in laden dead or alive bin

in laden dead or alive bin. in laden dead or alive.
  • in laden dead or alive.

  • Trishul
    Oct 30, 08:59 PM
    I don't want to seem judgemental, but the last thing I ever plan on doing is selling my G5 Quad. I mean like I will have my G5 Quad until I DIE. Why would you do that? It runs classic. It runs Adobe native. It is pretty fast for email and word processing. ;) And it runs dead silent. It's the perfect backup for when the Mac Pro goes down. At the very least it makes for a great HDTV player and recorder with EyeTV 500 or Hybrid attached.

    What was your reasoning?

    And what's up with you not knowing the 8-core was coming? This is very old news. Some of us have known since early this year. :confused: :eek:

    i wish i could have kept the Quad for some of those reasons mentioned, but it's purely down to financial reasons, i simply wouldn't be able to afford keeping both. I'm a film-maker just starting out, so i'm not getting a very steady income that is related to work done with a computer to be able to justify such expenditures etc.. firstly i got a decent price for my quad, i wouldn't have sold otherwise, it'll only be a few hundered pounds for me to upgrade to a mac pro, but i sold partially because i'm one of those who likes the newest etc.. but main actual reasons are
    1) I mainly use HDV with Final Cut Studio, so the performance bump would be very useful for me, obviously more of a luxury, FCP worked fine on the quad, but anything better is worth it. 2) I use adobe but any of the few deadlines i have don't really rely on the use of adobe software, but i know in a few months the use of adobe stuff will be much more important to me and i'll have to buy a license, CS3 will probably be out by then as well as other Universal Binary converts, and i imagine the Quad will only be worth having for people needing a backup machine, the value of it will drop like anything, no?? rather sell now while the value of it is still fairly high, and especially because they are out of stock everywhere. 3) I get a windows capable machine that is powerful enough to let me use some software i wouldn't have been able to use before on my 2.4ghz, 1gb PC, as well as run games properly on my 30". Buying a seperate similar specced Windows PC wouldn't be worth it for me, but the situation with bootcamp is just perfect for my needs.

    If i was running a steady business, no way would i have sold the Quad, but i'd rather sell now while i can afford to be sans mac, rather than down the line when i know the mac pro will be extremely sought after and get bottom dollar for the quad.

    oh i knew the 8-core was coming out, i just didn't know it would be this soon, i've only recently started getting into the 'underground' gossip of macs, and i don't know where i got the idea from but i thought the octo would be around Q1/2 of next year, and i would just have just done the upgrade myself if it warranted it. Anyway i was able to finish all my work this weekend before i shipped it today, so in a strange way i have a sort of holiday thanks to this news, though as a recent mac convert i can't believe i used to live like this, already missing her. :(

    in laden dead or alive bin. in laden dead or alive.
  • in laden dead or alive.

  • mac jones
    Mar 12, 10:35 PM
    Well it appears thing have gotten worse. I guess now all we can do is wait and see what can be done. I have the greatest confidence in the Japanese ability to deal with this, and the international communities contributions.

    in laden dead or alive bin. in laden dead or alive. in
  • in laden dead or alive. in

  • KnightWRX
    May 2, 09:45 AM
    The Unix Permission system, how a virus on Windows can just access your system and non-owned files, where Unix/Linux dosen't like that.

    Is your info from like 1993 ? Because this little known version of Windows dubbed "New Technology" or NT for short brought along something called the NTFS (New Technology File System) that has... *drumroll* ACLs and strict permissions with inheritance...

    Unless you're running as administrator on a Windows NT based system, you're as protected as a "Unix/Linux" user. Of course, you can also run as root all the time under Unix, negating this "security".

    So again I ask, what about Unix security protects you from these attacks that Windows can't do ?

    And I say this as a Unix systems administrator/fanboy. The multi-user paradigm that is "Unix security" came to Windows more than 18 years ago. It came to consumer versions of Windows about 9 years ago if you don't count Windows 2000 as a consumer version.

    This is exactly the kind of ignorance I'm referring to. The vast majority of users don't differentiate between "virus", "trojan", "phishing e-mail", or any other terminology when they are actually referring to malware as "anything I don't want on my machine." By continuously bringing up inane points like the above, not only are you not helping the situation, you're perpetuating a useless mentality in order to prove your mastery of vocabulary.


    Wait, knowledge is ignorance ? 1984 much ?

