Cumulative Distribution Function

Cumulative Distribution Function. The cumulative distribution
  • The cumulative distribution

  • IntelliUser
    Nov 28, 03:10 AM
    awful program
    locked up my mac multiple times and possibly was the cause of my bootcamp partition getting completely ruined
    was working fine until i ran this

    I wouldn't mess with the Bootcamp partition, regardless of the AV.

    Cumulative Distribution Function. Distribution Function
  • Distribution Function

  • Eidorian
    Aug 11, 10:44 AM
    Read the link, the chip on that link was a Conroe, not a Merom.

    What exactly was wrong with what I posted?The link ( that was posted was to a Conroe chip. mashinhead asked for third party upgrades for the the current Yonah based line here. #64 ( emotion replied with this link #70 (

    Conroe cannot fit into Yonah's socket.

    Cumulative Distribution Function. cumulative distribution
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  • Mike Reed
    Apr 5, 07:27 PM
    I would be curious to know what 'maintaining a good relationship with Apple' means in this case. Is it similar to PC OEMs like Dell and HP agreeing to not sell PCs with Linux to 'maintain their good relationship with Microsoft'? I own a Scion that came with an iPod compatible stereo as an option. I wonder if they are licensees of the made for iPod program.

    To those saying scions aren't good cars, shush. That box model isn't the only one they make. :P

    Cumulative Distribution Function. cumulative distribution
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  • Northgrove
    Apr 20, 03:31 AM
    Springing for just a faster processor. Dont't think thats gonna happen. I'll just stick with my iP4 until the following year...

    Same, and I'm saying that as a 3GS user. I'm not feeling the slowness here, and the only thing I miss from the iPhone 4 is the better camera. I've seen the Retina display but while it's a nice resolution bump, it still didn't make my display feel horrible. I'm not annoyed by a particularly low or below average resolution.

    I'm hoping the iPhone 5 has something more to it than this. I don't even know how it would make use of an even faster CPU than that in the iPhone 4. Are we annoyed by things going slow?

    Cumulative Distribution Function. cumulative distribution
  • cumulative distribution

  • Macaroony
    May 3, 01:52 AM
    My margarine is in metric. As is my moo-cow-****-milk, and many other things :D
    Don't forget the chocolate moo-cow-****-milk!

    I buy that in liters.

    Cumulative Distribution Function. cumulative distribution
  • cumulative distribution

  • Multimedia
    Aug 11, 10:49 PM
    I disagree with you on this. I agree with you on the MBP. Apple just revved the specs of their displays and they also released the education iMac. I think the iMac is a homerun for Apple on the desktop. Obviously the strongest Apple product right now is the MacBook. But while I think you're right on with the MBP, I think they will find a way to update the iMac for new, faster processors while retaining the current design/enclosure. Even if it has Merom inside. After all they could rev it to Merom 2.1 and 2.3 and some nice new features and I don't think many people will complain. (Alright some will complain, they always do, but that's beside the point).

    I would bet Conroe is the single processor option for Mac Pros to fill out the mid-range desktop line. The Mac Pro starts at $2,499 and that's way too expensive. I'm thinking there's going to be something to fill the gap between $1,499 and $2,499. That's where Conroe comes in.I hope you're right. My scenario is excluding the idea Apple will fill in that sub $2k tower hole they seem to be neglecting a LOT. :eek: Would make a lot of sense for them to simply extend the Mac Pro enclosure down into that space with Conroes. Mac Pro expandability is really fantastic. A Conroe motherboard in that same case would be the ticket. Or a cheaper enclosure with the same expadability capacity would work. I would hate to see them offer a Conroe Mac with less expadability inside.

    Cumulative Distribution Function. cumulative distribution
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  • iMacZealot
    Jul 31, 04:24 AM
    For goodness sakes, the delivery date aside, Apple has already virtually confirmed that an Apple phone is on the way.

    Let me rephrase that: I think we're all getting way too ahead of ourselves. The source of this all is some "tech-unsavvy photographer that Apple hires" according to another crappy tech website. I don't know if it's true or not, but we're all just way too ahead of ourselves with free phone calls through AirPort or whatever.

    Cumulative Distribution Function. cumulative distribution
  • cumulative distribution

  • hushmartin
    Mar 28, 11:51 AM
    Better not be true. It sucks waiting for the new phone as it is, the 3gs has gotten old, slow and the battery is on the way down. I might be one of those people who gets so annoyed with waiting that I jump ship... and I *love* having an iPhone.

