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  • iFanboy
    Mar 30, 05:53 PM
    Please bring a huge UI overhaul. Lets see something new.

    New UI & Grand features is what is to be expected with this update.

    We already know that the aqua look is gone. The ios scrollbar shown on Lion is an example of the aqua leaving for good.

    I can see lots of the applications such as Safari, Contacts, Calender, mail, ect is going to get a new look.

    Very exciting to know that it's coming out this summer!

    I honestly think you'll be disappointed.

    There doesn't seem to be any inkling of a UI overhaul for Lion, although some spit polish like scrollbar updates are certainly possible.

    Same with iOS5. I'm expecting EVOLUTIONARY rather than revolutionary.

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  • elppa
    May 6, 03:20 AM
    Even if ARM DID get ahead, it wouldn't take Intel long to catch up... Then what?

    ARM have been ahead in mobile for well over a decade. Intel haven't caught up yet, admitiely some of that is due to Intel not really trying.

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  • Popeye206
    Mar 28, 10:39 AM
    Hummm.... if they wait until the fall, then people like me who got their iPhone on day 1 may be eligible for an early upgrade. Could be a stroke of genius by Apple again.

    Use new OS things to carry us through the summer and give us new hardware goodies in the fall with volumes ramped up to handle demand as opposed to cutting it so close like they have in the past.

    I don't think Apple is stupid... so I expect they have a plan that will make us all happy by the end of the year. Besides... iPhone 4 and iPad 2 are both very competitive products and a new iOS will keep them fresh for a while more while the hardware is sorted out.

    I think this could be a good thing more than a bad.

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  • redkamel
    Apr 7, 01:35 PM
    And I see people are still taking the word monopoly used here too literally.

    Yeah, we know what a real monopoly is. Thanks.

    And here in the U.S. It generally starts with a company getting too much of the market and stifling out the competition. That's why there's the FTC.

    Ok, so if you know what a monopoly is, why are you ok with the word being used incorrectly? And the FTC still can't prosecute or investigate unless there is evidence of wrongdoing...based on the actual, legal definition of monopoly.

    I don't get what you are trying to say. Is it that you know the legal definition of monopoly and anti-competetive, but you don't care because it looks like Apple has a monopoly, and think the FTC will investigate them based on how it feels?

    Aelated to the subject line, if it were any other company, like Microsoft, Dell or whomever pre-ordering and buying whole supply lines knowing their competitors would be strangled, there would be an antitrust/monopoly case launched immediately. The simple fact that Apple is a media and government darling precludes them from any serious thought by officials that would choose to stop this monopoly from continuing. Just as above, I know 9/10 fans here will blast me for stating the honest truth, but.. true story bro. Apple can do no wrong and their fan base is living proof of that.

    Apple is a media darling, but how is it a government darling? Apple has been investigated in the past.

    Apple can certainly do wrong in its customers eyes. It is currently screwing over is true Pro customers. They are being slow in adopting a few new technologies that would leapfrog them (VFS, resolution independence). Many customers complain about the price (although Apple rarely lowers them, a hike is even more rare). Apple is currently straddling a position where they must cater to their growing casual users and their pro customers. And they are generally picking the casual, but also transitioning the Pros. For example, the new MacPros are a huge ripoff unless you go big...but you can get an iMac for a fraction of the price thats faster/equal to the low end MP.

    There are many people here who like to say Apple only acts in its own best interest, and not for customers interests, etc etc. Please name ONE example where they acted solely in their own self interest to the detriment of customers. This does not count simple business decisions (like discontinuing Xserve since it wasn't selling well). Many of their decisions have explanations or alternative solutions...but then, that would make me a fanboy if I explained it I suppose. Apple is no angel but it is certainly no devil, and it is far more competent than most tech companies.

    There are Apple fans out there, but also people who choose them simply because they like it better. If someone is an Android/Windows fan thats fine. I don't complain about any of their products, business decisions. or saturation of business as unfair. Mostly, because I frankly don't care; they haven't offered a product I have been interested in since college. I'm sure HTC and Samsung make quality gear, but there is no buzz around them. Its not because Apple pays people. Its because people, especially creative and non-computer saavy people (which means most of the population and opinion leaders) like using Apple products. If you think that automatically means the product sucks, then I can't help you.

    In general, if Apple is so bad and its followers so stupid, then how come they are crushing in the tablet and music market, leading the phone market (in design, mindshare, and media coverage), and coveted in the laptop market (running the most profitable customers and setting the standard for design and quality)?

    Its called results, or, figuring out what customers want from their computers.

