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  • zacman
    Apr 21, 03:43 AM
    Ouch, it must really have hurt Apple that Android *smartphones* outsold all Apple iOS *devices* worldwide in Q1 (40 million Android smartphones compared to 32 million iOS devices). So they now are making again strange comparisons that only cover *one* market and *phones* vs. *devices.

    And "largest app store":
    Why didn't Apple give any real numbers here? The last number was 350k in January, in March they said it's over "350k". So how much is it? Probably about 375k now but under 400k as Apple would announce that. Android market now has 325k apps but there are about 35k new apps *per month*. So in one quarter the Android market currently gets about 105k new apps. What's the growth rate in the Apple app store? That's the interesting number to see how confident developers are with the future of the platform.

    boston marathon course 2011. oston marathon route 2011 map
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  • SolarJ
    Apr 6, 02:21 PM
    Try holding down SHIFT and clicking the green plus button it should full screen any app.

    Try Divvy. Its awesome

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  • 2011 Boston Marathon Live Blog

  • Apple OC
    Apr 24, 06:27 PM
    The text cannot be right on as many scientific reasoning. I've to add that if it was so painful, and the Bible so peaceful, why do some Christians claims that the Quran had copied the Bible? Surely, the Bible would then also be as "warlike"?

    It doesn't sound warlike to me, it sounds more like a set of stories, or a message. Something played on a tape.

    they left out the interesting parts to keep people guessing

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  • skunk
    Mar 26, 01:39 PM
    I agree with you, brother. God bless you.You agree with a mangled, meaningless phrase of dog Latin? Mirabile dictu.

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  • oston marathon route 2011 map

  • jctevere
    Aug 28, 07:51 AM
    I have consistently had problems with dropped calls ever since I switched from the original iPhone to the iPhone 3GS, they replaced my phone twice because of it. It would work for a while, but then drop calls, or get 10 call failures before actually placing a call, just to be dropped minutes later...

    Yesterday I finally upgraded to 4.0.2 and it is even worse! Not only do I barely get any signal in my house, even when it shows I have a signal it still doesn't work. The problem seems to be when it goes into sleep mode it disconnects, because when I unlock it, a swarm of text messages and voice mails from missed calls I never received pour in...

    I finally called up AT&T to see if there was anything they could do (maybe give me one of the femtocells to keep my 5 iPhone family plan happy (bill is almost $300 a month)... I was greeted by an unfriendly and unhelpful customer service agent. She pretty much told me there was nothing she could do (and when I asked about the femtocell she had no idea what it was, didn't even offer for me to buy it), and then she said its just the network, it happens to her all the time, I am probably in an area with poor coverage.

    I told her to look it up on the AT&T coverage map it shows "best coverage" all around my house and where I live, pretty much most of Long Island. To which she said "coverage is not at all guaranteed", I flipped a bird and said "what the fu*k does that even mean, so I can get an at&t phone and pay for the service and you can't even guarantee I get service in any location around the world, even if you advertise it" to which she responded "yup". And I said, that's just ridiculous, I might as well switch to a carrier such as sprint or verizion (my parents have one of each) and they get service in our household. And then she said "Go ahead and switch". I don't remember exactly what I said after that, but she followed with other dumb remarks, such as, it could just be what your house is made of, or do you live underground? I'm sure I live in a cave lady... But I really can't bash all the Customer service agents at AT&T, some are great and very helpful.

    Never the less, I was very pissed and disappointed with how AT&T is handling itself. Never have I had such poor customer service. When I had nextel and complained about their crappy service, they were very apologetic and offered me free stuff, and even if I never mentioned dropping them, but even hinted at the possibility, they would offer me upgrades and the works just to keep me... AT&T is just hit or miss, when the network works, its great and super fast, but if your in a high traffic or any other area, its the pits... Which is why I think people on the forums have such a hard time understanding these complaints. I bet the reason for the big change in satisfaction surveys has to do with geographic location. When I was in any other state but NY the service worked when it said I had service, but even then I could have full service, travel 10ft and get No service to show up on the iPhone, very spotty at best.

    I am definitely going to switch my entire family plan over to verizion when our contracts are up in a year, I really hope they get the iPhone, if not, droid here I come! But to the rest of the community, has this ever happened to anyone else but me? Should I call back AT&T, at this point I would be willing to buy the femtocell, my phone doesn't work in passive mode, only gets service when I am on it and unlocked.

    I actually looked up the femtocell, which is now called microcell to make sure I wasn't going crazy and to see if it is available in my area (which it is), and I saw a video that I just find hilarious! If you go to the following link and click on "increased signal strength" in the interactive video that loads on AT&T website for the microcell, it starts to play a video that actually shows how crappy their service is, with the guy having to hang out of the window to make a call... WTF? AT&T should fire whoever makes their commercials...
    Check it out:

    boston marathon course 2011. 2011 boston marathon course.
  • 2011 boston marathon course.

