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  • springerj
    Apr 20, 07:58 PM
    Ah yes, the ever present "Android users must be smarter because they can customize their phones more" argument. It's still as irritating and off-base as it always was. :rolleyes:

    It's really cool when you over-clock it and put in a terabyte drive!!! Real phone users can do that!

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  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 10:46 AM
    Exactly! I agree with you. I am a womanizer and I hate it when a church tells me I can't sleep with a different woman every night! I do plan on switching to polygamy and I hope the government gives me all the rights associated with my switch! Do you think Apple's womanizing employees will put out a video that it will be easier for me?

    I have read this a few times now and I still do not get your point.

    Being gay = being promiscuous?

    Or is it just a very poor attempt at sarcasm?

    Bad, bad taste�

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  • Evangelion
    Jul 12, 05:05 AM
    Er...have you seen the MacBook Pro pricing? The MacBook pricing? The iMac pricing? The Mini pricing? (Which went UP by a fair amount). If you're thinking that x86 processors are cheaper than PPC, you're sadly mistaken. Cheap computers being cheap has just about nothing whatsoever to do with the CPU....


    Well, the Mini got more expensive, but it's capabilities went WAY up. Optical audio in and out, twice the USB-ports (fixing the two biggest complaints about the old Mini), built-in wireless, about twice as fast CPU (hell, the new low-end is propably over 50% faster than the old hi-end!) and Core Image compliant video.

    Comparing price and capabilities, The Mini just got a whole lot cheaper :). The low-end Mini costs the same as the old hi-end Mini, but the new low-end Mini is a lot better than the old hi-end Mini.

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  • Designer Iphone 4g Cases.

  • tf23
    Sep 12, 08:14 PM
    I think it was a big mistake not to add a HD/TV-tuner/optical reader... THAT could be a killer. Right now we have an upgraded Airport extreme.

    A tv-tuner/encoding chip on the thing would a) raise the price and b) be counter-productive for them to *sell* content through iTunes. So they won't do it.

    But the eyeTV et all 3rd party makers have just got to be drooling over this 'iTV'. If there's enough processor power in the thing to play full HD out w/ full dolby audio, then it's only a matter of time (or imcremental upgrades) to 3rd party add-ons that could possibly let the 'iTV' grab content and store it locally on itself.

    I for one hope the iTV can mount NFS shares and look for media files. If not NFS, smb could work, too.

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  • Sounds Good
    Apr 14, 07:32 PM
    I start a thread on restaurantrumors.com

    "I enjoy Restaurant Win, but sometimes, I see an ad for Restaurant Mac and several friends tell me how much they love Restaurant Mac. I'm starting to wonder if Restaurant Mac should be my new favorite. I've passed by and looked in the window, I've checked out the menu by the front door. It seems nice, there's usually a good crowd. I really don't have specific reason to change, but it could be better than Restaurant Win. Please tell me all the negatives about switching.

    Later on in the thread, I comment: "Gee, you don't like the filet mignon at at Restaurant Mac? That stinks, I order that a lot at Restaurant Win; and no shrimp scampi on the menu? Lots of other comments that make this look like a bad change. Well, I was mostly curious, I'm good with Restaurant Win."

    I honestly have no interest in convincing you to switch, you may be better off with windows, but the fact is, I set myself up for this outcome. Why?

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  • ChrisA
    Jul 12, 12:19 PM
    Just as a data point for you all: I'm typing this on a dual processor Xeon runing at 3.6 Ghz.
    Each procesor has 1M cache. The system has 4GB RAM and some 10K RPM Ultra-SCSI disks. It runs Linux. This system runs circles around any current Intel Mac. I'm not putting Mac down. Not at all. I just wanted to let you all know to expect a huge performane jump when these new dual and quad core woodcrest machines come out.

    You want my guess about what's comming. Apple will offer a high-end dual Woodcrest, quad core "mac pro" and it will be expensive. But they will also offer a lower-end dual processor (Conroe) tower. in a mini-tower configuration. Call it a "Mac Pro Lite" for arounr $2K

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  • portishead
    Apr 12, 11:02 PM
    Seems logical that the suite can remain separate applications-- or better yet-- the new FCPX supports more extensive plugins so that you don't have the issues of round tripping, and you can use Magic bullet or whoever wants to make a grading app inside of FCPX.

    Likely this is the kind of thing that will be announced in more detail at WWDC when Apple is able to give developers the tools and training they need to plug into the new architecture.


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  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 05:00 PM
    I guess all this honour killing pretty much explains the original theory how freedom of women has been affected

    thanks again edifyingG for presenting some very valid points

    don't thank me, thank ct2k7 for saying just why islam is a threat to democracy.

    Basically, follow the local law until the point where is will cause you to sin AND be in direct violation of the Sharia Law framework.

