osama in laden dead Hackers

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  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 03:36 AM
    Wait, why is FFII and FFIII more a mind numbing time killer over any other game (I am getting FFIII either when it goes on a good sale or I finally finish up my other games, whichever comes first)? Or Myst or Riven for that matter (both on my phone, I've beaten Myst but haven't started Riven).

    osama in laden dead Hackers. You Osama Bin Laden Dead
  • You Osama Bin Laden Dead

  • tigres
    May 31, 06:56 AM
    Please note that non of the supposed "BETTER" carriers have the iphone congesting there network with psychotic amounts of data congestion especially in the larger cities like New York this is such a ******** biased statement and study that AT&T is having excessive dropped calls. You know I hope Verizon LLC does end up getting the iphone so they too can see exactly that the iphone is the cause of said congestion and dropped calls, and if you wanna poll the typical AT&T customer that doesn't use a iphone they don't see this issue. Its the fact that Apple who has been developing phones for 3 years now....3....people companies like Motorola, Nokia, LG, and others including HTC have been at this 10 or more years they know how to make a phone. 90 percent of the AT&T supposed dropped calls are from people using the Iphone, its not a AT&T thing as much as it is that apple has yet to perfect making phones like Motorola and Nokia who have been in the business since the beginning of cellphone technology have. So before you go spouting off that AT&T is a horrible provider maybe you should do some research into what type of handset most of these people are using when they have these supposed "EXCESSIVE" dropped calls and I bet most of them will answer Iphone.

    Welcome to the boards again AT&T.

    Keep blaming everyone except the provider.

    osama in laden dead Hackers. Osama bin Laden dead experts
  • Osama bin Laden dead experts

  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 27, 09:35 AM
    You need to learn how to read quoted text before reading a response.

    You obviously seem to be missing the extremely simple point here, I was merely pointing out that in Catholicism priests are expected to be celibate so expecting a gay person to be celibate is not exactly unheard of in a religious context.

    The fact that some people have the opinion that being gay is OK as long as you are not a practicing gay follows the same logic as priests being expected to remain celibate and also shares some of the reasons why as well.

    If you had followed the thread you would see where the original comment came from.

    And maybe you need to learn that when you reiterate a point that has already been made in the form of a "why not" question, you are viewed to be supporting the point. I have followed the thread, and I saw the point you were quoting. If you are saying that it makes any kind of sense, I'll ask you again, "why?"

    That the Catholics believe this bit about celibacy has been apparent for a few pages - there was never any need for you to regurgitate the point. But now that you apparently have, and have assigned some sort of logic to it, I'm asking what is that logic. What reasons that apply to a priest being celibate might apply to a gay person?

    You seem to be trying to defend everything about your post but the only issue anyone could ever have with it.

    osama in laden dead Hackers. Osama Bin Laden Dead
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead

  • SactoGuy18
    Mar 13, 06:12 AM
    I think people have to realize the reactors at Fukushima--while the fuel rods may have melted down--is NOT anywhere close to a major catastrophe like what happened at Chernobyl, where the overheated uranium fuel literally turned the graphite moderator blocks into an explosive bomb and there was no containment structure to hold back the massive release of the fallout from that explosion.

    It's more like what happened at Three Mile Island, and the radioactive release from that accident wasn't that significant, thanks to the reactor vessel still in one piece to minimize radioactive release.

    osama in laden dead Hackers. Real Osama Bin Laden Dead
  • Real Osama Bin Laden Dead

  • ezekielrage_99
    Jul 11, 11:27 PM
    I wonder I they put a Xeon in a Mac will it come with Intergrated graphics :confused: ;)

    I sure hope Apple don't put intergrated graphics in the Mac Pros as ANY sort of an option......

    osama in laden dead Hackers. pictures osama bin laden dead.
  • pictures osama bin laden dead.

