Hebert Candy Mansion

Hebert Candy Mansion. Hebert#39;s Candy Mansion
  • Hebert#39;s Candy Mansion

  • axual
    Apr 7, 10:54 PM
    I had called BB multiple times (6 times over two weeks), each time resulting in the answer that they were sold out. They had a reservation list however.

    So, I walked into Best Buy just to look at the iPad 2. As I was discussing this, the BB rep said they had one which had been returned that was up at Customer Service desk. After checking, the Manager got involved because they wanted to make sure the SIM card had not been activated.

    At the same time, unbeknownst to my discussion, some guy who had called earlier was told by the Customer Service desk a returned unit was there and he could have it. When I went up with the manager to check it, the other guy was there and expecting the returned unit to purchase.

    So bottom line, I actually ended up not with the returned unit, but with a brand new iPad after the manager who didn't really want to deal with the other guy, said he had a new one because that the 48 hour window for a reservation holder had expired.

    So my take: BB probably had more iPads than they said they did. I also wonder if the 48 hour reservation hold window was something Apple was aware of.

    Hebert Candy Mansion. HEBERT CANDY MANSION - Page 2

  • mc68k
    Dec 9, 01:06 AM
    well turns out you win the delorean s2 in part of the game. so much for that epic purchase :(

    one cool thing about this game is since im in front of screen a lot ive been listening to some good new music while playing. been getting back in the old zone. a lot of the old tracks are coming back to me. i can hit a lot of the corners from memory

    the required oil change for all used cars sucks. i put in the code for my free car from pre order. got the nascar and the mclaren stealth. that car is even better than my fully tricked out F40! i tried it on a practice track and it felt much smoother.i almost feel liek its cheating with the SS racing tires. oh well it's still fun and if you miss a corner badly it's still your fault and you lose, so theres till some challenge there.

    edit: looks like i cant sell the delorean. anyone want to trade?

    Hebert Candy Mansion. HEBERT CANDY MANSION - Page 5

  • NoNothing
    Apr 7, 11:08 PM
    As best as I can figure, it works like this. Managers get good grades if they sell certain amounts of products.

    I'll use low numbers here. Let's say BB corporate wants you to sell at least 5 iPads a day to make your "Quota". One day, 10 iPads come in. You sell all ten, yay, you made quota for the day.

    But the next day, none get shipped to the store. So, boo, you didn't make quota, since you didn't have any to sell.
    Mr. Manager (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4DMPmoJkJQ)

    So quotas are done on a daily basis and not a weekly basis? WOW. And I thought the quarterly earning reports made companies make bad decisions.

    Hebert Candy Mansion. All Ford Show amp; Swap Meet Hebert#39;s Candy Mansion 2007
  • All Ford Show amp; Swap Meet Hebert#39;s Candy Mansion 2007

  • bedifferent
    Apr 27, 08:50 AM
    I don't get it. If the usual haters of "our overlord" hate Apple so much, why are they here and why do they use Apple products? There are dozens if not hundreds of alternatives, get a Droid and stop b****ing on an Apple based site about Apple. :rolleyes:

    Hebert Candy Mansion. The Hebert Candy Mansion
  • The Hebert Candy Mansion

  • AidenShaw
    Sep 15, 06:40 AM
    And of course, NT started as a reimplementation of VMS for a failed Intel RISC CPU...
    A cancelled Digital RISC CPU.

    Although, some of the ideas for the cancelled CPU ended up in the Alpha chips.

    Hebert Candy Mansion. HEBERT CANDY MANSION - Page 7

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 22, 01:32 PM
    I'm very specific on what I praise Reagan for... including his excellent ability to speak eloquently about the values of the free market, small government, etc. I've repeatedly said that he was far from perfect... but it's less easy for you to argue with reality when you can just make up my positions on one man... isn't it?

    Reagan was not about small government at all. He massively increased government spending and the size of the military. He may have spoken eloquently about small government, but they were empty words. There isn't much to praise there.

    Speaking of making up positions, almost every post you make contains a micharacterization of what other people say, but phrased as a question so as to make it seem more innocent.

    Hebert Candy Mansion. We headed to the Hebert Candy
  • We headed to the Hebert Candy

  • azzurri000
    Sep 18, 11:39 PM
    I still think it's funny that everyone thinks these Macbook Pros are "long overdue" - when, exactly, did the FIRST Dell laptop with C2D ship? I thought it was supposed to be around tomorrow...but surely it couldn't have been before last Monday or so at the earliest.

    So that's, what? A week behind in the worst case scenario? Oh God...

    However - if they waited till November, then yeah, I'd agree that they were overdue...:)

    I see your point... I think Merom has been really overhyped, and I can say that I have gotten caught up in it all. There has been so much talk about Merom for so long, that it's almost hard to believe that it's brand new. Perhaps Santa Rosa will be the same later on...