    I'm planning on getting a phone in July; I really hope it's an iPhone.

    Cumulative Distribution Function. cumulative distribution
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  • macman4291
    Jul 23, 10:57 PM
    If the new macbook pros are only different in the chips, will there be a way to upgrade to core 2 duo if you have a previous macbook pros?

    Cumulative Distribution Function. cumulative distribution
  • cumulative distribution

  • Pegamush
    Mar 29, 09:57 AM
    i don't like cloud based storage, am i the ony one thinking it is extremely energy wasting?
    why would i, in Italy, need to stream data from a server based in sweden, just to play an mp3 song i already own (since then)?
    wouldn't it lead to a massive data overload?
    or maybe i'm just missing the point..

    Cumulative Distribution Function. cumulative distribution
  • cumulative distribution

  • DavidCar
    Jul 22, 10:38 PM
    I'm with Multimedia i don't see why Apple would intentionally cripple the Macbook with yonah when they coast exactly the same and are just a drop in upgrade.
    Maybe the low end MacBook will keep Yonah and get a price drop, while the higher end MacBook, black and white, will get Merom. That might lead to the most sales, to both those looking for a cheaper MacBook, and those waiting for Merom.

    Cumulative Distribution Function. cdf (Cumulative Distribution
  • cdf (Cumulative Distribution

  • Ja Di ksw
    Apr 10, 08:20 AM
    What a thread.

    The premise is incorrect from the start - this is not a mathematical problem, it is a problem of noting a very simple formula using ASCII characters only, and deciding how that sequence of ASCII characters should be interpreted.

    The "PEMDAS" rule was quoted, which is apparently used to drill children in the USA and remove any inkling of mathematical talent from their tiny little brains. PEMDAS has nothing to do with mathematics. It is about interpretation of a textual representation of a formula.

    Someone went so far to ask "do you think you are more intelligent than a calculator"? What a stupid question. Even the most stupid poster here on this thread has an intelligence that is far superior to that of any calculator.

    When you write down a formula, it is essential to write it down in a way that doesn't leave room for interpretation, and in a way that survives the limitations of the medium involved. This wasn't done here. Whatever the original poster wrote went through some major textual manipulation. It went through a web browser, a "POST" command, was interpreted by the MacRumors server software, translated into HTML, and then displayed on my screen. There is no way for me or anyone else to know what the user actually posted. And to the majority of posters here, whatever rules are tought to children in the US school system don't apply.

    Trying to give an answer to the question is just stupid, when it is clear that nobody knows what the original poster actually meant when writing down the formula. It would have been very simple to either write (48/2) * (9+3) or 48 / (2 * (9 + 3)) where in each case there would have been agreement how to interpret this. That didn't happen; any attempt of interpreting the text as given is pointless.

    Want to guess where I stopped taking you seriously? Or were you trolling right from the start? The equation is written fine if you know how to read it. And the rambling about the interpretation and going through HTML and whatnot was no more relevant than babbling on about how you can't argue with a person speaking to you b/c the air went from their lungs over their vocal cords and had to deal with the pressure changes in the surrounding atmosphere and vibrate your blah blah blah. S/he wrote it, it's obvious what it meant with the 2 or 288 answer choices, and if you know how to do math the answer is obvious.

    Cumulative Distribution Function. Cumulative distribution
  • Cumulative distribution

  • daneoni
    Aug 4, 04:06 PM
    I got a question ... is the MacBook & MBP batteries Li-Ion or Li-Polymer? If the former then what i want MOST in the MBP is Li-Polymer and really fold the polymers and compress them to get a higher density of energy for longer battery life.

    > The next generation of the MBP I'd really like to see the Intel technology for sub display (not unlike that on flip cellphones) to display AudioCD or running app information on the display or AirPort Ex hotspots within range (SSID, Signal Strength, VoIP signals etc). I'd also like to see a higher resolution - that maintains the same or much higher focus and zoom+Auto Focus - iSight thats built in and somewhat rotable (maybe somehow in the sell without external finger control).

    > Magnesium or some kind of Metal Polymer combination that is very resistance or displaces heat efficiently but absorbing enough heat for hours of DVD, Video editing on our laps without burning them. Something thats much like ceramic tiles and how they displace heat efficiently.

    > Me ... I'll settle for minimum 256MB video memory for ALL MBP and the built to order 512; and built to order 128MB on the Mac Books.