  • MacCoaster
    Oct 10, 04:03 PM

    Ah, thanks for clarifying.

    osama in laden dead Hackers. Osama Bin Laden dead, killed
  • Osama Bin Laden dead, killed

  • skunk
    Mar 25, 11:14 AM
    As marriage is licensed by the state, it is in fact a privilege. The fact that it is near-universally granted doesn't make it any more a right.The fact that something is licensed does not change it from a right to a privilege.

    Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares that "Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses."

    For most of Western history, marriage was a private contract between two families. Until the 16th-century, Christian churches accepted the validity of a marriage on the basis of a couple’s declarations. If two people claimed that they had exchanged marital vows—even without witnesses—the Catholic Church accepted that they were validly married.
    State courts in the United States* have routinely held that public cohabitation was sufficient evidence of a valid marriage.

    osama in laden dead Hackers. in laden funny in laden died.
  • in laden funny in laden died.

  • archipellago
    May 2, 04:07 PM
    by default and design, Windows has been more secure than OSX for years now...Google it...!

    Apple has no clue on security, never has had....

    their 4% worldwide marketshare (or it might be less) keeps them safe and even if they weren't the user base is too small to be significant in the malware space.

    A good (russian/chinese) coder can infect as many Windows machines in a week as Apple sell Macs in a year!!!

    Wait for the first real iOS bust, it's coming...... so much money out there to hackers to make it work.

    osama in laden dead Hackers. Real Osama Bin Laden Dead
  • Real Osama Bin Laden Dead

  • Object-X
    Sep 12, 05:27 PM
    I really don't understand all the comments about why doesn't it have a DVD player, or it doesn't have Tivo capabilities, ect. I really think you all are missing the point: it is designed to eventually replace all those technologies. OK, it doesnt' do it yet, but Jobs said something very important at the end of the keynote, and that was "you can see the direction we are heading".

    The whole concept here is to make DVD players, recorders, rentals, and even channel viewing irrelevant. You will purchase, subscribe, rent?, and control all media content on your computer and simply stream it to an HDTV.

    Does it support HDTV resolutions? Not yet, but I'm sure it will. Remember, iTV is a direction, not the end of the road.

    So, the complaints are more or less becaues we are impatient and want it all now. This is just a start. If done right, this concept of computer, iTunes Store, and iTV could replace cable and satellite TV service. Why screw around trying to record shows, edit commercials, ect. when you can just get and control your content easily and simply with your computer?

    I like this whole idea. I can see cable news channels offering their content via TVcasts that you can subscribe too, and other network channels offering their media libraries for download or even rental; and the iTunes Store will basically act as the purchasing hub. Want Monday nights football game? Just subscribe to it on iTunes and it will download automatically and you can watch it whenever. Who needs Tivo? Don't need 200 channels of crap? Just download the stuff you want to watch and have your own media library. Who needs cable and commercials?

    osama in laden dead Hackers. of osama bin laden dead?”
  • of osama bin laden dead?”

  • aswitcher
    Jul 12, 07:10 AM
    I'm _sure_ that Apple has a surpise for us wrt the Conroe /Conroe XE CPU.... a nice smallish desktop Mac (we can hope, can't we?) :cool:

    And if they back it up fully with software features in Leopard and iLife07, Macs should leap ahead as multimedia machines...dedicated processor for video to avoid any missed frames recordings or playing.

    osama in laden dead Hackers. Osama Bin Laden dead
  • Osama Bin Laden dead

  • shawnce
    Jul 12, 05:07 PM
    So, aside from the ability to do multiple processing, what advantages does Woodcrest have that make it mandatory to go in the pro-line? How much "faster" is it going to be over the Conroe? It's my understanding that they are identical in that respect.

    All of the Core / Core 2 based processors support SMP (they have two cores after all) but only the Xeon class chips and related chipset supports the ability to have more then a single CPU socket.

    osama in laden dead Hackers. Osama Bin Laden Becomes a Dog.
  • Osama Bin Laden Becomes a Dog.

  • FX120
    Mar 13, 05:53 PM
    I love when people don't read threads....

    this was already posted, way to go...