  • OllyW
    Apr 28, 08:02 AM
    Horrible headline.

    You do not "slip" upwards.

    If you had read the first post you would realise they were in third place last quarter.

    Dropping to fourth is not slipping upwards.

    boston marathon course 2011. 2011 boston marathon course.
  • 2011 boston marathon course.

  • darkplanets
    Mar 14, 03:16 PM
    I have no idea why these sorts of examples are constantly used to allay peoples' concerns. Do you actually believe people actually think getting an xray is as harmless as washing with soap? We all see the technician/dentist/nurse go stand behind the protective screens when they use these things while telling us "it's fine, won't hurt you" and we all think "horse manure it won't" as the machine goes click click..
    That's what I mean by tin foil hats... it really isn't bad for you, unless you're getting mutliple does every day. This is why the technician stands behind shielding... without it their average exposure would be astronomical, consider the math alone. Lets say a technician gives 20 x-rays in one day... you can do it from here.

    Did you even read what I posted? You may believe in the linear no threshold model (which you clearly do), but if people in Denver Colorado get 1000 mrem a year and statistically have no ill effects, how can you even say that? An xray clearly isn't bad for you. At all. You get at least 310 mrem of exposure from the environment itself yearly. Also, do you know about biological systems at all? If you did, you'd realize that radiation exposure isn't that bad, and that genetic repair is incredibly commonplace.

    My reading of the NYT article says they could be releasing clouds for MONTHS if/until it's under control, so why do you assume it will not stay like that for long? Speaking of under control..
    Unfortunately, I have the same distrust issue as you do, with the only difference being me not trusting most news media for scientific facts and extrapolations. Many so called "experts" called on for media usually are highly political or vocal people usually removed from day to day science, and typically have an agenda of some sort. Like you, I don't trust the Japanese government entirely either.

    See, you're downplaying it again. I don't know why, perhaps it's just your nature to adopt the calming 'please remain seated' role when the theatre's on fire. Just don't mock the headwear of the people who advise to run for the exits instead while you do. Each to their own. No sense yelling fire if there isn't one. I'm not saying that there won't ever be issues, just that I believe that there isn't a major issue right now (and if they were up to par on safety features, we shouldn't have even gotten this far).

    What do you mean *if* we have a meltdown. Are you denying there has been a meltdown at all? I'll wager with you that there is not only just a meltdown, but actually *three* active meltdowns currently in progress right now. Even so, I'm not even sure where your confidence over the 'if' comes from, everything so far that we're seeing indicates that they are struggling to even keep the situation under control let alone stabilize it, so I believe it's more of a certainty than an if. I believe they are failing, if not already failed, and the situation is already out of their control so it's only a matter of time.

    The reason I say if is because there's no proof either way. Everyone's speculating right now; no one has access to the core. The core temperature sensors aren't working. It could be a partial meltdown, it could not be. Nevertheless, as long as it remains contained, there wont be a safety issue. Remember that BWRs generate heat even with the control rods; if one of those rods became damaged, heat output would increase.

    Edit - my beilief is based on reading stuff like this (from the BBC) about the hitherto quiet reactor #2. While all the focus has been on the exploding #1 and #3, they've also been pumping seawater into #2 as well. So not only is that yet another wtf? moment, we also have a wtf? squared that the fire engine truck ran out of petrol to keep the pump going so the rods were exposed. So I hope you can understand what I mean about not having confidence that they are even abe to stay on top of the situation let alone control it. I fully understand the lack in confidence you feel; it never should have gotten to the boric acid seawater. That said, they should have had multiple redundant systems for backup generators, as is required in many places. Furthermore, since the rest of their grid is up, why don't they have an electric pump there? The military has large industrial grade pumps...

    See, this event doesn't scream the lack of nuclear safety to me, it screams the lack of proper handling and maintenance of basic safety protocols. With systems in place elsewhere in the world, this never would have gotten this far.

    boston marathon course 2011. HALF MARATHON COURSE

  • BoyBach
    Aug 29, 02:18 PM
    - They've indirectly caused the deaths of thousands of starving Africans by preventing the development of genetically-engineered foods.

    Do be frank you're talking crap! :mad:

    There is more than enough food being produced and, more importantly, wasted to ensure that nobody goes to bed with an empty stomach. The reason millions, not thousands, of Africans have died, and continue to do so, are varied and complex.