    Hebert Candy Mansion. Hebert#39;s Candy Mansion
  • Hebert#39;s Candy Mansion

  • SiliconAddict
    Aug 7, 07:41 PM
    The Meh was strong in that keynote. I was looking for something explosive and found a snap bang that someone threw to the ground. Short of those top secret features :rolleyes: being something earth shattering Leopard looks to be another micro update to OS X. While any forward momentum in the OS is a good thing what we've seen of Leopard does not suggest that gulf that will be closed with Vista (After SP1 & 2 that is.) is going to be widened again with Leopard.
    The things dumped into the OS are simply more addon crap. That isn't to say adding new features aren't welcome but the time is right for a serious revamp to the UI of OS X.
    I'm not happy about this development. It seems as if real forward momentum in OS X has all but stalled. Like most of Apple now a days they aren't taking chances anymore with their wares be it software or hardware. They seem to focus on finding previously used ideas, slap a new coat of paint on it, buff it up to a nice shine, then give it some "fun" name and call it innovation.
    Apple may have been in decline in the 90's but at least that Apple took chances. Took risks on new and innovative hardware. I want the old Apple back. . . to a point. More then anything I want to get excited in a product that is revolutionary not evolutionary. :(

    Call me a cynic, but I'd say Apple either hasn't implemented them yet or hasn't thought of them yet.

    Or they are so buggy at this point they aren't ready to demo them. That is my guess. This crap about not wanting MS to copy. Sorry but Windows is feature locked at this point. There is simply NO way for Microsoft to roll out anything new unless its such a minor thing that it would be easy to do. I really wish Apple wouldn't spit in my face and call it rain.

    Hebert Candy Mansion. Hebert#39;s Candy Mansion, Route
  • Hebert#39;s Candy Mansion, Route

  • applesith
    Apr 11, 02:03 PM
    LOL at all of the people saying it's a big mistake and bad move on Apple's part. They know what they are doing. Why would they do something that would hurt their iPhone sales?!

    They just put out the iPhone 4 verizon. If they refresh in June they will have to do both AT&T and Verizon. Otherwise, Verizon will always play second fiddle with updates. Dumb move. They are waiting for enough time to pass where it won't be just 6 months between verizon updates.

    Hebert Candy Mansion. at Hebert#39;s Candy Mansion
  • at Hebert#39;s Candy Mansion

  • smithrh
    Apr 25, 01:43 PM
    The Feds are bored.

    I understand that you didn't read the article then.

    It wasn't filed by the Feds.

    Hebert Candy Mansion. Like go to Hebert#39;s Candy
  • Like go to Hebert#39;s Candy

  • Tom359
    Apr 25, 04:14 PM
    This is why we need a "loser pays" system.

    This would get rid if the "I'm going to sue you so you pay money to go away becuase it's cheaper than paying the legal bills." Our system has been corrupted by these nuisance law suits.

    Hebert Candy Mansion. Hebert#39;s Candy Mansion
  • Hebert#39;s Candy Mansion

  • wtmcgee
    Mar 26, 03:46 PM
    Wouldn't surprise me if Lion and iOS 5 are one and the same... if that's the case, and since Apple really needs to get iOS in the 21st century, I can believe this...

    So much hilarity in this comment.

    Hebert Candy Mansion. As a candy mansion,
  • As a candy mansion,

  • BoredomBoy
    Apr 6, 01:29 PM
    ...but people (in general) don't want tablets. They want iPads.

    I would compare it to Christmas for me. My mother-in-law asked my wife what I wanted for Christmas. "Video games," was my wife's answer. No, I didn't want video games, I wanted Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and/or Mass Effect 2.

    Hebert Candy Mansion. candy mansion, khaled said
  • candy mansion, khaled said

  • Digital Skunk
    Mar 23, 07:11 AM
    To be fair, every smartphone on the market is an iPhone clone and every tablet an iPad clone, so it is all related to Apple in that way.

    Well, there was this now extinct company called Palm. That once a long long time ago had the Palm TX, and full sized 4" touch screen PDA that had everything but the CDMA/GMS chip to make phone calls.

    Then there was the Palm Treo which dated back to 2002 with technology the iPhone still doesn't have

    Then there are OG (ol' skool) nerd/geeks like myself that emailed and blogged and badgered Palm to merge the two together.

    Apple just beat them to the market. The iPhone is essential a conglomeration of many devices and concepts.

    The true and ONLY breakthrough that Apple brought was the OS to manage all of that technology.

    Everyone needs to take a step back and think a bit deeper on these things if we wish the conversations to ever go anywhere.

    Hebert Candy Mansion. Hebert Candy, lamontagne,
  • Hebert Candy, lamontagne,

  • SiliconAddict
    Aug 6, 03:06 AM
    I'm hoping for a major bombshell of an announcement when it comes to Leopard. I've said it before and I will say it again - the gap between Windows and OS X will narrow with Vista. Yes we are all aware that Vista in all likelihood is going to be just as buggy as 10.0 when it was released. But keep in mind that this will probably be the last version of OS X to be released for the next 18+ months. (When its all said and done its prob going to be close to 2 years with 10.4->10.5) That time frame is more then enough time for MS to release SP1 and SP2 which WILL happen once its released, the general public (a.k.a Beta testers.) get their hands on it, and MS starts getting those crash reports.

