Osama Bin Laden is dead

Osama Bin Laden is dead. Osama Bin Laden dead
  • Osama Bin Laden dead

  • LQYoshi
    Apr 11, 10:48 AM
    I'm getting the 2010 mac mini Monday (and switching to OSX) but kinda worried what my dad will say about me getting one... I guess he can't do anything about it since it's my money

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. Osama bin Laden is dead
  • Osama bin Laden is dead

  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 10:23 AM
    You have no business alleging that I hate myself. Got that?? I hope you do.

    What the hell makes you think that because I'm gay I have to be 100% supportive of every little part and piece of the lifestyle? I've learned to reconcile with myself and accept the good AND the bad. What's so difficult for you to accept about that?

    Why do you have to jump at me -- like 99% of the other gays I know -- just because I had the audacity to speak my mind, and state that there are parts I disagree with? Get real!

    OK. Now you are just over reacting.
    I pointed out your post in which you wrote that you think it is not a good idea that the media sends out a message that being gay is not a bad thing.

    Got that? :confused:


    Osama Bin Laden is dead. Osama bin Laden is Dead
  • Osama bin Laden is Dead

  • DemSpursBro
    Apr 9, 01:23 AM
    You can't cut and paste, only copy and paste.

    A lot of games won't work on mac.

    The magic mouse is absolutely horrible, so stay away.

    They heat quite quickly.

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. If Bin Laden is dead,
  • If Bin Laden is dead,

  • EricNau
    Mar 15, 01:53 AM
    Seems very serious to me:

    It depends on who you want to believe. The situation is serious, yes, but is that quote truly representative of the situation? Professor Josef Oehmen, MIT:
    There was and will not be any significant release of radioactivity. By 'significant,' I mean a level of radiation of more than what you would receive on, say, a long distance flight, or drinking a glass of beer that comes from certain areas with high levels of natural background radiation.
    Link (http://mitnse.com/2011/03/13/why-i-am-not-worried-about-japans-nuclear-reactors/)

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. Osama bin Laden dead experts
  • Osama bin Laden dead experts

  • Jumpin JW
    Sep 2, 07:53 AM
    "He never experienced dropped calls until we started dating and he was talking to me "

    My daughter's phone does the same thing!

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. Osama-in-Laden-dead-
  • Osama-in-Laden-dead-

  • awmazz
    Mar 12, 03:12 AM
    Explosion reported at Fukushima plant.


    Oh cr*p. The headline is 'huge explosion'.

    I think it's clearly time to start making comparisons with Chernobyl and discussing how widespread the radiation damage is now potentially gong to be rather than praising how Japanese reactors are different to Soviet ones. That huge cloud of smoke is enough to tell anyone expert or not that this is already way beyond just getting backup cooling diesel generators operational again - we're witnessing a massive disaster genuine bona fide China Syndrome meltdown.

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. Osama; is osama bin laden dead
  • Osama; is osama bin laden dead

  • eric_n_dfw
    Mar 18, 09:17 PM
    This isn't rocket science! iTMS sells DRM'ed songs - period.

    If you don't want DRM'ed tunes (and still want to do things legally):
    1.) burn 'em to a CD and re-rip as AAC or MP3 (or WAV/AIFF)
    2.) (Mac only) use iMovie to export it (essentially the same as #1, but easier).
    3.) use another service
    4.) go buy the CD, you'll get better quality anyway

    My prediction: Apple will release an iTunes patch that implements some kind of public/private key challenge/response message between their server and the client app and require iTMS purchases to be done only from that new client. Old clients will get an error that tells them to upgrade.

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. OSAMA BIN LADEN DEAD,

  • cult hero
    Apr 13, 12:08 AM
    Hard to take anyone seriously as a professional who uses Adobe. Avid, sure, but the industry has moved to Final Cut Pro, at least the part of the industry I interface with.

    You calling this Final Cut a "toy" after it was just presented to a room full of professionals who loved it seems odd. Why the need to diminish it when it is clear that if you werent' there, there's much we don't yet know?

    Dude, didn't you get the memo? All the cool kids around here hate on Apple. Duh. (Why they hang around a site dedicated to Apple products is beyond me.)

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. Is Osama Bin Laden dead?
  • Is Osama Bin Laden dead?

  • jefhatfield
    Oct 11, 11:32 AM
    Originally posted by javajedi
    I think it was Back2TheMac who posted earlier in this thread "x86 plain sucks". The reason why he belives the x86 ISA and CISC are inferior is because Apple put out a bunch of marketing in the early days of the PowerPC touting RISC as superior new technology. In today's world, RISC processos really aren't RISC, and CISC processors really are CISC.

