Goldman Sachs Tower

Goldman Sachs Tower. Center#39;s Twin Towers.
  • Center#39;s Twin Towers.

  • n00bst3r
    Sep 11, 03:25 AM
    n00bst3r predicts:

    1. Movie Store

    Goldman Sachs Tower. The Goldman Sachs Tower
  • The Goldman Sachs Tower

  • Keymaster
    Aug 7, 02:54 PM
    I don't understand why people are complaining about the Bluetooth and wireless not being included. These are not portables, they won't move, and in many cases professionals don't care if the keyboard is wired or want it wired for some specific reason. Wireless internet is for portable computers folks, not a big hunk of aluminum that will sit on the floor or desk permanently. Wired is also still faster than wireless...if you are in a networked office environment that can make a massive difference.

    Goldman Sachs Tower. Goldman Sachs Tower in Jersey
  • Goldman Sachs Tower in Jersey

  • iHotu
    Aug 7, 05:00 PM
    I bet they will still have a nice selection

    Goldman Sachs Tower. Goldman Sachs Tower
  • Goldman Sachs Tower

  • ravenvii
    May 3, 10:05 PM
    Read your OP. I'm on an iPhone right now.

    Frak it. I have skilz:

    Yeah, what's wrong with it?

    Hero has 2 HP and 1 AP.

    And the monster has 1 HP and 1 AP.

    And they fight. Monster inflicts 1 point of damage to the hero because it has 1 AP. The hero's HP goes down to 1 HP, right?

    And the hero inflicts 1 damage because he only has 1 AP. But the monster only has 1 HP. Result? Dead monster.

    If your issue is that this scenario is technically impossible (since in the game it's impossible to have more HP than AP), you're right. But it's only an illustration to how the battle system works.

    Goldman Sachs Tower. Goldman Sachs Tower
  • Goldman Sachs Tower

  • JTR7
    Mar 28, 10:50 AM
    I find this hard to believe.

    Apple must have realized it now has to fight for market share in the smartphone market.

    A 2-year contract doesn't stop iPhone 4 users from moving to the iPhone 5. Many people are on 2 year contracts, but are also on family plans. It's not unheard of for a parent to use an upgrade and hand their old phone down to a kid. Small businesses get 18 month upgrades from AT&T. Let's not forget the 3GS users and anyone whose iPhone 4 has broken.

    It's a huge mistake not to update the phone. If only incremental, it's free profit for Apple. In many ways, iPhones (and Apple products in general) are status symbols. People buy the latest not out of need for improved specs, but rather for the ability to say "Look at my new Apple gadget". And while I do love the Retina Display and the 720p recording, to be honest, the fact that there was a new form factor-easily identifying me as having the new phone on launch day-was a part of the reason I ditched my 3GS for the new iPhone 4.

    Goldman Sachs Tower. Goldman Sachs Tower
  • Goldman Sachs Tower

  • wschutz
    Mar 30, 05:55 PM
    Dear Apple

    PLEASE can we have a UI update, even if it's a minor one (for instance, iTunes 10 scrollbars rather than the blue aqua ones). Just some extra polish really.



    Enjoy your brand new 129$ Mac OS X latest revision (the most advanced, the most unique, the most... bla bla bla bla...) carrying more than XXX features (aka... just making the Mac OS X experience more iOS-alike so you get used to AppStore since soon you'll have to go through this method of delivery as there won't be any other one, because Mr. Jobs wants more money...)
    Yep... I think that 129$ sounds quite ok, for nothing :D

    Though I'm not surprise... there's nothing shocking that they can implement. This "update" is aimed at training people into AppStore (aka money)... and they even charge for it :D

    Goldman Sachs Tower. Goldman Sachs building London
  • Goldman Sachs building London

  • MacNut
    Apr 14, 10:17 PM
    Well, you provided a cautionary tale in response to my suggestion.

    That's why I asked how you felt about it.

    Please note ... I asked.

    That's my question.You don't, you only cut things that don't work and are unsuccessful. Don't feed money into something that isn't working, either fix it or cut it.

    Goldman Sachs Tower. The Goldman Sachs Tower
  • The Goldman Sachs Tower

  • MacbookSwitcher
    Mar 29, 03:14 PM
    I avoid most american made products, half of them are crap. Prime examples are the cars made by Chrysler and GM between 2000-2008. This however are drastically improving though, not sure if we (Americans) could produce all of these things with taxes, restrictions, trade barriers etc. I am sure there are very good reasons why the parts are made there and not here. Plus there is a plethora of unknown pollution aspects of producing tech products. Tree hugger's would freak

    What a stupid statement. Are you aware that Apple is an American company? So is Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, GE and other world-leading companies.

    What's your alternative? Can you even name more than one world-class Chinese company?

