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  • ~Shard~
    Jul 14, 02:37 PM
    To charge $1800 for a system that only has 512MB is a real disappoitment. 1GB RAM oughta be standard, especially with Leopard being on the horizon.

    Agreed. I can make an argument for the consumer machines, where perhaps 512 MB is sufficient for basic users. Specifically, why force them to pay more for 1 GB if they don't need it. But when it comes to the Pro machines, as if anyone buying one of these beasts is not going to require at least 2 GB of RAM, let alone 1 GB. No one buys a quad Xeon Powermac to just surf the Internet and check their e-mail. :cool:

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  • Thex1138
    Apr 19, 07:34 PM
    So what's your point? The presence of competition does not harm a competitor? Seems contrary to that whole "competition" word.

    And your next point is what? A successful company should allow a competitor to use it's technology/patents to compete with it? All at the same time as just taking it from all the competitors that sue Apple on the other companies' patents, right?

    How many anti-Apple suing trolls here are also pro-other company suing Apple trolls in other threads?

    So you don't like the way IP law works? Vote for someone who will change the legal structure. Until then, corporations are going to work in the environment your legislators and courts created. Hate the game, not the player.

    Where did i say I don't like how IP works buddy? Where in my post does it read 'don't like the way IP law works' ? Wipe your tears and try again... Don't make $#!t up.

    the rest of your blurb about stuff in your head that I didn't event write isn't worth responding too...

    My anecdote premise was pretty straight forward...
    Two dudes who come from some place where they don't read tech feeds as often as the rest of us here... they go to a city shop and get sold phones that look like the ones they heard about...iPhones... the premise is not necessarily from the US... from any country on the planet where average Joes go to a tech shop to buy a smartphone... they look and feel and work in very similar ways which causes confusion.

    P.S. The whole point of Apple's patent leverage is that they have... patented everything about their devices... form factor, processes, icons and interface... When you read deep into the context and content of Apple's submission which includes these comparisons and that Samsung copied everything and then applying a slight-of-hand to make it look a little different...

    Like i say.. a bunch of Jawa's selling second hand Android's

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  • valkraider
    Apr 25, 03:31 PM
    Its my right to privacy so back off.

    You also have a right to not carry an iPhone in your pocket.

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  • shartypants
    Mar 22, 03:35 PM
    copy cats. Same price for a piece of crap, no thanks.

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  • E.Lizardo
    Apr 8, 06:38 AM
    Doesn't affect me.Wouldn't purchase anything from BB unless it was a matter of life and death.They are scum.

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  • skunk
    Apr 27, 01:17 PM
    (insert here where some smart-A responds with "slavery?" or something equally inapplicable)Me first! I'll do it!

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  • princealfie
    Nov 29, 08:58 AM
    Time for Apple to change the paradigm again. I think it's time for Apple to start putting together a music production house. Offer musicians the ability to go direct to iTunes with all the marketing necessary to promote their catalogs. I'm not very familiar with the music industry, but I "think" Apple is quite prepared to create their own studios, handle their own promotion/marketing and already have a HIGHLY efficient distribution system in place. Granted, they are not supposed to be creating music according to their Apple Music agreement, but if they just bought Apple Music outright it would make a great fit, eh?


    Perhaps we need to have a iTube website eh?

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  • Riemann Zeta
    Apr 27, 09:42 AM
    Whether or not the behavior of this cache was in fact "a bug", I think the update that flushes the cache files when Location Services is disabled will settle the issue.

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  • hulugu
    Mar 17, 01:45 PM
    ...@5p who says Ron Paul would be any different once elected into office. Its obvious that once presidents get into office that something changes and they try to govern from the middle.

    This seems to be the unfortunate reality. While, as other have pointed out, Obama has worked towards withdrawing US forces in Iraq and reengaging in Afghanistan�both things that he said he would do�Obama has failed in closing Guantanamo and recent debacles in Pakistan and Afghanistan have hurt our image in the Mid East and Central Asia.

    It's interesting, I don't see hypocrisy on Obama's part, rather I see him trying and failing to deal with shifting realities on the ground and a combative political party.

    I think Obama might be right about Libya, even if it's another military engagement.
    I think Obama's right about Afghanistan, even though we need to reign in the CIA's operations in Pakistan.
    I think Obama's right about Iraq, we needed to leave years ago and now is certainly the time to go.

