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  • Cleverboy
    Apr 7, 10:48 AM
    The sad part is its lack of focus. The Playbook has, what might be, the best real time OS ever put on the market. QnX is really kick a$$.

    RIM is killing it with no idea what to do with it. Program with Air, Flash, Android, C, C++, Java, the kitchen sink.

    If it runs Android Apps just OK, will anyone bother to write real apps for it? Instead of having 200 programming APIs on the thing, RIM should get a native email client.
    Exactly. That's my take-away. They're so late to the game, they feel driven to make sure they're relevant by trying to support everything.... versus making sure they provide quality support of what they DO offer. If they really wanted Flash and Air, they should have let that be the END of it. Just make Flash and Air work really well, and then require new applications.

    And, you forget Playbook ALSO runs Blackberry applications. What's the point of a realtime OS that no one takes advantage of? And they DO require Android apps to be resubmitted with a certificate to App World. My guess is that it won't run that app you bought and ran last year on your Droid 1. So, it's a big cesspool of technology as it stands. I'm curious if it will come across that way in the end... and if all that emulation and simultaneous processing winds the battery down... much.

    ~ CB

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  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 06:19 PM
    They�re not making any assumptions. You are.

    The results of this poll are sad.

    What is my assumption?

    They are assuming that all the engineers know the right answer, and that math is a language that is the same all over the world.

    Cry then if it makes you sad.

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  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 10:53 AM
    We all remember the internal meeting Jobs held discussing how Google was in effect 'declaring war on Apple' by invading their "mobile" turf; what if this is Apple reciprocating. Offering similar options to Gmail for free and attempting to complement MobileMe with iAds in an attempt to unthrone Google. With the high hopes Apple has for iAds (as suggested by the rumors regarding the high developer pricing of iAds) it does make sense, and in the very least, try to hurt Google. Another intriguing question is: would Apple loyalists prefer Apple service over another as long as the quality is acceptable (perhaps even if the quality was less than the options, at first).

    Apple has been doing this stuff since .mac so they've been on the turf for a while. iAds is not gonna be a part of the equation. Apple's building a huge datacenter in NC and with free Mobileme it gives developers a "no brainer" incentive to use Mobileme for their OTA sync. Wifi sync does nothing but irritate the user IMO.

    This isn't about hurting Google this is about taking the next leap forward in computing by melding cloud services with mobile and desktop computing

    Why not just make it a $20 product instead of giving it away for no profit?

    Because Free always has better uptake as witnessed by the legions of people that let Google scrape their emails and other data to provide targeted ads. These people actually perceive this as being "Free" when in fact you're letting Google profit handsomely off your data.

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  • MikeTheC
    Nov 25, 08:14 PM
    I wouldn't mind having Apple sell them (and I'm guessing they will to some degree), but we also have to think in terms of the market as is. If I can get a free phone through my provider every x years, I'm going to do that instead of buying outside the company (even if it is crap). If I can get an upgrade for between $50 and $300, I might consider it when I'm in the store renewing my plan. Apple can gain presence only by going through established channels; it's not to say that you won't be able to buy one in an Apple store, just that consumers who like to do comparison shopping when they get their phones might like to see an iPhone in a TMobile/Verizon/3rd party carrier store.

    I'm of two minds on this. First, I think Apple would have a problem with cell phone providers who wouldn't want to extend service to hardware not purchased through them. Why should they? They're not getting a kickback on the phone. And besides, these people buying their phones from outside sources are just a minority of users, anyhow. A minority they may feel fully capable and even justified in ignoring.

    The second thought is: how many people here remember when car dealerships were exclusive dealerships? That is, a Pontiac dealer only sold Pontiacs, a Mercury dealer only sold Mercurys, a Ford dealership only sold Fords, etc. All of that began to fade away in the mid-1980s. Now you have dealerships that sell multiple brands. My point here being that this whole "exclusive" and "main squeeze" rationale used in the cell phone industry is just as carved in stone as the car dealership thing "was".