    So, follow the local law unless a sane muslim man commits apostasy (then sentence him to death as under sharia law).

    follow local law unless someone insults the name of muhammad or who is critical of islam.

    so right there, we've gotten rid of freedom of speech and freedom of conscience.

    Again, correlation does not mean causation. You should try to understand that. It's a very basic principle in analysis. You've only looked at one thing they have in common. Have you not noticed that the countries there are somewhat within a closer proximity region?

    What you have said, in the latter, is entirely subjective, and your view is not shared by the 1.5 billion (?) follows of the religion.

    Did you know that Tony Blair's sister in law, Lauren Booth converted to Islam not so long ago? She thought Islam oppressed women and that's why she converted to it... :rolleyes: Along with Yvonne Ridley... :eek:

    I do understand that. However, Morocco is thousands of miles away from Pakistan yet both condone honour killing, do you understand the significance of that?

    My view may not be shared by ~1.5 billion muslims but it is shared by the many millions of muslims (ten million in africa by some estimates) who leave islam despite the death penalty levelled against them for apostasy.

    Lauren Booth isn't a very good advocate to endorse anything, except perhaps anti-psychotic medication.

    Lots of intellectuals supported the Nazi party yet many would be hard pressed to not call the Nazi party evil. the Qur'an and Mein Kampf are very similar. Both are chauvinistic, misogynistic and supremacist. Who wouldn't want to join a group that told you you can do whatever you want to your wife/children and that you're "the best of people" and going to heaven for emulating a degenerate warlord from the 7th century, and that all other people who disagree with you are wrong wrong wrong?

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  • bluap84
    Mar 11, 09:24 AM
    I thought it was appropriate for this line. It's not in my main repertoire but I thought it worked.

    LOL i think it fitted the post just perfectly

    back to OP theres a huge fire raging in Kesennumma...this quake is eating japan for breakfast, lunch and dinner...but i have seen some videos on youtube and im amazed that the japan population are just trying to get on with their normal days. Take this one for example: clicky (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AobhPsc4Xfc)

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  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 12:04 PM
    I agree.

    I completely understand the idea that unlimited data should have to pay for tethering, although I think there should just be a cap prior to additional charges like verizon does.

    What I dont understand is how they think charging tiered data customers for tethering is fair.

    Agreed - and something I said several pages back...

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  • ThunderSkunk
    Apr 14, 08:33 PM
    0. "Get Info"on multiple items. WTF.

    1. Crazy mouse acceleration curve. Why there isn't be a simple config option for this under mouse controls I'll never understand.

    2. Trackpad acceleration. Why there isn't a simple option for absolute coordinates on the trackpad, so your finger position is mapped 1:1 to your position on screen, I'll also never understand. The trackpads are big enough. A corresponding area of equal size on a wacom digitizer is fine. ...but i need to lug around a wacom just so I don't have to chase my cursor all over the screen? Crazy.

    3. Finder. If I delete a file, don't kick me out of the whole folder and make me come back in and go through all the files again to get back to where I was in the file list. It's rude.

    4. Finder. Apple has all the pieces, now if they'd just put em together. Cascade thru folders in column view, and when your selection lands on files, display details. Let us see previews in coverflow. Like this:

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  • toxic
    Apr 5, 10:44 PM
    forgot to add that the "+" (maximize) button is wildly inconsistent in its function.

    maximizing to full screen in general isn't the way OS X "works", which is why most programs don't do that...but it seems Apple never really decided what the maximize button is supposed to do.

    What if I just want my top 10 favorites? In Windows I just drag the icon (of whatever I want) to the Start button, then drop it into the list of my favorites (I'm not sure of the actual term for this). Can this be done on a Mac?

    Since I open the same 10 or 12 programs or folders or files many times throughout the day, every day, this is pretty important to me. It would absolutely mess up my work flow to lose this feature.

    that's what the dock is for... you put your most common applications in the dock, everything else is in the Applications folder, accessible from the dock.

    I'm was a complete Mac virgin when I switched a couple of months ago but some of the small things that still annoy me.

    1. Pressing delete when you've selected a file in finder doesn't delete the file. You've gotta use the context menu or <gasp> actually drag it to the garbage.

    cmd + delete

    3. There's no ".." button in finder(i.e. go one level up a directory structure)

    cmd + up

    4. Not having an actual uninstall program procedure kind of makes me paranoid.

    all necessary files are contained in the application package, any files that go somewhere else are just saves or preferences. the exception is for certain programs, like Adobe ones, where the developer is too lazy to rewrite their code so that all the necessary components are in one place.

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  • jegbook
    Apr 12, 04:06 PM
    The delete thing bothers me a bit. What do you mean you can't move up? You mean with backspace? There is a preference in finder to show entire path so I never have trouble navigating up folder structure. If you are used to Vista and leaning toward 7, perhaps OS X isn't for you.