    I recommend anyone who still believes in this spin to read this:

    It's most informative.

    it's really most fascinating...thank you

    some of us hardware side IT people often make fun of the software IT people and it is often because of the introverted way most of them act or their lack of knowledge of the hardware side of things

    but what's interesting is that the hardware side techies like network engineers and desktop techs would not have anything to implement and maintain if it wasn't for those coders who make it all possible

    i always hear a lot about the hardware side of apple's products and the praise they get when things are done right, but i rarely hear about the heroes in the background, the developers who make it all run smoothly

    of all the products apple has ever made, the mac operating systems is what really makes a mac a mac:D

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. Osama bin Laden Dead
  • Osama bin Laden Dead

  • balamw
    Apr 9, 06:01 AM
    You can't cut and paste, only copy and paste.

    A lot of games won't work on mac.

    The magic mouse is absolutely horrible, so stay away.

    They heat quite quickly.

    Cut and Paste is a limitation of Finder only. You can Cut and Paste files in other alternatives and of-course in apps like Word, etc...

    Many of those games will work in Boot Camp under Windows.

    Preference in mice is a personal thing. I absolutely love the Magic Trackpads built into the Macbook Pros. And since you are not limited to a particular mouse, just bring along what you are most comfortable with.

    Heat is a mixed bag. For "normal" use (we browsing, etc...) I find the situation better than the typical PC. I hated the Dell notebook work had issued me because it sounded like a wind tunnnel at idle. Gaming, or other intensive use of the system does generate a lot of heat and I would not recommend using it on your unprotected lap under those circumstances.


    Osama Bin Laden is dead. Osama bin Laden#39;s death,
  • Osama bin Laden#39;s death,

  • javajedi
    Oct 9, 10:33 PM
    Absolutely. That's why I felt it was so important to comment. The Apple hardware has been standstill. I don't like this anymore than the other guy, but unfortunately it's an inescapable fact. A select few of the people here have become complacent over status-quo, old technology and don't even realize it. These people are doing both themselves and Apple a disservice.

    I also think it's very important in this day in age to keep an open mind. If we look back at history, the m68k machines lagged behind x86. Then along came the 601/604, that turned the tables. Today Mac users are once again behind the times in hardware. Don�t worry though, it won�t always be like this. By the time you are ready to buy a new desktop I�m optimistic that Apple will have a solution to the G4 problem. Also keep in mind that within that 1 year Mac OS X will continue to evolve, it�s only going to get better.

    But also keep in mind, (and I don�t think this will be the case) but if that does not happen, and in a year from now you see the Mac platform stuck in the same boat as it is today, it would be incredibly foolish to invest thousands of your hard earned dollars on one.

    Good luck!

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. Osama bin Laden “dead or
  • Osama bin Laden “dead or

  • Iscariot
    Mar 24, 09:15 PM
    Could you cite examples of mainline Catholicism lynching homosexuals, burning cross on their lawns, bombing their houses etc?