    Molten salt is an interesting concept, but of course it requires you to more than double the size of your array for an equivalent "24" hour average power output. Molten salt storage also doesn't scale very well into large arrays.

    And you're still back to relying on gas, coal, oil, or nuclear to fill in when the sun isn't shining.

    osama in laden dead Hackers. Osama Bin Laden Dead Inside.
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead Inside.

  • archipellago
    May 2, 04:37 PM
    I think the reality is in front of us. There's no need to google it.

    sorry what was that....?

    I coudn't hear you through all that sand, could you lift it up higher, say just above ground level..?


    osama in laden dead Hackers. osama bin laden dead
  • osama bin laden dead

  • AHDuke99
    Oct 29, 11:13 AM
    My question is: if desktops are ramping up their cores so quickly with quad-core and dual quad-core processors, why are we to be stuck at "only" dual-core for notebooks for so long? As far as I have seen from my own "research" is that notebooks will be stuck at dual-core until at least Nehalem (45nm - 2009), and more likely Gesher (32nm - 2011), but certainly not Penryn (45nm - 2007). What gives??? Hell, at around the same time that Gesher arrives, Intel's Kiefer is supposed to be 32-Cores!

    I know, heat and power, blah blah blah. But are laptops really going to be left THAT far behind?

    i wouldnt truly worry about that till it happens. one thing i have learned over the years is that roadmaps never hold up. if they had, we'd all be running dual core 6GHZ G5 or G6 right now, with 10GHZ in production readying themselves for 2007. Intel would have a oentium 5 or something out or their 64 bit itanium with consumes 200W of power. just a year ago, we had laptops with pentium M that wre as fast or faster than pentium 4's. who knows where we'll be in a year or 2 from now. i wont worry about laptop performance until we are behind, not what some roadmap says. years ago clock speed was all the rage, today its multiple cores. what will it be tomorrow? who knows.

    osama in laden dead Hackers. is osama bin laden dead.
  • is osama bin laden dead.

  • Rodimus Prime
    Oct 7, 04:30 PM
    I don't disagree with your general point about the app store, but Cydia has plenty of crap apps as well. One only needs to wade through all the calculator skins, winterboard themes, and soundboards to know this.

    Yes, there are some great apps for jailbroken iPhones, but it is disingenuous to imply that Cydia doesn't have many of the same problems as the app store. But an open store is going to get you a lot of junk, so you have to take the good with the bad.

    True it has its own list of crap apps but it is much more open. Apple current system is closed. We have rejection with no reasoning why it was rejected and on top of that 84k+ apps on the apps store are crap.

    So both apple system and Jail break system are full of same percentage of crap but at least there is a better chance of finding great apps in the Jail broken world because you have both the apple side and the open side to work with.

    osama in laden dead Hackers. osama bin laden dead 2011.
  • osama bin laden dead 2011.

  • Interstella5555
    Mar 18, 10:53 AM
    1) Why would I need an extra 2GB when I'm already Unlimited?

    2) Why would I need to pay an extra $20 for 1s and 0s going from my laptop thru my phone. If I'm using the laptop, I'm not using my phone and vice versa. It's still single use.

    3) Do you pay "Extra" for home internet because you have a wireless router that allows you to connect multiple PCs to the same connection?? How is tethering on a mobile phone any different??? This sets a precedence that could allow for home internet providers to charge on a per PC connect basis.

    You used to. Back in the day most ISPs would charge per IP address for high speed Internet.

    osama in laden dead Hackers. Osama+bin+laden+dead+virus
  • Osama+bin+laden+dead+virus

  • nsjoker
    Sep 20, 03:45 PM
    it won't have any dvr functionality... it'll just be frontrow on your tv, and nothing else. woopdee freaking doo

    osama in laden dead Hackers. Osama bin Laden 39 s death 39
  • Osama bin Laden 39 s death 39

  • firestarter
    Apr 23, 07:49 PM
    Apple users question. Atheists/Agnostics question.

    You see a trend yet?