    The fact is, understanding the proper terminology and different payloads and impacts of the different types of malware prevents unnecessary panic and promotes a proper security strategy.

    I'd say it's people that try to just lump all malware together in the same category, making a trojan that relies on social engineering sound as bad as a self-replicating worm that spreads using a remote execution/privilege escalation bug that are quite ignorant of general computer security.

    in laden dead or alive bin. get osama in laden dead
  • get osama in laden dead

  • Cutwolf
    Mar 18, 12:10 PM
    Some helpful quotes from the modmyi thread:

    I helped my boss through this one... I had him call AT&T and explain that he received a message about something called "tethering" and to act dumb and explain that he is a heavy pandora and Netflix user and doesn't understand why he's going to be billed more for it. Bottom line they couldn't prove it so they apologized and removed issue from his account with no changes.

    Good luck to everyone. (my boss was on 4.2.1 and he is using about 25gb per month)

    AT&T is hoping people will either ignore the message or call to apologize (Don't act guilty and you'll be fine)


    I told AT&T that I stream Sirius all day. They said my plan can stay the same since i don't "tether" lol


    in laden dead or alive bin. Osama Bin Laden Dead or Alive
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead or Alive

  • greenstork
    Jul 12, 03:27 PM
    How is it an insult to conroe to say that a desktop chip should go in a moderately priced desktop? And perhaps more to the point, why exactly are you so worked up about someone insulting conroe... is it your personal creation or something? You do realize that both PCs and Macs will be using both conroes and woodcrests in various configurations, right? It's not like woodcrest is an apple product. So what exactly are you so worked up about?

    Do you really think anyone here will care if you overclock your conroe-based PC? Let alone "break our hearts?" Have fun.

    Even if you had a point worth making, your attitude is so repulsive that I don't know why anyone would want to listen to you.

    I think his point was that most tech geeks are freaking out about the revolutionary core 2 architecture, be it in the conroe, woodcrest or merom. For people to view conroe as a lesser chip in some way smacks of mac snobbery and I tend to agree with him.

    in laden dead or alive bin. osama in laden dead or alive.
  • osama in laden dead or alive.

  • GGJstudios
    May 2, 11:36 AM
    4. Run a Spotlight search for "MACDefender" to check for any associated files that might still be lingering

    That's a sure way *not* to find any related files.
    The only effective method for complete app removal is manual deletion:
    Best way to FULLY DELETE a program (
    One thing Macs need anti-virus is to scan mails for Windows viruses, so that those doesn't to you PC. That is all.
    That doesn't protect Windows PCs from malware from other sources, which is a far greater threat than receiving files from a Mac. Each Windows user should be running their own anti-virus, to protect them from malware from all sources.
    Yes so much. Because Malware can copy itself and infect a computer.
    No, only a virus can do that. A trojan requires user involvement to spread.
    So few virus for MAC than when one appears it is news... :)
    This isn't a virus.
    Mac OS X fanboys really need to stop clinging to the mentality that "viruses" don't exist for OS X and that "malware" is a Windows-only problem.
    I agree. While no Mac OS X viruses exist at this time, that doesn't mean they won't in the future. And malware has always been a threat. What's important is to understand the kinds of threats and the most effective methods for protection.

    The fact is, the days of viruses are long gone.
    I wouldn't go so far as to say that. Just when you do, someone will release a new virus into the wild. While they may not be as prevalent as they once were, they're by no means extinct.

    The fact is, understanding the proper terminology and different payloads and impacts of the different types of malware prevents unnecessary panic and promotes a proper security strategy.

    I'd say it's people that try to just lump all malware together in the same category, making a trojan that relies on social engineering sound as bad as a self-replicating worm that spreads using a remote execution/privilege escalation bug that are quite ignorant of general computer security.
    The best defense a Mac user has against current malware threats is education and common sense. Understanding the basic differences between a virus, trojan, worm, and other types of malware will help a user defend against them. Doing simple things like unchecking the "Open "safe" files after downloading" option is quite effective.

