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  • Macky-Mac
    Mar 19, 02:48 PM
    ....Whoever controls the air, pretty much has a gigantic advantage in pounding the enemy into submission......

    is that why the war in afghanistan ended so successfully years ago? oh wait..... :p

    toya carter hair stylist. Megan Fox Hits Hair Salon For
  • Megan Fox Hits Hair Salon For

  • MacinDoc
    Apr 12, 10:36 PM
    Wow, looks like the rumours WERE true after all! Apple killed the Pro of Final Cut Pro. That guy who turned the much admired iMovie into garbage has done it again. All they had to do was rewrite the engine with 64 bit support, had proper file handling, rendering titling tools amongst other necessary pro features and keep the same F*&$#@*&& interface as pro users of ANY pro software don't want to re-learn an interface for no reason! It takes YEARS before you really know a software under the hood.

    We'll now see FCPx turn into a hit with amateurs and will be completely abandoned by pro users who will all return to avid.
    Oh, they'll all switch to Avid to avoid learning a new interface, but of course, they won't have to learn a new interface to use Avid instead of FCP :rolleyes: . Not everyone who is a video editor has been around since the time of the dinosaurs. You're complaining that an automobile isn't a horse, so it must be inferior to the horse. If we always continue to do things in exactly the same way, we will never make any progress.

    toya carter hair stylist. Atlanta hairstylist to the
  • Atlanta hairstylist to the

  • Yahgo
    Jan 4, 08:55 AM
    Macworld 2006 keynote was 1.5 hours long, with only 2 surprises... iMac Intel and MacBook Pro Intel, so if Macworld 2007 keynote is 2 hours long it must mean more then 2 major annoucements. Here is what I see happening:

    Steve will start by talking about retail stores (showing the new Fifth Ave store) and how many people came in during the Holiday quarter. Then he will tell us how much revenue the stores made during that quarter. Steve will then say how much total revenue Apple has made during the year, because the CFO of Apple (Peter Oppenheimer) doesn't want to confuse any analyst who many be attending or watching. Steve will go on to talk about iPods and how well it's doing with market share, how many they sold durning the holidays and which car companies are now on board with iPod, he may even talk about Nike+iPod. DON'T EXPECT ANY iPod UPDATES. Steve will then talk about iTunes and how many downloads it has. We may see some more movie studios come on board and even the Beatles on iTunes. Then he will talk about iTV , give a demo and annouce that it will be shipping today or February. After the iTV Demo, Steve will say that the rest of the time will be spent on the Mac. He will then go into iLife '07 and give a demo of iPhoto, iMovie, iWeb, Garageband and tell you about iDVD but no demo because of time. Then he will show us iWork '07 with new Keynote features and themes with updated charts and Pages plus a new application (maybe Charts) After iLife and iWork he will talk about Leopard and maybe show some new "Top Secret" apps since Vista is lauching for consumers on 1/30/07. I expect him to release Leopard at WWDC not at MacWorld. He will update Aperture. He will then announce some third party software from Adobe (Premiere and Photoshop) and Microsoft (Office) which will come out and demo their new products. Then Steve will talk about the iMac and Mac Mini and update both. I don't expect any updates on Laptops. Then the one more thing will be the iPhone (iChat Mobile) and Steve will talk about the years of development and partnerships and demo the product by doing a video chat with someone (Phil) then he will thank everyone at Apple who worked on the product and thank everyone for coming to MacWorld. So if you compare last year's updates with this year's you will see 2 additional products demos iTV and iChat Mobile, this is what will take the extra 1/2 hour. So to sum it up here is what you'll see.

    1) Retail Updates
    2) iPod / iTunes Sells
    3) iTV
    4) iLife/iWork
    5) Leopard
    6) Aperture 2
    7) Adobe and Microsoft Updates
    8) iMac update
    9) Mac Mini update
    10) iChat Mobile (iPhone)

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  • skinniezinho
    Jan 30, 08:16 AM
    Best handling car i have ever driven.... have a 5 month old little boy though so i think its days are numbered in favour of a truck!

    what a pity :( your car is awesome!

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  • Toya Carter#39;s Sandals,

    Jul 19, 04:01 PM
    does it mean mac's desktop market share is climbing? 5%?

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  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Jul 13, 11:42 PM
    Meh, Apple came out with that Express Card slot for the MacBook Pro kind of early as well...but I'm with most people in arguing that a blue-ray drive won't see the light of day in Apple computers until early 2007.

    toya carter hair stylist. Toya Carter, Nicole Ari
  • Toya Carter, Nicole Ari

  • ComputersaysNo
    Nov 27, 09:53 AM
    I bought a friend a coffee, and he gave me his old 8Gb Iphone 3G :)

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  • rihanna short haircuts.

  • BigBeast
    Apr 19, 07:57 PM
    Large SSD's are just too expensive and often times not big enough. And you only get a finite number of writes on them before they're garbage.

    While technically correct, you should provide context.

