new york city subway graffiti

new york city subway graffiti. “Cheerful New York Graffiti in
  • “Cheerful New York Graffiti in

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 21, 01:04 PM
    1. What "punch"? If we're going to use arbitrary words, iPhones beat Android to the "desert". FACT
    2. Phone carriers selling Android devices and offering incentives helps the needs of those who do not afford to buy an iPhone but need a smartphone. I fixed it for you.
    3. No, they aren't. Please link some sources stating so?
    4. Sure, I'll give you that if you want to say it's a ripoff. This is a whole other issue.
    5. Sure. It's bound to.
    6. That tends to be the way of the Open Source area.
    7. I'd hope so. Any competitors selling iPhones should probably be sued, since you know, that'd be a blatant rip off.
    8. Sure.
    9. Yes, yes and yes.
    10. They're really just as bad as Apple's fanboys. I've noticed that the only difference in comments from the huge Apple fanboys and anti Apple fanboys are generally the words "Best" and "Worst" get flip flopped.

    1. In terms of marketshare. That's precisely what I meant. It's quite understood. FACT.
    2. But android is helping. There's shouldn't be a doubt. Maybe Apple says NO to that because of brand quality OR Apple cannot afford to lose that profit; whatever is the case, android helps with the help of the carriers or vice versa. FACT.
    3. HTC's quarterly report. Google it. FACT.
    4. But still, its a ripoff. FACT.
    5. True FACT.
    6. FACT FACT.
    7. Again, nitpicking things. FACT is a FACT.
    8. FACTy FACT.
    9. Yes is a FACT.
    10. No, they are not. Go anywhere; youtube, MR, Engadget, TC; they are really pathetic and disgusting; not android users, android fanboys. FACT.

    You forgot

    1. Battlestar Galactica (remake) is the best sci fi show of all time (FACT)
    2. Toaster Strudels are better than Pop Tarts (FACT)
    3. Kennedy was shot by multiple gunman (FACT)
    4. Brian Tong from CNET is worthless (FACT)
    5. SC2 is the best competitive RTS (FACT)
    6. Green is the new pink (FACT)
    7. Lady Ga Ga was NOT born that way (FACT)
    8. Republicans are heartless (FACT)
    9. Democrats promise everything and never deliver (FACT)
    10. OJ did it (FACT)

    FACT. :mad:

    new york city subway graffiti. Subway Graffiti, NYC#39;s
  • Subway Graffiti, NYC#39;s

  • TheFink
    Oct 9, 03:10 PM
    Originally posted by Cappy
    Faster this, faster that. Software here, software there. Upgrade this, upgrade that. Blah! Blah! Blah!

    I like computers just as much as the next geek but when you break it all down what can't you do with computers and OS's from even 5 years ago that you can today? In truth the only real benefits are that Windows and Mac systems are faster and more stable than they used to be. For Macs to make any inroads more innovation is the key. They cannot compete on price/performance and never will. Moving to x86 could help of course. Note that most people don't buy Macs because of price and not because of performance issues.

    So with this in mind if you set aside the small contingent that truly needs faster Macs for their jobs in professional settings, the Mac really needs lower prices and more innovation. Do that and Apple will have a winner that they would need to open up the clone market again just to be able to make enough of them.

    Frankly this whole benchmark argument is stupid for most of the people here. Benchmarks should be used as nothing more than a guide and you should have multiple sources if you want to base a purchasing decision from them alone. Too many people treat them as the end all be all.

    One point you are missing is that I can upgrade my PC 5 times over and still have the cost be lower than buying a new Mac. So a mac can run modern apps 5 years later. For the same price, I can get a PC, drop a new HD, video card, and CPU in a few years later and then end up with a leading edge PC, and not a bleading edge mac. My B&W G3 isn't even upgradable to the speeds of the current iMacs. With a PC a new mobo and CPU will get me into whatever is the current CPU class....

    new york city subway graffiti. creating subway graffiti.
  • creating subway graffiti.

  • Apple OC
    Apr 26, 10:16 PM
    I invite you to demonstrate how Islam is a threat to freedom and democracy.

