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  • Zwhaler
    Aug 27, 03:08 PM
    PowerBook G5 next tuesday?

    I havn't been here long, but I don't get it. :confused:

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  • iJawn108
    Aug 26, 04:47 PM
    I hope they put them into the macbooks soon or they will loose a customer untill santarosa/leopard/iLife '07 are all out.

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  • mactoday
    Apr 6, 11:08 AM
    eh, I don't see how it's significant for anything other than aesthetic purposes. If you're working in the dark the display itself is going to provide enough illumination as it is. Just seems like a waste.
    Well, I work on my MacBook Pro now in bed and it's a pleasure to type on the back light keyboard. You reduce brightness of the display when you work in the dark conditions, I do. So, it's not enough to see the keys, but I don't much care about it, because I could type without looking on the keys, but most of the Apple customers who buys Air's can't type blind.

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  • babyj
    Sep 19, 09:52 AM
    Like I said, 64 bit is pretty irrelevant for most users, and the speed and battery differences are quite negligible. And the argument that Apple is losing tons of sales to PC manufactuers is, frankly, laughable too.

    The pre-release tests I saw reckoned Merom was about 25% faster with 7% longer battery life. Though they are pretty meaningless figures and we won't know until Merom is actually in a Macbook and a comparable test can be made.

    I'd imagine there will be far bigger improvements to both with Santa Rosa and nand cache (which I presume Apple will support) than there is with Merom.

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  • aafuss1
    Aug 6, 05:38 PM
    That's funny. A nice little jab at M$. Classic!

    A nice jab at MS-at least with Leopard, there's only 1 edition unlike M$'s 7 for Vista.

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  • TrollToddington
    Apr 6, 01:21 PM
    You can't please everyone with a tiny 11" or 13" machine. I think people on here expect far too much from such a small package. If you want the best of all worlds go and get the uber 15" with 256GB SSD. If you pay anything less you are in for a compromise.

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  • Dunepilot
    Aug 11, 10:48 AM
    I'm desperately in need of something to replace a buggered Palm Vx and a Sony Ericsson k750i. I've been looking at the Treo, but they're not easy to come by for Vodafone contract, if at all.

    However, I can't see an Apple phone having much PDA functionality, no more than the iPod probably. It'll do something else, like VOIP, to differentiate itself, and have the smallest number of keys possible. Probably the number keys plus one or max two additional buttons.

    I hope they do it, actually.

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  • PurrBall
    Mar 26, 09:12 AM
    Not quite, W7 is still based on Win NT technology, dating back to 1993.

    OS X is still based on UNIX, dating back to '69.

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  • superfula
    Apr 6, 10:53 AM
    Since you have no clue how the sandy bridge airs will perform, I'll take your statement as FUD.

    Of course we do. The integrated graphics card will perform just as poorly as every other Sandy Bridge processor because it's the same.

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  • ValSalva
    Apr 6, 11:10 AM
    I still don't think this means new MacBook Airs in June. Can anyone really see Apple releasing new hardware before Lion is released?

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  • jholzner
    Aug 6, 08:32 PM
    You have absolutely no chance of winning any legal battle based on what you've described here.

    Also, while you're whining about who stole what from who, maybe change your 'save' icon on your site. It's nearly identical to Apples.

    I'm on your side. Apple already owns the trademark for Mac so if they want they could have sued them before the Mac Pro was out.

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  • starflyer
    Apr 6, 01:41 PM
    Oh yeah, well just wait until people find out iOS is a closed system and the Xoom uses Android which is open....

    oh nevermind :D

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  • Funny cats 6: text, images,

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 14, 11:38 AM
    Yeah it's strange. I called them back. They
    don't have anything in their system one way
    or another but told me to stop in tomorrow and
    they will check the system.

    Store is on my way to work so I don't mind.

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  • nunes013
    Mar 25, 11:41 PM
    If they start pumping out release candidates now, I think late July is is too far away. WWDC early June is more likely.

    Major OS releases have historically been $129. I don't think that'll happen this time--$99 or $79 makes more sense (Apple likes people to upgrade, and their software prices aren't as high as they used to be). But that's just me speculating.

    i was thinking and kind of hoping for that. wwdc release and them saying that it is a great price. apple has definitely been done a lot with pricing lately with the ipad starting at $500, snow leopard and ilife prices pretty cheap and maybe mobileme coming down in price. apple is getting better with pricing imo. they are more reasonable for many things lately.

