God… please! License something or develop your own… HFS+ is old and dead.

    They're working on it, I remember reading somewhere about a job posting for FS engineers to develop a new FS. They were going to use ZFS, but the licensing fell through.

    Jul 30, 11:30 PM
    Boy, that phone is fugly!

    It's the iphone killer no doubt!

    May 4, 06:12 PM
    I said it in the other thread : All for a download version of OS X Lion, but it should not be through the app store like the current DP. Checkout should provide you with a disc image that you burn to your own DVD/USB Thumb drive.

    It's how Linux distributions have been doing it for the last 10 years.

    Or if it really must be through the app store, provide a small disc image download that when booted off of, just provides an interface to sign-in to the App Store and install Lion, like RedHat was doing in 1996 with its "NetInstall" floppies that were just an installer than fetched its media over FTP or NFS.

    i'll have no problem with it being in the App store, so long as disc backups will be allowed (and easy to accomplish).

    Currently, 0% of app store products come with the option to make a physical backup. sure there's ways to do it, pretty easily in fact, but no apps are sold with this in mind because there's never been an app that'd need this feature before.

    I personally wouldn't buy Lion from the App Store with the current store's setup, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else either.

    Aug 2, 11:20 AM
    What time is the QT stream likely to be uploaded at

    BTW I know its not a live feed!

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