    An Islamic Internet?

    new york city subway graffiti. Subway Graffiti Art x NYC
  • Subway Graffiti Art x NYC

  • Peterkro
    Mar 13, 05:06 PM
    You all seem to be ignoring the elephant in the room.

    The spiralling demand for still more energy.

    Someone mentioned California, and their inordinate requirement for 'more power' <ugh, ugh ... thank you Tim>.

    How about we stop with the over-population, and working everyone 24-7?

    Farmers used to get up with the Sun, and went to bed when it set.

    If there is a lost tribe still somewhere that is flourishing, I hope that they never get "discovered".

    I hope you're not including me in that as I've posted several times on the very subject.I'm not a Malthusian but I agree that human population is something we need to look at,every child a wanted child and cared for child for instance.Why do westerners use so much energy?Because they are not in touch with their environment,airconditioning in cars and homes?wtf for there are technologies hundreds of years old that can deal with that.To me it appears a lot of people work harder and harder for less and less.Bah humans in general are eejits.

    new york city subway graffiti. NYC Subway Cars Drowned Off
  • NYC Subway Cars Drowned Off

  • Piggie
    Apr 9, 10:15 AM
    Until Apple give us some physical controls (buttons, Joysticks etc) for use in games that need it, this is simply never ever going to work.

    It's just a fundamental need, and no amount of screen res, CPU/GPU power, memory or anything else is going to fix this.

    It's like taking the steering wheel and foot pedals out of a sports car and fitting in a touch screen, with no feedback and a smooth surface.

    They car will be hopeless, and never be any good, no matter how great the engine, body or anything else.

    Humans need physical controls, and why on earth do you want your hands/fingers to be overlapping the screen you are looking at (the display)

    For same game, yes, a touch screen is great and really suits the style of game, for many other types of games, it's totally hopeless and will always be hopeless.

    No amount of arguing is going to change this fundamental issue.

    new york city subway graffiti. Graffiti New York takes you on
  • Graffiti New York takes you on

  • ~Shard~
    Oct 31, 09:02 AM
    My quad was to ship today, after waiting four business days and two weekend days for a CTO build (2 GB RAM). But I would feel sick to have had the machine for a week when the Octo's are announced. I hope this baby makes Logic Pro sing...

    I hope you don't have to wait too long... :o

    new york city subway graffiti. Subway Art middot; Poem
  • Subway Art middot; Poem

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 25, 12:33 PM
    This takes responsibility away from what God would want, to what we think is right. I believe this to be a more realistic approach.

    Comma added, because my brain was starting to hurt. ;)

    And I agree, but then 'power' is lost, and that just won't do, now will it? :rolleyes:

    new york city subway graffiti. drax NYC SUBWAY GRAFFITI

  • maccompaq
    Nov 10, 02:51 PM
    I have the iphone 3gs, and at&t has never been able to get their act together with the iPhone but with the os upgrades service seems to keep getting worse.

    Do you think problems will be resolved when / if verizon has access to the iphone (effectively lowering the burden on at&t, even thought they probably still wont be able to keep up)

    It is the fault of AT&T, not the iPhone. Every call I make gets dropped. It makes no difference if I use my iPhone 4 or my LG phone.

    new york city subway graffiti. NYC Subway Map - Part 35
  • NYC Subway Map - Part 35

  • Cougarcat
    May 2, 12:30 PM
    That's one of the simple lines of defense for a user, as it lets them know they're about to open a newly-downloaded app. It only does that the first time you launch the app, so why bother disabling such a helpful reminder?

    It's not "helpful." I don't need to be "reminded" the file I downloaded a second ago was downloaded from the internet. I'm sure others find it useful, but for me, it's pointless and annoying..

    Just a simple "do not warn me about downloaded files again" tickbox in the dialog would be nice.