    Gonzaga University Campus. The Campus Kitchen - Gonzaga
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  • PCClone
    Apr 26, 03:24 PM
    [QUOTE=Full of Win;12465842]People can only take being treated like children under the thumb of Steve Jobs twisted moral code for so long. Good too see Android kicking butt and taking names.[/QUOTE

    Another insightful post from the goo fan. Maybe you should spend your time googling when to use "to" vs "too".

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 25, 09:36 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    So Steve was right. Apple doesn't actually track anyone.

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  • of Gonzaga University

  • heisetax
    Aug 2, 02:14 PM
    macbook pro? imac core duo? intel mini? macbook? :confused:

    mac pro, xserve intel, leopard previews, maybe cinema displays, maybe something like a tablet that we haven't heard about.

    no updates to imacs, macbooks, macbook pros, or minis. Those are minor speed bumps that will be done quietly over the coming weeks and months, not something to trumpet in a keynote.

    But minor speed bumps is all they have to talk about. Some say that going from shipping a 2.16m2.0,1.83 GHz to shipping just a 2.16 & 2.0 GHz models is a speed bump. How can that be a speed bump when the max speed is still 2.16 GHz.

    Other than a OS 10.5 demo I have no expectations for WWDC. I believe that Steve Jobs is too smart to bring out a new Intel PowerMac & have people see if he will promise that they will be up to the 3 GHz speed in a year. Or did he say 2 or 3 years or was that 2 or 3 processor changes before that happens.

    With Photoshop, Quark, MS Office & other Mac productive software not yet able to run natively on an Intel Mac much of the excitement for the developer & Pro user is not there.

    Apple has gone too long with waiting a year for updates that anything sooner than hat will take them awhile to do again.

    The only thing I'd like to see is an easy to shange hard drive & optical drive in the Intel MacBook Pro 15" & 17" models. My PowerBook will last a long time, so I can wait. I may have to do all of my operations with an external drive. I always changed my hard drive for a newer drive once or twice a year. Sometimes I just wanted a different set of programs. My 15" TI PowerBook was easy to open & change hard drives. The new Intel MacBook seems to have a good answer for this problem. Let's see if Apple can do this in the Intel MacBook Pro line as well.

    Bill the TaxMan

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  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 11:47 PM
    What are the uses for this MobileMe? Why would I use / need it?

    I have used Macs since they came into existence, and I have owned several of them the past 20 years. But I have not used either dotMac or MobileMe.

    Only serious replies, please.

    If you have multiple Macs/iPhones Mobileme is wonderful for keeping things in sync. Not just contacts, calendars and bookmarks but everything from system prefers to dock items and keychains.

    It's easy to locate your iPod Touch/iPhone or iPad with the "Find my device" feature and you have backup and remote access features as well.

    Then of course you have the web space (integration is easy with iWeb) and photo galleries.

    The primary detractors of MobileMe boil down to a few common groups.

    1. Free - They don't want to pay
    2. Limited scope - MobileMe only interests them in a few areas
    3. Wedded to another service - Dropbox, Gmail/Google etc
    4. Negative - "MobileMe sucks because my mail was slow one day"

    In a nutshell of course. Everyone's opinion is valid for them but for me personally I find mobile me worth the $6 a month I pay (real world pricing from Amazon.com)

    For me it's simple..skip a latte a couple of times or avoid fast food one day out the month and MobileMe is paid for.

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  • logandzwon
    Apr 5, 02:37 PM
    Actually that's an ignorant and factually incorrect statement.

    iPhone users are more satisfied with their devices than other smart phone owners AND they sell more iPhones everyday.

    Hence the population is statistically growing.

    I think he means that more and more people are jailbreaking their phones. However, I doubt the percentage of JB phones is expanding at the rate iOS is.

    Gonzaga University Campus. Gonzaga University associate
  • Gonzaga University associate

  • Don't panic
    May 5, 11:59 AM
    You insolent fool! How thick is that blockhead of yours! ;)

    oh yeah?
    you wanna a piece of me?
    come and get it mummyboy!

    Gonzaga University Campus. at Gonzaga University#39;s
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  • LoganT
    Mar 28, 11:01 AM
    Maybe iOS 5 will make current iPhones feel like a completely new device.

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  • mr.steevo
    Apr 20, 10:07 AM
    What justifies European & European colonial sense of entitlement in forums like these?

    I can buy an iPhone without contract and I don't live in Europe.

    This is a world phone.

    Gonzaga University Campus. The Campus Kitchen - Gonzaga
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  • RalfTheDog
    Apr 7, 12:47 PM
    ...I walk away to contemplate seppuku

    That is over dramatic, cut it out.