    March 1970 - Howard Efland, a gay man who had checked into the Dover Hotel under the pseudonym of J. McCann, was beaten to death by officers of the Los Angeles Police Department.[6]
    June 24, 1973 - The Upstairs Lounge in New Orleans, a gay bar, was burned by an arsonist, killing 32 people.[7]
    June 21, 1977 - Robert Hillsborough was stabbed to death in San Francisco by a man shouting "******".[8]
    July 5, 1978 - A gang of youths armed with baseball bats and tree branches assaulted several men in an area of Central Park in New York City known to be frequented by homosexuals. The victims were assaulted at random, but the assailants later confessed that they had deliberately set out to the park to attack homosexuals. One of those injured was former figure skater Dick Button, who was assaulted while watching a fireworks display in the park.[9][10]
    November 27, 1978 - Openly gay San Francisco city supervisor Harvey Milk, along with Mayor George Moscone, was assassinated by political rival Dan White at San Francisco City Hall. Outrage over the assassinations and the short sentence given to White (seven years) prompted the White Night Riots.[11]
    January 1979 - Tennessee Williams was the victim of an assault in Key West, being beaten by five teenage boys. He escaped serious injury. The episode was part of a spate of anti-gay violence inspired by an anti-gay newspaper ad run by a local Baptist minister.[12]
    June 5, 1979 - Terry Knudsen was beaten to death by three men in Loring Park in Minneapolis, Minnesota.[13]
    September 7, 1979 - Robert Allen Taylor was stabbed to death near Loring Park in Minneapolis. A local reporter interviewed the murderer from jail and was told, "I don't like gays. Okay?"[13]
    October 7, 1979 - 17 year old Steven Charles of Newark was beaten to death in New York City by Costabile "Gus" Farace, Robert DeLicio, David Spoto and Farace's cousin Mark Granato. They also beat Charles' friend, 16 year old Thomas Moore of Brooklyn. Moore was critically injured but managed to get help at a nearby residence. It was Moore that identified the four men via a lineup four days after the incident. Farace, the leader of the attack, plead guilty to first-degree manslaughter. He was paroled after 8 years, in 1988. He himself was murdered on November 17, 1989.[14]
    1984 - Charlie Howard was drowned in Bangor, Maine.[15]
    May 13, 1988 - Rebecca Wight was killed when she and her partner, Claudia Brenner, were shot by Stephen Roy Carr while hiking and camping along the Appalachian Trail. Carr later claimed that he became enraged by the couple's lesbianism when he saw them having sex [16]
    1990 - James Zappalorti, a gay Vietnam veteran, was stabbed to death.[17]
    July 2, 1990 - Julio Rivera was murdered in New York City by two men who beat him with a hammer and stabbed him with a knife because he was gay.[18]
    1991 - Paul Broussard, a Houston-area banker, was murdered.
    October 27, 1992 - U.S. Navy Petty Officer Allen Schindler was murdered by a shipmate who stomped him to death in a public restroom in Japan.[19] Schindler had complained repeatedly about anti-gay harassment aboard ship.[19] The case became synonymous with the gays in the military debate that had been brewing in the United States culminating in the "Don't ask, don't tell" bill.[20]
    1993 - Brandon Teena, a transman, was raped and later killed when his birth gender was revealed by police to male friends of his.[21] The events leading to Teena's death were depicted in the movie Boys Don't Cry.[22]
    March 9, 1995 - Scott Amedure was murdered after revealing his attraction to his friend Jonathan Schmitz on a The Jenny Jones Show episode about secret crushes. Schmidtz purchased a shotgun to kill Amedure and did so after Amedure implied he still was attracted to him; Schmitz then turned himself in to police.[23][24]
    December 4, 1995 - Roxanne Ellis and Michelle Abdill, a lesbian couple in Medford, Oregon, were murdered by a man who said he had "no compassion" for bisexual or homosexual people.[25] Robert Acremant was convicted and sentenced to death by lethal injection.[26]
    February 21, 1997 - The Otherside Lounge, a lesbian nightclub in Atlanta, was bombed by Eric Robert Rudolph, the "Olympic Park Bomber;" five bar patrons were injured. In a statement released after he was sentenced to five consecutive life terms for his several bombings, Rudolph called homosexuality an "aberrant lifestyle".
    October 7, 1998 - Matthew Shepard, a gay student, in Laramie, Wyoming was tortured, beaten severely, tied to a fence, and abandoned; he was found 18 hours after the attack and succumbed to his injuries less than a week later, on October 12. His attackers, Russell Arthur Henderson and Aaron James McKinney, are both serving two consecutive life sentences in prison.[27]
    July 1, 1999 - Gay couple Gary Matson and Winfield Mowder were murdered by white supremacist brothers Matthew and Tyler Williams in Redding, California. Tyler Williams was sentenced to a minimum of 33 years in prison, to be served after his completion of a 21-year sentence for firebombing synagogues and an abortion clinic.[28] Benjamin Williams claimed that by killing the couple he was "obeying the laws of the Creator".[29] He committed suicide in 2003 while awaiting trial. Their former pastor described the brothers as "zealous in their faith" but "far from kooks".[30]
    July 6, 1999 - U.S. Army Pfc. Barry Winchell was murdered in Fort Campbell, Kentucky by fellow soldier Calvin Glover. Winchell was beaten to death with a baseball bat after rumors spread on base of his relationship with transgendered author Calpernia Addams. Glover was sentenced to life in prison.[31]
    September 1999 - Steen Fenrich was murdered, apparently by his stepfather, John D. Fenrich, in Queens, New York. His dismembered remains were found in March with the phrase "gay ****** number one" scrawled on his skull along with his social security number. His stepfather fled from police while being interviewed, then committed suicide.[32]
    October 15, 1999 - Sissy "Charles" Bolden was found shot to death in Savannah, Georgia. Police arrested Charles E. Wilkins, Jr., in July 2003; he admitted the killing, and was charged in two other homicides, according to the Savannah Police Department.
    On the 29 April The U.S. House of Representatives voted to extend federal laws to classify as "hate crimes" attacks based on a victim's sexual orientation or gender identity (as well as mental or physical disability).[33]
    July 3, 2000 - Arthur "J.R." Warren was punched and kicked to death in Grant Town, West Virginia by two teenage boys who reportedly believed Warren had spread a rumor that he and one of the boys, David Allen Parker, had a sexual relationship. Warren's killers ran over his body to disguise the murder as a hit-and-run. Parker pleaded guilty and was sentenced to "life in prison with mercy", making him eligible for parole after 15 years.[34] His accomplice, Jared Wilson, was sentenced to 20 years.[35]
    September 22, 2000 - Ronald Gay entered a gay bar in Roanoke, Virginia and opened fire on the patrons, killing Danny Overstreet, 43 years old, and severely injuring six others. Ronald said he was angry over what his name now meant, and deeply upset that three of his sons had changed their surname. He claimed that he had been told by God to find and kill lesbians and gay men, describing himself as a "Christian Soldier working for my Lord;" Gay testified in court that "he wished he could have killed more fags," before several of the shooting victims as well as Danny Overstreet's family and friends.[36]