    While SSDs DO have a finite number of write available, an SSD that's 256 GB (a modest drive size) with 10,000 writes = 2,560,000 GB of writing capacity (or 2.56 * 10^6 ;))

    That means you could write 100 GB of data PER DAY for slightly over 70 YEARS!

    Feel free to be amazed. :D

    toya carter hair stylist. at the hair salon and [as
  • at the hair salon and [as

  • BRLawyer
    Nov 16, 04:03 AM
    well, OSX whooped xp for multicore usage then

    Notwithstandign such long-standing facts, there are still some MS fanboys here who think Windows is better for multicore usage (not to mention multitasking, which has been ALWAYS better in OS X)... :rolleyes:

    Zune is dead, Windows is dead...face it.

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  • Celebrity hair stylist Marcia

  • AhmedFaisal
    Apr 12, 02:10 PM
    I don't think people are pumping it up at all. I personally think that people who can't drive a standard transmission, are just lazy (and that goes for my mother, and her habit of doing her makeup while driving). People only get autos, because they don't want to have to "inconvenience" themselves with pushing down on the clutch and throwing the car into the next gear; because doing so requires them to stop shoving food down their face, or to get of the damn phone. I also hate to hear people moan about how inconvenient a standard transmission is during stop and go traffic; I mean it's not that bad, and I recently took my standard transmission accord to chicago and drove in stop and go traffic for over two hours, and it was not as annoying as some would make it out to be. People are just too willing to sacrifice the fun of driving for convenience.

    Wow, generalize much? I want to see you talk after being a rep for a while or with a 1.5 hour commute (one way) like I have now in the New York area. During my sales tour of duty I literally lived in the car for 14-16 hours a day and yes, I did take phone calls (via hands free) and ate/drank while driving. There wasn't much of a choice, only time you could eat and drink was between calls and if you rep onc products you have a lot of driving to do to get from call to call. And right now it's the same. Eating breakfast and dinner in the car saves me at least an hour each day for sleep and I don't get much as it is since I am booking 12-14 hour days on average.
    Yeah, I can drive stick and if I can ever afford a fun car for driving on the weekend, I might get a manual again but for everyday commute I take an auto any day. For me driving is a chore right now, there is no fun to be had considering how much I drive each day.

    toya carter hair stylist. at a hair salon in Beverly
  • at a hair salon in Beverly

  • jaxstate
    Jul 18, 02:44 PM
    About darn time. I'm glad it will be a rental service. I rarely watch a movie more than once, and this will keep the priced down. Anything over 4 bucks per view isn't going to work.

    toya carter hair stylist. Atlanta stylist, Dariel
  • Atlanta stylist, Dariel

  • benjs
    Apr 12, 10:38 PM
    Oh, they'll all switch to Avid to avoid learning a new interface, but of course, they won't have to learn a new interface to use Avid instead of FCP :rolleyes: . Not everyone who is a video editor has been around since the time of the dinosaurs. You're complaining that an automobile isn't a horse, so it must be inferior to the horse. If we always continue to do things in exactly the same way, we will never make any progress.

    "If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they would have said 'a faster horse'." -Henry Ford

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  • imac_japan
    Mar 20, 08:23 AM
    Thanks for all the comments....

    I just want to add that Apple would sell more computers if one was cheaper.....

    Say if one (without a monitor) - You can plug into a TV, Was like I said $500 to $600, I would buy 2. One for me and one for my (future) kids..

    People (even in Japan) say Macs are too expensive ! Ive been to Akihabara in Tokyo and Den den Town in Osaka ! Ive lived in Japan for 5 years. Yes, the Ipod has been popular in Japan BUT a hell of alot more people buy IBMs here eg: Toshiba, Hitachi and Sony.

    An example is....My GF (Japanese) is a university student (she studies Computer science). Her University uses The LCD Imacs and IBMs. Her fellow classmates like them but say that they are too expensive - PLUS this is important !! Everyone else has an IBM so why buy a Mac...

    toya carter hair stylist. about Ms. Toya Carter.
  • about Ms. Toya Carter.

  • pkson
    May 3, 04:07 AM
    It seems like any time there's even a slight implication of any software being tuned to be easier to use, there's a barrage of negative comments lamenting how it's been "watered down."

    What's with all this baseless elitism?
    (Over uninstalling an app! Such a trite matter)

    I see lots of people saying they'll stick with their version, or that it's the end of whatever paradigm they had before... why? Because it's what... "harder to use?" Who is that going to impress?

    Not just for Lion, but this is exactly what happened with FCPX.

    Which direction would the evolution of software go? Harder? Of course not...

    I really wonder what the reasoning behind all this negativity is...

    toya carter hair stylist. Toya Carter, the reality show
  • Toya Carter, the reality show

  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 05:24 PM
    If you click on Show Content on any app and replace the first three files from an app downloaded from the app store it will happen with any app you want.