    I despise the "X is a file downloaded from the Internet" dialog introduced in SL. Really wish you could disable it.
    That's one of the simple lines of defense for a user, as it lets them know they're about to open a newly-downloaded app. It only does that the first time you launch the app, so why bother disabling such a helpful reminder?
    To the end user it makes no difference. It's fine if you know, but to a novice quickly correcting them on the difference between a virus, a trojan, or whatever else contributes approximately zero percent towards solving the problem.
    Actually, it helps a user to have some understanding about malware. Part of the problem is a novice user is likely to engage in dangerous activities, such as installing pirated software, unless they know what a trojan is and how it infects a system. Also, understanding what a virus is, how it spreads, and the fact that none exist for Mac OS X will prevent them from instantly assuming that everything unexpected that happens on their Mac is the result of a virus. Also, understanding that antivirus apps can't detect a virus that doesn't yet exist will prevent them from installing AV and having a false sense of security, thinking they're immune to threats. Educating a user goes a very long way in protecting them, by teaching them to practice safe computing habits.

    Mac Virus/Malware Info (

    in laden dead or alive bin. that in Laden was dead. in
  • that in Laden was dead. in

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 21, 01:34 PM
    Your profile name/avatar/signature shows how unbias you are...shame on these crazy Android users who can't see the merit of a different OS :rolleyes:

    Of course I'm biased. I'm on an Apple user community forum.

    What I would not do is join an Android user forum with a user name like iOS Rules and an avatar of a dead Android robot and spend my days telling all the Android users how much more awesome my platform of choice is and how dumb they are for choosing something else. Not only would that be rude, but it would also likely get me booted from the forum for trolling (something that sadly is not enforced around here).

    I have no problem with Android. What I do have a problem with is the deafening amount of noise being made all over the Web by the more vocal segment of the Android population. As far as grassroots astroturfing goes, I've never seen anything like it. It blew the top off the annoyance thermometer about 6 months ago.

    in laden dead or alive bin. is osama in laden dead or
  • is osama in laden dead or

  • bokdol
    Aug 29, 02:28 PM
    Do be frank you're talking crap! :mad:

    GM foods will not save Africa and Greenpeace is not in any way responsible for the death of Africans from starvation for opposing GM research.

    i think what he is trying to say is. greenpeace is against genetic modification. even if that modifaction is helpful to the environment.
    as in the case of the enviropig

    clearly greenpeace has something against science and genetic modifiaction. even if it is helpful to people and or the world. while i dont know much about this pig it soulnds like a good idea. maybe i need more research.

    in laden dead or alive bin. Bin laden dead 2011,in laden
  • Bin laden dead 2011,in laden

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 23, 07:44 PM
    But this doesn't answer the question at all.

    Apple users question. Atheists/Agnostics question.

    You see a trend yet?

    in laden dead or alive bin. Osama Bin Laden Dead or Alive.
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead or Alive.

  • miles01110
    Apr 28, 07:22 AM
    Surprise. The major enterprise players take the top three spots.

    in laden dead or alive bin. Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive
  • Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive

  • GroundLoop
    Sep 12, 03:49 PM
    As long as I can use the USB port on it to hook up my printer (thereby replacing the Airport Express), then I will likely get one of these.


    in laden dead or alive bin. in laden dead or alive osama
  • in laden dead or alive osama

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 21, 02:06 PM
    I've never understood why anyone buys RAM from the more expensive Crucial. Can only be marketing 'cause I have no reason to pay more for RAM from just another supplier of the same thing. :rolleyes:

    Crucial makes great stuff (usually). The trick is to not buy direct from Crucial!!! But vendors like newegg and zipzoomfly sell Crucial memory at prices close to all the other "cheap" memory like OCZ, Corsair, Patriot, Kingston -- or all the other makers that make some pretty darn good stuff (usually). Right now, FB-DIMMs are pretty scarce... Most vendors for Mac Pro RAM are shipping the same Samsung modules that Apple is, they are just using different OEM heat spreaders. The price just keeps falling as the Mac Pro and other PC systems use more of this stuff and demand increases. I definitely see an 8-core Mac Pro w/8GB (4x2GB) in my near future. :) I think I'm going to sell one of my G5 Quads though, the resale value on these is really holding strong -- they're going on eBay for just about what I paid for them! May jump on it now or as soon as the 8-core Pro is released because I fear that as soon as Adobe CS3 hits along with a few other universal binary updates people are waiting on, the value of these G5 Quads is going to go in the crapper.

    in laden dead or alive bin. in laden dead or alive. Bin
  • in laden dead or alive. Bin

  • Groovey
    Aug 30, 03:48 AM
    I think people are missing the point....

    Anyway who really gives a crap what a bunch of pot smoking tree hugging hippies think.