    Until then, I just discovered that this terminal command will do the trick:

    defaults write LSQuarantine -bool NO

    new york city subway graffiti. New NYC Transit squad out to
  • New NYC Transit squad out to

  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 03:03 AM
    lol you are saying it like they can be strong armed. If you call paying large sums of money for exclusives "strong arming" then it's already happening in the gaming world.

    new york city subway graffiti. riding the Subway in NYC
  • riding the Subway in NYC

  • skunk
    Mar 26, 10:04 AM
    I'm not condoning the belief but priests are expected to do it, so why not gay people?There is no good reason why priests are expected to do it. Peter was married, as were many of the apostles and the priests of the early church. Nor was this confined to the early church:
    Married before receiving Holy Orders
    It was within canon law, and still is, for priests to have once been married before receiving Holy Orders. In the Eastern Rite branches of the Catholic Church, it is within canon law to be a priest and married (but one may not marry after ordination).
    Saint Peter (Simon Peter), whose mother-in-law is mentioned in the Bible as having been miraculously healed (Matthew 8:14–15, Luke 4:38, Mark 1:29–31). According to Clement of Alexandria (Stromata, III, vi, ed. Dindorf, II, 276), Peter was married and had children and his wife suffered martyrdom. In some legends dating from at least the 6th century, Peter's daughter is called Petronilla.[2][3] Pope Clement I wrote: "For Peter and Philip begat children; [..] When the blessed Peter saw his own wife led out to die, he rejoiced because of her summons and her return home, and called to her very encouragingly and comfortingly, addressing her by name, and saying, 'Remember the Lord.' Such was the marriage of the blessed, and their perfect disposition toward those dearest to them."[4]
    Pope Siricius (384–399), where tradition suggests that he left his wife and children in order to become pope. The number of Siricius' children is unknown. Wrote a decree in 385, stating that priests should stop cohabiting with their wives.
    Pope Felix III (483–492) was a widower with two children when he was elected to succeed Pope Simplicius in 483. It is said that he was the great-great-grandfather of Gregory the Great.
    Pope St. Hormisdas (514–523) was married and widowed before ordination. He was the father of Pope St. Silverius.[5]
    Pope Silverius (536–537) may have been married to a woman called Antonia. However this remains debated by historians.
    Pope Agatho or Pope Saint Agatho (678–681) was married for 20 years as a layman with one daughter, before in maturity he followed a call to God and with his wife’s blessing became a monk at Saint Hermes’ monastery in Palermo. It is thought his wife entered a convent.
    Pope Adrian II (867–872) was married to a woman called Stephania, before taking orders, and had a daughter.[6] His wife and daughter were still living when he was selected to be pope and resided with him in the Lateran Palace. His daughter was carried off, raped, and murdered by former antipope Anastasius's brother, Eleutherius. Her mother was also killed by Eleutherius.
    Pope John XVII (1003) was married before his election to the papacy and had three sons, who all became priests.[7]
    Pope Clement IV (1265–1268) was married, before taking holy orders, and had two daughters.[8]
    Pope Honorius IV (1285–1287) was married before he took the Holy Orders and had at least two sons. He entered the clergy after his wife died, the last pope to have been married.[9]
    Sexually active before receiving Holy Orders
    Pope Pius II (1458–1464) had at least two illegitimate children (one in Strasbourg and another one in Scotland), born before he entered the clergy.[10]
    Pope Innocent VIII (1484–1492) had at least two illegitimate children, born before he entered the clergy.[11] According to the 1911 Encyclop�dia Britannica, he "openly practised nepotism in favour of his children".[12] Girolamo Savonarola chastised him for his worldly ambitions.[13] The title Padre della patria (Father of the Fatherland) was suggested for him, precisely with suggestions that he may have fathered as many as 16 illegitimate children.[14]
    Pope Clement VII (1523–1534) had one illegitimate son before he took holy orders. Academic sources identify him with Alessandro de' Medici, Duke of Florence.[15][16]
    Pope Gregory XIII (1572–1585) had an illegitimate son before he took holy orders.[17]
    Sexually active after receiving Holy Orders
    Pope Julius II (1503–1513) had at least one illegitimate daughter, Felice della Rovere (born in 1483, twenty years before his election). Some sources indicate that he had two additional illegitimate daughters, who died in their childhood.[18] Furthermore, some (possibly libellous) reports of his time accused him of sodomy. According to the schismatic Council of Pisa in 1511, he was a "sodomite covered with shameful ulcers."[19]