    *rolls eyes*

    Goldman Sachs Tower. Goldman Sachs Tower (30 Hudson
  • Goldman Sachs Tower (30 Hudson

  • crees!
    Aug 2, 11:45 AM
    As for the two-camera thing... wasn't there a rumor sometime back about how Leopard could handle dual-camera chatting? It would use the monitor/camera that the chat window was on... move the chat window to the other display, and the other camera picks up the chat! Now that sounds wicked... sort of :D

    Goldman Sachs Tower. Goldman Sachs Tower.
  • Goldman Sachs Tower.

  • SockRolid
    May 7, 12:50 PM
    I agree, nuckinfutz. I signed up for the old, free, iTools during Steve's MWSF 2000 keynote (and got a great email address.) Basic services could easily be made free again, advanced services could cost a little. Apple makes most of their money from hardware sales, so it's possible that the free MobileMe component could add enough value to generate more hardware sales for Apple.

    Even if the extra initial cost to Apple outweighs the increase in hardware sales, it could be beneficial for Apple in the medium to long term. Because there's another potentially huge long-term benefit for Apple. If all or nearly all Apple customers join MobileMe, they will create a larger MobileMe market to sell into. By 'sell' I mean iAds. It's entirely possible that MobileMe could become completely free if you and I and other users are willing to put up with the fancy new iAds that Apple is working on.

    So what would make us put up with the iAds? Great content. We could stream movies, TV, and even audio when we're away from our Macs. Apple may not want to go 100% "cloud" since the "cloud" may never be 100% reliable. Apple no doubt wants to avoid the kind of disaster that Microsoft / Danger users experienced if at all possible.

    But if Apple does a few more deals in Hollywood, I wouldn't be surprised if MobileMe gets renamed to "The Apple Channel" or something like that. As internet media streaming becomes more popular, Apple will be able to use its MobileMe infrastructure to become even more of a media powerhouse. iAd commercials and all.

    Goldman Sachs Tower. St: Goldman Sachs Tower
  • St: Goldman Sachs Tower

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 11:15 AM
    Making it free would be a smart move by Apple. It would help bond iphone users more effectively to Apple ecosystem.

    At the moment, I don't use the MobileMe service (though I'd like to have findmyphone and perhaps back to my mac services) but if I had it free, it would be a thing that would make it less likely that I would switch to RIM/WIN7 or Android.

    Does anyone know if the Windows version of this similar service bundle is free?

    The download for the Mobileme control panel for windows is free. It's very basic but all people really need is to link with Outlook contacts and Exchange. Everything else can be done

    Goldman Sachs Tower. the Goldman Sachs Tower,
  • the Goldman Sachs Tower,

  • NoNothing
    Apr 7, 10:50 AM
    For some strange reason you think monopolies are good for consumers.

    Actually, this is more of a situation of a monopsony in play where there are multiple sellers of various components but only a single buyer. This, in turn, locks out other buyers from being able to leverage price efficiencies and limits the competition from achieving an upper hand price wise.

    Goldman Sachs Tower. Of Goldman Sachs Tower
  • Of Goldman Sachs Tower

  • wordoflife
    Apr 23, 04:35 PM
    Wow, that App Store icon devoured my whole screen (MBP 13)

    Goldman Sachs Tower. Gallery | goldman sachs
  • Gallery | goldman sachs

  • Don't panic
    May 3, 09:07 PM
    ok, this is my proposal so we get going:
    we temporarily split in two groups.
    round1 turn 1:
    a) appleguy (wilmer) and one or two more (ucf-rohn and aggie-rosius?) explore the start room
    b) moyank (beatrice), me (Loras), plutonius (Jorah) and maybe another one (eldiablo-dante?) split and move to the door to the top right, as suggested by beatrice. hopefully no monster there on round one, but if so 3-4 people should be enough to deal with it
    round1 turn2:
    - group a) joins group b) in the same room
    - group b) explores the second room for traps and treasure

    Goldman Sachs Tower. The Goldman Sachs Tower
  • The Goldman Sachs Tower

  • Big D 51
    Apr 9, 07:26 PM
    this is the only way to do it, why is there even an other answer?

    That's what I thought.

    Goldman Sachs Tower. Buzzes Goldman Sachs Tower
  • Buzzes Goldman Sachs Tower

  • mkrishnan
    Nov 22, 11:20 AM
    Good post. I'm still waiting for a phone that will easily (and thoroughly) sync with my Address Book and iCal, and I'm on the mac platform. So even some of the features you describe would be of immediate value to a lot of mac users.

    My experience with Symbian (Series 60) is that it does a very thorough sync'ing using iSync.... and of course there are many, many phones that do at least a loosely passable job... even my cute but dumb RAZR. Are you serious or joking?