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. Osama Bin Laden is Dead What.
  • Osama Bin Laden is Dead What.

  • wordmunger
    Mar 18, 12:11 PM
    So what if Apple stops this -- will this be the pirates' reaction?

    Curses! Foiled again! I had been planning to use ITMS to base my international pirating operation. What oh what will I do? Buying a CD and copying that couldn't possibly work, so I'll have to think of something else. Damn you, Apple!

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. Osama Bin Laden Dead.
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead.

  • matticus008
    Mar 19, 01:29 PM
    But can a user be considered to be a party to that agreement if they have not used iTunes to access the store - does the purchasing process still involve an agreement approval stage using this software? Presumably not.

    Yes. By signing up for an account to use the iTunes Music Store, you are bound to their terms of service. Those terms only appear in the official iTunes client because that's the only source for the music. Just because those terms don't pop up on the screen if you use this PyMusique thing doesn't mean you aren't responsible for knowing. For example, if you do not receive a bill in the mail for your credit card, you are still responsible for making the payment and paying any late fees--it is your responsibility as the borrower to make the appropriate payment on time. By using the service, you are implicitly agreeing to the terms of service and use, including Apple's rights to prosecute (should they choose to) for your violation of those terms (i.e. using a non-approved client application). This is enforceable; whether Apple chooses to do anything about it remains unclear.

    Also enforceable is the DMCA violation (and yes, it is a violation, because you are BYPASSING technology designed to secure DRM). Even though you paid for the songs, you also paid for the license for that song (which includes DRM), and you are breaking encryption by bypassing it. Walking through a hole in a fence is still trespassing, whether you made the hole or not. Again, from a legal perspective, this is a punishable violation.

    I'm not saying that I like having my digital music locked down more vigorously than a CD I buy. But there are logical reasons for doing so. Namely, that the digital version, if un-DRMed, can be copied and transmitted with no special software or effort. If I want to share a CD, I have to burn a copy (requiring hardware and software) or extract the audio digitally and transmit it. Digital music does all that for you, and Apple's DRM gives you appropriate fair use rights. The DRM is designed to prevent casual copying that results in lower license sales.

    You don't own the music you've bought, and you don't have any legal right to redistribute it because your license does not allow it. Should you be able to use it on any type of device you choose? Yes. Does DRM prevent that from happening? Often, also yes. Can you choose a different format that works with all devices (standard MP3 imported from a CD)? Yeah, but not on purchased iTunes music. Until DRM and file format technology becomes standardized, you have to deal with "early adopter syndrome" in a volatile market, which can result in purchases not being universally compatible (betamax/VHS/laser disc/DVD anyone?). Make a choice that works for you.

    By purchasing AAC with Apple's DRM, you are choosing a file format with known and public limitations that will only work with a specific combination of hardware and software. You chose the delivery platform; you can't buy Windows software and then complain that it doesn't work on your Mac without buying it again. That's the way business works. Of course it would be fantastic if buying a license of Office for my PC gave me a corresponding license for all the other computer platforms I use, but that's not the case. Even say, Dreamweaver, which gives you Mac and PC installers, is only licensed to be used on one of the computers. I can install it on both, but that doesn't make it right or legal, even if I think that Macromedia is horrible (which I do).

