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  • nagromme
    Apr 15, 09:43 AM
    Great program! These are really well done; worth seeing for just about anyone, not just kids thinking of harming themselves.

    In fact, speaking as a straight kid who was bullied, the advice and commentary here DOES apply to me, and would have been encouraging, even if this particular program is in response to a cluster of LGBT suicides. (And a program like this, specific to LGBT kids, certainly is called for: they face many of the same challenges anyone else does, but they do face unique challenges too, for sure. Other programs have addressed bullying in general, which is great as well.)

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  • mattniles007
    Sep 2, 09:15 PM
    I agree mangrove. I want an iPad that is Verizon compatible.

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  • citizenzen
    Mar 28, 11:49 AM
    He wouldn't have to: he wears his dogma on his sleeve.

    Is that your dogma, or are you just happy to see me?

    new york yankees wallpaper. JASON GIAMBI NEW YORK YANKEES

  • KPOM
    Mar 11, 08:59 PM
    I pray that this will not turn into another Chernobyl situation.

    Building standards in Japan are far higher than they were in the old USSR. If anything, it would be more like a 3 Mile Island than a Chernobyl. I just saw a nuclear power expert on the news who said that the odds of a Chernobyl, while certainly not 0%, are low. He's more worried about disposal of nuclear waste if the plant needs to be decommissioned.

    That said, it is an old plant (from the 1960s) where they are most concerned about a possible meltdown. It doesn't have a modern containment dome.

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  • Derek Jeter - New York Yankees

  • Sounds Good
    Apr 5, 06:01 PM
    Also, one has to get use to dragging icons from one place to another. I did not do this while using Windows. I am not saying it cannot be done, but I closed or deleted apps with the window. However, it is not necessary to drag icons etc.. One can right click an icon and select the "get info" term from the menu.
    Hmm? I'm not really sure what this means. Can you explain?

    When you close a window via the famous "X" to the top left of the window, technically it is not closed, as you must officially close the window from the dock or reopen the window and select "quit 'x' app." Underneath the dock there is a circular light informing you that the app is still open. This experience, while it is petty, has caused slight grief. I was use to the absolutism of closing the program the first time by clicking 'X.'
    Wow. I could see this being a pain in the butt when we're used to just clicking on 'Close Window' and we're done.

    Are you guys sure that switching is really "worth it"? (serious question)

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 15, 10:10 AM
    And, for many in that 1%, it's never going to stop until they learn to deal with it -- you can stop bullying in schools, but once you get out in the real world it becomes a much more difficult thing. You can't shield people from hate / fear / dislike or being singled out for being different. You can try to educate, you can try to get people to stop, but at the end of the day there will always be bullies and there will always be people being picked on.

    Developing coping skills is far more important than efforts to end bullying -- you can help yourself, you can't force someone else to be nice.

    yeah you do not know what you are talking about and you can not be MORE DEAD WRONG.

    I was among that 1% who was picked on. Things get better after high school and easier. Not harder. Reason why is in college you choose a major and often times that major is going to have a lot more people who are a lot like you and have similar interested. On top of that there are many more groups so to speak that you can find and line up with. Helps finding a small group of friends. Add to that fact that people generally do not pick on people as much as adults.
    hit the real world you also find your own voice and own friends. You learn that HS is not a big deal and that picking on stuff not as big of a deal. Problem is making it there and it has long term effects. I still suffer with depression. I still have the mental and emotional scares of my school years that would be a hell of a lot easier to deal with.
    But I will also state that the amount of picking on bulling I have had to put up with in the REAL WORLD (yes real job) is very little and almost always in jest. The amount that is not is so minor I can let it roll off. It never builds up and I am allowed time to recover from any I do get thrown at me. It is not day in and day out.

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  • New York Yankees (Team)

  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 9, 09:46 AM
    New Mario DS has sold 25 million copies. It's the 9th best selling game of all time. So clearly a lot of people are buying Mario for �25 when Angry Birds is 59p.

    Pokemon Black and White is new (released in Japan late last year, here just last month), �25-30 and has sold 10 million copies. All whilst Angry Birds has been 59p.

    WiiFit Plus has been out a couple of years (like Angry Birds), and costs between �20-70 and has sold 18.72 million copies/units. All whilst Angry Birds has been 59p.

    All of that is true but my point is regarding the future. Nintendo and Sony are sitting ducks if they continue their current strategy. You are 100% correct, both have legacy customer to support the sales of new platform titles. However, that is going to fade as a new generation grows up on iOS, not Nintendo or Sony, portable gaming.