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  • utahnguy
    Apr 10, 10:06 PM
    This is kind of ironic. My brother works in the video editing field and I was just talking about this only 5 minutes ago. He was lucky enough to "NAB" a ticket (pun fully intended) literally seconds before they sold out, and he'll be there for the presentation. He was telling me about this radical new overhaul for FCP, and I thought it was kind of weird that I hadn't seen any mention of it seeing as how I check Apple rumor blogs almost daily, so I logged onto macrumors and sure enough, it was the first story listed.

    I guess there's a lot of drama among the industry about Apple's refusal to release any kind of road map for FCP, not unlike their other products, and apparently a lot of people are starting to jump ship to Adobe's offerings. Everyone is pretty worried about this new overhaul because the guy who botched iMovie is the guy now in charge of FCP. I'm not into video editing, and I've never never used FCP or any product like it, but after hearing about all the drama and excitement surrounding this new overhaul I'm pretty stoked to see what happens.

    My brother is a diehard Apple guy, but he, along with a lot of other people apparently, are basically giving Apple this final shot to fix a lot of FCP's limitations, or they're going to fully move over to Adobe's offering. (I can't remember the name of heir FCP equivalent, and I'm too lazy to look it up) Tuesday can't come soon enough!

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  • Come on guys fisher cat won#39;t

  • hulugu
    Mar 22, 12:05 AM
    It's hard to argue against sysiphus's summary. The depressing corollary to that is, I don't see any realistically electable candidates on the horizon who can improve on Obama. Presidents have become more alike over time. Perhaps that is because the US is so out of step with the rest of the world that all presidents find themselves involved in similar international adventures.

    It will be interesting to see how Obama handles the next phase of the the situation, as he has promised to "tone down" US military involvement in Libya. Unlike Iraq, there is an opposition movement in-country and there is no invasion. So while I'm disappointed that we are involved in yet another conflict in the middle east, this one stands a better chance of aiding a legitimate opposition movement in removing a dictator rather than creating another tragic, expensive mess.

    I agree. The Democrats will, of course, push Obama for a second-term and thus our opposition candidates are all GOP, none of whom are serious contenders for improving our present situation.

    If I read the Obama administration correctly, the US involvement will be very limited and while "advisors" are certainly on the ground�I be amazed if there weren't forward-air controllers and Green Berets in Libya�the US's role will remain very limited. Like the Gulf War, we will let our Arab League allies be the first ones across the border, and give the security operations to the French and British.

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  • direzz
    Aug 7, 08:50 AM
    Well some people do. For instance, when I think of a video editing setup, I think of various monitors, a computer, and other devices are all locked into some kinda big rack. But I'm no video editor.

    Point is, without an IR sensor in the display, you wouldn't have the OPTION of hiding the computer away.

    what if your not using an apple display...

    an external ir reciever would make the most sense.

    your could put it on your desk and plug it into usb, or it could be wireless.

    not everyone uses those displays.

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  • brayhite
    Apr 25, 01:59 PM
    I'm not from the US so if someone with some legal background over there could point out to me how this would work..? Where I'm from you have to have suffered damages in order to sue someone, otherwise a government regulator would just impose a fine on the company or require them to stop what they are doing..? How have these people (who are suing apple) suffered losses as a result of this apparent spying technology..?

    IANAL, but AFAIK, here in America, having rights infringed upon is reason for sueing. That, in itself, is a "damage". Hence why Apple is being sued. They apparently are infringing upon the consumers' rights to privacy.

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  • nsjoker
    Aug 17, 01:41 AM
    lol you mac folk and your photoshop :D
    let's get some game benchmarks :rolleyes:

    Apr 27, 10:33 AM
    Scheisse (

    Mr. Trump claimed credit for forcing Mr. Obama’s hand, saying that “I feel I’ve accomplished something really, really important.” But he said the document released Wednesday would have to be examined for authenticity.

