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  • mahonmeister
    Sep 20, 01:06 AM
    I am looking forward to this device but it seems I need a new TV.:)

    I really hope they add more buttons to the remote. There needs to be a better balance between simplicity & elegance vs functionality & practicality.

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  • archipellago
    May 2, 04:43 PM
    This sounds like you're under the mistaken impression that hackers are members of some kind of organization or ranking.... they're not. They are, for the most part, quite independent. There's no such thing as "Hacker, Class 3" or "Hacker, Class 1". Also, not all hackers write malware and not all malware writers are hackers. The more you offer such statements, the more you reveal that you have no idea what you're talking about.

    lol, sorry........I can't get into this but you are SO wrong its not true.

    there are governments around the world employing people to do this kind of thing.

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  • Multimedia
    Jul 12, 10:29 AM
    I bet the the Quad G5 will retain their value for awhile.Yes, it will. Given that many pro apps are still not Universal, and that many times first ported version is somewhat buggy, the PPC hardware running native PPC software will become very valuable during the next 12ish months.I agree. It is a classic that can also run classic. And it is incredibly quiet - a feature seldom mentioned that many find valuable. In any event the G5 Quad will still be the second fastest Mac after this first round of Mac Pros ship. And I'd still rather have four G5 cores than two Core 2 Duo cores. Wouldn't you?

    But I also think that for certain verticle markets, like video that are already completely Universal, this new IntelQuad may perform significantly faster than the G5 Quad - enough so for many video pros to take the leap. Looking forward to the benchmarks on this front. But realy waiting for 8 cores with Leopard next Spring. :)

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  • Liquorpuki
    Mar 15, 11:38 PM
    I did a little reading and now am a one minute expert... :p

    I've read these reactors did auto shut down when the earthquake hit. The problem is that the rods create tremendous persistent heat even after a shutdown, and it is the lack of cooling water that is causing the problem.

    Could it be considered a myth that any nuclear reactor can be expected to automatically safely shutdown when power to all safety systems are lost no matter how it is designed?

    And who was saying this could not be like Chernobyl??

    If you want to get technical, the lack of cooling water was caused by the inability to activate the backup generators. The switchgear for the backup generators was flooded by the tsunami. I could come up with a ton of engineering design decisions that could've prevented this and none of them have to do with the reactor or nuclear technology
    - Not putting critical switchgear in a basement that could get flooded
    - Pre-installing pumps in the basement to remove the water in the case of a flood
    - Having a redundant set of switchgear/BU generators with an additional switchover scheme in the event the primary switchgear malfunctions
    - Having an additional distribution panel or tap point so I could use portable generators to power the cooling system
    - Building a taller tsunami barrier
    - Putting all critical components in a secure building, not just the reactor.

    Even though the radiation leak is devastating because, well it's radiation, it's the electrical and structural engineers who failed here, not the nuclear engineers. Personally I think there needs be a design standards revision when it comes to nuclear stations, which is what I'm hoping other countries are referring to when they say they're watching and taking notes.

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  • shawnce
    Oct 26, 12:04 PM
    Run an RGB to CMYK conversion on a 1 Gig Photoshop file with embedded profiles -- watch activity monitor. See that all four processors kick in for this processes. Many Photoshop processes efficiently use all four processors.

    Just wanted to note...

    It is easy to confuse a single thread bouncing among available cores as it gets scheduled (which happens easily on Mac OS X) and multiple threads executing in parallel on multiple cores if you look at per CPU utilization graphs because of sampling artifacts.

    In top you want to look at "CPU usage" or in activity monitor look at "% Idle". If idle CPU usage is close to zero then you are truly utilizing the cores in your system which often implies that the application you are using is spreading the work across the available cores. In a four core system if idle CPU is around 75% (usually several percentage points under that because of system related threads supporting the application) then the application is really only using a single core (single threaded). In a four core system if idle CPU is around 50% then the application is really only using two cores (two threads). etc.

    You can also look at load average in top. If the load average is around 1 then the work load on the system is on average only utilizing one core. If the load average is around 2, then on average two cores are being utilized. etc. If the load average is greater then the number of cores in the system then the work load is greater then what the cores in the system can run concurrently.

    Note load average (and CPU %) will be depressed if the work load is IO bound and not CPU bound... so an application could be attempting to utilize multiple cores (use multiple threads) but IO bandwidth, etc. is starving those threads of the data they need and hence preventing them from executing.

    The best way to know that an application is utilizing multiple threads for a task is to use tools like sample and Shark.

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  • mattk3650
    Apr 5, 09:23 PM
    Wanna know the reason behind this. People on Verizon don't have the iPhone and aren't leaving the company so they just buy the next best thing.

    If there's no iPhone on Verizon before 2011 I'm getting a Droid so hurry up Apple.

