Sparkles And Glitter

Sparkles And Glitter. stock photo : glitter sparkles
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  • mduser63
    Nov 26, 10:32 AM
    If I could just have a Mac tablet that I could type and write notes on for class, I'd be in heaven :)

    Yeah, I think a tablet would be useful for taking notes in class, and would consider buying one if Apple released one. I've seen other students taking notes on Tablet PCs in class and it seems like it works well. However, I'm not sure that there's a huge market outside of students and some other narrow markets. Of course Apple has entered markets where others have been less than extremely successful and done well before, so who knows.

    Sparkles And Glitter. Free Photoshop Sparkle Brushes
  • Free Photoshop Sparkle Brushes

  • prady16
    Sep 15, 05:57 PM
    Any idea about the pricing of the new MBPs ?

    Sparkles And Glitter. sparkles and glitter,
  • sparkles and glitter,

  • lilo777
    Apr 26, 04:44 PM
    I just don't really see how anyone should be surprised. It should be totally obvious to anyone who watches the smart phone market that Android would easily surpass IOS--they are indeed everywhere and I'm sure when it comes time to get a new phone--those with no preconceived ideas on what they want will walk out of the store with some kind of Android. Most who go in looking for an iPhone will probably leave with one. As long as Apple--and their shareholders are happy, I don't think it really matters.

    Phone users will be the first to see feel the impact of these developments as Android ecosystem will see much faster development than iOS. With more and better options, users will overwhelmingly switch to Android. And then, it'll be AAPL shareholders turn to feel the impact.

    Sparkles And Glitter. Sparkling Reflecks Glitter
  • Sparkling Reflecks Glitter

  • BWhaler
    Sep 17, 01:49 AM
    Hello everyone,

    this is my first post, but I've been reading you all for a while now. I'm waiting for the MBP merom like most of the people here, but do you think there a possibility to see new Displays as well at Photokina? Maybe built-in iSight?

    No one knows for sure, but I doubt it. The displays just got a spec bump and price drop a month ago.

    Sparkles And Glitter. Eye Glitter Sparkle Singles
  • Eye Glitter Sparkle Singles

  • throttlemeister
    Mar 31, 12:39 AM
    Yup. Ever since our government and our dollars allow larger companies to strong arm smaller businesses to manufacture their products cheaper overseas, thereby shutting down American plants and businesses, we shot ourselves in the collective foot.

    Google Walmart and Rubbermaid. The growing trend in overseas production was kicked in high gear when Walmart threatened Rubbermaid that they would pull their product if they didn't shut down their American businesses to manufacture their products in cheaper bulk in China. Rubbermaid refused as they employed thousands of Americans, and not just in production plants but in marketing, etc. In 1994 Walmart pulled all Rubbermaid products from their shelves, Rubbermaid lost 60%+ of their business, almost went bankrupt, was bought by another company, shut down their plants, and acquiesced to Walmart. Walmart then went into the towns where Rubbermaid once employed so many and built Walmarts. Now ex-Rubbermaid employees who had pensions, 401k's and 100K+ salaries are forced to shell out cheap Chinese goods at minimum wage.


    AND GET READY, now that the Supreme Court has ruled that politicians can receive UNLIMITED FUNDING from CORPORATIONS, we will see even more corporate Amerikkka placing their divested interests into Washington. More nuclear power plants and waste and BP oil spills? "You betcha! Drill, baby, drill" and keep those lobbyists working! :rolleyes:

    FACT: the biggest cargo ship to date was built in China, it carries manufactured products to the US, and garbage disposed of FROM the US. The mid-20th Century, we were one of the biggest producers of quality goods in the world. Now, with a failed education system, 60%+ of our money going to our military to obtain natural resources and less money to become an educated and healthy global member, we are simply "meat with eyes", consuming everything that is marketed our way, spending our money through Goldman Sachs and producing almost NOTHING.
    Yes, it's the government's fault, together with corporate America. Easy ain't it, blaming politicians and greedy CEO's? How about taking a long hard look at your own (aka The Consumer) behavior? Why do you think Wall-Mart is so big and little Mom & Pop stores are all but extinct? The Consumer does not want to pay for American/European/Western made products, they want cheap, cheap, cheap. The Consumer does not care about quality, they want the cheapest possible product, and then bitch and whine when it fails. You, The Consumer, is what made corporations go to Asia and other cheap labor countries, because you, The Consumer, refused to pay for the 100k+ salaries, 401K and pensions of working Americans. You can't have the cake and eat it too. If The Consumer wanted quality products that are Made in the USA, they would have bought them and it would be a selling point for the companies making them.

