Fake Bin Laden

Fake Bin Laden. in laden fake bin laden
  • in laden fake bin laden

  • elbirth
    Oct 25, 04:08 PM
    Just noticed Apple has added 750GB HDs to the Mac Pro configure page recently. Only a few weeks left 'til the Dual Clovertown Mac Pros ship.

    2.33GHz C2D MacBook Pros announced yesterday shipping today. Only MacBook & mini left to complete the Core 2 Duo transition. Should be all in place by Thanksgiving including 8-core Mac Pro. Very exciting. :)

    Yeah, I saw someone talking earlier about the addition of the 750GB drives... this gives me a new dilemma of deciding between 2 drives. I suppose price will be my deciding factor overall... I just want my 8 cores!

    Fake Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden Killing: More
  • Osama Bin Laden Killing: More

  • acslater017
    Apr 15, 11:00 AM
    It seems like everyone is just ignoring all that for this hip, trendy cause.

    What are you talking about? If you're talking about the Apple employees, this issue is obviously something that's very personal, real, and long-lasting for them. It's hardly a "hip" or "trendy" thing. If you're just talking about society (or the MacRumors forum), I don't understand that either. Many people are bullied, sure. But what's wrong with focusing on this particular group? There has been a recent spate in teen suicides due to teasing surrounding their sexual orientation.

    Many people are suffering, so we shouldn't bring up the Tsunami in Japan? Wars occur all the time, so we shouldn't try to stop the genocide in Darfur?

    Fake Bin Laden. Fake Bin Laden.
  • Fake Bin Laden.

  • archipellago
    May 2, 04:56 PM
    Sure it can, but it's the percentage and the variables of these "bad" incidents that are key as you are generalizing without specifics.

    How about unbiased studies, and percentages of viruses and malware between the two? Those would be facts (again, from an impartial party/experiment).

    Also, you're on a Mac based website, so of course there are OS X defenders. Go to Engadget, et al if you don't wish to be here, you're free to decide :)

    Its hard to link to conversations.....

    Studies on malware are pointless, there is so little effort being put into writing OSX malware, no ROI.

    to be honest I didn't think it was a still a live argument (Mac OSX security myths) it certainly isn't in my circles.

    Fake Bin Laden. osama in laden fake.
  • osama in laden fake.

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 9, 12:01 PM
    When Apple Buys Nintendo eventually, it will be a good merge.

    Fake Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden Fake Tape.
  • Osama Bin Laden Fake Tape.

  • Daveoc64
    Apr 15, 11:51 AM
    You know, it's pretty easy to see why some are tempted to just dig in and declare you to be an enemy to be fought at any price - after they extend an olive branch and people like you still come back accusing hate.

    I'm just saying that it's very simple:

    Someone who tells you, in the face of scientific evidence, that they believe who you are is wrong and that you should change can only be described as being hateful.

    Their intentions are irrelevant if they're telling you something that is proven to be harmful.

    Fake Bin Laden. down with a fake bin laden
  • down with a fake bin laden

  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 10:55 AM

    So you are OK with the whole Ex-Gay thing?
    And before you become over-wrought again, I am just reading what you wrote in reply to WestonHarvey1's post (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12397392&postcount=126)… where he says he suspects you might be sympathetic to the ex-gay "cause". A post which you then labelled Best. Post. Ever.

    Fake Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden killed outside
  • Osama Bin Laden killed outside

  • ziggyonice
    Apr 20, 05:25 PM
    Android is to Windows, as iOS is to Mac OS.

    The similarities are astounding � Google is doing the same thing Microsoft did back in the day.

    As much as Apple cares about marketshare, the experience is more important to them then the product itself. That's really something.