    I know I don't :cool:

    Is 99 for your year of birth? It's not like there's ten of them. You've probably had too many nightmares about Woodstock.

    in laden dead or alive bin. in laden dead or alive. Bin
  • in laden dead or alive. Bin

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 29, 02:45 PM
    Notice the words "indirectly" and "thousands" in my post, not "directly" and "millions." You are correct that GM foods will not save Africa, and also correct that African goverments are as corrupt as they come.

    But you're wrong to think that genetically-altered foods won't help, especially if administed by multi-national organizations, and NOT African governemtns.
    It might help starving Africans, but we could also screw up our genetical inheritance royally. Cross breeding is a problem we know too little about.

    in laden dead or alive bin. Osama in Laden Dead or Alive
  • Osama in Laden Dead or Alive

  • Multimedia
    Nov 1, 10:17 AM
    Clovertons to run hot until 2007 according to:! This makes me change my mind about buying this Fall:

    "HP, and other OEMs, should have Clovertown gear ready on the 14th. Our sources inside HP say the chip is eating between 140 watts and 150 watts..." :eek:

    "Intel hopes to deliver less power hungry parts in short order. CEO Paul Otellini has talked about 50W and 80W Clovertown parts set for the early part of 2007 (" :)

    Guess I'm gonna have to be a little more patient a little longer in that case. That will be after MacWorld Expo toward the end of January then. Oh well. So much for immediate gratification. ;) Looks like waiting for the 8-core to ship with Leopard will jive with the cooler less power hungry monsters as well.

    Thanks for bursting my bubble. :( I can get back to the business of another longer term wait similar to the wait for Santa Rosa or the mobile C2D MBP that's shipping now after 10 months of mobile CDs. At least it won't be that much longer. :cool: Looks like Clovertown Rev. B will be worth waiting for as well.

    My apologies to all who were negatively infected by my extreeme enthusiasm for the first Clovertown release before I understood this new information. I can wait. I know some of you can't.

    And I also may change my mind again when/if Apple releases a hot version first. Maybe they'll pass on the 150 watt models. Or perhaps they have real good cooling figured out. But I think I'd rather be ecological and buy what consumes less power anyway - especially in light of only another 2-3 months time.

    in laden dead or alive bin. osama in laden dead or alive.
  • osama in laden dead or alive.

  • dgree03
    Apr 28, 08:47 AM
    The complaint isn't that iPads aren't being included in the smart phone market. The complaint is that there is a sole focus on smart phones when comparing Android vs. iOS market share when clearly the iPad and iPod Touch are very significant portions of the iOS platform.

    This is not a "smart phone" platform battle. This is a new mobile computing platform battle. But since Android has no viable competitors to the iPad or iPhone Touch, people (Fandroids and analysts alike) conveniently like to leave those devices out of the equation.

    The tangible item is the smartphone hardware itself. Thats like saying the battle between Sony and Samsung LCD tv's, isnt exactly about tv's... its about Google TV(Sony) vs Samsung Smart TV.

    in laden dead or alive bin. is osama in laden dead or
  • is osama in laden dead or

  • jayenh
    Feb 24, 08:44 AM
    This could also be a flaw, I would be really annoyed if I bought the best droid available and then a month later another six of them come out better than mine. A lot of people like buying the best available and then riding it out until the next model is available, but when there phone gets replaced by another 40 phones I am not to sure how people will react.

    iphone users are the only people who do this. before the iphone it was pretty well accepted that your new nokia/sony ericson/blackberry/anything is only going to be new for the next 3 months tops until the next model comes out. the mobile industry used to be probably the fastest paced of the tech industries and at it's peak no one gave a crap that there phone manufacturer brought out a new phone every couple of months.

    i suppose it was a little easier to swallow with 12 month contracts being the norm until the last couple of years (in the uk at least), but this is the fault of carriers, not the phone manufacturers. they are doing the exact same release cycle they always have done.

    edit: not all iphone users, obviously, but probably a larger proportion of iphone users than [insert any phone here] users based on the outrage when the 3gs came out. and that was possibly only because of assumption (the mother of all f... ups) due to the cheap/free (?) upgrade of the 1st gen to 3g. i bet there won't be that outcry this year.

    in laden dead or alive bin. Osama Bin Laden Dead or Alive.
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead or Alive.

  • MacAztec
    Oct 7, 08:07 PM
    Unfair Test.