    Stop blaming politicians and corporations for the results of your own buying behavior. Take some responsibility for your own actions for a change.

    Anyway, I can't wait for Lion. I am sure it has features I will not use, and I am just as sure it has features I really love. And if I don't like it, I can always go back to SL, or even completely move away from Apple. It is not like Apple is the be all, end all and I am forced to use their product. There is plenty of alternatives out there.

    Sparkles And Glitter. Blue glitter sparkles dust
  • Blue glitter sparkles dust

  • Justin122
    Mar 28, 11:22 AM
    Typical. My 2 year contract ends in the summer.

    Oh well, guess I won't be getting an iPhone this time around.

    Sparkles And Glitter. Sky Sparkles
  • Sky Sparkles

  • mrblack927
    Apr 20, 08:27 AM
    Believe it or not about 1/2 of iPhone 4 owners believe they have a 4g phone.


    Sparkles And Glitter. Spring, sparkles amp; glitter. I LoVe Sunsets ! :). Ps. I cant wait for the summer holidays!
  • Spring, sparkles amp; glitter. I LoVe Sunsets ! :). Ps. I cant wait for the summer holidays!

  • Me1000
    Aug 2, 10:56 AM
    not to sound like a complete and utter noob! but,
    what time is the keynote supose to go on?

    im very excited at thins, as its the first WWDC i knew about in advance. lol

    Sparkles And Glitter. Sparkles Glitter Designs
  • Sparkles Glitter Designs

  • islanders
    Jul 22, 12:01 PM
    Nearly the entire line of majot Apple products is in need of an update.

    Thanks for the link. Your right they are all in need of an update. I assumed most of them were brand new. Wow.

    Sparkles And Glitter. Sprinkles, Glitters, Sparkles
  • Sprinkles, Glitters, Sparkles

  • sommer182
    Mar 28, 10:39 AM
    I could see this happening. It would make sense to me to try and consolidate their iOS devices to one release cycle. iPod and iPhones are fairly close as it is, mid-summer and early fall. Would it be a big shock to move the new kid iPad and it's older siblings into one release? No.

    Sparkles And Glitter. Glitter with Sparkles
  • Glitter with Sparkles

  • Zimmy68
    Apr 20, 07:44 AM
    Happy it is coming this year, that way the real update, iPhone6 can be released next year.
    I'm as pleased as punch with my iPhone4, no need to upgrade until the geniuses at Apple open a book learn about a little thing called 4G speeds.

    Sparkles And Glitter. Edible Glitter: Magic Sparkles
  • Edible Glitter: Magic Sparkles

  • milani
    Mar 26, 11:37 PM
    I hope it is. I'd rather they delay and release a better version of the OS with significantly more granularity for modifications, features, and so on, than what is essentially a .1 release with a few new "features". But, as others have said, this is purely speculation. Remember the rumours that the iPad 2 was delayed? Exactly. Just **** made up to manipulate the stock price.

    Sparkles And Glitter. Sparkles and Glitter
  • Sparkles and Glitter

  • iliketyla
    Mar 29, 03:29 PM
    That has nothing to due with quality. It's due to low manufacturing costs.

    And in many cases making software or services requires more brainpower and sophistication than making a physical product. Japan has yet to produce a world-class software company outside of video games.

    So this "American products are low quality" argument just doesn't hold water any way you look at it.

    What I'd like to see are some concrete examples of poor quality products that were made in America. I hear a lot of people stating that we make subpar products, but I haven't heard any examples.

    I'm not defending either position, just want someone to present some evidence.

    I don't think the Chrysler argument will hold up anymore seeing as how most automobiles have a foreign influence on them, so let's stray from automobiles on this one.

