queen elizabeth 2nd ship

queen elizabeth 2nd ship. Queen Elizabeth 2 Cabins
  • Queen Elizabeth 2 Cabins

  • dialectician
    Aug 29, 08:46 PM
    IMHO, Greenpeace is not to be trusted. They are highly-biased activists who, like most activist groups (right or left), have the unstated, main goal of needing to justify their continuing existence. Greenpeace, in particular, is notorious for having blinders on to the point they don't have any perspective in the real world beyond the utopian fantasies. I'm all for having reasonable, workable policies that are responsible and benefit society, but letting Greenpeace be the dictator of what those policies should be is naieve and dangerous.

    Who says Greenpeace should dictate the policies? But if Dell can do it, Apple can, also...

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. queen elizabeth 2nd ship.
  • queen elizabeth 2nd ship.

  • FightTheFuture
    Feb 17, 01:20 AM
    No one seems to notice this. i don't agree with much of your post, but i agree with the sentiment. i'm tiring of the Google = Good, Apple = Evil heard around the boards.

    they are both companies that are just trying to make money. sadly, people paint Apple as the bad guy either because 1) the iPod was extremely successful or 2) they assumed apple would eventually go bankrupt 10 years ago and are upset that it didn't happen. luckily Gen Y'ers who don't care about what computers run facebook the best are buying products based on what they want, and not which processor is in it.

    will there be more android phones than iPhones in the world? probably. but right now there are more blackberrys, more symbian based phones being sold. the iPhone is selling just fine. just because there are a lot of great phones on the market doesn't mean apple will sell less than 8 million iPhones a quarter.

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. Queen Elizabeth II Cruise Ship
  • Queen Elizabeth II Cruise Ship

  • wdogmedia
    Aug 29, 02:26 PM
    I didn't know we had a climate scientist in this forum, let alone one of the tiny percentage of scientists who dispute that human activity is a large factor in current climate change? Please enlighten us... that is, unless you're just some guy with an uneducated opinion. By all means, tell us why you know so much more about this well-studied topic than the hundreds of thousands of climate researchers around the world who've reached an almost unprecedented consensus regarding the roll of human activity, and CO2 production, in climate change.

    30 years ago climate scientists warned us to expect an imminent ice age....it even made the cover of Time, if I'm not mistaken.

    I noticed that you didn't dispute the fact that the dominant greenhouse gas is water vapor. This is not a disputable fact; no climate scientist will argue with you there. Global warming is also not a disputable fact; it is well-documented and has been occuring since records were first kept. However, saying that scientists have reached an "unprecedented consensus" is absolutely false; and would that even matter? How often do you read a story on CNN or MSNBC that begins with the phrase "Scientists NOW think...." Science is in its very nature an evolutionary process, and findings change over time. Who remembers when nine of out ten doctors smoked Camels more than any other cigarette?

    I'm ranting now, sorry. The point is that I've never heard a satisfactory answer as to why water vapor isn't taken into effect when discussing global warming, when it is undeniably the largest factor of the greenhouse effect. But according to the Department of Energy and the EPA, C02 is the dominant greenhouse gas, accounting for over 99% of the greenhouse effect....aside from water vapor. This certainly makes C02 the most significant non-water contributor to global warming...but even then, climate scientists will not argue with you if you point out that nature produces three times the CO2 that humans do.

    Forty years ago, cars released nearly 100 times more C02 than they do today, industry polluted the atmosphere while being completely unchecked, and deforestation went untamed. Thanks to grassroots movement in the 60s and 70s (and yes, Greenpeace), worldwide pollution has been cut dramatically, and C02 pollution has been cut even more thanks to the Kyoto Agreement. But global warming continues, despite human's dramatically decreased pollution of the atmosphere.

    No climate scientist will argue the fact that global climate change has, in the past, universally been the result of cyclical variances in Earth's orbit/rotation, and to a lesser degree variances in our Sun's output. Why then, since pollution has been reduced dramatically, and since climate change is known to be caused by factors outside of our control, is it so crazy to believe that we're not at fault anymore?