    They are using Apples latest and greatest processor.

    The P4 has 2.6GHz out now...

    AMD has like 2.2GHz out...

    in laden dead or alive bin. osama in laden dead or alive.
  • osama in laden dead or alive.

  • cartwagon
    Sep 20, 01:32 AM
    I hate to be the first to post a negative but here it is. I don't think this will be overly expensive, but I also think we will be underwhelmed with it's features. Wireless is not that important to me. There are many wires back there already. It sounds like it will not have HDMI or TiVo features, and it will play movies out of iTunes, which screams to me that it will only play .mp4 and .m4v files much like my 5G iPod. If it cannot browse my my mac or firedrive, cannot stream from them, cannot play .avi, .wmw, .rm or VCD, then it will not replace my 4 year old xbox. Which itself has a 120Gig drive and a remote. Unless we are all sorely mistaken about what iTV will end up being, and it ends up adding these features (as someone above me noted, hoping Apple would read this forum) I will wait. Honestly, I am far more excited over the prospect of the MacBook Pros hopefully switching to Core 2 Duos before year end. Then I will have a much more powerful machine slung to my firedrive, router, xbox and tv. :)

    @Ino: Yes, you are correct, I wrote this yesterday before seeing that diagram. However, it has an HDMI output, but the iTunes store only puts out normal TV quality(currently). In essence, unless you are using Handbrake to make your own rips above 640x480, you can use your HDMI output and it does not matter. Since Job's whole plan here is to make us buy iTV and then only be able to buy from iTunes, this is very relevant. I know this release is months away and things may change before then. Whom do you think apple will bed with, HD-DVD or Blu-Ray?

    @ Project: Quicktime can do .wmv with Flip4Mac, but cannot play .avi. (or .bin or .rm) . The 3ivx codec patch only works for some avi files. There is a convoluted way to use DivX doctor to make .mov files, but there is no reason to bother. MPlayer and VLC take care of everything. My point is that I don't think I need to pay $299US for something that does only a third of what my xbox already does, and I also don't need to pay this exorbitant amount for the privilege of boxing myself into a corner where I can only buy movies from the iTunes store. Even if I wasn't using my xbox to stream and play everything, I'd still save my money and press play on MPlayer and then sit down. Know what I mean? We all have a way of playing media on our TVs already, even if it's a total welfare solution like $6 worth of RCA cable. I am usually pretty pro-apple, but I need to be more impressed to drop that kind of money on something like this.
    Much love for you all,

    Sep 20, 11:09 AM
    eyeHome does not support HD and it never will. I got this in an email directly from Elgato. That is the biggest difference. Also, the general consensus is that eyeHome is not in the same league of robustness/intuitiveness as other elgato products or Apple products. eyeHome cannot even play back eyeTV 500 , eyeTV Hybrid recordings.

    But nobody will be downloading HD for iTV, so that's a moot point. From what I've seen so far it actually does less than other media streamers.

    May 2, 09:09 AM
    significant, but you have to install

    Oct 11, 06:30 PM
    Originally posted by javajedi
    What you are saying makes a lot of sense. Now that I think about, I too recall reading this somewhere.

    Now that we know the real truth about the "better standard FPU", I thought it was time to shed some light on non vectorized G4 integer processing.

    It still does 200,000,000 calculations, but this time I'm multiplying ints.

    Motorola 7455 G4@800Mhz: 9 seconds (Native)
    IBM 750FX G3@700Mhz: 7 seconds (Native)
    Intel P4@2600Mhz 2 seconds (Java)

    PowerPC 7455 integer processing is consierabley better than floating point (obviously less work doing ints), but still less per cycle than the Pentium 4.

    Very intresting the G4 looses both floating point and integer to the IBM chip, at a 100MHz clock disadvantage.

    I'm still waiting to see that "better standard FPU" in the G4. It seems the G4 is absolutely useless unless you are fortunate to have vectorized (AltiVec) code.

    Alex, yeah, the native version was compiled under 3.1. It really is interesting to note that despite the 750FX's 100MHz clock disadvantage, it is able to outperform it by 22%. Since there is a 13% difference in clock speed, and if clocks were equal, the 750FX is technically 25% more efficient in scalar integer. I should also re-emphasize that I never bothered compiling the test natively for x86, I left it java, so it's not out of the question the P4 could do this in 1 second - and that is *NOT* using any vector libraries, just plain old integer math.