    Fake Bin Laden. be that Osama in Laden#39;s
  • be that Osama in Laden#39;s

  • ImageWrangler
    Oct 9, 03:33 PM
    Probably, unless Apple recognizes the competition and responds by:
    - Removal of 3g cellular restrictions not technically motivated at least outside of the US
    - Allowing at least music apps like Spotify to run in the background
    - Improving the app approval process to become more like the Android process
    - Flash support in Safari (with an option to disable this)
    - SDK that can execute on other platforms like Windows or Linux and that uses a more user-friendly and intuitive language than Objective-C

    Hahaha! I love it! A humor writer! For which night time show do you right your jokes for because these are all awesomely funny, I mean, only a humor writer could write such thing so ludicrous and out there. Now, please only take this is constructive criticism as some of your jokes you wrote aren't as funny as others, I mean, you're clearly not at the top escholon and you're honing your funny writing chops but, as a start, with such absurd one-liners as this I think your future is bright, especially for say parody or absurdist or non-logical humor... brilliant stuff. Keep up the good work. Unless you were being serious, in which case, try a magnifying glass.

    Fake Bin Laden. like in Laden are fake.
  • like in Laden are fake.

  • GGJstudios
    Apr 13, 03:16 PM
    I'm sure this has been mentioned.

    Connecting other hard drives. I'm only able to read from most (windows) drives.
    FAT32 (File Allocation Table)

    Fake Bin Laden. Fake Death Photo of Osama Bin
  • Fake Death Photo of Osama Bin

  • killr_b
    Jul 12, 04:57 PM
    Yes Mulitmedia these are the same morons with too much money and too little sense , These are the same people who are saying ..ohhh why can't Conroe go into an iMac , but i want a Woodcrest , hey I don't care if Merom is Pin compatible can't they go with Conroe for it's better perfromance ..lol

    What a bunch of whiny daddy's boys , no sense at all they just obey the all mighty Stevie Jobs when he lies about how the new MacPro is THE FASTEST PEECEE IN THE WORRRRLD:p

    And why are you here?????

    Fake Bin Laden. Fake Osama in Laden links are
  • Fake Osama in Laden links are

  • skottichan
    Apr 15, 12:57 PM
    A person being raped, is by definition, being forced. A person willfully having sex is not being forced. That scripture is expressing the importance of resiting when possible, while also preventing a willful participant from claiming that they were raped in order to avoid the consequences. What it is not doing is claiming that there are different kinds of rape. You are either raped, or you aren't.

    The problem is, and maybe I misread, that it only counts as "rape" if the woman fights back. All rapes are different, just as all women are, a rape victim I know personally, went into a catatonic state during the sexual assault. So, by that definition, she was "consenting" and should be stoned as well. In some cases, the assailant will threaten death of the victim/victim's family to ensure submission. So do these count as rape, since they're not fighting back?

    promiscuous or not, it is me. I want rights based on my sexual promiscuity. Why is it different? That is who I am.

    No ones rights are trampled for being promiscuous, unless you're a woman, then you're a slut and deserve what you get. (I wish this was sarcastic, but that's pretty much how women with multiple partners are viewed).

    Fake Bin Laden. However, the fake Bin Laden
  • However, the fake Bin Laden

  • Rt&Dzine
    Mar 27, 07:06 PM
    I think it's pretty safe to say that Nicolosi is anti-gay.

    But I do think there is a place in this world for therapists to work with people who feel conflicted with their sexual orientation. Heck, we accept that people can change gender ... why not sexual preference as well? In either case it's important that this would come from the patient's desire to change and not from the therapists desire to change them.

    People try all sorts of wacky therapies that aren't backed by science. I wonder how many parents have followed his book, A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality.

    Fake Bin Laden. Fake bin Laden photos
  • Fake bin Laden photos

  • tigress666
    Apr 10, 12:18 PM
    Yeah that is why they have the top selling game on console in COD and the top selling game on PC in WOW :rolleyes:

    That being said, I would love to see games like the old school RPG FF games or even starcraft type games.
    Those would own on the ipads and work pretty well on the iphone/ipods as well

    Uh, they have Final Fantasy 1-III on the iPhone :) (III is the most expensive game I've seen on the iphone, 16 bux!). I'm working on II right now (then going to try I and got a few more games so waiting for III to be on sale or for when I finish the other games, whichever comes first).

    I'm just hoping they eventually get to VII (that they find porting these over to iOS is worth doing more Final Fantasy's on it). Shoot, maybe if they keep going by number, they can get X on an iphone (maybe by that time the hardware will be able to handle that?).

