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  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 08:43 AM
    The iPhone is voluntary. You enabled location services.

    Did you read ANY of the news articles.

    With location services turned off, this data was still be collected. And Apple says this was a "bug"

    So you're wrong.

    central park west irvine. COMâ„¢: Astoria at Central Park
  • COM™: Astoria at Central Park

  • Object-X
    Aug 26, 05:44 PM
    Anyone know of benchmarks comparing the core duo with the core 2 duo?

    central park west irvine. central park west irvine.
  • central park west irvine.

  • xStep
    Apr 6, 06:22 AM
    I'm willing to bet there will be a price drop and only available on the Mac App Store.

    I doubt it will be available on the Mac App store. Think about how much space FCS requires.

    central park west irvine. central park west irvine.
  • central park west irvine.

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 28, 06:33 PM
    That is a good point... I was "lumped" in as a liberal and I don't consider myself one. I am more moderate. Live and let live kind of guy...

    I'm a mixture. Liberal, moderate, and conservative.

    central park west irvine. Central Park West at 79th
  • Central Park West at 79th

  • 28monkeys
    Apr 11, 07:10 PM
    iphone 4 out of date? Is that even possible with the mighty apps around to entertain me every second i turn it on!?

    central park west irvine. at Central Park West in
  • at Central Park West in

  • jaxstate
    Aug 11, 02:40 PM
    It will not be carrier free. They'll be able to see more phone buy letting them go for a cheaper price w/2-year agreement. Buying a celly without a plan can be quite expensive.

    central park west irvine. Skateboard Park - Irvine,
  • Skateboard Park - Irvine,

  • Macnoviz
    Jul 20, 05:07 PM
    Let's hope the "opposite of Hyperthreading" will come along (Leopard feature???).. So, instead of a "emulating" a Dual Core / CPU config (like on later Pentium 4's), emulate a Single CPU on multiple cores. :cool:
    Then, you get 8 * 3 GHz = 1 * 24 GHz...!!!

    I think Reverse Hyperthreading will have to be processor-bound, like Hyperthreading. Intel has its mitosis project, so let's hope that works out well!

    central park west irvine. central park west irvine. on
  • central park west irvine. on

  • citizenzen
    Apr 28, 04:05 PM
    If liberals would stop 'crying wolf' ('claiming racism') at every corner, we might actually take them seriously and help out when there's actual evidence.

    Likewise, if conservatives would not turn a blind-eye to obviously something that is racially motivated, we might actually take them seriously.

    If there's not enough evidence that the birth certificate issue is racially motivated, then I can't imagine what it would require for something to meet standard.

    central park west irvine. central park west irvine.
  • central park west irvine.

  • kdarling
    Mar 31, 04:16 PM
    Yet what he said is 100% accurate..Weird how that can happen sometimes.

    Gruber is rarely accurate in his conclusions, and this time is no exception.

    None of what is happening smacks of being a "bait-and-switch" as he claims. That would've required extremely clever pre-planning years ago on the part of Google.

    Instead, it's got all the hallmarks of too little pre-planning.

    Anyone with experience dealing with large projects can see that Rubin has belatedly come to realize that things were getting out of control. Now he is goofing up trying to take full control himself instead of doing the smart thing and first getting a consensus from the OHA members.

    central park west irvine. central park west irvine.
  • central park west irvine.

  • Mr. Savage
    Apr 7, 10:46 PM
    That's nothin'. I remember shortly after the new MacBook Air was released at BB I was playin' around with the demos and was listening to an older man with his teenage daughter talking to the salesman about getting one. Then I noticed they ONLY had the more expensive versions (bigger SSDs) on the price cards. The old guy was oblivious about the different versions and the daughter was spoiled so he agreed to buy her one. When the sales-twerp went into the back to find one I pulled up the inventory right there on the demo model and showed the guy the cheaper model. When the sales-kid came back out the old guy asked him if they had the cheaper model in stock. The kid played dumb and pretended he didn't even know there was such a thing. I helpfully pointed out the one on the inventory screen and its "In Stock" status.

    Long story short: kid acts surprised and confused, goes gets one and old guy buys his daughter a $1350 (instead of $1650) computer to update her facebook status with and thanks me for not minding my own business ;)

    central park west irvine. Central Park West: The
  • Central Park West: The

  • john123
    Sep 19, 09:33 AM
    Addressing larger RAM partitions is not the #1 advantage for me. I will not be putting >4GB of memory into my laptop. And I suspect it is not the #1 advantage for most of the people posting in this thread. If you don't like the subject matter of this thread, then don't read it. Simple as that.

    You're so wrong. Most people posting in this thread don't have a clue what 64 bit computing really means. They just think they have to have it because it's the newest thing.

    central park west irvine. Central Park West - Irvine,
  • Central Park West - Irvine,

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 15, 04:31 PM
    So, again I am hoping our Radio Shack rep here can tell
    us if the stores will be getting shipments of the iPhone for
    the general population on launch day.

    I think I can persuade the owner into at least calling me at
    home when his shipment arrives.

    central park west irvine. Central Park West - Irvine,
  • Central Park West - Irvine,

  • wprowe
    Apr 25, 04:14 PM
    Doesn't anyone read their agreements anymore?