    I've found some documentation on the Altivec C programming interface, and this weekend I'm going to make a first attempt at vectorizing it. The integer test should be no problem, but my FPMathTest app that did square roots will be more difficult. With Altivec, there is not recognized double precision floating point, so this complicates doing square roots. If you want more accurate, precision square roots, you have to do Newton Raphson refinement. In other words more ************ you have to go through. I believe in SSE2 you have double precision floating point ops, and if you were to vectorize it, you wouldn't have to compensate for this.

    Another theory as to why the P4 is scoring so good is because if I'm not mistaking (and I'm not), the P4's ALU runs at double its clock. So in my case, 5.6GHz. I'm sure this relates to the issue.

    I don't know how true this is, but I wouldn't be suprised if there is some truth to it, surely some food for thought:

    The G4 was just a hacked-up G3 with AltiVec and an FPU (floating point unit) borrowed from the outdated 604

    If this is the case, then no wonder why we are getting these abysmal scores, and no wonder why a 400mhz Celeron can nearly equal it, and no wonder why the 750FX can outperform it (different company, different fpu)

    Apr 13, 04:51 AM
    Hmm, could be good. I've been using an old Final Cut that I bought whilst in university. Worked just fine for me but I only edit game trailers on it. If FCPX is that cheap in the UK too then I might just have to get it.


    Apple have been doing a lot of simplifying of late and I hope it doesn't lose any depth.

    Mar 21, 01:37 AM
    Digital copyrights are licenses. You do not own the copy.

    Where are you seeing a difference between digital copyrights and any other kind of copyright in U.S. law? There is no such difference, and current law and current case law says that purchases of copyrighted works are in fact purchases. They are not licenses.

    Your license does not allow you to modify the contents such that it enables you to do things not allowed by law.

    No, you've got it in reverse. The Supreme Court of the United States specifically said that anything not disallowed is allowed. That was (among other places) the betamax case that I referenced.

    You seem to be conflating the DMCA with copyright. The DMCA is not about copyright. It's about breaking digital restrictions. The DMCA did not turn purchases into licenses. Things that were purchases before the DMCA are still purchases today.

    You can't rent a car and break all the locks so that anyone can use it without the keys. If you OWN the car, you can do that.

    This is a poor analogy. The real analogy would be that you have purchased the car, but now law requires that you not open the door without permission from the manufacturer.

    When you rent a car, the rental agency can at any time require that you return the car and stop using it. The iTunes music store has no right to do this. CD manufacturers have no right to do this.

    Music purchases were purchases before the DMCA and they are purchases after the DMCA. There are more restrictions after the DMCA, but the restrictions are placed on the locks, not on what is behind the locks. The music that you bought is still yours; but you aren't allowed to open the locks.

    Your analogy with "so that anyone can use it" also misrepresents the DMCA: the better analogy is that you can't even open the locks so that *you* can use it.

    Licenses can be revoked at any time. When I buy digital music on CD (all music on CD is digital) there is no license involved to be revoked. It is not in any way like renting a car. It is in every way except my inability to redistribute copies like purchasing a car.

    But you do not OWN the music you've bought, you're merely using it as provided for by the owner. Because digital files propagate from a single copy, and that original can be copied and passed along with no quality loss or actual effort to the original copier (who still retains his copy), the law supports DRM which is designed to prevent unauthorized copying.

    In the sense that you have described it above, books are digital. Books can be copied with no loss and then the original sold. Books are, according to the Supreme Court, purchases, not licenses. Book manufacturers are not even allowed to place EULAs on their books and pretend that it is a license. There is no different law about music. It's all copyright.

    Copying for your own uses (from device to device) is prefectly within your rights, but modifying the file so it works in ways it was not originally intended IS against copyright law.

    Show me. Show me the *copyright* law that makes this illegal and that does so because of a *license*.

    Are you claiming that playing my CDs on my iPod is illegal? The file has been modified in ways that it was not originally intended: they were uncompressed digital audio files meant for playback on a CD player. Now they're compressed digital audio played back on an iPod.

    That is completely outside of what the manufacturer intended that I use that CD for. I don't believe that's illegal; the U.S. courts don't believe that it's illegal. Apple certainly doesn't believe that it's illegal. The RIAA would like it to be illegal but isn't arguing that any more. Do you believe that it is illegal?

    Please also consider going back over my previous post and refuting the Supreme Court cases I referenced.


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