    And I'd love to see Lunar Star Story on the iphone. That would be pretty awesome too. Or Breath of Fire IV. There's a ton of old rpgs that would do great on the iphone. And touch screen wouldn't be too bad of an interface for the old style rpgs either. Actually, for old style rpgs, touch screen would have advantages (no scrolling through lists, just pick it out with your finger).

    Personally, I'd just be happy with them porting over the popular games to the iphone that are on other platforms. I honestly think for me the iPhone is the best portable player cause it is with me everywhere (so with the amount of games I am finding on it now even I'd probably not be really tempted to buy the other handhelds. The iphone being so portable gives it a major plus compared to the more dedicated handheld game systems. Now a console, that would be different).

    I do think that it does have one issue, that since it is my phone as well, it is kind of annoying I have to worry about keeping some battery life so I still have my phone (For example using it on a plane flight I still need to have a usable phone at the end of the flight).

    Fake Bin Laden. SEE Osama in Laden corpse
  • SEE Osama in Laden corpse

  • diamond.g
    Apr 21, 09:12 AM
    Or you know, turn locations off. Hard to look at it when it hasn't been tracking. Skype did a good job of quickly fixing the bug, but that is hardly the case in EVERY app out there. It was one example a potential flaw, of which there have been many on Android devices.

    Have we established that turning off location services actually disables this "feature"?

    Fake Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden Fake Photo
  • Osama Bin Laden Fake Photo

  • MH01
    Apr 21, 04:11 AM
    So you are insulting all Apple users as those who "don't know what you're doing with your own devices."

    You must live in a alternate univerise if think that Apple users are tech savy. You average user is very happy to have Apple control thier experience, ie they are techtards. And frankly owning an Apple product is the best thing for them, with a PC etc they will just get themselves into trouble.

    If your still under some illusion of how tech savy they are read through the macrumors forums...... and remeber they are the more tech savy ones!

    I have moved every family member over to mac who has no idea about computer, they are happy. The people I know who work in IT, develop and are really tech savy, still have a PC (and an android, some have both android and iphone)

    Fake Bin Laden. The fake Bin Laden videos
  • The fake Bin Laden videos

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 07:24 PM
    There is no evidence that sexual attraction/orientation can be changed by anyone, not even the individual.
    As I said, Dr. Spitzer disagrees. Please watch his video, CalBoy. I've already posted a link to it in the post where I mentioned Focus on the Family.

    Fake Bin Laden. Final Fake Bin Laden Tape In.
  • Final Fake Bin Laden Tape In.

  • javajedi
    Oct 10, 04:46 PM
    Originally posted by ddtlm

    (Don't be offended if I repeat myself a few times, I want to make sure everyone gets it. Not trying to say anything about you in particular.)

    Anyway, you missed my point. I know very well that the G4 is at a hardware disadvantage. I pretty much said that when you see a G4 being beat by margins greater than 4x or 5x, then you can be pretty sure there is ALSO, note ALSO, a software disadvantage. Hopefully everyone will see what I meant that time. :)

    I'm glad to see that many people here agree that the G4 isn't really a faster chip than the x86 competition, but I want to see moderation and understanding of the "benchmarks" that have popped up showing an unbelievably bad situation for the G4.

    Remember folks, if the test shows a G4 slower than a P4 per clock cycle then the test probably is handing the software advantage to the P4. Note, for perfect clarity, that I said per clock cycle performance and not overall performance.

    If you recall the java program I created ran without modification on a p4/g4, in addition others on this board have ran it on their Athlon systems. The code is unbelievably simple, I did not give the p4 any "software advatage" whatsoever (and as I said, the code remained changed).

    The only difference (and this could be a big difference), is the different versions of the jvm on the mac, and on windows. On my p4 pc I was using jvm version 1.4.x, while Mac OS X is limited to 1.3.x. To factor this variable out of the equation I decided to port it directly to Mac OS X and created a cocoa application. Java is now out of the equation.