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  • Apple OC
    May 2, 09:06 PM
    The main reason that it will never happen -> they never will charge the gas by the liter, they want to keep it by the gallon...and continue increasing the price, if they change to the liters...a lot of people will be confused and start to complaint and blame the price increases on the metric system...wait they may want to use it as a smoke flare....hum,....:confused:

    $1.38 per litre for gas sounds cheaper ... Gas pricing may be the reason the US adopts the metric system

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  • gnomeisland
    Apr 28, 03:14 PM
    If not this year then soon I predict Apple will revamp the MP to be a module system tied together using TB. Of course, I hope they'll wait until the 100GB TB spec is ratified and in use, otherwise it will be a step backwards. But overall I think it could be a serious improvement for the MP. You buy the "brain" you want (mini ala i3/i5, a middle brain with Desktop i5/i7, and a "pro" brain with 1 or 2 Xeons. The brain would be CPU, RAM, USB, and TB (and perhaps wireless and ethernet). You can buy storage containers and video containers as you need.

    This system would be easily and quickly standardized (commoditized) giving continuing Apple's tight fist of control but letting them spin off the lowest margined, fasting changing areas of video processors and storage.

    I personally think it will work a bit like RED's cameras ushering a new era of embedded and server room technology. You could have a fanless I/O station and/or monitor sitting on your desk with all the fans and heavy lifting equipment isolated somewhere else.

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  • illbeback
    Apr 5, 04:31 PM
    Jobs should just make an iCar and show Toyota how to do it!

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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 7, 01:26 PM
    People keep saying this like if they say it enough it will make it true.

    The iPad and iPad 2 were designed, created, released and supported with ZERO Competition.

    Apple creates products and experiences for their customers. I know it is hard to believe that everyone is just not as lazy as they need to be, and only do something if someone else pushes them but it is possible.

    What people don't seem to realize is APPLE is the COMPETITION that pushes the others, not the other way around. Apple destroyed the MP3 player market made with sucky products. They destroyed the smartphone market made with sucky products, they created the tablet market. They don't need competition, but all these other companies need Apple to steamroll them I guess.

    All Apple did was created a premium brand. Technology was cheap and affordable in the MP3 market. You could pick up an MP3 player for under a $100 bucks until Apple came into the market with its $300 dollar iPod.

    Apple is not the competition, Apple is the trend setter.

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  • InsanelyApple
    May 3, 04:53 PM
    I can tell you that a lot of stuff manufactured in the US is still using the old units. We Canadians, supposedly metric, get to live with it. We don't make our own paint cans, so we buy a gallon of paint. But... we can't label it as a gallon so it's sold as a 3.79 litre can. Same thing for beer. We buy it in 331ml, or 347ml units (or something like that).

    Best of all.... When Environment Canada calls for a -5� day I crank the thermostat up to 69 and think about roasting a 3kg chicken with 1/2lb of potatoes, in an oven set at 375. When I bought the chicken the supermarket had a sale on in the deli. Buy 1/2 lb of sliced roast beef, and get 100gs of potato salad free.

    I'll drive 10 km to visit my friend who lives in a 1200sq/ft house. It's nice, they have a view since they are 300m(etres) up the bluff. They can see Five Mile Creek, which is at least 25km away. Except if it's storming. We can storms here with winds of at least 100kph and that will drop an inch or two of rain. On the mainland, the Fraser river, which is over 2200 km long, can rise 10, 12, even 15 feet in the spring melt. The flow is an astronomical number of cubic feet per minute, and it gotta be moving at a 15-20kph easy. Though sometimes they do quote that figure in cubic metres per minute (264 gallons).

    I have both imperial and a metric socket wrench kits. I've assembled BBQs that had both. You can tell which parts came from the US, and which didn't. IKEA is always metric. Lawnmowers are typically Imperial. My camera gear is both. (Tripod sockets are 1/4 or 1/8 inch coarse threads. Lighting stands use metric allen keys, unless they are US made.)