    Leopard needs to go up against MS's next generation and to be honest while 10.4 vs. XP is a non contest the same can't be said between 10.4 and Vista. That gap is narrowed. Apple needs to do something more then Expose, Spotlight, Dashboard, icon changes, and migrating more and more of their graphic subsystem onto the video card. All of those changes are good and worthy additions to OS X but it's incremental. It's Apple doing cleanup from the days of 10.0. It's Apple resting on their laurels. This simply can't happen anymore. The gap between Windows and OS X NEEDS to widen again. If it doesn't the "its good enough" mentality that many PC users have will only increase because like it or not Vista IS a major revamp of Windows under the hood. Yes a revamp with many key missing technologies but a revamp of the core OS nonetheless.

    We need something that was as revolutionary as 9.x ->10.0. While I'm under no illusions that Apple isn't ready to revamp the entire GUI they HAVE to have been working on new stuff over the last 6 years. There has to be something that almost done baking in the bowels of Cupertino that can make it into 10.5.

    PS- Please Apple; FTFF.

    Hebert Candy Mansion. Hebert Candy, lamontagne,
  • Hebert Candy, lamontagne,

  • ZLurker
    Aug 12, 02:05 AM
    Mac OS Kitten.
    Good one!

    Hebert Candy Mansion. Hebert Candy Mansion (Set)
  • Hebert Candy Mansion (Set)

  • CaoCao
    Feb 28, 08:33 PM
    Now you've stopped stating opinions and walked into fact territory.
    Has anyone ever been truly 'cured' of homosexuality? You need to produce empirical evidence. Notably brain scans showing the arousal of a homosexual to people of his same sex before and after this 'treatment.'
    If you can produce that evidence, I will be satisfied that homosexuality is a treatable condition. Until then, I'm just assuming that you're stating dogma as fact to make reprehensible claims.

    I said "Both cases are untreatable."

    Hebert Candy Mansion. Hebert Candies
  • Hebert Candies

  • Benjamins
    Mar 31, 07:11 PM
    That, right there, is one of the reasons why the Apple community is widely mocked. You should be ashamed of yourself. A complete lack of understanding on the most basic principles of technology.

    And Google fanboys still can't tell the difference between "Open", "Standard", "Free", "Open source" and "Proprietary". So I'd say those who do the mocking are not exactly all the bright either.

    Hebert Candy Mansion. Hebert#39;s Candy Mansion, Route
  • Hebert#39;s Candy Mansion, Route

  • z4n3
    Apr 6, 03:36 AM
    I hope that the new FCP will resemble iMovie: No need for rendering and a precision editor! I like the ease of use of iMovie, should be adopted by FCP.

    Hell will freeze over before this will happen! and I for one will go out and buy a copy of AVID the same day! :p

    Aug 27, 09:15 AM
    I believe the 2.33 GHz Merom chip debuted at the same price as the 2.16 GHz Yonah when it was released. The prices of MBPs certainly haven't fallen. Apple has just been enjoying the extra profits from Intel's price drops of the past few months.

    good information, logical thought.

    do you think apple's $100M payoff to Creative*, and possible need to restate financial information for recent quarters/years because of questionable executive compensation, make the company more reluctant than might otherwise have been the case to intro new chips that are, in the beginning more costly and thus will reduce profits?

    *--i know, i know, it's only 1% of apple's cash reserves. But that's not meaningless money: trust me, companies make plenty of strategic decisions that affect their products' features, support quality, whatever, over amounts far less than $100M.

    Sep 19, 09:20 AM
    It's not going to happen today. No worries. We have Photokina ahead of us.

    Apr 11, 01:19 PM
    You guys know the average Joe don't go shopping for a new smart phone every other month?

    This is a big deal to some of you guys only because you obsess over this topic almost daily.

    Mar 31, 11:06 PM
    I feel like Apple fails more on the hardware front than the software front, especially with the iDevices. Regardless, both companies have flaws, but having your next gen OS NOT work on phones is a big uh-oh. Obviously they'll optimize it; perhaps they'll skip honeycomb for phones, and then come out with a unified "faster" approach for both tablets and phones.

    I don't think Google ever had any intentions on deploying it's next gen OS on phones yet. They probably focused on the OS running on tablets during production.

    Mar 31, 06:18 PM
    Tightening controls? How about Google having final right of refusal toward any mass production Bill of Materials for any Android phone going into production? That will keep the manufacturing accountants from screwing over the developers taking a $0.76 of parts out to save on a run but generate a million man hours of bug fixing in the third party developer community.

    True - but what happend to the 'open is good', 'everyone can customize as they want', 'open is the freedom to do with it what you want'. The one big argument that was always made for Android is gone - it is no longer as open as people think. Anyway, 'open' was in this context anyway a hyped up buzzword ... I understood the 'open' argument since (with exception of the Nexus) everyone got dependent on what the provider chooses to adopt and what not. It is not good if the provider decides what to remove or add on top of the OS.

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