    It's really not about how I delete things, nor is it about the pretty colors. It's about how much of my time I have to spend futzing with stuff like broken drivers, missing printers, yada yada yada.

    I will admit I wasted a few hours this week chasing a Time Machine issue but that's about all the futzing I've had to do since about November. I'm willing to deal with the limitations and quirks of OS X because OS X doesn't waste my time. And it wasn't something I had to do in order to send my taxes or print out show tickets. I did it when I felt like I had the time, unlike so many windows problems that crop up on the way to an important meeting. I haven't seen an "are you sure" on my Mac since I got it. To me sometimes it seems like Windows was written to harvest clicks while OS X was written to avoid unnecessary user intervention.

    Sure there are some quirks. Like the way copied folders are replaced, not merged with destination folders. Like the missing "cut" and "delete" features. But for me these quirks are no big deal and I look forward to sitting down in front of my Mac after suffering with 7 all day at work. But what we say in this thread isn't necessarily relevant to your situation. Based on what we have described, you can get a sense as to how "different" OS X is. To me, it's really not that much different. What is more important is how different it is to you and whether it bothers you.

    Your comment about "suffering with 7 all day" is surprising to me. I don't know if I've seen Windows 7 experience a full OS crash. And I've been toying with Win 7 since it was in beta.

    Sure, it ain't perfect, but I find Win 7 pretty darn efficient overall. I haven't encountered any OS related issues with 7 yet. Application quirks, sure, but not really any OS problems.

    I'd say OS X and Win 7 are much more comparable than Vista or XP.

    Again, it comes down mostly to what you need a computer to do.

    Cheers, all.

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  • G5isAlive
    Mar 18, 09:51 AM
    Sir it is perfect.

    You are paying for the same thing.

    I have an unlimted plan

    and I never have gone over 5gb

    if one has a 2gb plan and never goes over and we both surf on the internet
    Tethering whats the difference?

    I have no idea why you can't understand Data=Data
    both are pure
    the logic so you understand

    I drink water = use Data on the phone
    I pour water over my head = Data through tethering

    So its valid. Using the same amount of substance, what we pay for, to do things in different ways, what should not matter.

    Amount should be the issue not how I used it.

    even my 10 year old son LOL when we talked about this, he said he doesn't understand why you would pay twice for the same thing.

    Obviously it escapes you.


    I recommend you go to someone other than your 10 year old son for legal advice as it is clear you have no idea what a contract is. While you may wish the amount is the issue, that is not what you agreed to. Its also clear you don't understand how AT&T comes up with their pricing models and how your selfish actions effect us all.

    Again, no one forced you to enter into an agreement with AT&T. There were other phones. And now that Verizon has the iPhone you can even switch carriers.

    But you did agree, and now you are operating outside that agreement and crying foul. Sorry, the foul is on you. It doesn't matter if you think they are charging too much etc, any more than you can go in to a store and buy one bottle and steal one bottle of your beloved water because you think their price is too high.

    If you feel you are operating under your contract legally, then have the backbone to enter into legal action. I am sure there is a class action hungry lawyer who would love to take on AT&T for some quick bucks, if in fact you do have a case.

    But we both know, you don't have a case because you are in fact operating outside the contract.

    Just because you can fool a 10 year old into justifying your actions, does not mean you can fool the rest of us.

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  • sjo
    Aug 29, 12:48 PM
    As a Norwegian I can say that Apple has way more credibility than Greenpeace over here. We have seen what they are all about. Greenpeace is a bunch of spoiled city kids that has no idea what nature is.

    Yeah, cause you just HAVE to hunt whales and eat whalemeat in Norway in order to survive, such a poor country with poor people. How dare Greenpeace oppose your ancient way of life?

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  • Multimedia
    Nov 3, 11:32 AM
    Anyone hear of Apple going the opposite direction with the Xeon.
    i.e. how about a single dual-core?To be more clear...
    Mac Pro with 1 dualcore Xeon?

    A whole line of Mac Pro's then
    2 cores
    4 cores
    8 coresSingle Dual Core is out of the question. We're way past wanting-needing less than 4-cores. Xeon are made to be used in pairs. What you probably mean is discussed above - a single 4-core Kentsfield processor (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=3014347&postcount=239) in a Conroe motherboard. Some of us hope that will be a sub $2k offering next year.

    More like:
    4 cores 2006
    8 cores 2007
    16 cores 2008
    32 cores 2009
    64 cores 2010

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  • janstett
    Sep 12, 05:46 PM
    Ah, now this is what I've been waiting for: the Airport Express for video, plus a little bit more. If it were shipping today, I'd high-tail it to the Apple Store and buy one. But given a few months to think about the $299 price tag, we shall see if that feeling holds up.