    Sparkles And Glitter. Sparkle tiles with glitter
  • Sparkle tiles with glitter

  • clientsiman
    Mar 29, 01:29 PM
    Yeah :( all the meteorologists had no idea an earthquake this big could be triggered by LiPo batteries.

    Meteorologist??? I guess you mean the Geologists.

    I hope that Japan recover fast from this terrible catastrophe.

    Sparkles And Glitter. cute glitter silver sparkle
  • cute glitter silver sparkle

  • Chupa Chupa
    May 4, 02:52 PM
    I think I still prefer a hard copy. If I download then I still have to burn a DVD for backup and emergency boot. I'd rather have a professionally burned copy that is going to be reliable long term.

    Also I don't have a big pipe to quickly download a 3GB package. I'm living in the slow lane here w/ 2mbps DSL.

    Sparkles And Glitter. sparkles, flashes, glitter
  • sparkles, flashes, glitter

  • eenu
    Aug 12, 03:13 PM
    After ordering a MBP when they were announced and then returning 4 defective units before demanding my money back, I'm going to do the same stupid thing and buy the first Merom MBP I can...

    Glutton for punishment? *sigh*

    I wasn't the only one to have 4 defective ones then :p

    Sparkles And Glitter. Sparkles, Glows and
  • Sparkles, Glows and

  • Rdclark
    Mar 31, 03:45 PM
    Wow, a dollar a year!

    No, $20 a year. The "buy a song" promo is a one-time offer. After the year, it drops back to 5GB free.

    Sparkles And Glitter. in the Sparkles n#39; Glitter
  • in the Sparkles n#39; Glitter

  • twoodcc
    Mar 27, 12:22 PM
    all i can say is that it better be good! apple really has to play it's cards right to stay near the top with android. they have a better product really, but android is still overtaking from the sheer number of devices and carriers.

    Sparkles And Glitter. Sparkles Glitter Designs
  • Sparkles Glitter Designs

  • Yaboze
    Apr 25, 09:28 AM
    Steve needs to provide a better answer because this one makes him look like a liar.

    Ok, so there's a DB on your phone and the computer it syncs to. How do we know it's not being used in some nefarious way? Why isn't it regularly wiped?

    I ran the app on my Macbook and it showed where I was since I had the was scary...:eek:

    May 5, 11:31 AM
    BTW, searching a room disarms traps, so we should get to a point where our last move is search instead of move, if I understand the rules.


    Jul 21, 02:20 PM
    This may be a dumb question, but why would apple just use the new chips in mbp's and not the mb? Dosn't seem to make sense. As soon as core 2 merom comes out every pc notebook will have it. Price wouldn't be an issue cause merom is same price as yonah, correct?The MBP is a PRO model. They can keep Yonah (Which is fast enough mind you) and still speed bump it/lower the price some more.

    I don't think we'll see these at WWDC unless there are other substantial changes. Going from a Yonah to a Merom chip may be great news, but it's hardly something Steve can crow about on stage. "Here's the new macbook pro... it looks and functions exactly like the old one, but 20% faster. Um, yeah. You already know all about the macbook pro, so there's really nothing else for me to say, is there?"

    I expect we will see mac pros and leopard demo'ed at WWDC, plus the usual talk about how well apple is doing, etc. Maybe some talk about pro apps because it's a developer's conference. MAYBE a new ipod (nano) just because it's such big news, even tho it's not really for developers.

    But as far as new MBPs go, I'd expect a quiet announcement some tuesday in the relatively near future.So new iMacs next Tuesday? :eek:

    I do agree that the new Pro towers need a much more proper launch while the other lines can just get a shiny new Core 2 Duo logo on their site and an update to Apple's Intel page.

    I posted this very early on:

    Nov 13, 06:31 AM
    Good for you Marvel2. How about a review after you use it. Tstreete did a great one but another perspective is always welcomed.

    BTW do you use Navigon? Did you get the Live Traffic update? Love to hear how they each or both worked with the kit.


    Apr 21, 11:55 PM
    Anyone make any good mockups yet?

    Mar 31, 08:51 AM
    It's been there since that last preview

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