Best House Music 2011

Best House Music 2011. BEST HOUSE MUSIC 2010-2011
  • BEST HOUSE MUSIC 2010-2011

  • ferrous
    Apr 5, 01:58 PM
    What is Apple's business in Toyota's advertisement? Jailbroken or not, WTF? It's not like it's a public iPhone burning ceremony.... THAT would be awful! :D

    Best House Music 2011. BEST HOUSE MUSIC 2011(PART4)

  • iliketyla
    Mar 29, 04:09 PM
    Yeah while talking about Japan's protectionism of their agricultural production really adds to the topic of discussion... cause everyone here who clicks on this thread via the main page wants to hear about Japan's agriculture.

    Let's "evolve" the thread to encompass kamikaze pilots, kabuki theatre, zen Buddhism, sushi and whale hunting too...:rolleyes:

    Well the beauty of this is that you don't make the rules. So if a topic changes and people want to talk about, simply disregard the comments.

    Best House Music 2011. Best Of House Music Vol 4
  • Best Of House Music Vol 4

  • old-school
    Apr 25, 05:59 AM
    This isn't surprising news considering that Lion will be running on a new 27-inch iMac screen.

    Best House Music 2011. House Music will be honoured
  • House Music will be honoured

  • Rot'nApple
    Apr 18, 03:49 PM
    I guess I can see Apple's point. But, aren't all tablets going to have a similar style and interface? It would seem like there can be only marginal differences in a touch screen interface.

    And that tab does not look like Apple's style! Where's the sleekness? Where's the smooth lines? Where's the unibody? Where's the subtle curves? Where's the... you get my point. Yuck! That Samsung tablet doesn't seem very Apple-esque! Surmise lawsuit will be settled out of court for first dibs on displays and flash memory or better contract terms on parts Apple buys from Samsung. :apple:

    Best House Music 2011. BEST DANCE MUSIC 2011 new
  • BEST DANCE MUSIC 2011 new

  • uber_nerd
    Apr 23, 05:45 PM
    The basic fact is vector graphics aren't always appropriate. A lot of things really can only be done, or can be done much better, with pixels. For any image with a lot of detail, it's easier -- both for the artists making them, and for the computers rendering them -- to store an extremely high resolution bitmapped image, and then downscale it as necessary, than it is to make and render a vectorized version that is "truly" resolution independent.

    And now Apple's realized that by targeting "Retina Display" resolution levels, this is the last increase in image sizes they'll ever reasonably need: there's no point in making images bigger beyond this point (or displays with higher-than-retina-level DPI one would need to render them) because your eyes really won't be able to tell the difference.

    See above for the win!

    It will be the last big change for mouse driven interfaces. Even if retina size monitors become massive (e.g. 50 inch) the physical size of an icon on the screen will remain the same as today. Increasing resolution beyond "retina" is pointless, it would only play to pixel-peeping freaks with magnifying glasses - hardly a profitable segment of society.

    Same reason print resolution has not increased in a long long time. Once printing resolution matured there were other things to focus on (colour, contrast, etc). Same will play out for computer monitors.

    Best House Music 2011. The Best of House Music
  • The Best of House Music

  • GFLPraxis
    Aug 11, 10:40 AM
    This is good news for future Macbook owners. I'm interested in when the iMac will get Conroe. A friend of mine is switching from Windows and wants the iMac but is waiting for Conroe in the iMac. I only hope they go with the desktop processor in the iMac and not Merom since he's not interested in the mobile processor in his desktop.

    Well, hopefully the iMac will be updated sooner than the portables. Conroe is out and available in quantities now where as Merom won't be as available in quantities until the end of this month.

    Same here. I want a new iMac but I don't want to miss the Get A Free iPod With a New Mac deal.

    Best House Music 2011. New House music 2011
  • New House music 2011

  • cr2sh
    Dec 4, 02:09 PM
    it's a ******** phone! why does palm ceo opinion count?:confused:

    One word for you: Treo.


    Best House Music 2011. House Music All Night Long Vol
  • House Music All Night Long Vol

  • kdarling
    May 9, 02:00 PM
    The best thing about using the free Google Sync, has been that my family has been able to move between different phone models so easily.

    We've swapped between iPhone, WinMo, WebOS, Blackberry and Android... and each new phone gets all our contacts and calendar entries within a few minutes after taking them out of the box and putting in our Google account info.