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    Sep 12, 06:54 PM
    Have fun sitting down to your computer to record shows. I get the vision, I reallly do, and I wanted Apple to pull it off better than anyone. But having to record HD content from one piece of hardware, convert it on my computer, load it onto iTunes and stream it to another piece of hardware (iTV) isn't exactly user friendly. The fact of the matter is, Apple doesn't really want you recording TV. So, while not impossible, you do have to jump through a few hoops. Having used TiVo for years, I would never convert to such a complicated system. If Apple had a DVR, they'd also have my business.

    You are making a lot of Assumptions regarding complications. The addition of USB to iTV makes a host of third party addons possible that could easily surpass Tivo.

    Wait and see -- it happened quickly with the iPod 4 years ago. It will be cheaper too -- no monthly fees and all managed by Front Row.

    Now that is EASY!

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  • UnixMac
    Oct 7, 07:27 PM did no such thing, and no offense was taken. I didn't join this thread till the last post. I only used Hitler as an example becasue it rang true of the same kind of "head in the sand" attitude we in the Mac community take at times.

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  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 04:08 PM
    Most of Punjab belongs to Pakistan, not India. But yes, in the Indian part of Punjab, I'm sure that most honour-killings are not within Muslim families.

    Hence I suggest that it is not purely religion based.

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  • EricNau
    May 8, 05:08 PM
    I can honestly and without exaggeration say that over half of the calls placed with my iPhone drop, and it's been getting progressively worse in both cities where I use my phone. It's practically unusable.

    My phone so consistently cycles between full bars and no service that Apple replaced my phone under warranty, to no avail.

    I love my iPhone, but AT&T needs to go.

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  • OllyW
    Apr 23, 02:28 PM
    I don't think me being an atheist is connected to my choice of computer. I used Windows for 10 years before I bought my first Mac and I'd considered myself an atheist at least 10 years before I bought my first ever PC.

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  • Xtremehkr
    Mar 18, 07:09 PM
    I can understand why people would think this is a good thing. But at the same time, there are consequences for Apple. Apple sells others peoples songs, if they thought that selling to Apple would mean that their songs could be immediately transfered to P2P outlets they would be reluctant to supply ITMS with any songs.

    When it comes to picking ITMS over a different outlet, the amount of available content has a lot to do with it.

    I am really curious about who is behind this new group. This software is a poison pill for ITMS, as far as label owners are concerned.

    Steve was just in the news for sending an email claiming that a rivals software was easily hacked in order to bypass the restrictions in place to prevent downloaders from freely sharing the music they have purchased.

    This smacks of corporate skullduggery at its worst.

    On a positive note, it proves that Apple is the company to go after in this area.

    On the other hand, Apple needs to step up and protect its interests in this area.

    For some reason, 'PlaysForSure' keeps coming to mind.

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  • Backtothemac
    Oct 7, 10:57 AM
    Originally posted by TheT
    I think Mac users just live in their happy little world and think their computers are still the best... well, wake up!
    As of now, PCs kick every Mac's ass, they are just simply faster! Mhz may not matter that much, but a 2Ghz DP compared to a 1.25Ghz DP has to be faster, if you configure it right.
    The reason I use a mac is the software, no Windows can beat OSX! And, as a matter of fact, my mac looks better than any of the pcs my friends have...

    Um, no. You are wrong. Just because the Intel machine is 2GHZ doesn't mean squat. Pipelines, stages, all of this matters. Don't assume anything about the quality of a 25 year old architecture. X86 blows crap, and always will.

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  • maccompaq
    Nov 11, 07:30 PM
    It is looking good for Verizon to get the iPhone next year. That will take a lot of pressure off the overloaded AT&T network.

    Another benefit, the Apple stock will go up a lot.

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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 13, 01:56 PM
    Does it matter where a carpenter buys his hammer?

    Usually no but with the AppStore no corporation can buy anything. All licenses belong to the attached AppleID that makes the purchase. Its a huge flaw in the AppStore Model.

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  • Eidorian
    Jul 13, 07:17 AM
    Like I said, my laptop has a hotter CPU in it. I've yet to hear a good argument as to why a Conroe is too hot to put in an iMac when they had G5's in them not so long ago. If a Macbook can handle 35W then the much much bigger and thicker iMac can handle 65W.
    The below lists power consumed by the part, they are not TDP numbers (only part of the power consumed by a chip leaves the chip as heat, heat is what you have to dissipate and is what TDP attempts define).

    PPC 970fx power optimized part (@ 2GHz)
    40W average, 45-50 W max, 23 W throttle back (half frequency)

    PPC 970fx standard part (@ 2GHz)
    48W average, 55-60 W max, 29 W throttle back (half frequency)

    To me this puts the PPC 970fx below the TDP of a Conroe... I would say the TDP for the PPC 970fx (@2Ghz) is around 40 W (if not lower).Conroe might be possible for the iMac. But why redesign the motherboard when you can just DROP IN Merom where Yonah once was?