    Yarweh uses Windows
    Allah is still on CP/M
    The Buddah uses Unix
    And Atheists use Macs?

    osama in laden dead Hackers. Osama Bin Laden DEAD.
  • Osama Bin Laden DEAD.

  • Multimedia
    Oct 13, 05:36 PM
    Costco Deal (http://www.costco.com/Browse/Product.aspx?Prodid=11163877&search=viewsonic&Sp=S&Mo=3&cm_re=1-_-Top_Left_Nav-_-Top_search&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&N=0&whse=&Dx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntk=All&Dr=P_CatalogName:BC&Ne=4000000&D=viewsonic&Ntt=viewsonic&No=2&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Nty=1&topnav=&s=1) You are correct in the resolution, BUT with two of them at less than the cost of one 24"er from Dell it does make up for the real estate--+10 on dual monitor cool factor :D

    I sent in my Macbook on Monday to get the random shutdown issue repaired. Shipped back to me today--and for some unknown reason was delivered to the Apple Store here in Jax. While I had them on the phone I asked about the Mac Pros they had in stock and I was told they are "out of stock." Take it for what it is, BUT, I'm wondering if it could mean an EOL on the current line.

    EDIT: Now that I'm thinking about it, ya think the 1050 height will allow for a 100% 8.5X11 page view?

    EDIT TWO: If your a member of the Dell Forums, you can receive a $350 coupon off the price of the 30"--very tempting.

    BHere's the link to the $350 Coupon: http://forums.us.dell.com/supportforums/board/message?board.id=creativecontest&message.id=143&l=en&s=dhsThank you very much for that tip and link. You saved me all but $11 in sales tax. So it was like getting the $1444 deal without tax. $1349 plus tax. I pulled the trigger this morning and hope to receive it next week.I went ahead and ordered the 24" LCD from Dell. Pretty cool that they use PayPal--I try to pay with everything with cash. Anyway, I have that coupon code for the 30", if anyone wants it just PM me.Looking forward to maximum desktop in one screen. Long story is I ordered the 24" about 6 weeks ago then realized I wanted the 30" when it went on sale for like $1600 + tax so canceled the next day. But Dell screwed up my credit for 6 weeks so I couldn't even order the 30 until today and you came up with the coupon just in the nick of time to save me even more than I expected to save - like another $250. Total bill came to only $1468.32. Amazing luck for me.

    Mar 11, 04:27 AM
    Live Coverage here...



    Jul 13, 05:54 AM
    What should Adobe-users do? Instead of complaining to Apple, they should complain to Adobe. How hard is it REALLY to make Mac-Photoshop run on Intel-Mac? they already have Intel-versions of their software running on Windows, it shouldn't be THAT hard.
    I've been wondering about this too. Surely they have the source code (or most of it) written in a high level language, right? If I'm not totally mistaken, there shouldn't be that much more work involved than a re-compilation for x86. Even if some filters or other stuff are hand coded in assembler, they already have that code in x86-assembler in the Windows version.

    Jul 13, 08:51 AM
    Lame poll choices.

    Most likely is BOTH woodcrest and conroe in different models. Woodcrest is necessary for quad, but using it in a single chip configuration is a waste of money.

    Apple needs to deliver both maximum performance and reasonably fast performance at a reasonable price.

    Phil A.
    Aug 29, 03:13 PM
    That's not true. The UK will miss the targets that Tony Blair committed [us] to. Blair's standards were almost double the standard Kyoto targets. We'll miss the Blair targets (surprise surprise) but we should hit the Kyoto targets. See here (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4849672.stm).

    Of course, much of Kyoto is rendered moot because the US refuses to ratify the treaty because "it will harm the economy." :rolleyes:

    That's kind of my point - the UK committed (or was committed) to unrealistic goals and will fail to meet them. Anyone can commit to anything - actually delivering on those commitments is completely different

    Mar 11, 06:19 PM
    0014: Japan declares a state of emergency at the Fukushima-Daini power plant, where three of its reactors failed, the Associated Press reports. It says a state of emergency is already in place at the nearby Fukushima-Daiichi plant, where two reactors failed.

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