    It's great that the calendar info is shared between every computer we have as well.

    Our kitchen Touchsmart computer, running a custom iGoogle homepage with Google calendar, is the nexus point for checking our family schedule each morning.

    Does MobileMe support all devices as well? And what's worth $100 a year about it?

    Best House Music 2011. dog house music rehearsal
  • dog house music rehearsal

  • ChrisNM
    Apr 25, 10:06 AM
    Bzzt. Wrong. Everyone using iOS has already given their consent for tracking by accepting the License Agreement and not globally turning off Location Services. You can't claim you didn't know or give consent when it's on page 2 of the License Agreement of the fracking phone's OS:

    I seem to recall Facebook trying to use the same defense with all of its privacy issues and it didn't work so well.

    Personally, I think this whole thing is a tempest in a teapot, but falling back on the license agreement is pretty weak.

    Best House Music 2011. House Music 2011 [ Best
  • House Music 2011 [ Best

  • asdf542
    Mar 30, 09:35 PM
    No no no, we want useful UI improvements not iOS fluff.

    So what part of 'iOS' fluff do Versions, Air Drop, Mission Control, Auto Save and Lion Server fit under?

    'Useful' UI improvements? So what would you consider useful? Personally full screen apps, a native application launcher that can be organized, and resume are all useful to me. Get out of the mindset that just because it originated from iOS means that it won't be useful.

    Best House Music 2011. house music marketing
  • house music marketing

  • shawnce
    Aug 2, 11:06 AM
    Woot WWDC is getting close ... just gotta pack my bags and drive up on Sunday, should be an interesting week (over 1/3 of the sessions are still marked as to be announced, historically many of those relate to new technologies).

    Best House Music 2011. Best House Music 2011
  • Best House Music 2011

  • Cougarcat
    Apr 23, 04:43 PM
    I'm not impressed if this is where the iMac display is potentially going , the current GPUs can barely drive the resolutions they have now in anything other than simple desktop apps . , can you imagine what video card you would need to drive a game (say portal 2 which has low to modest requirements) at 30fps + on a screen with 3200 or higher resloution ?

    I think Apple is simply futureproofing here, and we won't see Retina displays for 3+ years, when it would be more feasible.

    I agree with you, though, it would be nice if Apple was more serious about their GPUs. Maybe the switch to retina will force them to be.

    Best House Music 2011. Track list Of The Best Remixes
  • Track list Of The Best Remixes

  • iOrlando
    Apr 25, 09:14 AM
    I urge anyone who is a regular Macrumors reader to ignore anyone labeled as Newbie in threads/discussions on this tracking/location issue. Most are trolls.

    I was one of the more vocal advocates on these threads way back when in the early days of the antennagate fiasco and the sheer number of trolls were mind-numbing. Of course they all went away into their trolldom caves, but some are showing their trollish faces again.

    Another tip: best way to ignore trolls is to not feed them.

    Best House Music 2011. VA - I Love House Music.
  • VA - I Love House Music.

  • asdf542
    Mar 30, 10:53 PM
    He's talking about parts of the UI that have been taken from iOS. This is the worst example so far:

    It's clearly a "form over function" fail as the words are hard to read in the buttons. At least on the iPad, they had the decency to provide some contrast by making the letters white. It's horrible looking!

    Then again, it's a developer preview. But I realllly hope stuff like that doesn't stick around. It's like the translucent menu bar introduced in 10.5 which everyone complained about that didn't get fixed until 10.5.2.
    No, if he was talking about UI parts then he wouldn't have started to complain literally one line under about certain features in Lion.

    Best House Music 2011. guys The Best House Music,
  • guys The Best House Music,

  • marvel2
    Dec 28, 11:53 PM
    Glad everyone is starting to get their TT kit. We should move this discussion to the iPhone Accessories forum.

    Best House Music 2011. TOP 10 - Best House Music
  • TOP 10 - Best House Music

  • Don't panic
    May 3, 02:47 PM
    i would suggest that the villain can use the artifact to relocate monsters, as an alternative move (either one monster per move/point/turn, or any monster move/point turn)

    edit: and can the villain place a new monster (or a trap) in a room where the heroes already are?
    if so, does the battle start immediately or after the first move by the group, in their turn, if they don't go out?