    Right Click -> Show Package Contents -> Contents


    Then select and app not from the Mac App Store and Right Click -> Show Package Contents -> Contents

    Then paste the three files. After you reboot your Mac it should work.
    (This has been working since the past DP)

    Im on DP 2 Update 3. This un-installation process applies to all external apps, not just MAS apps. No code, no change required. :)

    toya carter hair stylist. Oprah Starts Firing middot; Justin
  • Oprah Starts Firing middot; Justin

  • Rod Rod
    Jul 14, 05:33 PM
    I think it will be at least 12 more months before bluray shows up in an Apple machine - at least as a standard. The only real hint I have seen is that they already let you author HD video in DVD SP.
    You appear to support Blu-Ray Disc, but your "evidence" is that today we can author HD-DVDs (onto red-laser DVDs) in DVD Studio Pro.

    BTW, all Macs sold today, and many Macs going back the past few years, are HD-DVD players. They play HD-DVD from red-laser DVDs authored in DVD SP. DVD Player 4 (or maybe 4.1 or 4.6) in Tiger has the capability as long as your other hardware (G5[s] or Core Duo) is up to it.

    toya carter hair stylist. Upscale Hair Salon, The
  • Upscale Hair Salon, The

  • Thataboy
    Jul 18, 06:54 AM
    This would only be viable via streaming, and that won't happen because you can't stream to an iPod.

    Therefore, we can expect a big download. I imagine the movies will be the same quality as can be found currently in the store. Remember, the online store is to drive IPOD sales. Apple does not have a Music Store because it wants you to have music so badly. The point of a Movie Store would be to drive 6G iPod sales. Therefore, it makes sense to optimize the viewing experience for iPods.

    The only way this would be viable, in my opinion, is if a rental were $1.99-$2.99 MAX. Other than that, I can bloody well use Netflix and Instant Handbrake (deleting the files once I return the movie). I am not so impatient that I can't wait 1 day to get a movie from my queue. For $1.99, I could be persuaded.

    However, let's be real here. Bandwidth + movie companies greed = huge prices. I can totally see them trying to do this at $9.99, which is warped and insane (and therefore right in line with content producers' mindsets). Even $4.99 is nuttery.

    Now... when Apple finds a way to stream movies to an Apple high-speed MVNO-equipped iPod -- now THAT would be hot. But that won't be around for years, if ever at all.

    Finally, no way in Hades is this to be announced at WWDC. Maybe a week before or after, but NOT at the same time. I actually don't envision this announcement being made at all, as it would surely coincide with a new iPod (and aren't those all supposed to be delayed?).

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  • favorite hair Salon “Ken

  • mrthieme
    Nov 30, 06:03 AM
    Apple has/had an agreement with Mc Intosh, the audiophile company not to do that. I wonder if they have resolved that by buying the company or a fee?

    This is a possible limitation.


    I was not aware of that, but breaking the agreement with Apple records not to get into the music distribution business has worked out for them I think.

    It's funny, the first hifi company I thought of for an Apple HT product was Mcintosh, the complete opposite design asthetic. If I could choose I would prefer someone a little further down the price scale. Rotel would be a nice match, very good performance for the money, for speakers Paradigm comes to mind.

    toya carter hair stylist. Speaking of Atlanta, Toya
  • Speaking of Atlanta, Toya

  • Don't panic
    Mar 22, 02:36 PM
    ooooh. the rare red-crested triple-post!

    Nov 26, 03:02 PM

    Large Carbon Fiber Oakley Case.

    I'm planning on getting back into photography, I'd like to get a Canon T2i and the 'Nifty Fifty' lens, So I will just use my new Pelican for that.

    Maybe everyone won't hate me now.

    To end all further BS do I feel like an idiot for putting sunglasses in a gun case? No.

    Was it over kill? Yeah, I'll admit that.

    Did I lose money on it? Nope, I've already found a new use for it.

    The only thing that irritates the **** out of me, Is the members here on MacRumors, I've been through this type of crap before, Apparently everyone was bullied as a child or something because when ANYONE says something that isn't correct or seems "odd" people here jump on them and make sure to rub whatever it is in their face.

    To me, Members here at MacRumors (not all, but lots) are the dictionary definition for 'Internet Bullying/Harassment.'

    I've heard that you guys like to argue, Well believe it or not, Not all people like to argue. Nor do all people like to hear your narrow-minded pessimistic opinions.

    So. Hope I was entertaining for some of you, I just don't like being picked on when you have no place what-so-ever to give another person crap about anything.

    Have a nice day.

    Apr 4, 02:14 PM
    That's true, but even in iOS the address bar hides when you scroll down to save space for content.

    Not on the iPad.

    Jan 12, 06:32 PM
    I've always been a fan of the device that lets you remote access your computer (like a Star Trek PADD). Doubt we'll see one anytime soon though.

    Apr 1, 02:12 PM
    About this Mac or System Profiler? Refreshed About this Mac was already present in DP1. Post some screenshots.

    Whoops! You were right. I assumed that when you click on more info... from about this mac it took you to system profiler like in previous OS. Didn't notice this system information app in DP1, pretty sweet :)

    Mar 25, 08:24 PM
    Where's the Flash support? Now they have no excuse... ;)

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