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  • SFStateStudent
    Apr 5, 08:58 AM
    Duh! And 2nd place goes to: Original iPad...:eek:

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  • bizzle
    Apr 8, 07:59 PM
    It's not the job of the government (or government funded agencies) to teach people how to not get knocked up and give out birth control. I don't have any objections to this. I don't pay taxes so Sally doesn't pop out another unit.

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  • poemas para san valentin. San+valentin+poemas; San+valentin+poemas. macgeek18. Feb 23, 11:25 AM. Handbrake comes VERY close to destroying my Macbook ha ha,

  • jsw
    Oct 27, 07:44 AM
    Sometimes I get the feeling that there are only interns working on .mac
    I always assumed it was monkeys, so I guess interns would be a step up.

    Yeah, for a $99/yr offering, it's stunningly meager.

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  • andiwm2003
    Apr 2, 08:54 PM
    for any complex formatting Word is definitly the way to sad to say, its not that bad of an app, although it is filled with bloat....

    Pages is stong because of its templates, but its not good for making documents from scratch, if it improved in this area i would stick to it, but the UI definitly needs some work, toolbars and palettes need to be used more effectively and perhaps a bit more customization of the two would help a bit

    for now i guess ill be typing up my poetry in Word

    pages is for people like me. we don't know how to make a good layout and we don't want to be bothered with that anyway. we want a few good templates, fill our text in, move some pics around. pages is great for that as long as you use it for privat/semiprofessional.
    a few more templates would be great. a few more features would be nice. but all in all a great home app for $79 (and keynote 2 is included for free :D ) i like what i get with pages. of course now way that it replaces word. or mac write pro that i still miss together with mac draw pro.
    regarding the speed: it puzzles me that pages feels as fast (or slow) on a mac mini as on a 2ghz dual g5. has anybody the same feeling?


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  • King Cobra
    Sep 14, 07:08 AM
    >(MacBandit) First of all what do you consider great boot times? Not that this matters a lot. I have a new Dual Ghz/DDR and it starts from cold boot to login in screen in 27secs with 10.2 and from login to operating finder is nearly instantaneous.

    With 10.2, sure, boot time on the Mac has significantly improved. But I've noticed that with the PCs at PHHS the PCs boot in under a minute. But, just this past week I thought I logged out of one of the P3s and I actually restarted it. The restart to log-in, then to the OS was approximately the same as you said, MB. What would a computer with 3x/4x the GHz seem like?

    >Second of all as I have stated before the true reason Mhz doesn't matter is because something like %98 of all computer users are not power users these are the people that will go buy a new computer tomorrow and if there is a 2.8Ghz computer sitting next to a 800Mhz computer they couldn't care they're going to buy the cheap one.

    >(MacBandit, in a previous post) The people that really desire the speed at least most of them know the difference between Mhz and overall system speed.

    My entire previous post, starting from the first lengthy paragraph was trying to explain why MHz doesn't matter. I agree with your point of view, but I am trying to expand the MHz/GHz speeds of a G4 to how it would compare against a P4 of ≈ same speed. My post had approximations, so that's why I say approximately equal to, not =. But my point is that the G4 can actually surpass the P4 at 3 or 4GHz speeds if the right apps are used.

    >They don't even care how much ram it has. I know this because I went computer shopping with my boss for work(yes for a PC). He wanted my help. Well little help I was he bought the cheapest computer he could get with 64MB of Ram I suggested we upgrade it later and he agreed well that was 2 years ago still it sits with 64MB of RAM in it. Oh and I might add it still has all the stickers on the front of it.

    Well I didn't mention RAM, but I will now. Try running OS X (even 10.1) on ANY computer with 128MB of RAM or less. I have with my iMac 233 (w/64MB of RAM) and my iBook 467 (with 128MB). The iMac was a complete drag. My iBook is rather slow, but it works fine. My Cube G4 has 1GB of RAM and must be at least 2 or 3 times faster than my iBook, depending on what tasks I perform.

    >These people don't care about this stuff all it's used for is mail and the occasional websearch and most people are like this.

    Now this brings up a different issue (as well as MHz): OS Stability. Sure, XP may have fixed *some* :snicker: of the errors from older versions of Win. Yet it still isn't totally stable.

    Wherever there is a PC for that stuff, there is a low-end PowerMac for them. It's called an iMac. :cool:

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  • likemyorbs
    Apr 12, 12:51 PM
    There may come a time where racism is fully banned. Here in the US we have a congressional black caucus in our government, which I feel should not exist. Another problem we have are "black leaders" who in actuality are nothing but disgusting bigots, like al sharpton. As if black people need leaders...you know, because they're all the same...


