Underground Railroad Map

Underground Railroad Map. map of the underground railway
  • map of the underground railway

  • Evangelion
    Sep 11, 09:55 AM
    It is excellent that you can play movies it on an iPod, but I hardly think that is enough to launch "screenplay". Most people want to see a movie on a large screen, not a computer or an iPod.

    Is there any reason why you couldn't do both?

    Underground Railroad Map. Underground Railroad
  • Underground Railroad

  • pika2000
    Mar 27, 01:44 AM
    Cloud based music and video streaming? LOL. Good luck doing that on 200MB cap with AT&T. :rolleyes:
    This is why the iPhone will never be sold unlocked in the US. I bet Apple would be forced to do another deal with AT&T and/or Verizon to give them somekind of a break on the data plans so these could-based services will be actually usable.

    Underground Railroad Map. The underground railroad was a
  • The underground railroad was a

  • itcheroni
    Apr 15, 11:25 AM

    Underground Railroad Map. U-30101, Underground Railroad
  • U-30101, Underground Railroad

  • coolwater
    Apr 9, 05:04 PM
    Depending on how you solve it, your answer is either 288 or 2.

    Nothing is missing in the equation - no math symbol is missing between 2 and (9+3), so solve it as is.

    Now, cast your vote! :)

    Underground Railroad Map. Underground Railroad Byway
  • Underground Railroad Byway

  • jouster
    Mar 30, 10:23 AM
    It's even funnier since "a penny saved is a penny earned" isn't an idiom at all. An "idiom," in this sense, is a group of words that has a meaning as a whole other than the literal sense of the words. "Raining cats and dogs" is an idiom. "A penny saved is a penny earned" is a proverb, or possibly a cliche.

    Glad we got that sorted out.

    Underground Railroad Map. Underground Railroad Section 2
  • Underground Railroad Section 2

  • altecXP
    Mar 30, 10:12 PM
    I have to say Dev2 is much more buggy performance wise for me, but less buggy appearance wise. I also get random CPU spikes and the fans kick up to 5000rpm then slow down after a minute or two.

    Chrome won't quit with out a force quit, Chromium won't launch. Safari has a bug where in order to have a file download you also need to have it listed as "preparing to download" or the speed on it drops to 12KB/s.

    Underground Railroad Map. The Underground Railroad Map
  • The Underground Railroad Map

  • robby818
    Mar 28, 11:20 AM
    I've been poking along with a 3GS since they came out. Really want to switch to Verizon. This rumor puts people like me in a serious pickle: keep waiting and waiting and waiting for iPhone 5 to come out this year, if it even does it all, or grab an iPhone 4 now - a phone that has been out for nearly a year - and get burned in a couple of months by a surprise iPhone 5 announcement in June?

    Here's what I did. I'm already a Verizon customer. I bought a new sealed iPhone 4 16GB out of contract for $450 on craigslist. I plan on re-selling the iPhone 4 for at least $250 when I get my iPhone 5. $200 is worth it to me to be on the iPhone right now for the next few months. Since January, I have had a sweet unlimited text/data promo plan on Verizon but wasn't taking full advantage of it because my old phones were so bad (env3 and palm pixi plus). With the iphone I feel like I am really using the services that i am paying for.

    Underground Railroad Map. the Underground Railroad
  • the Underground Railroad

  • Cygnus311
    Jul 30, 11:27 AM
    I'm in the same boat as the guy that just wants to talk. I don't want a camera, a web browser, CRAP games, ketchup dispenser, and can opener. I just want a PHONE. It drives me crazy because I want something small I can hardly feel in my pocket and not something that's a foot long when I "flip" it open (Razr). BUT...with ALL that being said, I would buy an iPod phone. It would be SWEET to not have to carry around my iPod and cell anymore but have them both as one. What happens if I'm listening to a song with my headphones and a call comes in. Will it pause the song and allow me to answer the call? Will I be able to use the headphones for the call? Will they build a microphone into that I don't have to hold the thing up to my head like some cell's speaker phones do?

    Underground Railroad Map. Underground Railroad Map
  • Underground Railroad Map

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 10, 09:26 AM
    1. (of language) Open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning.
    2. Unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made.

    The problem may be confusing to some; it certainly is not ambiguous. There are rules in math, if you follow them, there is only one answer. Period.