    Nintendo DS is to Blackberry what Blackberry was to 2006. It's only personal observation, but the preteen and even pre-pre teen set I see now has iPod touches, not the Gameboys or DSes of carried in my gen, as the preferred device. A lot of that has to do with Apple, but more so with the price of games.

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  • Huntn
    Apr 25, 12:30 PM
    Absolutely correct. It is irrelevant because it is unknowable so let's not pretend or imagine or try to know the unknowable. Let's live our lives in peace.

    This takes responsibility away from what God would want, to what we think is right. I believe this to be a more realistic approach.

    I certainly feel that most atheists are what I would call agnostic atheists. They lack belief in a god but leave the question of such a being existing either open and yet to be proved or unknowable and, therefore, pointless to contemplate. Only a so-called gnostic atheist would say they have seen sufficient evidence to convince them there is no god and I have not seen to many of them in my travels. It's more likely that they have yet to see sufficient evidence so, while they do not specifically believe in his existence, they cannot categorically deny it either. The blurry line between atheism and agnosticism is fairly crowded, I think.

    It's easy "don't believe" as contrast to "don't know". I think it's a very important distinction for some Atheists who go beyond the "unknown" position into a more definitive negative view regarding deities. The problem as I see it is it is not so much that a deity may exist, it's all the purported rules and regs associated with said deity that makes it easy to cast doubt.

    You've just made good points, Huntn. I'm sure that many, maybe even most, people have much the same knee-jerk reaction you have. I pointed out som distinctions, though, because nowadays, when many think unclearly, the ignore those distinctions. Each time I hear someone say "I feel" when he should say "I believe" or "I think," the phrase "I feel" reminds me of subjectivism.

    Someone here, Lord Blackadder, I think, told me that I didn't understand the "pluralistic society" idea. I do understand it, and I know that many people disagree with me on many topics. I'm willing to learn from others. I even suspect that my false beliefs outnumber my true ones. But if disagreement among people proves anything, it proves that some people hold some false beliefs. If I believe that there's a God and you believe that there's no God, one of us is wrong. Today too many talk as though the freedom to believe what one wants to believe is more important than the truth.

    Sure, it's often better to say "I don't know" rather than "I don't believe" because most people probably haven't learned the distinctions I've described. On the other hand, although knowing that a belief is true implies believing that it's true, believing that it's true doesn't imply knowing that it's true. If believing always implied knowing, everyone would be all-knowing.

    Say I've deluded myself into believing that my honorary Brian is still living when he is, in fact, already dead. No one is helping me by saying that "Brian is still alive" is true for Bill but not for Brian's family." If I were deluded, the longer my delusion lasted, the more painful my disillusionment would be. I want to know the truth, even if it's unpleasant.

    The problem is that the concept of God is subjective. And if any God exists, then 1)It is a horrible communicator or 2) It does not really care because if it did, it would rely on more than ancient scripts, and it would take more care to ensure those scripts were accurate. (They don't appear accurate to me).

    We exist, there may be an afterlife. I really do hope there is a spiritual plane where consciousness may continue. And there maybe judgement but these are huge IFs mostly based on our desire that there is more to life than our meager existence on this planet.

    For fun please judge this statement: God can't prove its existence. If anyone disagrees, what real proof would be required? I'm not talking about those very subjective "feelings". ;)

    new york yankees wallpaper. Derek Jeter - New York Yankees
  • Derek Jeter - New York Yankees

  • BoyBach
    Aug 30, 07:56 AM
    I'm a officer (imagery information analyst) for the defence force. In my line of work I get this inanely useless "hippy crap" 24 hour a day 7 days a week

    The army is full of hippies? :eek: :D

    Or are you spying on hippy communes? <shifty eyes>


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  • New York Yankees Wallpaper

  • blastvurt
    Apr 10, 01:10 PM
    This is Apple of and this is the iPad and iOS.

    Entirely, entirely different ballgame from any other handheld on the market.

    Your right, it is a entirely different ballgame, other handhelds are dedicated for gaming, the ipad and iphone is not.

    As far as the limits of touch-based gaming goes . . . come back in 2-3 years and *then* keep telling me about limits.

    There are limits to touch based gaming and always will be

    The same way the Xbox 360 controller is more limited than the PS3 controller with 6 axis

    The same way the Wii controller is limited at with many types of games compared to the Xbox 360 and PS3 conventional button based controllers

    Interesting how Apple is turning non-gamers in to gamers, and we're not hearing about the alleged horrid limits of touch-based gaming.

    Sort of like what Nintendo did with the Wii. With its excellent libary of good games, oh wait it has a few good games and a large amount of shovelware. Compare that to something like the PS3 or XBOX 360, a lot of good games and some shovelware

    Yes, and touchscreens on smartphones will *never* replace physical keyboards. We all know how that turned out, right?