    But to simplify, as you have, surely the blame lies with corrupt African governments that line their own pockets with Western aid whilst their population die of disease and hunger? To 'save' Africa, the leadership needs to be strong, and it's main aim must be the well-being and protection of it's citizens.

    GM foods will not save Africa and Greenpeace is not in any way responsible for the death of Africans from starvation for opposing GM research.

    boston marathon course 2011. oston marathon course map.
  • oston marathon course map.

  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 21, 09:16 AM
    Have we established that turning off location services actually disables this "feature"?

    No, I misunderstood what he was referring to. After reading more into it, it's different than the locations feature on there. Instead of using it like a GPS, it actually seems to track based off tower triangulation.

    boston marathon course 2011. Boston Marathon Training 2011
  • Boston Marathon Training 2011

  • FreeState
    Mar 27, 10:09 PM
    Dr. Spitzer is an intelligent, nonreligious psychiatrist who believes that some can change their sexual orientations.

    Spitzer says it's very rare and FOF are misquoting him and missusing his study.

    Dr. Robert Spitzer Speaks Out Against Abuses of His Study
    When Dr. Robert Spitzer�s study of 200 gay men and women who reported a change in their sexual orientation appeared in the Archives of Sexual Behavior in anti-gay lobbyist seized on it as proof that homosexuality was, at its core, a choice that could be changed. But as Dr. Spitzer has said repeatedly, any appears to be exceptionally rare. Just last Monday The New York Times quotated him as saying:

    �Although I suspect change occurs, I suspect it�s very rare,� he said. �Is it 1 percent, 2 percent? I don�t think it�s 10 percent.�

    Dr. Spitzer consistently warned that his study should not be used as a part of political efforts to denying gays and lesbians, a warning which Focus on the Family, NARTH and Exodus have ignored with abandon. Now Truth Wins Out has released a video in which Dr. Spitzer registers his disappointment in no uncertain terms:

    � of course, they (Focus on the Family) were delighted with that study. What they fail to mention � and it�s not, I guess, a big surprise � is that in the discussion I noted that it was so hard for me to find 200 subjects to participate in the study that I have to conclude that, although change is possible and does occur, it�s probably quite rare. And of course, they don�t want to mention that.�

    (Out of) Focus on the Family

    This video comes out at a time when we noticed PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-gays and Gays) revamping their website and pulling one of Dr. Spitzer�s statements out of context, this time in an embedded video that rudely plays automatically as soon as the page is loaded. Maybe this is the Focus on the Family video that Dr. Spitzer mentions and is so unhappy with.

    boston marathon course 2011. Consisting of full marathon,
  • Consisting of full marathon,

  • manhattanboy
    May 5, 05:30 PM
    I have had ATT for almost three years now - and I haven't had one dropped call.

    and obviously have either never made any calls or do not live in a major metropolitan city like NY.

    boston marathon course 2011. 2011 boston marathon course.
  • 2011 boston marathon course.

  • SimD
    Apr 12, 10:45 PM
    This is not really true. You need to know the software to make it do what you want to do. You don't need to be an expert certified user, but you need to know your way around.

    Of course you do. I agree completely. Obviously the poster is exaggerating. I assume he means that the editors he speaks of aren't techno geeks like a lot of us here on MacRumors.

    I seem to have misspoken. I meant they don't need to know the acute technical details of their software.

    boston marathon course 2011. Boston Marathon Race Course
  • Boston Marathon Race Course

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 09:27 AM
    I have a couple problems with this approach. There's so much attention brought to this issue of specifically gay bullying that it's hard to see this outside of the framework of identity politics.

    Where's the videos and support for fat kids being bullied? Aren't they suicidal, too, or are we saying here that gays have a particular emotional defect and weakness? They're not strong enough to tough this out? Is that the image the gay community wants to promote?

    Man, being a fat kid in high school. That was rough. There were a number of cool, popular gay guys in my school. I'm sure they took some crap from some people, but oh how I would have rather been one of them! But hey, I'm still here, I'm still alive.

    Bullying is a universal problem that affects just about anyone with some kind of difference others choose to pick on. It seems like everyone is just ignoring all that for this hip, trendy cause.

    boston marathon course 2011. 2011 boston marathon course
  • 2011 boston marathon course

  • Don't panic
    Mar 14, 11:03 AM
    i find hard to believe that the casualties are only in the 1000-3000 range.

    Naturally, I hope they are right and unfortunately that still is a lot of people, but with the news of tens of towns and villages completely razed in densely populated areas I am amazed if the numbers remain so (relatively) low.

    it would be a true testament on how well-prepared they were.

    boston marathon course 2011. 2011 boston marathon route.
  • 2011 boston marathon route.

  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 08:32 AM
    I'm not a thief, I use my data responsible.