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  • bretm
    May 4, 05:27 PM
    i intend to get mine on a disc rather then a download.

    Ah. I intend to get mine much faster than you. AND burn a disc for backup.

    Gonzaga University Campus. Free Gonzaga University
  • Free Gonzaga University

  • Don't panic
    May 5, 11:59 AM
    You insolent fool! How thick is that blockhead of yours! ;)

    oh yeah?
    you wanna a piece of me?
    come and get it mummyboy!

    Gonzaga University Campus. campus building
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  • Benjy91
    Apr 7, 09:55 AM
    And I'm betting Steve gloats about how little the competition have sold at the next keynote.

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  • john7jr
    Jul 30, 09:38 PM
    Well, in the supposed leaked 10.5 screenshots a month or two ago, people noticed that iCal and Address Book appeared to be merged into a single application.

    Those were admittedly fake by the artist. They were never meant to be mistaken as real to begin with. People took it too far. (go figure)

    umm....that magazine add looks rather real to me. WTF?:eek:

    Except it uses the font that Apple stopped using like 4 years ago.

    Anyway...It will be GSM... No Verizon or Sprint at all... the rest of the world uses GSM, and eventually Sprint and Verizon will give in... as the phone market (mostly made overseas where the networks are GSM) eventually stop bothering with those stupid CDMA companies that are disabling their sync capability anyway. I tried to buy a Sony Ericsson from Sprint a few years ago when all the GSM networks had them... Sprint didn't have a single bluetooth phone then. I dropped them for Cingular and the Sony Ericsson T637 so I don't know if Sprint does now or not.

    I got on the ship less likely to eventually sink.

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  • Demoman
    Jul 21, 04:11 PM
    It'll be quite an action-packed WWDC, if all these rumors pan out--which of course they wont.

    -Leopard preview
    -Mac Pros
    -new iPod Nanos
    -true video iPods
    -iTMS movie downloads
    -MacBook Pros with Meroms

    Crazy. I'm betting against the consumer-related announcements. And hoping for MBPs with new enclosure and features.

    I am hoping they are going to be showing off the new pro apps. In January there were hints of something revolutionary in the FCS. The sudden price whacking of Shake leads me to be hopeful that something is imminent.

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  • sunfast
    Nov 27, 08:13 AM
    I am sure that a tablet is coming at some point. The windows based tablets appeared too soon IMHO, were over priced and the one I used was atrocious. Maybe that made Apple hold off?

    Still, it's a great idea and who better to exploit it and make it work?

    Apr 7, 01:11 PM
    People keep saying this like if they say it enough it will make it true.

    The iPad and iPad 2 were designed, created, released and supported with ZERO Competition.

    Apple creates products and experiences for their customers. I know it is hard to believe that everyone is just not as lazy as they need to be, and only do something if someone else pushes them but it is possible.

    What people don't seem to realize is APPLE is the COMPETITION that pushes the others, not the other way around. Apple destroyed the MP3 player market made with sucky products. They destroyed the smartphone market made with sucky products, they created the tablet market. They don't need competition, but all these other companies need Apple to steamroll them I guess.

    Sorry, I think youre inferring that Im in agreement with the idea that Apple purposefully stuck it to other panel customers...Im not. Im saying that whatever the reasons are, its not a good thing for other tablet manufactures. Stay well!

    Nov 3, 09:31 AM
    I just wish the way it was mounted was better, not just glue.

    Ummm... It's not just glue. It uses the same suction mount as their other units. I think there is an adhesive disk you can use as well. (Not sure if you stick that to where you want to me able to mount it with suction or exactly how that works.)

    I've used a similar type of suction mount with Griffin's Window Seat. It's not just a simple suction cup. You place it where you want to put it, then turn another part to increase the suction. It sticks great to glass, be it the windshield, a side window, or the sunroof (for kids to watch in the back seat), for days at a time. The Window Seat isn't the best implementation of it - I understand that TomTom's is better (easier to attach and detach).

    Apr 18, 03:39 PM
    If Apple were worried that Samsung would withdraw their products, Apple wouldn't have sued, or would have set up back up measures. They're not stupid!

    Sep 11, 04:56 AM
    One would be in form of Airport that we can stream video to my TV on the entertainment room.
    Why would we all want to stream video to your TV? ;) :cool: :p :D

    Apr 20, 08:03 AM
    will only upgrade if the coolest features of iOS 5 can't be run on 3GS...otherwise, i'll wait another year for iPhone 6.

    You'll be buying the iPhone 5 then.

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