    Yes we have, they haven't replaced physical keyboards. They may have become more popular than keyboard based devices, but keyboard based phones are still released.

    Fear of change? It's thick in these forums.

    There is good change, bad change and what many people want on here change for the sake of change

    In January 2010 people looked at the iPad and didn't quite understand what was going on. Didn't know where to put it, what category to fit it into. To some it was amusing at best. To others it was ridiculous and redundant. To a few it was total genius.

    Considering tablets had been around for many years before the ipad but never really made it into the consumer realm. It is understandable why many would assume it a failure.

    Many people on here are more tech minded, something like the ipad would not look like a successful product due to its limited capabilities, compared to what they want from a device

    Today it's a household name and a device millions upon millions of people have and use every day - many of them just average, non tech-savvy folks. And it's the device that drives the post-PC era. And demand by both consumers and developers and content providers is exploding, and will continue unabated for the foreseeable future.

    Ipad is for general consumers, the same way the netbook was. Good for consumption of the web, ebooks etc (better than the netbook for ebooks and reading due to form factor). Limited uses for real work though.

    PSP Slim? DS? LOL is all I have to say. Like the Palm Centro and Cli� before the iPhone. These aren't even a factor anymore.

    Your right they are not factors anymore. It is now 3DS, PSP NGP, HP veer and Pre 3.

    Today iphone tomorrow something else. There is nothing stopping Apple from failing. It is sheer blind stupidity to think they can't fail and that they will always be successful.

    new york yankees wallpaper. New York Yankees I-Phone
  • New York Yankees I-Phone

  • ATD
    Nov 2, 01:25 AM
    How well does Maya scale when you use 2, 4, and 6 threads?

    I'm not sure how the app (Maya) itself scales but the rendering in Mental Ray scales perfectly. 4 cpus render twice as fast as 2, 6 cpus render 3 times as fast as 2. That's if all the cpus are the same of course.

    Is that what you were asking?

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  • Multimedia
    Oct 14, 12:31 PM
    BTW Looks like Apple is way overcharging for the 3GHz Woodcrest upgrade. Only cost them $322 more - probably less off the published price list - yet they are asking for $800. That doesn't seem fair to me. Does it to you? I would think that $500 would be a more reasonable upgrade price for something that cost them about $300.I may have jumped the gun. Maybe it's not too much more. When I look at the published price of each 3GHz Woodcrest $851 and each 2.33GHz Clovertown $851, I can live with +$800 for either upgrade. ;)Maybe it is so when the quad-core systems come out Apple can keep the same price for the top-end while lowering the price on dual-core systems and still make a profit. The people that wait for the quad-cores will be happy they did and the people that don't care can get a Mac Pro for less because they waited. And each 2.66GHz Clovertown is published as $1172 so I'm surmising a + $1100 - $3599 - could be expected for top of the line Fall '06 8-Core Mac Pro - only $300 more than last year's Quad G5. :eek:

    Plus once Clovertown ships, seems like Intel would begin lowering the price of Woodcrest to their customers as well. So I think you may be right. Wouldn't hurt. :p

    Ain't technological progress astounding and fun? :D

    new york yankees wallpaper. New York Yankees Logo iPhone
  • New York Yankees Logo iPhone

  • chasemac
    Apr 13, 12:16 AM
    A bad workman always blames his tools. ;)


    But it seems to me the man who uses tools is just a fool!:D Great song BTW! Songs of Yesterday

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  • Download This Wallpaper

  • jonnysods
    Apr 9, 02:07 PM
    Very exciting. Can't wait to see where this is all headed.

    Imagine iPhone 7, 8, 9, they are going to be incredible!

    new york yankees wallpaper. new york yankees wallpaper.
  • new york yankees wallpaper.

  • BJNY
    Oct 4, 02:55 PM
    Does anyone know how much power a Cloverton 2.33GHz will draw compared to the current Woodcrest 3GHz? I hope Apple's power supply is adequate for Cloverton, 4 SATA hard drives, 2 optical drives, and better PCIe graphics card.

    new york yankees wallpaper. new york yankees wallpaper.
  • new york yankees wallpaper.

  • Eso
    Mar 18, 09:53 AM
    Sir it is perfect.

    You are paying for the same thing.

    I have an unlimted plan

    and I never have gone over 5gb

    if one has a 2gb plan and never goes over and we both surf on the internet
    Tethering whats the difference?