    In conclusion, breaking or bypassing DRM, while understandable on a basic level for getting compatibility with everything, is against the law. Using tools to do this which violate the iTMS terms of service is also a legal violation. The best way out of this situation is to support a universal standard that ensures compatibility with all devices and file formats. DRM isn't going away, and it shouldn't. But it should also not work against honest customers who just want iTunes songs to play on their Rio. Long post, my apologies.

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. that Osama bin Laden could
  • that Osama bin Laden could

  • munkery
    May 2, 05:30 PM
    so a very small percentage of the market will be using it (the better tech) then?

    if IE or FF don't do something similar then it won't really matter from a cybercrime point of view as 'no one' uses Safari and only the foolish use Chrome.

    sad really..

    I read somewhere that Chrome may drop it's own sandbox in favour of Webkit2 given that Chrome is based on Webkit.

    Webkit2 will sandbox plugins, rendering engine, and scripting engine (Javascript) from the UI frame and that sandbox will be the same regardless of the user account type running on the Mac, even root.

    IE sandboxes tab processes from each other and the UI frame but it does not sandbox the plugins, rendering engine, and scripting engine from the tab processes.

    Also, the Windows sandbox is turned off or lessened if the user turns off UAC or lessens UAC restrictions. This effect of UAC on Windows sandbox also affects Chrome on Windows given that Chrome uses that technology to achieve it's sandbox in Windows. So, do not disable or reduce UAC in Windows!

    You have to remember a browsers sandbox is based on the sandbox technology of the underlying OS. Windows sandbox is based on inherited permissions much like the older sandbox technology called Unix DAC that has always been implemented in the default user account in OS X. The newer sandbox in OS X, the TrustedBSD MAC framework, does not function via inherited permissions.

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. Osama Bin Laden is Dead What.
  • Osama Bin Laden is Dead What.

  • torbjoern
    Apr 23, 09:54 PM
    You do not think it takes any faith to say that NO God exists? Or that NO supernatural power exists? That you can 100% prove a lack of God?
    Frankly, it doesn't take much faith to claim that nothing and no-one stands above nature (i.e. being supernatural). Everything we can see is derived from nature. Status quo should be that there is no God - in the sense of an almighty God who stands above nature, far less a God by whom nature would be created and defined. Where would God come from then? You see - we might as well accept that the laws of nature are the highest order in the entire universe. If there are spiritual entities which stand above us humans, they do certainly not stand above these laws. It doesn't make sense, and was never even supposed to make sense to the human mind in the first place (ask any priest about the latter, he will confirm it).

    Why should I believe something which isn't even supposed to make sense to me?

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. Is Osama Bin Laden dead?
  • Is Osama Bin Laden dead?

  • takao
    Mar 14, 12:21 PM
    At the risk of bumping this up to PRSI, let me just say that I thought 'saving face' was a thing of the past.

    in japan though it's a little bit different. thats why there also isn't much open panic: simply for the fact that the majority of japanese don't want to be seen 'losing it'

    off topic side note: for other nuclear plant designs this events could have been massivle more dramatic: like for certain swiss/german/european power plants where if one reactors cooling fails, the emergency generators are actually to be powered by the _other_ nuclear reactors on site ...

    leaving the nuclear situation discussion aside for now: interestingly even a town which actually had very expensive tsunami protection wall was hit since it simply wasn't nowhere high enough
    the most important point now will be to get the infrastracture running again because those fuel/electricity/food shortages are now turning to be really problematic

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. Osama Bin Laden dead: U.S.
  • Osama Bin Laden dead: U.S.

  • milo
    Sep 12, 05:19 PM
    Plus I'm going to have to wait 2+ hours for it to download, plus nothing extra.

    You don't have to wait, if you have a fast connection you can watch while it's downloading.

    So almost a year later Apple introduces a device that will play *near* (i.e. lower than) DVD-quality when the market is finally warming up to HD quality disks.

    Who says it will only do DVD quality? It has HD outputs, and some of the reports said he called up the incredibles (was it the movie or the trailer?) in HD.

    Right now we have an upgraded Airport extreme.

    Which is exactly what I want. If you want TV tuner, just buy one, they're already available. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple ends up buying Elgato. If Apple announced a TV tuner, wouldn't people be complaining that it would put poor Elgato out of business?