    Its appalling that your so righteous to post such.

    I have an unlimited plan, $30 a month, I use tether for a few things but do not go over 5gb a month, I have unlimited so it shouldn't matter, but I use much less then the one poster who claims 90gb a month to download movies.

    Yes I think thats abuse.

    I think anything over 10 to 20gb would be pure abuse.

    but occasional tethering and under that 10gb abuse? No way.

    I need to calm down because it bothers me that people are so brainwashed these days to accept what ever a company does.

    It's just crap. No matter what a Contract says it can be challenged in court and we could be right and At&t wrong.

    So you're saying that if you steal $10 vs $1 million - it's not stealing? No doubt different levels of crime - but both are illegal.

    But see my post above. The long/short of it is - unlimited data is specific to the device as per the TOS. If you're breaking the TOS, you're breaking the TOS - no matter how you or anyone tries to justify it - and ATT can "retaliate" as it's within their right as per that TOS.

    I do not support ATT doing anything to those who already have a metered (limited) data plan. THAT makes no sense.

    boston marathon course 2011. Boston Marathon 2011
  • Boston Marathon 2011

  • manman
    Mar 18, 02:28 PM
    You get what you deserve and for those of you who kept telling others about an Unlock and to suffer the consequences, KARMA.


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  • oston marathon route. oston

  • ezekielrage_99
    Sep 25, 11:32 PM
    And the wait for 8 Core Mac Pros and Merom MacBook Pros/MaBook is on ;)

    Waiting for speed bumps means no one buys a dang thing :cool:

    boston marathon course 2011. Boston marathon runner 4987
  • Boston marathon runner 4987

  • Ugg
    Apr 15, 12:09 PM
    Of course nobody cares about all the straight kids out there that are bullied or at least the media doesn't. Even if they're being called gay because they're not as masculine as society expects but if they're not actually gay then forget it. Those people might as well just kill themselves. At least that's what I've seen from experience.

    Can you provide some statistics to back up your claim?

    boston marathon course 2011. Boston Marathon Qualifier
  • Boston Marathon Qualifier

  • KingYaba
    May 2, 01:21 PM
    So few virus for MAC than when one appears it is news... :)

    It's news because Apple has paraded though commercials explaining how they're safe and Windows is not. Safe from viruses, yes, but even as I looked through this thread I noticed some people don't understand the difference.


    Aug 29, 05:12 PM

    It is disappointing to see Apple ranking so low in the overall guide. They are meant to be world leaders in design and marketing, they should also be world leaders in environmental innovation." said Kruszewska.

    And this is something I gotta agree with. I don't believe that people in Greenpeace are sitting around doing nothing and just making things up, such as ranking corporations blindly with no research data at all. In my opinion realizing such issues doesn't make anything worse, just makes it possible for things to get even better. Sounds probably quite optimistic, yes, but gotta keep the spirits up. I also have bought all my Apple-stuff in the belief that they are somewhat more eco-friendly too. They make excellent computers, and soon to be even more perfect! :D

    Mar 15, 09:23 AM
    Yes. All the fission stopped almost 72 hours ago.

    I shouldn't even be taking the bait from someone who's posting with such a jackass style, who doesn't even know hydrogen is flammable (helium my ass), but here's a nuclear expert and fellow telling it to you, exactly like it is:

    Yes. Radiation levels detected outside the Japan plant remain within legal limits.

    I don't think you understand how minute that still is. I don't think you understand that it still would need to be magnitudes higher to even be remotely harmful.

    Move along.


    As was quoted in my quote of the quoted article you quoted:

    You want to be pedantic about 'front door' and 'outside the plant'?

    I think we all already know without requiring puma's three degrees in atom science that the further away from it you are the less radioactivity there is. Hence the word 'evacuate'.

    What the hell are you talking about? You don't even make any sense.

    Apr 15, 07:50 AM
    1. Pressing delete when you've selected a file in finder doesn't delete the file. You've gotta use the context menu or <gasp> actually drag it to the garbage.

    I know this one: Use Command-Delete

    Apr 24, 01:53 PM
    If I told you I were a homosexual would that discredit or vindicate my views? Would it make them more... acceptable?

    I'm just trying to find out how much you really love freedom.

    So what is it?

    Thumbs up for giving gays the freedom to legally commit themselves to a life-long partnership?

    Or thumbs down?

    Mar 11, 08:55 PM
    Tonga (thousands of miles away) was just hit by a magnitude 6.1 earthquake. Eerie coincidence. And there was just another magnitude 6.8 aftershock in Japan. :(

    Open your wallets for this one. Unlike Haiti, the Japanese government won't waste the money, and it will do some good.

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