    On one hand I think releasing the full certificate should not have happened at this point in time as the dumb ass in the quote above is trying to take credit for forcing the release and only stupid, crazy, and racist people were asking birther questions. And now they all look sane and can claim sanity.

    But, now that this long form certificate is out the President can say "Here is what you wanted and now can we move on with business" and if the birthers still question the certificate the President can show, point and claim that it was settled long ago.

    Apr 8, 08:37 PM
    But Intel did not force Apple to use Intel's IGP, Apple could have added separate graphics chipset just as they did with the MBP. Which wouldn't really make sense on an MBA IMO.

    Intel did indeed force Apple to use their IGP by not licensing other vendors to provide IGPs. The reason the MBP 13" and MBA 13" use IGPs and not dedicated GPU is one of space. Apple can't magically conjure up space on the logic board.

    If I didn't already have an MBA and had the option between the current crop and the SB variant, I'd pick the SB without thinking twice about it and I doubt i'm in the minority.

    I push the GPU more often than I push the CPU on my MBA. I doubt I'm in the minority, though I'm probably part of the minority that actual knows this little fact. ;)

    No matter how much you try to spin this, Intel got greedy on this one and couldn't back their greed with competence. They have sucked at GPUs since they have been in the GPU game (Intel i740 anyone ?).

    Apr 25, 04:36 PM
    First things first, let Apple pay the fines becuase this is indeed a violation of our privacy, Google and facebook paid ober 300,000 dollars to Europe for it why should Apple not pay the fine?

    Lets get to the real deal, Apple was already sued for violating privacy laws last year, they where not only storing location data but collecting users political views which required fallowing personal emails, chats, web history recorded regardless of you cleaning it afterwards with some paid apps.

    Its a federal offense to not only tap someones line, stalk them with location recording but sell them a device, if people knew this they would never of purchased the device., let those poeple in Top companies who have FBI protecting them from Espionage SUE APPLE and Android companies too if they violate privacy laws becuase thats info you can topple a company with fast, especially competitors.

    As for the naive kids who claim police can use this location data to find a rapists or perpetrator at large your dead wrong kids, here is a list of proceedings which have to be met to do this,

    The cops can not at all even look into your phone, etc, unless your dumb enough to give them info, how ever a PI or detective can., cops and everyone else need warrants if they want to use this info legally, anything other then that is a personal decision and violation of someones rights, if cops had access to your phone who knows what issues we would have, they are not trained on legal matters, detectives, PIs, federal agents, Pis and detectives working under a lawyer who does, all going through the district attorneys office can, even journalists who are retired Feds, detectives, Pis or CIA agents can, they know the laws or their work is worthless in court.

    Cops can however use police jammers, eves drop on your line through the district attorneys office via the phone company, they can even turn your phone into a video camera if it has one with out software or you knowing this, so can the feds, this all is also useless unless a warrant is issued, if cuaght they lose their license or get fined,

    Maybe Apple will just pay the fine and walk away with money they made toppling other companies by spying on their employees. , but one thing is for sure, they HAVE TO CHANGE THIS GAME and also REMOVE KIDS APPS that prey on children to pay for more games with out them even knowing it.

    Aug 25, 04:57 PM
    Just out of curiosity... what kind of problems could you possibly have with .mac? I mean, I've never had any email problems, Setting it up in Mail is as simple as possible... the online interface is simple...

    I dunno... hearing people complain about customer service regarding .mac seems funny to me. What types of problems have you had with it?

    Well, recently there have been problems with people having their mail bounced back to them because somehow the dotMac smtp servers were blacklisted by spamcop and a few other services. They have been having pretty bad, though geographically localized, service disruptions. Friends of mine have also complained that mail they send to me are sometimes bounced back with a "This account doesn't exist" error message even though they have sent me mail before and after the event (yes, they verified the email address).

    So, in summary, there are a lot of problems that shouldn't occur with a $100 a year service. DotMac should be at least a 99% uptime service for that kind of money.

    Sep 13, 08:13 AM
    cool!! They should hopefully increase speed :)

    I like the fact that you can upgrade the processors now, but Xeons are pretty expensive. I believe the article stated that quad core is not likely to reach dual core speeds. Some situations will get better performance from faster dual core CPUs while others may get better performance from slower quad core CPUs.

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