    I'll just use a cable to hook my laptop to my TV.
    Voila! I just replaced iTV for less than $5.00.

    So was your laptop free...or did you find one for under five bucks?

    I bought a DVI->S-Video adapter for $15 and an S-Video cable for about $20. Guess what. I can watch TV shows and movies downloaded to my hard drive on my TV. Sooooo.... $35 vs. $300. Let me see.

    As above...didn't you have to buy your computer? And isn't it a pain to have to have your computer sitting next to the TV while you're watching (all the time if it's not a laptop, drag it in if it is)? I did that for a while with my mini and got tired of it.

    no one could convince us that the 640x480 would be enough for HDTV or which wireless protocol it would use.

    Did they say that the iTV only did 640x480, or is that just something you assumed?

    wireless is useless for watching movies. I use my mac now to get videos from NAS servers and wireless doesn't cut it. I need to be going 100 or else it gets choppy. Unless they release a new wireless access point.

    You mean CURRENT wireless isn't fast enough. There's a new, faster standard on the way, which is probably part of the reason this isn't shipping yet.

    Osama Bin Laden is dead. Is Osama bin Laden Dead?
  • Is Osama bin Laden Dead?

  • Soculese
    Sep 21, 10:58 AM
    If it contains a HDD (a fact I am not entirely convinced of), I doubt it would be used for recording TV shows.

    Programming such a device with a basic remote like the ones Steve Jobs previewed would be near-to-impossible.

    If Apple did introduce the ability to record TV shows (which I also doubt), I believe it would be at the computer, only to be streamed to the iTV later.

    OK, the tivo has a remote, but I NEVER use it to pick programs to record. I use the tivo.com website to do this. I would think that since the iTV will connect via wireless to your computer that you could do the same with it.

    Apr 22, 10:29 PM
    Would it make a difference if a huge portion of what you've been exposed to, regarding religion/Christianity, was fundamentally incorrect? For example, there's no such place as hellfire; nobody is going to burn forever. Everybody isn't going to heaven; people will live right here on the earth. If you learned that a huge portion of those really crazy doctrines were simply wrong, would it cause you to view Christianity/religion differently?

    Apr 15, 12:03 PM
    Nope; it says that they are required to deny their sexuality; to deny who they really are.

    And if the argument goes that they have to deny their sexuality because they aren't married (just as non-married heterosexual people do), well isn't that grand: you've also denied them the right to marry. Why do you do that, pray tell? Because the invisible creator the universe told you that only men and women may marry.

    That's a nice little roundabout way of making you feel better for your discrimination, isn't it?

    Right, because civil marriage is required for gays to have sex with each other. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You can have sex with whomever you want to.

    We're talking about gay Catholics here, who ostensibly value being Catholic more than they value satisfying their sexual desires in a manner compatible with their sexuality. There is no theocratic regime forcing them to live as Catholics in good standing - it is a personal lifestyle choice, if you will.

    Apr 21, 03:52 AM
    And Google makes almost nothing from all those Android giveaways, while Apple rakes in 52% of all the profit made in the mobile phone market. I think they know what they are doing.

    Apr 20, 05:25 PM
    Android is to Windows, as iOS is to Mac OS.

    The similarities are astounding � Google is doing the same thing Microsoft did back in the day.

    As much as Apple cares about marketshare, the experience is more important to them then the product itself. That's really something.

    Sep 12, 03:45 PM
    The speculation from my general area is that Apple will never (never say never, right..) make a DVR. It's not in their interest to make a DVR. There are several companies that are doing the DVR thing for Macs (el gato and Migila) and IMO, Apple shouldn't tread those waters.

    As for a Tivo killer, there's too much going against it for Apple to do. First of all, to do a DVR right, it's going to cost the end user a ton of money. The Tivo Series 3 will cost $800 (less with rebates) plus the monthly fees. Tivo's going to have a tough time convincing people to buy the S3 when the cablecos have an option available for $10/month.

    Here's what I would like Apple to do. Open up Front Row so that companies like el gato can integrate their eyeTV software into the Front Row system. That way, I can have a Mac sitting in the office with an eyeTV box to record HD programming off of cable. Then, I could have an iTV in my living room to play the recorded material onto my 46" LCD HDTV (which I haven't bought yet).

    If I want, I could initiate a purchase of a movie from iTMS (provided the quality of the movies are good) from the iTV itself so that it downloads onto the Mac in the office. A rental plan would be even better. That way, I could completely isolate myself from the real world.

    Good to see some people around here "get it".

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