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  • George Knighton
    Apr 23, 02:26 PM
    Would you want Donald Trump as our president?

    No. I would not.

    But, even knowing that it's all probably an egotistical publicity stunt designed to generate revenue, there might be a couple of areas where his influence over Republican policy would be welcome.

    His past policies and statement do not jive with the Tea Party, and I cannot imagine where that association came from.

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  • nylonsteel
    Mar 25, 05:28 PM
    Random thoughts
    1) only the lawyers will win
    2) Kodak wanting a bite out of aapl cash - what is it now at - 50 something billion


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  • bretm
    Oct 10, 12:10 PM
    For those of you saying that we live in a capitalistic society... not by a long shot. Corporate welfare is MUCH MUCH bigger than any fictional welfare queen in Brooklyn. These companies receive tax cuts, loopholes, exemptions far beyond what a middle class suburban couple has access to.

    What Target and Walmart are doing is actually against some of the monopoly legistation that was passed in the early 20th century. One of the tenets was that a company coulodn't tell another producer who they could sell to, at what price, etc. This prevented a very large company from gaining to much of an advantage over their competitors.

    What Target and Walmart are probably threatening is to just jack up the prices on the DVDs a couple of dollars. This improves their bottom line and reduces the number of impluse buys a consumer makes on a DVD. Or to not put DVD on encaps, in front of the stores next to the checkout. They really do have a myriad of ways of making the studios lose some profit. At tsome point though, the retailers are going to shaft themselves. It really is a game of chicken and the first one to blink, gets the bullet in the head (how's that for mixed metaphors?)

    First, no company pays taxes. YOU pay all their taxes. In a capitalistic society it doesn't matter if they are given tax breaks or increases. It is all passed on to the consumer to achieve the bottom line.

    You cite it yourself in your misunderstanding that Walmart or Target will just jack up their prices to increase their profit. That's what a company does if your increase their corporate taxes. Decrease them and they can better compete.

    Now Walmart and Target jacking up their prices probably wouldn't hurt anyone but Walmart and Target. They may make more per item but obviously they would sell less DVDs. And since they're not in cahoots with each other (THAT would actually be a monopolistic type practice) neither can actually jack the price, because everyone would simply go to Walmart or Target respectively. Or Best Buy, or Curcuit City or whoever. Walmart may be the biggest seller of DVDs, but it they yank them then they won't be. And they won't pull people into their stores to buy stuff they actually make profit on. Another company will glady pickup the slack.

    The reason Walmart and Target are all talk is because they have no hand. None. They're backed into a corner. Thier best bet is to open their own online download biz.

    This stuff is the same year after year. Companies ride their little economic model for years without looking to the future. Then they complain moan and threaten. If they really had options, they would simply implement them.

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  • jettredmont
    Nov 21, 06:20 PM
    If you're in a warm room, for instance, you'll have much lower performance, since it requires the differential to work. Of course, maybe the information available isn't wholly accurate, but that's my understanding based on the description.

    And therein lies the failure of this idea as a simplifying concept:

    When do you need the fan on? When the processor heats up.

    Do you want the fan blowing harder or softer when the room is warmer? Harder.

    In other words, if I'm sitting out in the cool evening air, I hardly need the fan going at all as the coolness of the air is doing just fine pulling the heat from the CPU. If I'm sitting in 100-degree weather then that fan better be buzzing like a bee to get enough air past the heat sink to effect a suitable heat transfer.

    This works in just the opposite: In the cold air, there's a huge differential, so the fan is going full bore, annoying me and all my peace-and-quiet-loving neighbors. In the warm air, it slows to a crawl as the amount of electricity generated approaches the lower limit of sustaining power for the fan. Then it stops. Then my laptop heats up rapidly and the processor dies.

    So, you need two additional controls: a bleed for cases when this extra cooling is not necessary, and a backup fan for when it isn't sufficient.

    So, we haven't been able to simplify the problem at all, and instead are gaining the (very slight) power savings from not having to run this fan off our battery power (directly) in a mid-temp room. Seems like the R&D and per-unit costs put into this circuitry could be more wisely spent eking a few more milliwatts from the existing circuitry ...


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  • munkees
    Mar 19, 12:37 AM
    it took 10,000 pictures (99%) in auto setting, on my Canon T1i, to learn that my pictures sucks, and now I using Av, and have learned lots about f/stops, and lenses, photos are now starting to look better, learning buy seeing other pictures and how they did it.

    Learned that iPhoto has nothing magical about it.