    I think Obama's wrong about military tribunals at Guantanamo, but I also understand that the situation is complex, difficult, and fraught with fear-mongering from the right.
    I also think he's wrong about the PATRIOT Act.

    Of course, the question of whether Ron Paul would be any different is effectively academic because Paul has yet to survive a GOP primary. If Republicans agree with Paul on these issues, they should make Paul their next presidential candidate.

    He's a common sense constitutional conservative, enemy of tyranny everywhere, and an unfailing defender of fundamental human liberty.

    Apparently, he's Captain America.

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 18, 08:53 AM

    I think this speaks for itself.

    When I'm working on one project, that's all my attention to it. When I'd like to encode it, I'd like my however many cores to be at full blast. Sadly, that's not happening at the moment and will remain so until they rewrite h264 encoding.

    Like I said, unless people are doing what you do (sending multiple files to be encoded at the same time all the time) they won't benefit from 4, 8, 100 cores.

    Now if anyone can show benchmarks that show FCP being 40-50% faster on a quad than on a dual when working on a project, I'll shut up :)That chart speaks for NOTHING. Comparing a Mac Pro to old 2004 single core Dual G5 PowerMacs is a completely irrelevant and spurious "test". This entire review is flawed by the missing Quad G5. BTW I don't use H.264 at all ever.

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  • Evangelion
    Sep 13, 07:42 AM
    A bit pointless given that no software utilises the extra cores yet. But nice to know, I guess.

    Most people run more than one app at once.

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  • gorgeousninja
    Mar 23, 09:32 AM
    LG and others had semi-smartphones with 3.5" screens back in 2006 and early 2007

    If you ever used one of the LG phones or the numerous Japanese keitai's of that time then you'd know, that even though they were cutting edge for the time, they were still nowhere near being 'smartphones'.

    Terrible UI with endless menu's, confusing icons, and new features randomly bolted on.

    No matter how much the petty minded haters want to see it, the truth is that Apple made a quantum leap forward with the iPhone, and some people ought to be a little less bitter and more thankful for it.

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  • macintel4me
    Aug 7, 07:46 PM
    thats a kinda harsh requirement, i would think it will allow you to choose local/external hard drive/network server.
    Buts till, it will cost lot of space, no matter where the space is from.
    From the Apple website...

    Backup Disk: Change the drive or volume you�re backing up to. Or back up to a Mac OS X server computer.

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  • law guy
    Aug 5, 10:20 PM
    EVERYONE is missing something that MUST be updated A.S.A.P.!

    AirPort Base Stations!

    Express and especially the Extreme. The Extreme is YEARS old!!
    :eek: :eek:

    Good point - CNET just did a round up of "pre-n" series routers - the extreme hasn't entered that area yet - although it was ahead of the curve a bit with the "g" standard.

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  • fivepoint
    Apr 27, 02:27 PM
    I am fairly confident that rather than pointing to a conspiracy, this simply shows that when scanned, the operator had enabled some sort of "auto-text" option that attempted to read and convert then embed the raw text info in the PDF, as to make the text "selectable" in preview programs.

    It only worked on certain text, as is par for the course.

    Hopefully you're not insinuating that I am pointing to a conspiracy, I'm pretty sure I was quite clear on that account.

    As for the 'auto-text' thing... interesting, why though would the several dates, etc. be on separate layers? And why would the signatures be separate from the typed text? Just slightly different colorations? My only thought was that the thing was retouched in order to improve the appearance of a poor quality scan... but why would they be so sloppy in reassembling? Why not make it a single layer image before releasing? I don't buy that it was simply overlooked... It's the White House for crying out loud. It's as if they WANT they want the controversy to continue???

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  • ghostlyorb
    Mar 26, 07:48 AM
    I can't wait to get my hands on Lion! It looks pretty cool!

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  • Zadillo
    Aug 27, 07:49 PM
    From the benchmarks I've seen, the 3000/X3000 stuff (the 965 integrated graphics) is *slower* than the 945 integrated graphics. The only advantage it offers is SM 3.0 (pixel shaders), which are required for Vista compliance -- and that nice little sticker that all new PC systems will want for this holiday season. I wouldn't consider it an upgrade.

    Do you mean Vista Premium compliance? I'm pretty sure I've seen "Ready for Vista" stickers on plenty of current notebooks featuring GMA950 graphics, for example.