    Pope Paul III (1534–1549) held off ordination[20] in order to continue his promiscuous lifestyle, fathering four illegitimate children (three sons and one daughter) by his mistress Silvia Ruffini. He broke his relations with her ca. 1513. There is no evidence of sexual activity during his papacy.[21] He made his illegitimate son Pier Luigi Farnese the first Duke of Parma.[22][23]
    Pope Pius IV (1559–1565) had three illegitimate children before his election to the papacy.[24]
    Sexually active during their pontificate
    Along with other complaints, the activities of the popes between 1458 to 1565 helped encourage the Protestant Reformation.
    Pope Sergius III (904–911) was supposedly the father of Pope John XI by Marozia, according to Liutprand of Cremona in his Antapodosis,[25] as well as the Liber Pontificalis.[26] However it must be noted that this is disputed by another early source, the annalist Flodoard (c. 894-966), John XI was brother of Alberic II, the latter being the offspring of Marozia and her husband Alberic I. Hence John too may have been the son of Marozia and Alberic I. Bertrand Fauvarque underlines that the contemporary sources backing up this parenthood are dubious, Liutprand being "prone to exaggeration" while other mentions of this fatherhood appear in satires written by supporters of late Pope Formosus.[27]
    Pope John X (914–928) had romantic affairs with both Theodora and her daughter Marozia, according to Liutprand of Cremona in his Antapodosis:[28] "The first of the popes to be created by a woman and now destroyed by her daughter". (See also Saeculum obscurum)
    Pope John XII (955–963) (deposed by Conclave) was said to have turned the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano into a brothel and was accused of adultery, fornication, and incest (Source: Patrologia Latina).[29] The monk chronicler Benedict of Soracte noted in his volume XXXVII that he "liked to have a collection of women". According to Liutprand of Cremona in his Antapodosis,[25] "they testified about his adultery, which they did not see with their own eyes, but nonetheless knew with certainty: he had fornicated with the widow of Rainier, with Stephana his father's concubine, with the widow Anna, and with his own niece, and he made the sacred palace into a whorehouse." According to The Oxford Dictionary of Popes, John XII was "a Christian Caligula whose crimes were rendered particularly horrific by the office he held".[30] He was killed by a jealous husband while in the act of committing adultery with the man's wife.[31][32][33][34] (See also Saeculum obscurum)
    Pope Benedict IX (1032–1044, again in 1045 and finally 1047–1048) was said to have conducted a very dissolute life during his papacy.[35] He was accused by Bishop Benno of Piacenza of "many vile adulteries and murders."[36][37] Pope Victor III referred in his third book of Dialogues to "his rapes, murders and other unspeakable acts. His life as a Pope so vile, so foul, so execrable, that I shudder to think of it."[38] It prompted St. Peter Damian to write an extended treatise against sex in general, and homosexuality in particular. In his Liber Gomorrhianus, St. Peter Damian recorded that Benedict "feasted on immorality" and that he was "a demon from hell in the disguise of a priest", accusing Benedict IX of routine sodomy and bestiality and sponsoring orgies.[39] In May 1045, Benedict IX resigned his office to pursue marriage, selling his office for 1,500 pounds of gold to his godfather, the pious priest John Gratian, who named himself Pope Gregory VI.[40]
    Pope Alexander VI (1492–1503) had a notably long affair with Vannozza dei Cattanei before his papacy, by whom he had his famous illegitimate children Cesare and Lucrezia. A later mistress, Giulia Farnese, was the sister of Alessandro Farnese, who later became Pope Paul III. Alexander fathered a total of at least seven, and possibly as many as ten illegitimate children.[41] (See also Banquet of Chestnuts)
    Suspected to have had male lovers during pontificate
    Pope Paul II (1464–1471) was alleged to have died of a heart attack while in a sexual act with a page.[42]
    Pope Sixtus IV (1471–1484) was alleged to have awarded gifts and benefices to court favorites in return for sexual favors. Giovanni Sclafenato was created a cardinal by Sixtus IV for "ingenuousness, loyalty,...and his other gifts of soul and body",[43] according to the papal epitaph on his tomb.[44] Such claims were recorded by Stefano Infessura, in his Diarium urbis Romae.
    Pope Leo X (1513–1521) was alleged to have had a particular infatuation for Marcantonio Flaminio.[45]
    Pope Julius III (1550–1555) was alleged to have had a long affair with Innocenzo Ciocchi del Monte. The Venetian ambassador at that time reported that Innocenzo shared the pope's bedroom and bed.[46] According to The Oxford Dictionary of Popes, "naturally indolent, he devoted himself to pleasurable pursuits with occasional bouts of more serious activity".