    These types of devices have existed for years (UPnP Digital Media Adapters). I wonder if this will be UPnP compatible, probably not -- Rendevous pretty much a UPnP alternative.

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  • Bosunsfate
    Sep 12, 03:18 PM
    Wish I could get more details, but nice, very nice.

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  • toddicus
    Nov 3, 06:08 AM
    OK to swerve this thread back on topic, what if Apple is planning to unleash a massive multi-core assault and fill that big middle gap in the lineup at the same time?
    Here's the theory;
    January Macworld Steve unveils the 8 core Mac Pro, no surprises there, shows off the massive power using Leopard demo's etc. Great for Pro's (like Multimedia and myself) but not much use to the average guy. Prices stay the same or even rise slightly, after all, we are talking 8 cores here. Previously you needed to spend $7-8k to get that kind of power. But what if the one more thing was a Kentsfield Mac Pro (using the C2Q6600), a i975 Mb with DDR2 ram, etc, etc . Sloting into that $1400-2000 zone? I dont see this competing with the iMac, esp. since you get a 24" screen with your $2000 iMac. It's just another choice. Use the same case, make it black or something, but you now have
    Mac Mini 2 cores
    iMac 2 cores + Widescreen display
    Mac Prosumer 4 cores + upgradeable
    Mac Pro 8 cores for ultimate power.

    Sounds good......:)

    I'd have to say my opinion is this is very unlikely. Apple has stuck with the four squares of producst, pro, consumer in desktop and portable for years. A sub mac pro without a xeon wouldn't fit into that model. While you could certainly make nice Mac out of a quad-core Core2 extreme I just don't see it happening. I think the only way we'll see conroe/kentsfield in Macs is if they some how got the components needed small enough and cool enough to cram into all sizes of iMacs (if they don't fit in the smallest, they won't go in any, keeps them all the same), and I don't think that will happen.

    I never cease to be amazed though, everytime Steve gives a keynote I feel like he announces stuff I just wouldn't have thought of. So, maybe there is a chance, just not sure what they'd call it, or who it'd be targeted at. My gut says it won't happen.

    Mar 18, 03:18 PM
    Actually the reason why it isn't encoded with DRM on the server is that if they did that they would need a copy of every song for every customer they have on the server.

    aah yes of course.. (slap on forehead). hmm.. then adding DRM on fly before delivering might be the workaround apple does... although as noted in my previous post, that can be defeated too.

    Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 15, 11:31 AM
    I think one thing that would help the Gay community would be instead of focusing on how different they are focus on how much like everyone else they are. I live in one of the largest gay communities outside of San Fransisco, and as a straight male have nothing but the utmost respect and love for the Gay community. Its time though that they stepped up and said hey We are just like all of you!

    Mar 18, 01:58 PM
    When are you all going to realize that this is marketing fluff?

    Let me give you a possible scenario...(something to lighten the mood)

    AT&T Infrastructure: Wow - these new smart phones use a lot of data. We need to restrict it.

    AT&T Marketing: Yes, well, we can't tell customers the restrictions - it will lose us business. I want to tell them it is unlimited!

    AT&T Infrastructure: No way...it will kill us - especially with tethering! I'd be happy with it restricted to the smart phone only.

    AT&T Legal: We can insert a clause...restricting to this device only...no tethering.

    AT&T Marketing: Yes, yes! I can just mention and promote unlimited, and the actual usage can be buried in the ToS. I like it.

    AT&T release "unlimited data for the iPhone" knowing full well that even if your iPhone downloads 24x7 - their network can handle it (although this will never happen in reality).

    Everyone flocks to buy it and SIGN UP.

    Selecting which part of the service to market IS mis-leading, however...it is pretty clear - "this device only".

    Everything in America is like this. Marketing is a black art form here!! You can't pick and choose which parts of the marketing and ToS you like!

    Mar 13, 03:12 PM
    Automobile safety features and breakdowns compared to nuclear disaster.


    Which have killed more? Hint: it's not nuclear reactors.

    Apr 29, 08:41 AM
    My wife is a teacher. She personally taught lots of them. Schools are now using Windows machines. After that my wife switched to Windows. I've been using Macs for 18 years. But I'm getting so sick of waiting for Apple to make a mid sized mid range Mac without a built in screen I'm close to switching to Windows too.

    My former music teacher could get a Macbook Pro fro free. He got a Dell compueter. he started with a Mac and he changed. His wife just got rid of his Macbook to get an HP.

    I really like the iPhone, but I am crazy about any Mac computer. I can afford any of them. Only narrow-minded people believe that all the people who don't have a Mac is beacuse thay can't afford it. Some of us, actually, don't want a Mac, but we might like the iPhone.

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