    Underground Railroad Map. Underground Railroad Map
  • Underground Railroad Map

  • yellowballoon
    Mar 29, 12:29 PM
    Windows Live Skydrive is 25 GB for free.

    Right and Window's Phone automatic uploads to Sky Drive, free of charge. What does iOS have?

    Underground Railroad Map. the underground railroad.
  • the underground railroad.

  • shompa
    Aug 7, 04:05 PM
    Anyone drop one of these in their cart and press order yet?

    Did order a quad 3gzh.

    Estimated delivery date 11 september :(.

    I wanted this to be the ultimate computer.
    But no!

    No SLI grafik.
    Not even drivers for a Nvidia 7950 card.

    If it had it, it would also be a good windows gaming computer.

    Also, no Creative audio card.

    So I still need a playstationsWindows and a work computer.

    Underground Railroad Map. Underground Railroad
  • Underground Railroad

  • ChrisA
    Apr 21, 08:45 PM
    I hope this is true because I'd like to replace my going-on 4 year-old PC with a Mac Pro at some point, but the current case just won't fit in the IKEA wardrobe I'm using as a workstation. It sounds like this new Mac Pro would be smaller than my existing PC. Yea Apple!

    Replacing the desk make add 5% to the total cost of the new computer

    Underground Railroad Map. Underground Railroad Map.jpg
  • Underground Railroad Map.jpg

  • balamw
    Apr 11, 01:06 AM
    Surely we should not interpret everything following the first division symbol as belonging in the denominator, including an additional fraction.

    You've just stumbled on a new notation for continued fractions (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continued_fraction). Oh wait, we already have better ways of representing that.


    The only way it would be 288 is if it was written:

    Where do the square brackets fall in your interpretation of PE(MD)(AS) + left to right? And how in the name of all that is holy can you interpret that as giving 288 instead of 2. Wouldn't 288 require [2(9+3)] to evaluate to (1/6) so the final answer would be 48*6 = 228. I would have expected [48/2](9+3).


    Underground Railroad Map. Underground Railroad map
  • Underground Railroad map

  • 0010101
    Nov 24, 09:20 PM
    For those of you who may have forgotten, or are too young to remember, Apple has had more than it's share of Cleveland Steamers.. and an iPhone would just be another turd in the punchbowl.

    iPod was a hit because nobody at the time of iPods introduction made anything like it. Sure, there were other players out there, but nothing came even remotely close to the features, size, and ease of use.

    The cellular phone market is a whole different playing field, with dozens of established manufacturers with a significant head start (decades) and an established user base.

    Apple has about as good a chance of entering the cell phone market as LG does entering the MP3 player market.

    While there are folks out there who would buy any piece of plastic that Steve Jobs wiped his rear with and stuck an 'i' in front of the name, in order for it to appeal to the masses, it's going to have to be cool looking, feature rich, and perhaps most importantly, widely available, and inexpensive.

    Apple doesn't do inexpensive very well.. and 'playing with others' isn't one of their strengths, either. Both are requirements to enter an already highly competitive cell phone marketplace.

    Apple needs to get back to what they do best, which is innovate in untapped or barely tapped markets where they really stand out and shine against the competition.. Apple II, Original Macintosh, iPod, etc. Not jump into an already saturated market with little to distinguish themselves between the competition but a pretty case.

    Underground Railroad Map. Map of Underground Railroad
  • Map of Underground Railroad

  • bedifferent
    Apr 21, 04:15 PM
    Could the thinner profile be a result to full integration of "Light Peak" fiber optics? I know some state that "Light Peak" is only beneficial to external devices and limited to a mini-DisplayPort connection. However, Intel has tested "Light Peak" as a replacement for internal components, replacing the need for multiple controllers such as built-in USB/FireWire/Display connections. It's been mentioned that "ThunderBolt" will handle USB 3.0 with the new Sandy Bridge logic board/chips due out. SATA drives currently offer 3/Gbps but with the advent of SSD's, slimming down the guts with a full "Light Peak" system that runs most components would make sense no?

    (and AMEN to Apple getting slightly back on track with their Professional line, now just focus on a dedicated ACD line instead of a stripped down 27" iMac LED LCD panel and for god's sake extend the cables for the current display to reach Mac Pro's!)