    new york city subway graffiti. A NYC subway era legend,
  • A NYC subway era legend,

  • AdrianK
    Apr 6, 11:19 AM
    This. Though there are exceptions. As iCole suggests taking a screenshot out of the box is a bit counter-intuitive when the keyboards lack a "print screen" button. :p However you can do that using Preview or Grab.

    cmd-shft-3 to get a screen shot *instantly* on your desktop

    Opening snipping tool
    switching to full screen mode
    choosing a file name
    quit the app

    new york city subway graffiti. New York Subway Car History
  • New York Subway Car History

  • KindredMAC
    Jul 11, 11:37 PM
    My DualCore 2.0 PM G5 is just fine and will be REALLY fine until CS 3 is released next spring/summer. Until then, I wouldn't be able to fully utilize the new Mac Pro. I installed my CS 2 on my MacBook and what a dog compared to my G5 at home and my G5 at work. Granted my buddy who is stuck on a 867 QuickSilver at work says that it runs about the same, but that doesn't cut it when I've been using a G5 for 2 years at work and 6 months at home.

    I hope that the "little apps" out there hurry up and get converted over quicker than has been happening. Flash Player has bugged me. They keep using "Betas" and "trials". Flip4Mac hasn't released their update yet for Universal so viewing WMV's is near impossible on the MacIntels. Little things like that make a world of difference.

    new york city subway graffiti. Graffiti writers in New York
  • Graffiti writers in New York

  • roland.g
    Sep 20, 10:10 AM
    This is good news. When they announced it, I was pretty convinced they weren't talking about a box that required an additional computer, although USB storage or a dedicated server box seemed likely based upon the absense of evidence for an in-built hard disk.

    So it's actually confirmed it can be used standalone. The missing piece is complete. This is iTunes for the rest of us. For those who don't want cable, who want to be able to subscribe to (and fund) specific TV shows and order movies on demand, this is for you. No computer required. Go home, flop on the couch, and watch what you want. Want something more powerful? Well, it'll integrate with your computers and presumably if someone wants to create devices that export iTunes libraries, like some sort of networked DVR, then it'll work with that too.

    Wonderful. This deserves to be a success.

    what r u talking about

    new york city subway graffiti. New York Subway Graffiti book
  • New York Subway Graffiti book

  • Multimedia
    Oct 25, 10:48 PM
    If the pricing is any indication, the (low end) Quad Core 2.33GHz Clovertown is the same price as the (high end) 3.0GHz Dual-core Xeon...

    so unless the bottom of the line Mac Pro is expected to start at $3298, the current Dual-Core Xeon Mac Pros will stick around.Right. According to Apple's current pricing, the 2.33GHz Dual Clovertown would be +$800 IF they offer it. However, Apple may only offer the 2.66GHz Dual Clovertown for + $1100 and keep the rest of the offerings priced as they are now.

    That way they keep the top 8-core more expensive than any of the less expensive and way less powerful 4-core models. From a marketing point of view this makes a lot more sense to me - since I plan on buying the Dual 2.66GHz Clovertown for +$1100, total $3599 BASE or more if they insist. This is one time when I don't care how much it costs - I need it NOW.

    new york city subway graffiti. NEW YORK CITY SUBWAY ART

  • Multimedia
    Sep 28, 01:35 PM
    Anyone notice that Apple also released Logic Express & Pro 7.2.3 updates both now supporting 4 cores Wednesday as well as iTunes update 7.0.1?

    Apple releases Logic Pro, Logic Express updates (

    "Apple also noted that Logic Pro 7.2.3 is optimized for PowerPC G4, G5 and Intel based Macs with up to 2 dual-core processors." Same is true for Logic Express.