    So to my American Cousins. Just switch already and get it over with! Make life easier for every one else in the world, 'kay!?! Eh?

    I don't even bother with calculating fuel economy any more. The official measurement is litres/100km, but I still think in MPG, but buy fuel in litres. But I know that our Smart car has an 8 gallon tank.

    Feel sorry for you, bud. XD

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  • guzhogi
    Aug 4, 01:54 PM
    without software, not much
    Duh, I mean what advantage would 64-bit processors & software over 32-bit?

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  • hexor
    Apr 26, 03:17 PM
    It's not *that" deceptive... they did include "US smartphone usage" in the headline.

    I'll bet you money they include Android tablets in the same chart if an Android tablet ever actually sells significant numbers. And it IS deceptive because they did not point out that the chart is completely different if you included all Apple iOS devices, whereas if you included all other Android devices besides phones the chart wouldn't change.

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  • dukebound85
    Apr 10, 12:14 PM
    I agree with I student UK using the constraints of / makes it rather ambiguos (did I spell that right) as I originally read it. I believed the 2(9+3) to be in the denominator in which case the answer is clearly 2

    You can't assume that 2(9+3) is under the denominator

    They way it is explicitly written is interpreted to be (48/2)*(9+3)

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  • Vic320
    Apr 25, 09:18 AM
    This whole thing is stupid. Of course the iPhone will track what cell towers and wi-fi access points are around it. It needs this information to be able to make phone calls and access the internet. It makes sense that this info be stored so that it does not have to gather in info every time (basic cacheing). What Apple did not anticipate was that someone would find this database and would start screaming about an "invasion of privacy". It is probably something that Apple could have foreseen and they should have encrypted this info, but until someone proves that this info is actually being transmitted back to Apple, it's just a bunch of crap.

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  • celo48
    Apr 6, 05:36 PM
    They should call it Boom instead. It exploded and it is done.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 5, 11:28 PM
    It sort of makes you think what it would be like if Apple took a hand at other industries. This theme is absolutely fugly. Toyota basically turned the iphone into a zone.

    What if the tables were turned? If Toyota can make the iphone so unappealing, then how much better would the design of a Toyota be if Apple redesigned it?

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  • MacbookSwitcher
    Mar 29, 03:14 PM
    I avoid most american made products, half of them are crap. Prime examples are the cars made by Chrysler and GM between 2000-2008. This however are drastically improving though, not sure if we (Americans) could produce all of these things with taxes, restrictions, trade barriers etc. I am sure there are very good reasons why the parts are made there and not here. Plus there is a plethora of unknown pollution aspects of producing tech products. Tree hugger's would freak

    What a stupid statement. Are you aware that Apple is an American company? So is Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, GE and other world-leading companies.

    What's your alternative? Can you even name more than one world-class Chinese company?

    *rolls eyes*

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  • iSee
    Apr 7, 11:59 AM
    ...Besides ongoing software testing, RIM was also unable to procure enough touch panels since "Apple already booked up most of the available capacity".

    This is a nice narrative but very unlikely.
    1. RIM is a very experienced hardware developer that knows perfectly well how to procure the components it needs well ahead of time.

    2. Realistically, they need only a relatively tiny number of screen to launch. What Apple is doing isn't on an entirely different level and isn't really going to distrupt the tiny production runs that RIM is going to start with. They won't start competing with Apple for production capacity until they have a hit on their hands. Obviously that may never happen.

    Much more likely they have some serious bugs to fix before they can release. They basically admit as much with the euphamism "ongoing software testsing."

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 25, 10:34 AM
    "We don't track anyone." probably true, but he forgot to say the rest of the phrase. :)

    ...the file is there if the FBI, CIA, NSA or whoever needs it.

    And they can get the same data from AT&T or Verizon from tower pings.