    Best House Music 2011. Dance House Music (The Best
  • Dance House Music (The Best

  • Detlev
    Jul 30, 06:23 AM
    Nor, methinks this iPhone shall ever happen. What would Apple gain in becoming a cell phone provider? Its a nasty market with no concensus between camps.

    I stated this exactly in a previous thread but I could change my stance if I could be convinced of one or more of the following were possible.
    1. Could Apple improve their iChat to compete with the likes of skype, etc?
    2. Could Apple provide such a service?
    3. Could Apple create an iPod tele without removing what is already available in an iPod?
    4. Could there be a iTel AV to connect to iChat AV.

    Even if the photographer's visit was legit from the sound of it, it is an entirely new product so I'd have to assume that it was just another phone. Whomever they jump into bed with (service provider) would have to be big, really big. Another thing detracting from the story is that the telephone companies are notoriously slow getting product into their stores whereas when Apple releases something it is in store (Apple store that is) rather quickly. AND I don't see Apple selling another company's cell phone service in-store.

    Best House Music 2011. TOP 10 - Best House Music
  • TOP 10 - Best House Music

  • cvaldes
    Mar 30, 05:49 PM
    So I guess that Gold Master rumor was wrong.

    At least 95% of rumors posted here and other Apple-related forums end up being wrong.

    Best House Music 2011. Dj Noálk 2011 03 Top 10 House
  • Dj Noálk 2011 03 Top 10 House

  • thejadedmonkey
    May 6, 03:00 AM
    There's no reason why a Macbook Air couldn't use an ARM CPU for multi-day battery life. Heck, force developers to pay a fee to compile for ARM (it's already in place by charging for xcode) and you've basically forced every user to re-buy every app they use, for ARM... that's definitely Apple's MO, and I can definitely believe it.

    Apr 7, 05:38 PM
    Ha ha! Way to go Apple!!!! Kill the competition any way you can!!

    Apple is doing everyone a favor saving them from the mistake of getting a RIM tablet.

    thats why i love capitalism

    the stupid, (RIM) by failing to plan, are planning to fail and get left behind...

    May 3, 11:13 PM
    I don't know what you guys mean by leaders. We make our decisions individually in the thread, right?

    Interactions with the Game Masters:

    All heroes interact in the thread. If they split up, they all have telepathic powers, given to them by the Wizard, so they know what is happening with the other team. A leader will be designated by the team at the beginning of the game (and at the time of a split) who will report to the Game Masters the desired actions. The rules state that actions will be taken with a vote, but the Game Masters will not keep track, they will trust the designated leader. If drama ensues, this is a desired possible result. Honesty is obviously highly desired.

    From the OP

    So we really need to vote on a leader so we can get this thing moving forward. If you don't want to split up, I suggest voting for someone other than DP

    May 5, 03:22 PM
    You're not stepping out onto the moon this time.

    Talking about the cost of swtiching, I might just add� Stepping out onto the moon cost a pretty penny too. I guess beating the Soviets to bragging rights in space was more important than implementing common sense on the ground.

    Ultimately I think it comes down to the fact that the US is one of the few countries that had a great deal of popular sovereignty determine the outcome of whether or not we should switch to the metric system. � Americans also tend not to have a great deal of respect for the sciences (scientific literacy is appallingly low) so it makes it a tougher pitch to the everyday person.

    Hang on� You're not distancing yourself from the illiterate masses now? I thought you agreed with them? ;)

    Not to mention that Australia in the 1970s was 13 million people, or about 24 times smaller than the current US population.

    Well, I assume the US population ain't getting any smaller the longer you put it off.

    Apr 10, 12:55 PM
    Who said that this an equation? What is the variable that is unknown?

    2 is still winning!

    Means nothing. Either answer would be correct- it is ambiguous. Using "/" notation is poor practice. I believe, for the reasons I stated a few posts ago (post 146), the author would intend an interpretation leading to 288.

    Mar 29, 04:48 PM
    A company like Apple could easily, make and assemble products here, the profit margin on an iPhone is around 60%, but if they did that then there profit margin would only be 50%, corporate and political greed.

    Remind me of why a company isn't entitled to make as much money as possible? Apple, along with most any company, could theoretically absorb the increased costs and thus make less money. The question is why would they do that?

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