    The cocoa version, as well as it's source is located at http://members.ij.net/javajedi/FPMathTest.dmg.gz

    My PowerBook G4 800 now takes *only* 94 seconds running natively. The P4 running the slower java version (slower because it�s interpreted and the byte code translation) finishes it in 5.9 seconds. Please feel free to take a look. I don't see how the P4, or any other of the x86 processors are cheating. I've tried to make it as fair and possible - to the extent of creating a cocoa app.

    Thanks for your thoughts!


    Fake Bin Laden. Fake Bin Laden. in laden fake
  • Fake Bin Laden. in laden fake

  • jiggie2g
    Jul 12, 03:23 PM
    Yes it would. Ever heard of economies of scale? If Apple told Intel "we want to buy 600.000 Woodcrests from you", they would get a nice discount. Spread that purchase over several different CPU's, and the discount is not that nice anymore. Furtermore, having two different CPU's, two different chipsets and two different types of RAM in single line of computers, is going to make inventory-management and maintentance quite a bit more expensive than having single lineup with one type of compoennts.

    This may be the case for say HP or Gateway , however Apple is Intel's new Darling and gets the best deal in the industry , so good infact that it prompted Dell to no longer feature Intel as it's exclusive chip vendor and as a resuld Dell will be introducing AMD based Desktops in August just to spite Intel for doing this.

    No matter how u configure a machine a Single CPU Woodcrest will never be as cost effiecient as a Conroe. Not to mention the need for ECC-ram , and expensive EPS12 PSU and Server Mobo.

    Fake Bin Laden. osama in laden fake.
  • osama in laden fake.

  • Rodimus Prime
    Oct 7, 04:33 PM
    Far as jailbreaking, to put it in perspective, look how bad Verizon cripples ALL their phones on release. Yea I have to hack the iphone to install maybe 5 choice apps I can't get otherwise, but at least my phone didn't have its GPS and bluetooth disabled, RAM cut in half, wi-fi disabled so I'd have to use 3g even though I'm at home, etc

    And how does carrier matter at all in your argument. Sorry but that entire augment there has no meaning in this debate.

    Oct 26, 11:17 PM
    Multimedia, I was wondering if you could address the FSB issue being discussed by a few people here, namely how more and more cores using the same FSB per chip can push only so much data through that 1333 MHZ pipe, thereby making the FSB act as a bottleneck. Any thoughts?

    Sep 26, 07:24 PM
    Apple should put much needed development into the notebooks. The current crop of Mac Pros are perfect.

    Let software catch up!

    Oct 13, 11:23 AM
    Originally posted by macwannabe
    Saying that the 2.8GHz P4 is no good because it is based on 25 year old architecture is nonsense as far as I'm concerned.

    Can I take it then that you don't think that any of the cars on the market at the moment are worth having or have been improved at all on the grounds that they are based on an 80 year old design? "I don't think that BMW is any good as it is based on a Ford model T", hmmmmmmmm dodgy logic methinks.

    You are absolutely 110% correct. We've allready dismissed BackToTheMac's outlandish fallacies though :)

    I think he gets the picture now....

    Apr 12, 11:07 PM
    I can't even believe I was arguing with someone who things that magic bullet and Color are even remotely the same thing.

    Goodnight, junior.

    I can't believe there are people such as yourself with such a stark lack of integrity that you would lie about what I have said in order to insult me... and simultaneously lack the basic wisdom to recognize that quoting me saying what I actually said in the very message where you tell the lie makes the lie obvious to anyone with basic comprehension skills.

    I mentioned the likelihood of a plugin system that would allow grading, and I mentioned magic bullet:

    I never said that it and color were "the same", I just gave it as an example of something, like Color, that could be integrated into the app workflow via a plugin architecture. I never made a comparison between them, not that comparing a color grading tool like color to magic bullet looks, which is a color grading tool, is all that radical a notion-- if I had made the comparison.

    I'm amazed, if this stark lack of basic integrity and honesty, isn't just you hiding behind an alias online, that you could ever maintain gainful employment acting this way.

    You owe me an apology.

    Oct 26, 10:56 AM
    After much debate and anguish i finally decided to order my Mac Pro yesterday... figures this would come up now.... /sigh. I am assuming they will only add a higher end config, but honestley... do any of us know?

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