    Goldman Sachs Tower. Image via Wikipedia
  • Image via Wikipedia

  • Raidersmojo
    Jul 30, 05:48 AM
    one problem, that will never happen. Alltel does not own their network or even remotly have any form of cash to set it up. they just rent their network. Second, you can offer as much as of a cool device as you want, but its not going to cause millions of people to just dump their plans, break their contracts and switch. Mac cool-aid, down, now!

    going to have to say you're wrong on that one

    my dad has said if apple comes out with a cell phone hes canceling all of our cell phone plans and getting apples. he has a verizon treo my step mom brother and sister have nextel phones

    Goldman Sachs Tower. The Goldman Sachs tower at
  • The Goldman Sachs tower at

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 9, 09:22 PM
    BS. The only lesson to be learned here is that teachers devise lame pneumonic devices to confuse kids. If you're so damn smart, why wouldn't you properly write the correct equation with proper groupings in the first place?

    Look at the poll, the groups divided about 50/50. Great job you and your teaching pals did. So much for "perfectly noted." This example is a classic glass half full/empty exercise.

    Tastes great. (who's with me):p

    I explained why it might be written the way it is, you choose to ignore that like you ignored all the other facts here. The group is divided because some people just don't learn, we have posted exactly why pemdas gives the correct answer when used properly but stubborn people here still say things like well... It's half full/half empty. No, it's not. It's black and white and if you can't see that by now, you never will. Some people just can never admit to mistakes and will never learn anything. Don't blame the teachers...

    Goldman Sachs Tower. Goldman
  • Goldman

  • goMac
    Apr 21, 09:48 PM
    doubtful, this is a key switcher market... it would be crazy to axe the very thing that will continue to switch the PC builders/gamers over the next 5 years... this is a key ingredient to apple taking the industry over with time.

    My sarcasm must not have been obvious enough. :)

    Jan 6, 03:27 PM
    So I've played with the TomTom iPhone Car Kit for a couple of days and here's my initial observations.

    * I do not like the bluetooth speaker phone built-in for phone calls. It is far inferior to my BluAnt, but luckily it seems I can have both connected and easily switch back and forth.

    * Lastly, this is the thing that may make me return rattles, as it is not built very well!! Where the car kit spins to landscape, it is just a little too loose of a setup. Does everyone else have this problem or do I have a defective unit? Would love to know if its worth bothering to exchange it. Thanks!

    I had two different TomTom iPhone Car Kits that I returned because of the bluetooth speaker phone. It would keep breaking up and I was unable to hear all of the other party's conversation. I had mine in the vertical position so I did not notice any rattle. I have ordered the Magellan Premium car kit which from early indications performs better for the bluetooth and positioning.

    Mar 30, 10:01 AM
    I'm sorry but that my friend is bull $#hit. Not every migrant worker lives on the border. Here in Michigan our economy thrives on legals and illegals from Mexico picking blueberries and it's not by the hour. You get paid based on how much you pick. I did it when I was a kid for extra money and I'm a white American. You can make good money if you're fast but if you're lazy and slow you're not going to make much. It's not slave wages. The harder you work the more you make. A lot of those immagrants drive sport cars. I see a lot of people out there sitting on their A$$ getting their "check" from unemployment when they could be out there getting their hands dirty and making some money.
    You should watch the movie "A day without a Mexican".
    The fact is that if every migrant worker was deported our economy would completely collapse overnight because a lot of it depends on agriculture.
    Another fact is that you see a lot of whites working at American Eagle and Abercrombie but how many work out in the fields? At least a few days a week while they look for another job??
    Reading fail. Your first sentence says bs, but then you go on to agree with everything you quoted, and give better examples. :confused:

    May 4, 09:38 AM
    Alright, i am getting bored of listening to my beard growing, so i'll go ahead:

    R1T1: Loras group explores the start room.

    with raven's latest explanation of the trap rule, there is no significant difference between explore-move and move-explore, and i decided to be conservative in case the jokesters upstairs put a trap right away at the start.

    at level one we are very weak and any encounter with a trap or lowest-level monster means certain death for at least one of us. we need to uplevel asap.

    Splain please.

    Jul 30, 11:30 PM
    Boy, that phone is fugly!

    It's the iphone killer no doubt!

    Apr 15, 08:11 PM
    You seemed to have missed it.

    I didn't miss it, you did. here, I'll bold it, underline it and put it in red so it's easier for you to catch ...

    I am primarily focused on making money through the time decay of the options. So, please, tell me how I am effecting the economy and please be specific.

    Then I'll refer to the definition so you might know what that word means ...

    pri�ma�ri�ly (   �adverb

    1. essentially; mostly; chiefly; principally

    Then I'll give you an example that demonstrates a different perspective on wealth ...

    I am a graphic designer. My primary focus is on creating print and web solutions for my clients. While I do get paid, money is neither the source of my production and creativity, nor the material with which I work. It is a by-product of my labors, not the sole focus of them.

    Thus I have a different perspective on money and wealth than itcheroni.

    I hope that clarifies that for you.

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