    This is a very big evolutionary multicore support step for the Logic gang. Finally gives me incentive to want to buy Logic Pro.I find it was posted here on page 2 yesterday.Thanks for the heads up.

    new york city subway graffiti. NYC woman charged with writing
  • NYC woman charged with writing

  • GGJstudios
    May 4, 10:33 AM
    Did you read about this solution on Apple web site? Not everybody reads MacRumors.
    If you Google "Mac Defender" you'll run across any number of sites that will tell you the same thing: Don't install it and remove it from your system. You don't need to be a MR forums reader to find that out. After all, the information about the threat didn't originate from this site, and neither did the solution.

    new york city subway graffiti. On June 12, the graffiti
  • On June 12, the graffiti

  • moose.boy
    Aug 29, 02:00 PM
    How the hell can nokia be one of the top companies - here in the UK, the phones it makes are seen as throw-away. If you get the average pay as you go user upgrading every 9 months or so, the amount of waste produced is ridiculous.

    Also nokia is based Scandinavian country (finland i think) and i'm sure there are tougher laws on environmental issues over there than the US/UK. Therefore, is what nokia does because of it's own volition, or because they are forced to.

    new york city subway graffiti. New York City subway The
  • New York City subway The

  • koobcamuk
    Apr 9, 01:23 AM
    Nope, obviously the biggest screen you have is your ipad. The console gaming experience is nothing like the mind numbing games which make the bulk of the App store. Sure there are maybe 20 games that have anything like the look of a console, but touch is no replacement for tactile feedback. Take a peek: Appshopper (

    Nicely said. Even if you can output the iPod/iPhone/iPad video to a TV, it doesn't matter. The games are 99c for a reason! The app store is FULL of rubbish, as you rightly point out.

    Oct 29, 11:13 AM
    My question is: if desktops are ramping up their cores so quickly with quad-core and dual quad-core processors, why are we to be stuck at "only" dual-core for notebooks for so long? As far as I have seen from my own "research" is that notebooks will be stuck at dual-core until at least Nehalem (45nm - 2009), and more likely Gesher (32nm - 2011), but certainly not Penryn (45nm - 2007). What gives??? Hell, at around the same time that Gesher arrives, Intel's Kiefer is supposed to be 32-Cores!

    I know, heat and power, blah blah blah. But are laptops really going to be left THAT far behind?

    i wouldnt truly worry about that till it happens. one thing i have learned over the years is that roadmaps never hold up. if they had, we'd all be running dual core 6GHZ G5 or G6 right now, with 10GHZ in production readying themselves for 2007. Intel would have a oentium 5 or something out or their 64 bit itanium with consumes 200W of power. just a year ago, we had laptops with pentium M that wre as fast or faster than pentium 4's. who knows where we'll be in a year or 2 from now. i wont worry about laptop performance until we are behind, not what some roadmap says. years ago clock speed was all the rage, today its multiple cores. what will it be tomorrow? who knows.

    Aug 25, 01:25 PM

    Apr 22, 10:29 PM
    Would it make a difference if a huge portion of what you've been exposed to, regarding religion/Christianity, was fundamentally incorrect? For example, there's no such place as hellfire; nobody is going to burn forever. Everybody isn't going to heaven; people will live right here on the earth. If you learned that a huge portion of those really crazy doctrines were simply wrong, would it cause you to view Christianity/religion differently?

    Jun 26, 01:44 AM
    Wow this ATT bashing is wild, not everybody lives in NYC or LA, I live in southern Maine and I have full bars and 3G in the house all the time Att is great up here for us.
    Yes there are some dead spots here and there but,my sister has Verizon and not until this year could she use her phone in the house, so it is all about location, but I wish Att would put towers and boosters on buildings so all you NYC people would stop complaining, if you are so miserable go to verizon and get it over with, but up here verizon is no better then ATT.
    So do us all a favor and get a droid if you think they are so great. Of course I mean this with all due respect.

    Mar 15, 08:58 AM
    are you trying to be funny?
    a) you are not
    b) it seems quite inappropriate

    and if you are not. wow.

    I'm joking about Afghanistan. It's supposed to be an Isreal joke, but obviously you didn't get it. And I think it's funny! ;)

    Regarding the relocation, I think that would be pretty cool. Why not? If it boiled down to it, I think what I said would be pretty practical and beneficial.

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