    And btw, I have to say "good job" to Apple for doing whatever was necessary to avoid having to put a bunch of goofy decals on their computers. The most amazing thing to me is the number of PC notebook users that leave all those stickers on (I've even seen some people leave the "features" stickers on).

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  • NJRonbo
    Jun 14, 06:52 PM
    The situation gets worse for Radio Shack....

    Update 2: We've been tipped that Apple may now be blocking third-party retailers from taking pre-orders altogether tomorrow. RadioShack already changed its story on us, and now Best Buy locations have started doing the same, telling us that they definitely won't be taking pre-orders tomorrow but may be by the end of the week. Bottom line -- hit up Apple's website in the morning.

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  • digitalbiker
    Aug 25, 08:00 PM
    I have .mac now for several years, and I am still wondering why I re-subscribe. Maybe Im lazy. I must be. Don't get it. Need a Gmail invite?????

    I'm the same way. I have had .mac since way back when it was "Free for Life" and I just have gotten used to keeping it. I also keep thinking that ole Jobs and company are going to come up with the killer .mac app that will make .mac indespensible.

    I'm still waiting...

    Aug 25, 05:04 PM
    The PowerMac G5 I bought last year had a fan that constantly 'clicked'. It took several calls to AppleCare to get it sorted. Before you got anywhere you had to speak to someone that could barely speak English, who you had to humour by following their instructions to reboot the computer, reset PRAM etc. Then they wanted to have a company collect my Mac and take it away for repair. Only if you're really stubborn do you actually get them to send you the part to fit yourself. Even then they couldn't agree on whether the old fan needed to be returned. They took my credit card details in case I didn't return the old fan, then the info with the new fan told me I didn't need to return the old fan. Then I phoned them to clarify this, and they told me I must return the old fan or I would be charged. Totally baffled, I rang yet again and this time was assured that I didn't need to return it. Complete shambles.

    It's irritating from a personal point of view. But what really disappoints me is that this is the kind of service new customers are getting. So much for the halo effect - apple are tarnishing it themselves. I'm a long time Apple fan and a few buffoons (who have probably only worked for Apple for a few months) won't begin to damage my loyalty. But can the same be said for first time iPod or Mac users?

    Sep 13, 12:17 PM
    Clovertown is a 64-bit CPU.

    Ask your PC-loving IT guy if he uses Windows XP64 and more than 4 gigabytes of RAM. If not, then 32-bit processors are apparently okay for him, too.

    This was his response:

    "Cloverton is not 64, Cloverton MP (Tigerton) is 64 and is still on the drawing board last I heard.

    Apr 25, 02:54 PM
    Anybody doing credit card fraud would have a somewhat better chance of staying undetected if they knew you usually whereabouts. Credit card companies use highly evolved software to track if a CC transaction is unusual.

    I think it is save to assume that most people do not store their credit card number in plain text on their computer. If some piece of software (eg, a browser) would do this, wouldn't this be something you preferred it would not do?

    Ahhhh..... dude... I'm more worried about my wallet being stolen.

    Again... the tower tracking does nothing and for your average crook to put your iPhone database together with your physical credit card... for what? They slash and burn not sit there and try and sort out if you go to Target or JC Penneys more. What do they care?

    Come one people... think and come back to earth.

    Jul 14, 04:27 PM
    Dual video cards are only used by gamers. I doubt gamers are going to be interested in buying one of these, for the same reason they don't buy other Macs - the software comes out for other platforms first.

    What about support for 2 30" cinema displays? You need two video cards to do that, right?

    Aug 7, 04:55 AM
    As Apple applied for the trademark, it will not be approved.

    It is up to Apple how they want to proceed. A fight that can't win, no matter how much money they have.

    Mac Pro has been the premier Mac dealer in the same county as Apple since 1988. Out of all the names for this new line of computers, why choose one that they know they cannot have.

    We are already getting countless support calls for the macbook pro. It seems they assume we made them When we can't help them, they seem to get very upset.

    Mac Pro is in a position to file for a court order not to release any computer that bears our name.

    So get ready WWDC, we will be watching.

    Mike Ajlouny

    I was going to attempt to give you the benefit of the doubt, but after I saw how much you don't mind "borrowing" elements from Apple's website for your own use, and the fact that you sell Exclusive Star Trek Posters for some reason, I can't take you seriously.

    And why does a little Mac Resale joint have a President, anyways?

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