    Question why do the old G4 powermacs of 933mhz or lower STILL selling highly used for such a high price - their almost obsolute in their abilities compared to new hardware. as an example on another forum sight someone is trying to sell a Dual 1Ghz QuickSilver for $1000 1.5GB total memory capacity (not that its filled with that much). Isnt this ridiculous?

    I dunno its just something about the G4's. I recently put my PowerBook up for sale and mid-sale i had bids up to �800+ but i cancelled the listing. I just love this machine.Yes its not a core duo but its very comfortable, doesnt run hot, sexy and has novelty and infact i find myself using this more than my BlackBook. I may just sell the BlackBook and get a new one when merom/santa clara chipsets start shipping or if a moderately priced MacPro and Display is released. For now the PowerBook and i remain friends.

    Cumulative Distribution Function. Cumulative Distribution
  • Cumulative Distribution

  • toneloco2881
    Jul 21, 03:40 PM
    I agree, 64 bit would be developer worthy, but why wait to introduce a new chip until then? Picture this - release new MBP and iMacs with the new chip before WWDC. At WWDC you annouce and showcase the OS, not the hardware, and at the end introduce a new desktop model and then say "all our pro line of computers and even the top consumer line support 64 bit NOW". Far more impact IMHO.
    I don't think Apple would do a quiet release of a new MBP on their website, only to say "oh yeah......shipping in about a month". They'd rather just intro it at an event, and tell people your not going to be able to get their hands on it for a while.

    Sort of like what they did at Macworld. Intel announcing a chip shipping, and actually being able to purchase a product with said chip inside, are two entirely different things. I seriously doubt anyone is going to be able to get their hands on a Merom-equipped notebook for at least a couple weeks, which happens to coincide with WWDC. Just imho....:)

    Cumulative Distribution Function. and cumulative distribution
  • and cumulative distribution

  • *LTD*
    Mar 30, 09:39 PM
    So have we got a changelog yet?

    Cumulative Distribution Function. Re: cumulative distribution
  • Re: cumulative distribution

  • iScott428
    Mar 29, 04:49 PM
    Do you two have any hard data to suggest this is actually true in this case? Considering this company is planning to expand to the US and China, what evidence do you have suggest that its dangerous?

    I am sure I could find some, but really you do not believe that battery production has some nasty byproducts? For instance it does more environmental damage to make Hybrid car batteries and get them into the vehicle than the car would ever save on energy usage through its life.

    Cumulative Distribution Function. Cumulative Distribution
  • Cumulative Distribution

  • thejakill
    Mar 29, 08:55 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    This is quite valuable, since there is currently no way to store music on your computer.

    Cumulative Distribution Function. cumulative distribution
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  • masterhiggins
    Mar 29, 07:39 PM
    Well, I'm glad to see that Macrumors and Apple are at least able to focus on the big picture: product availability.

    Cumulative Distribution Function. cumulative distribution
  • cumulative distribution

  • ciTiger
    May 6, 07:50 AM
    Of course they will move to ARM, everyone will. Google is allready running their data centres on ARM based servers, Windows 8 will run on ARM as well, Apple is investing huge amount of money into their A4, A5 chips. The main problem of computers nowadays is power efficiency and not computing power, because most of the computers allready are overpowerd for what their users usually do with them.

    Quite true... Most but not all... And Apple prizes themselves on having a "professional" line. So some products would have to remain out, but Apple usually likes to stick to one thing...
    But I really think we are still a few years away from it...

    Aug 11, 09:45 AM
    dang, right after i go and buy a Macbook......:eek:

    Sep 11, 11:52 AM
    this is probably old news but meh, what the hell:

    Nov 23, 01:10 PM
    I've been holding off on the smart phone thing until Apple comes up with something that makes sense. I've tried palm and windows mobile phones and both are so clunky. I'm sure I could reasonably learn their quirks and incorporate them into my life, but I don't want to. I just want it to do what it's supposed to and get out of my way, just like my macs and my ipod. The "solutions" out there now force you to do it their way.

    Apr 20, 07:00 AM
    The nice thing this time around is that everyone seems to have such low expectations that Apple can only meet or exceed them :D

    Very well said :)

    Apr 22, 10:01 AM
    uuumm...yes I do want my MP on the desk. On the floor is where all the **** and dust is.

    Agreed.. Under a desk it has less airflow, more dirt and crap.

    Actually I prefer it being under the desk because it looks cleaner but it is NOT better for the computer. I don't know what that guy is smoking.

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