    And since when does being in a "tiny percentage" denote right/wrong? Aren't you a Mac zealot? :)

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. of the Queen Elizabeth 2
  • of the Queen Elizabeth 2

  • Eraserhead
    Mar 13, 07:04 PM
    'Renewables' are hardly without issue either. To make a decent amount of power you have to do it on a massive scale. What are your thoughts on the Chinese Three Gorges Dam?

    And even given that China has had to build a hell of a lot of coal power stations.

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. Queen Elizabeth II [design]
  • Queen Elizabeth II [design]

  • ~Shard~
    Oct 28, 10:32 AM
    I don't know if Intel ever changed it, but one of the historical reasons you couldn't make a scalable multi-cpu x86 system is that x86s did bus snooping. Once you got more than ~3-4 x86s on the same bus the bus would be saturated by snooping traffic and there would be little room for real data. I think that's why Intel is pushing multi-core so much, it's a hack to work around Intel's broken bus. The RISC cpus (MIPS et al) didn't do that, that's why all the high cpu count systems used them.

    Interesting, I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the info. :cool:

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. Queen Elizabeth (2)
  • Queen Elizabeth (2)

  • theelysium
    May 16, 05:52 PM
    I have a huge drop call and coverage issue at my new home in Rancho Cordova, CA. I live by Jackson HWY (16). I have been excessive with my reports through my AT&T iPhone app "Mark The Spot". After 6 months of reports for only about 10% of the issues (I have so many issue here 10% was a lot :eek: of reporting!) I've experience they sent me a message letting me know that my reports helped pinpoint a tower issues and it will be replaced in a few weeks!

    I know AT&T has issues, but I'd like to see if Verizon would actually do something like this! I am not happy with the network experience I've had here, but I am really happy to see that my voice was heard from a large company using innovative tools created by them on my iPhone.

    I can tell that the tower is currently being worked on, because my service is getting worse. It won't be long now that I'll finally be able to a constant signal and hopefully no more dropped calls.

    Before I received the message that they would replace the tower I ordered an AT&T micro cell. I think I'll install it anyway just to see how it will improve my coverage. This also brings up another point that they are giving us the ability to fix coverage issues with the Micro Cell they are offering. I know it's $150 (expensive), but at least they are offering an alternative for you.

    One thing I've noticed as a customer is any aspect of the New AT&T that was legacy Cingular seems in the most part to be fine. It's all the junk they merged in from the legacy AT&T Wireless. This goes for call centers, towers, policies, etc. If I call customer service and have an excellent experience I'll ask the rep, "Are you legacy Cingluar or AT&T?" Every time they say Cingular. Of course if I have the opposite and ask "Are you legacy Cingluar or AT&T?" They either don't know what the word legacy means (which I then have to explain) or they say of course AT&T! I wish Cingular stayed Cingular and let AT&T die off! Legacy AT&T is the cancer in the New AT&T which is just Cingular with AT&T's name.

    It's silly to think that the AT&T name is so valuable that they'd buy the crappy company just to use their stupid :eek: name. Who cares if AT&T is as recognizable as Coca Cola overseas?! Why not be so great at what you do that your name (Cingular), becomes as recognizable as Coca Cola! Cingular shouldn't have bought recognition... they should have tried to earn it! If they had tried to earn their recognition we wouldn't have Legacy AT&T's cancer in our cell phone company!:(

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. Queen Elizabeth 2 in Piraeus
  • Queen Elizabeth 2 in Piraeus

  • Silentwave
    Jul 12, 02:55 AM
    costs are all over the place here... on one hand the core 2 extreme is more expensive than a wood crest...but on the other the woodie is more expensive since there;s 2 and a more specialized logic board. what do I think will happen? I wouldn't be surprised to see a single woody system, just to save costs by having one type of LB/RAM, and larger quantities of the same processor to keep costs and logistics manageable.

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. The+queen+elizabeth+2+ship
  • The+queen+elizabeth+2+ship

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 08:33 AM
    Do you still see masses of people with White or Black iPods?