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  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 21, 09:48 AM
    1. Android phones beat the iPhone to the punch. FACT.
    2. Android ALSO helps the needs of those who do not afford to buy an iPhone but need a smartphone. FACT.
    3. Android manufacturers are making more money than ever. [Samsung, HTC are a proof] FACT.
    4. Android has been a blatant rip off of the iPhone from day 1 OR day -1. FACT.
    5. Android provides a very fragmented experience compared to the integrated experience on iOS. FACT.
    6. Android is devoid of any viable OR any ecosystem. FACT.
    7. Apple makes more profit through the iPhone than all of the competitors combined. FACT.
    8. iOS with iTunes, Mac OS X, AppleTV and cloud services provides the best ecosystem available. Arguable. BUT FACT.
    9. Apple DOES care about the marketshare; Apple DOES care about the money; APPLE does care about the user experience. FACT.
    10. Android fanboys are comparitively bitter and are very rude to the fellow commentors and especially Apple and Steve Jobs. FACT.

    That's all I could come up with.

    1. What "punch"? If we're going to use arbitrary words, iPhones beat Android to the "desert". FACT
    2. Phone carriers selling Android devices and offering incentives helps the needs of those who do not afford to buy an iPhone but need a smartphone. I fixed it for you.
    3. No, they aren't. Please link some sources stating so?
    4. Sure, I'll give you that if you want to say it's a ripoff. This is a whole other issue.
    5. Sure. It's bound to.
    6. That tends to be the way of the Open Source area.
    7. I'd hope so. Any competitors selling iPhones should probably be sued, since you know, that'd be a blatant rip off.
    8. Sure.
    9. Yes, yes and yes.
    10. They're really just as bad as Apple's fanboys. I've noticed that the only difference in comments from the huge Apple fanboys and anti Apple fanboys are generally the words "Best" and "Worst" get flip flopped.

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  • dgree03
    Apr 21, 08:49 AM
    I agree with everything you just said, it's the same concept as tethering without paying the mandatory fee. People will try to justify stealing in any way possible.

    So are you going to tell me that paying for tethering ON TOP OF DATA YOU ALREADY PAID FOR is fair? Data is data is data... 4gb is 4gb no matter how I use it. Tethering cost are a joke!:mad: /end rant

    You are joking right?

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  • ender land
    Apr 23, 11:20 PM
    You are correct ... there are no Gods ... zero ... nada ... zilch.

    I am not sure what all that other rambling on you were going on about ... most of it made no sense

    Nice. You've proven my point with that one statement. Congratulations, you are my first I & R.

    Thank you. I thought it was only me.

    We don't have the answers, so why must we persist in this feckless inquiry??

    No, we are not the centre of the Universe, as was believed not-so-long-ago, but still our delusions of grandeur carry us forward, along this path to nothingness.


    I guess this sort of style of posting is why the question in the OP is relevant. Thanks guys for providing examples of what I was talking about in my initial posts in this thread.

    For what it's worth, I enjoyed the past few hours of posting, as I greatly enjoy people challenging my beliefs and causing me to think through positions I hold and believe. Thank you to those of you who participated in the actual discussion (this includes you Mac'nCheese, in spite of your last post). If any of you honestly do care to continue this discussion, feel free to PM me.
    Sep 12, 06:55 PM
    If you're suggesting that Front Row's remote would be suitable for a DVR, I think you're dead wrong.

    I never said that. I said a USB device would control the PVR recording software from any TV in your house.

    The Front Row remote manages all content easily just like it does now, today.

    Apr 9, 07:46 AM
    Apple will buy Nintendo eventually.

    It's over for Nintendo.

    Get ready for the iwii


    Mar 13, 03:54 PM
    Let me guess, that involves overturning governments and the acceptance of a pastoral lifestyle based on Anarcho-Marxism, right?

    Anarcho-Marxism makes about as much sense as Anarcho-Capitalism,that is none.Who said anything about a pastoral lifestyle,you clearly have no idea how the so-called "free market" wastes energy resources.To take one example,what are the energy consequences of collecting milk in Scotland transporting it by road to Southampton packaging it and returning it to Scotland for sale,it's profitable but it's not sensible at all.Or how about flying apples from Australia to the U.K. (which has it's own apple industry) then flying them to South Africa to be waxed then back to the U.K. for sale,or people collecting waste materials in the U.K. only for them to be shipped to China and then back as the same f--ing waste (packaging). /rant.

    Apr 23, 11:37 PM
    Whatever:rolleyes: ... Like I care that you think I am an idiot ...

    For what it's worth, I don't think you're an idiot.

    You simply made a statement that I'm not willing to make.

    Mar 25, 06:27 PM
    How many hours in a day do you people pursue these fruitless (no pun intended) arguments, when there are people in your own neighbourhood that could use a helping hand?

    (Well, I for one feel better now.) :D

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