    Don't you watch CSI? :p

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  • Erasmus
    Aug 4, 06:48 PM
    New iMacs next Tuesday. I'll take one if it comes with a Conroe, Apple, thank you. But of course, if that's too hot, a Merom would do fine, too. Unless it will still use that dull 667MHz FSB, of course. At least put in an X1800 in it. Oh, and 1GB of RAM. And, while you're at it, throw in a 24" display too. And get rid of the lower bevel of the 'display design'. All that, and I'm buying straight away. If it will come pre-loaded with Leopard and will have a universal BlueRay/HD DVD-burner built-in, that is.


    But seriously, I'm soooo ready for a new iMac. This 800MHz G4 iMac is getting old. It works like a charm, still, and is plenty fast for most stuff, but it just doesn't feel right anymore. Also, I never had quite the relationship with it as with my old 233MHz G3 iMac. I WANT A NEW iMAC! AND I WANT IT NOW!

    Sounds like someone wants an iMac Ultra! (Really final Propaganda)
    We Apple customers want an iMac with at LEAST (preferrably >>) 2.4 Conroe, at least an X1800 with 512 MB (Which should be quite likely if the PMs (sorry MPs) get SLI), a 23" screen, which Apple should have plenty of from their Cinema D's, and more RAM slots than you can polk a 2Gb RAM stick at (Meaning >=4), with most of them filled.

    All for under AU$4 Grand.

    That should take care of all gamers, any professionals who require a reasonably portable Desktop with awesome power, and in fact, anyone else.


    MBPs do use Lithium Polymer batteries. It says so on the Apple MBP website. I'm sure the MBs do too.


    As an aside, is anyone else here as happy as I am that we will never see one of those evil "Pentium" chips in our precious Macs? Hooray, there will be no Pentium 5! (Unless they call the Conroe line Pentium, like they keep calling Core Duo "Centrino Duo", to my utmost annoyance. Isn't Centrino the "Budget" brand name?)

    Death (Or severe overheating and frying) to all Pentiums!


    Anyone else here interested in an iMac Ultra?

    Anyone else have an extreme and probably unwarranted hatred of the Pentium moniker?

    Aug 2, 11:16 AM
    Apple's been so boring this year, with a bluetooth might mouse just about the most exciting release thus far... I have expectations Apple, don't let me dont please

    Erm... did you miss the whole Intel thing? :rolleyes:

    Aug 7, 04:26 PM
    I wonder why Apple didn't include an IR port & remote with the Mac Pro? It also doesn't ship with Front Row.

    It's especially odd considering Apple was touting Front Row as part of Leopard.


    Also, if you hit the EJECT key on the keyboard while you have two optical drives installed, will they both open?

    Questions, questions...

    May 3, 01:54 PM
    I think that it's simply about money. It would just be too expensive to change over to the Metric system in the US at this point.
    No, it wouldn't. Many non-American institutions do teach the Imperial system on the side, all you have to do it put the focus on the metric system to get a smoother transition. Two generations later, it'll already become familiar.

    To change all of the highway signs alone would be a pricey undertaking.
    That doesn't put them off for replacing stolen, beat up or vandalized ones on a daily basis, and frankly, the U.S. government should put a lot more effort in subsidizing money for streets and traffic. For a country that emphasizes the use of private and corporate vehicles, you have a piss-poor way of supporting it.

    Apr 25, 09:19 AM
    LOL at Android users naive enough to think their "free" OS, funded by targeted advertising, isn't collecting user data.

    Right, and boy is there misinformation being spread right in this thread. Apple is NOT collecting this data, your iPhone is. It goes NOWHERE.

    As I said, it isn't even doing that for me as I deleted that file on my Mac. Hey, instead of running around with your hair on fire, just delete that file. Wow, that's easy!

    Naah, better to pretend this is one big conspiracy from Apple and spread misinformation. Hey, I know, let me contradict Steve's explicit statements. I sure know who I trust more: anonymous snipers on the Internet over Steve Jobs.

    Android is funded by target advertising? I didnt know that, can you provide a link that backs this up?

    Apr 9, 06:29 PM
    Official Google answer.

    You can do that?!??!

    Damn, Google can do everything.

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