    Yes. A very common sight even in 2011.

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. Queen Elizabeth II
  • Queen Elizabeth II

  • SandynJosh
    Apr 9, 02:25 PM
    What's an assertation?

    It's like a "revalation" without the "angals" sanging.

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. Queen Elizabeth II
  • Queen Elizabeth II

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 23, 07:58 PM
    Yarweh uses Windows
    Allah is still on CP/M
    The Buddah uses Unix
    And Atheists use Macs?

    Yahweh uses stone tablets.
    Allah uses an abacus.
    Buddha uses food.
    Yes, and leaders, not followers, use Macs.


    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. Queen Elizabeth II [as built]
  • Queen Elizabeth II [as built]

  • firestarter
    Mar 15, 08:21 PM
    True, many European civil nuclear programs (France in particular comes to mind) were nationalistic ventures perhaps more than anything. I wonder how the politics will play out in Germany.

    And now France are making $3bn EUR a year from exporting electricity - also probably laughing heartily when they see at the price of oil.

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. Line Queen Elizabeth II
  • Line Queen Elizabeth II

  • michaellinehan
    Oct 7, 02:40 PM
    "it expects Android to surpass Apple's iPhone to claim the number two spot behind Symbian OS with 14.5% of the global smart phone market"

    Simplistic example --- If one company has 95% of the market with a free phone and another company has 5% of the market with a $500 phone, who's better off?

    Other articles go on and on about Microsoft's massively greater "market share". But with maybe tens times more market share than Apple, MS's market capitalization (worth) is only about 1.4 times as much as Apple.

    Market share, as a bare number, is meaningless.

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. cruise liner model ship
  • cruise liner model ship

  • Spectrum
    Aug 29, 10:46 PM
    Not all organic foods are actually organic.
    Care to enlighten us?

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. the queen elizabeth 2 ship.
  • the queen elizabeth 2 ship.

  • gnasher729
    Jul 12, 01:31 PM
    How much hotter would a MacBook Pro be with a single Woodcrest?
    Why not Woodcrest for entire PRO line?

    Please please please read through a few of the Merom / Conroe / Woodcrest thread. Using a single Woodcrest in _any_ machine is pure idiocy; chipsets are a few hundred dollars more expensive, hotter and not one bit faster than Conroe at the same clockspeed.

    And using Conroe in a portable computer would be a highly questionable move. It uses twice the power of Merom at the same clockspeed and performance. It is a bit cheaper, but Apple would spend much more money for having to use much bigger batteries and a much more powerful cooling system. Macbook and Macbook Pro are really quiet if you use not more than about half their performance; at full performance the fans are quite noisy. With a Conroe chip, you would have the full noise at medium speed; Conroe running at full speed would make one hell of a noise and empty your batteries within minutes.

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. queen elizabeth ii ship. como
  • queen elizabeth ii ship. como

  • Th3Crow
    Apr 28, 09:00 AM
    Agree. Too bad the iMac never took off in the enterprise sector. I remember when I was going to the university in the 90's I saw plenty of macs all around campus. Now the times I've gone all I see are Dell's, and HP's.

    I don't know what you're talking about. I work at a university, and I have watched as Macs have become more and more abundant. It used to be that one only saw Macs in niche programs, like Music or Film Studies. Now, one in three commerce and MBA students have MacBook Pros. Half of the Engineering profs have Mac laptops, and about a third of those students. Macs have exploded in the last 10 years, almost exponentially.

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. The new ship is scheduled to
  • The new ship is scheduled to

  • nsjoker
    Sep 20, 03:45 PM
    it won't have any dvr functionality... it'll just be frontrow on your tv, and nothing else. woopdee freaking doo

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. RMS Queen Elizabeth 2
  • RMS Queen Elizabeth 2

  • Interstella5555
    Mar 18, 10:53 AM
    1) Why would I need an extra 2GB when I'm already Unlimited?