    Underground Railroad Map. FC: Underground Railroad Map
  • FC: Underground Railroad Map

  • bedifferent
    Apr 23, 05:58 PM
    Instead of pixel based images that are just bigger, why not simply ship vector based icons/wallpapers ?

    Good point! I was wondering the same myself.

    Underground Railroad Map. The Underground Railroad was a
  • The Underground Railroad was a

  • Friscohoya
    May 7, 11:19 AM
    It should be free. Further lock people into this ecosystem. Besides, the future is in the cloud...

    Underground Railroad Map. the Underground Railroad
  • the Underground Railroad

  • Fast Shadow
    May 6, 02:04 AM
    This story reeks. I would sooner expect Apple to acquire AMD than I would for them to make yet another architecture switch.

    Underground Railroad Map. The quot;Underground Railroadquot; is
  • The quot;Underground Railroadquot; is

  • milo
    Sep 11, 04:17 PM
    At a compression value I would accecpt, files will still be to big for the internet of today / average power of a computer today / the HD's of today.

    People keep saying things like this. But look at online movie piracy. It's probably as big now as napster was a few years ago. The pirates have proven that people are interested in getting movies online, and that the technological barriers can be overcome.

    Unless you have a progressive scan TV, which propbably means an HDTV, DVD is only 480i, which can be argued to be equivalent to 240p. That way Apple can easily claim their movies to be DVD quality at 320x240.

    But would that look as good as DVD on NTSC television? Sure doesn't seem like it with the current downloads.

    May 6, 07:44 AM
    GL on getting people to start making ARM binaries for windows 8 which only runs on tablets who happen to be extremely unsuccessful. If Microsoft makes an ARM version of windows 8 for tablets only, then windows-based tablets will be even deader than they are already.

    Microsoft could just extend CLR to run on ARM platforms, then a lot of C# projects could be easily ported.

    Apr 26, 04:38 PM
    These smartphone stats are quite interesting. We have a open plan office and when I look around me I see about 5 iPhone 4's, 3 iPhone 3GS's and 1 android. :rolleyes:

    Also look at how much money Apple has in the bank now in relation to their smartphone market share...

    What's that got to do with anything?

    Apr 20, 03:49 AM
    So, how many more times are various sources gonna reiterate that iPhone 5 is to come out in Fall? :rolleyes:

    As many as it takes to make you come here and read and comment the junk. Because it's all what this site is about.

    May 6, 02:56 AM
    BS to the power of FUD ^^

    The thing is although ARM chips are pretty good in the low power range right now, nothing says that they will perfectly scale in power for a higher performance range.
    Every major player in the chips industry started seeing more and more problems when they started reaching the manufacturing processes ARM will only reach in a couple of years (currently A15 -> 45nm).

    High performance is where Intel is very good at, and their announcement of 3D transistor in Ivy Bridge already will only make them way better in performance and power consumption, and all that as soon as the end of this year (first machines probably next year).

    Now transition from a software standpoint would be painful, but maybe not horrible...
    Apple's compiler already manages ARM architecture, and part of the interest in LLVM is the possibility of JIT compilation.
    But a switch of architecture right now would need Apple to ask devs to re-compile their software, and maybe a change from some libraries, all that for an uncertain gain right now and improbable gain in the future (Intel will remain the master in high performance computing).

    Mar 30, 12:11 PM
    Lol, I didn't think that my statements would be very controversial, but apparently there are people here that do not quite have an eye for good design. Sorry.

    Steve has spoken about Apple taking culture into their designs and products for many years. One example I listed is the beautiful new start menu in iMovie for iPad that is the marque of an old theater that even has the lights power up with authentic sound and visuals as the app opens to showcase your projects in a gallery of movie posters on the wall. Very creative and cultural!

    Wow, passive aggressive much?

    Why on earth are you trying to pass off your idea off what 'good design' is on to others? Why are you criticising others for thinking that Amazon's design and UI is actually quite nice. If you want to be an Apple apparatchik, fine, but does insult me and others in the process.

    And your last paragraph is ridiculous. Firstly, 'Steve'? Are you on first name terms with him? Laughable. Secondly, just because you think a faux-theatre veneer is 'cultural and creative' (hardly creative, something 4th graders have been doing for years...), it doesn't mean it ACTUALLY is. I mean let's get real, there's a nice polish on it and it looks pretty, but displaying movies as movie posters? Hardly a shocking revelation.

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