    It's easy to make the argument unlimited data plans are priced according to an average amount of data that wireless devices use. The average amount of data used while tethering can be shown to be substantially higher, resulting in higher costs, and justifying a higher price. The key is that their argument may rest upon the price of providing unlimited data. You argument rests upon the amount of data used, however in either case (whether tethered or not) users can use an unlimited amount of data.

    new york yankees wallpaper. yankees - New York Yankees
  • yankees - New York Yankees

  • Liquorpuki
    Mar 15, 11:38 PM
    I did a little reading and now am a one minute expert... :p

    I've read these reactors did auto shut down when the earthquake hit. The problem is that the rods create tremendous persistent heat even after a shutdown, and it is the lack of cooling water that is causing the problem.

    Could it be considered a myth that any nuclear reactor can be expected to automatically safely shutdown when power to all safety systems are lost no matter how it is designed?

    And who was saying this could not be like Chernobyl??

    If you want to get technical, the lack of cooling water was caused by the inability to activate the backup generators. The switchgear for the backup generators was flooded by the tsunami. I could come up with a ton of engineering design decisions that could've prevented this and none of them have to do with the reactor or nuclear technology
    - Not putting critical switchgear in a basement that could get flooded
    - Pre-installing pumps in the basement to remove the water in the case of a flood
    - Having a redundant set of switchgear/BU generators with an additional switchover scheme in the event the primary switchgear malfunctions
    - Having an additional distribution panel or tap point so I could use portable generators to power the cooling system
    - Building a taller tsunami barrier
    - Putting all critical components in a secure building, not just the reactor.

    Even though the radiation leak is devastating because, well it's radiation, it's the electrical and structural engineers who failed here, not the nuclear engineers. Personally I think there needs be a design standards revision when it comes to nuclear stations, which is what I'm hoping other countries are referring to when they say they're watching and taking notes.

    new york yankees wallpaper. Majestic New York Yankees C.C.
  • Majestic New York Yankees C.C.

  • linknprk
    Mar 18, 02:52 AM
    So if you're sticking at 4.1.0 and they aren't monitoring, then they should be monitoring 3.x even less, no?

    All the more reason for me to stick with 3.1.3 on my 3G.


    um... did you guys misread the article?
    The article is proposing that they might be able to suspect unsupported tethering for people NOT using 4.3 because hotspot wasn't made available until 4.3

    So if you stick with 4.1 or 3.1.3 or anything earlier than 4.3 (while using data in a way that looks like tethering)... you will stand out.

    Thats how I interpreted the article.

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  • archipellago
    May 2, 04:32 PM
    Such a load of crap that is.

    'we've interviewed hackers after conviction'


    I work for one of the biggest bank in the world and specialise in bank fraud, we liaise with the major law enforcement group all over the world.

    Cutting a deal with a hacker, if we can get one who's up high enough can save millions....with the right info.

    mac users tend to be socially engineered via simpler methods anyway, wonder why that is...? :rolleyes:

    Aug 29, 01:31 PM
    While I'm sure Apple and everyone else has a long way to go with regard to clean manufacturing practices, I'm not sold on Greenpeace's approach to the ratings.

    If you look at their scoring system, it is a compilation of Greenpeace's subjective evaluation of a variety of practices by each company. Much of what Dell gets credit for is timelines for changing its business practices, and openness with regard to information on hazardous substances in the manufacturing process. When you look at what they are doing (rather than what they are saying), Dell and Apple score the same--a +2 (partially good) on amounts recycled, and a 0 (bad) for PVC & BFR free products. The report doesn't say how it quantifies these rankings, nor the underlying data regarding the score....which is kinda funny given their harping on full disclosure for all the companies mentioned.

    It turns out Greenpeace is like everybody else--manipulating the data to support its goals. It sure doesn't help their credibility.

    Apr 28, 07:22 AM
    Surprise. The major enterprise players take the top three spots.

    Jun 8, 12:22 AM
    All you have to do is disable 3G under Settings > General > Network > Enable 3G OFF... and you will never drop calls. With 3G enabled, dropped calls happen all the time. My Blackberry (EDGE, not 3G) never drops calls, but my 3G Enabled Nokia dropped calls with the same frequency as my iPhone. All on AT&T network. Pretty easy to see that their 3G network is to blame. So when I want to talk, I turn 3G off... when I want to surf, it's on or I leave it off if I can access Wi-Fi. Bring on Verizon!! ASAP!!

    May 3, 09:06 PM
    No one is forcing you to read or post in any of these threads. You appear to be much more emotionally invested in this than many, including myself. Or maybe your caps lock and question mark keys are stuck.

    People sure get emotionally invested about the dumbest things....

    Anyone who deliberately uses more than one question mark in English is not properly literate, so let's hope our friend the von Magnum's keyboard is to blame.

    Mar 15, 09:14 PM
    Do you write brochures for a living?

    lol. Only for the Chernobyl tourist board. :D

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