    I am not big on post processing unless I want HDR or tilt-shift. I do very little modification.

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  • Al Coholic
    Apr 19, 10:24 AM
    I am totally blown away by all the attention this thing is getting.

    You guys do know this is just a white version of the ip4, right? It all works the same as the black one. ;)


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  • edemcgrace
    Mar 26, 10:33 PM
    Neat! I suppose they're talking about their rivalry between womens >.< OMG!

    ^New Issue. LOL

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  • Fatdog
    Nov 17, 10:44 PM
    So a 17 year old can do it but a gigantic company with $50 billion lying there can't. Seems logical to me. :rolleyes:

    Wake up Steve. Seriously.

    No, there's a slight difference. He's simply selling the parts with no control on quality or guarantee that white glass will negatively affect the iPhone. Apple isn't selling the white iPhone 4 because there are quality issues that the suppliers can't overcome. Rumor is that the white glass on the iPhone 4 isn't consistently white and allows light to bleed through to the camera sensor. Apple had enough problems with the antenna "issue", so I imagine that'd take precautions with the white glass...


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  • Winni
    Feb 19, 05:27 AM
    Everyone is dressed up but Steve....awesome.

    Not really. It's his trademark - after all, Steve Jobs is another product from Apple's marketing department.

    I'm rather disappointed that Mark Zuckerberg did not appear in casual clothes as well. I would have expected more from him.

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  • Zombii Matt
    Mar 31, 03:34 AM
    its about $4.03 in La Quinta, CA (Palm Springs area)


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  • ppdix
    Apr 14, 05:22 PM
    The mic in the background looks like a cleaning utensil...

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  • Fraaaa
    Apr 21, 02:07 PM
    The iphone 5 will be a minor spec bump, i seriously doubt they are waiting for september unless it is for LTE which people claim isnt coming until the revision after that (which imo will be quick to get it out before the holidays rather than waiting till the next june)

    1. the A5 is more than a minor spec bump - it's a serious spec bump.
    2. WHY would we want LTE when Android phones have already shown how bad is for battery life? Moreover, not all countries have LTE and even in the US is not widely adopted. Is useless have not optimized technology this time that also cannot be used but by few.

    There is only one thing I could disagree on the A5 adoption on the iPhone. If you have seen the iPhone4 and iPad2 internals you should think about this:

    a. The iPhone4 was so packed you could not fit an hair in it. The A5 is way bigger than the A4.
    b. The solution for the iPad2 problem with the more demanding A5 consumption was to add a third pack of battery.

    This means that the iPhone4 design cannot allow the A5 chip, let alone a bigger battery. I believe that Apple has surely an internal redesign; however, I feel that they will not use the same exact A5 found in the iPad2.

    So, it's most likely they are going do these things.

    1. One device that will work on both VZ and AT&T network
    2. 32GB and 64G storage.
    3. 1080P recording with 8 megapixel camera
    4. A5 chip
    5. Maybe higher ram or maybe not.
    6. Throw in something new... like better gyroscope or something to just make iPhone 4 outdated, but nothing major.

    This is BS. It's not good enough, apple.

    More or less what companies have been doing in computing since 1980. What is your point?
    Having said that, when people will realize that computer usability lies in the software and not the hardware?

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  • rtheb
    Apr 26, 03:24 PM
    Did you try removing and re-pairing the (bluetooth) Magic Mouse in System Preferences?

    You will probably have to use a USB mouse to get to System Preferences until the Magic Mouse is again paired to the iMac Bluetooth.

    Feb 18, 10:56 AM
    It does not look like the NE picture was actually of SJ at all.

    Apr 24, 08:23 PM
    15 inch version.

    Price is no problem.

    Apr 8, 01:26 PM
    Ok, I was going to post something with substance, but I can't stop laughing...

    And what's with this rhetoric? "overthrow"? Really? And you do realize you just Goodwin-ed this discussion...

    If that didn't, I'm pretty sure this did -->

    Fascists show no mercy to ANYONE.. Tea Party = the new modern NAZI PARTY.

    By the way, what's so controversial about NPR and PBS?

    (edit) Considering Planned Parenthood uses ZERO federal funds to provide abortions, what is so controversial about a womens' health provider, birth control, and an entity that helps with education and treatment regarding sexually transmitted diseases?

    Mar 24, 02:56 PM
    Is there a catch to this deal? Do you have to buy a MiFi and sign up for some sort of data plan?
    $299 is ridiculously tempting.

    May 2, 04:49 PM
    Well I feel stupid. The add-on "Tabs to the front" worked

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