    Look at the section on Location-based Services. You agree that Apple can track your specific location including GPS data.

    Location-Based Services

    To provide location-based services on Apple products, Apple and our partners and licensees may collect, use, and share precise location data, including the real-time geographic location of your Apple computer or device. This location data is collected anonymously in a form that does not personally identify you and is used by Apple and our partners and licensees to provide and improve location-based products and services. For example, we may share geographic location with application providers when you opt in to their location services.

    Some location-based services offered by Apple, such as the MobileMe �Find My iPhone� feature, require your personal information for the feature to work.

    central park west irvine. to Central Park West in
  • to Central Park West in

  • rwilliams
    Mar 22, 12:58 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    And this post sums up why so many are failing to knock Apple off of their perch. Companies keep thinking that bigger and better specs is going to deliver customers to them, and it's just not happening. Apple has never had the greatest specs in their products - it's the user experience and the polish of the Mac/iOS ecosystem that's keeping them coming back year after year.

    central park west irvine. central park west irvine.
  • central park west irvine.

  • ProwlingTiger
    Mar 31, 08:44 PM
    I like everyone bashing on the Apple "fanboys." It's comical. Somehow telling it like it is hangs a sign around your neck saying "i'm a fanboy, flame me."

    People defending Google here by saying Google is still open are simply delusional. Now, if you defend Google by saying, "hey, Google was wrong these past few years, they're going in the right direction now," I'll give you credit.

    But, somehow, Google changing its policies that were clearly not in the best interest of consumers gives people a reason to bash Apple customers.

    Google is practically admitting what Apple "fanboys" have been saying all along.

    "You can't handle the truth!"

    SactoGuy18: Good idea. I've been wondering why Google never did this originally.

    central park west irvine. 1 2 3. HighRiseCondoGuide.com
  • 1 2 3. HighRiseCondoGuide.com

  • ValSalva
    Apr 6, 11:10 AM
    I still don't think this means new MacBook Airs in June. Can anyone really see Apple releasing new hardware before Lion is released?

    central park west irvine. Central Park West Homes at Irvine Starting Sales Again. Maxfield at Central Park West. Photo by Lennar Central Park West homes.
  • Central Park West Homes at Irvine Starting Sales Again. Maxfield at Central Park West. Photo by Lennar Central Park West homes.

  • themoonisdown09
    Apr 12, 07:07 AM
    I just choked on my own vomit. I really want a new iPhone this summer.

    central park west irvine. central park west irvine.
  • central park west irvine.

  • 4God
    Jul 14, 02:30 PM
    Dual optical drive slots are a must....<snip>.....

    Maybe one of the drives will be Blu-Ray.

    central park west irvine. central park west irvine.
  • central park west irvine.

  • yoak
    Apr 11, 03:59 PM
    For the past three years, Apple's decisions in the professional market have been a bag of fail.

    Anyone else starting to get a sinking feeling?

    I don�t. Why would they even bother with a new version of FCS.
    I also think Thunderbolt is an indication that Apple are thinking of the pro segment.
    I do agree they have focused too much (from my perspective, probably not from the stockholders) on iDevices lately, but I don�t think they will abandon the pro market

    Apr 8, 05:09 AM
    When you are as HUGE as best buy, and you are selling a product as huge as the iPad, it makes sense to create a demand. People do this all the time. You can't get it now, so the second it becomes available to you, you buy it in fear that you might have to wait another month. This happens all the time with a lot of products.

    Why would this matter.

    I would understand it if they were able to raise the prices, but no...

    So... the point of this?

    Apr 8, 08:11 AM
    Weird... I think there's more involved in this than we can imagine.

    One thing that comes to my mind is the possibility they were holding their stock to sell it outside the country, as there's been a high demand and higher value to sell overseas.

    Yeah... BB could put the extra iPad's up on Ebay and pocket the extra cash.
    Not a big deal if its just done at one or two stores, but if its organized at the
    corporate level (with lots of creative accounting/reporting in-between) they
    could have millions of dollars going straight to their bottom line (or lining
    some unscrupulous executive's pockets).

    Were those above-quota iPad's being held in-store and sold the next day,
    or were they being forwarded/rerouted to another BB location?

    I'm still planning to buy my iPad from my local Apple store.

    Mar 24, 07:34 PM
    I believe a lot of the anti-Obama crap spewed by the Tea Party and Republicans is based more on his race than his party.

    Why? Being the same race as a prominent figure of another party has never stopped people attacking those figures viciously in the past. Such is the nature of politics.

    By all means correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't see much evidence of people crying racism on their behalf on the occasions that Condoleeza Rice or Colin Powell were being criticised by other parties.

    Mar 22, 01:51 PM
    Now it has become a battle of who will get my $500 bucks.

    Let the games begin! *grabs popcorn and soda*

    Mar 23, 10:21 AM
    9. The US has not rewarded countries such as Norway for entering the conflict as UN allies, but rather a genuine sense of outrage at the brutal crimes against humanity being committed by Qaddafi and his forces impelled the formation of this coalition. The Bush administration�s �coalition of the willing� in contrast was often brought on board by what were essentially bribes.

    Some called them 'the coalition of the billing' because so many members were paid off in some way.

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