    2) Why would I need to pay an extra $20 for 1s and 0s going from my laptop thru my phone. If I'm using the laptop, I'm not using my phone and vice versa. It's still single use.

    3) Do you pay "Extra" for home internet because you have a wireless router that allows you to connect multiple PCs to the same connection?? How is tethering on a mobile phone any different??? This sets a precedence that could allow for home internet providers to charge on a per PC connect basis.

    You used to. Back in the day most ISPs would charge per IP address for high speed Internet.

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. queen elizabeth 2nd ship.
  • queen elizabeth 2nd ship.

  • reel2reel
    May 2, 09:15 AM
    4. Run a Spotlight search for "MACDefender" to check for any associated files that might still be lingering

    That's a sure way *not* to find any related files.

    queen elizabeth 2nd ship. Queen Elizabeth 2 40
  • Queen Elizabeth 2 40

  • NathanMuir
    Mar 25, 06:32 PM
    How many hours in a day do you people pursue these fruitless (no pun intended) arguments, when there are people in your own neighbourhood that could use a helping hand?

    (Well, I for one feel better now.) :D

    I volunteer every Sunday afternoon so that's moot for me.

    How many fruitless arguments can I engage in with that math? :p

    Mar 14, 12:01 PM
    And gravity has yet to go up. :p LOL

    While the idea is ridiculous Lewis Carroll (who was a mathematician amongst other things:rolleyes:) did some work on the problem and in a fictional work came up with this:

    "In Chapter 7 of Lewis Carroll's 1893 book Sylvie and Bruno. The fictional German professor, Mein Herr, proposes a way to run trains by gravity alone. Dig a straight tunnel between any two points on Earth (it need not go through the Earth's center), and run a rail track through it. With frictionless tracks the energy gained by the train in the first half of the journey is equal to that required in the second half. And also, in the absence of air resistance and friction, the time of the journey is about 42 minutes (84 for a round trip) for any such tunnel, no matter what the tunnel's length."


    Apr 23, 04:14 PM
    No, the basis of Christianity is the Old and New Testaments.

    The Old and New Testaments make up the Bible :confused:

    I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here.

    Apr 23, 04:01 PM
    I'm not saying that I'm a devout Christian or anything of the sort, I'm agnostic, but it's based on Reason.It's good to hear that, unlike anybody else, you have a reason for your stance. Otherwise we might have to put you down as "intellectually lazy", too.

    Apr 21, 08:02 AM
    You must live in a alternate univerise if think that Apple users are tech savy. You average user is very happy to have Apple control thier experience, ie they are techtards. And frankly owning an Apple product is the best thing for them, with a PC etc they will just get themselves into trouble.

    If your still under some illusion of how tech savy they are read through the macrumors forums...... and remeber they are the more tech savy ones!

    I have moved every family member over to mac who has no idea about computer, they are happy. The people I know who work in IT, develop and are really tech savy, still have a PC (and an android, some have both android and iphone)

    it would help to show you were a little more tech savvy if you learned how a spell-checker works....

    It's really quite amusing to hear some of these 'Droid fans who think that just because they've changed their phone wallpaper makes them some kind of techno demi-god.

    I am sure all your family members are very happy you 'moved them over to mac' (though I do wonder if they're aware of how patronizing you are)..

    Who got the best deal? Your family have products that will do what they need when they need. You have a product that if you can keep it virus free and updated to the latest version will be seen as a major achievement.

    Sep 12, 04:16 PM
    But at what quality??? Q1 2007 is as late as end of March. HD-DVD came out in April and BluRay in -- what -- May? So almost a year later Apple introduces a device that will play *near* (i.e. lower than) DVD-quality when the market is finally warming up to HD quality disks.

    Regular DVD is 480i. Say that near-dvd quality is 420i. It will look like crap on that "big screen plasma" Jobs talked about.

    He's marketing it to someone who will plug it into a $5K+ TV. At that price point, give us HD playback, both optical and streaming/downloaded, legally. I'd be happy to pay double or triple for a box that does it smoothly.

    Agreed. If it can't do HD, I'll pass.


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