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  • gugy
    Sep 12, 06:57 PM
    Have fun sitting down to your computer to record shows. I get the vision, I reallly do, and I wanted Apple to pull it off better than anyone. But having to record HD content from one piece of hardware, convert it on my computer, load it onto iTunes and stream it to another piece of hardware (iTV) isn't exactly user friendly. The fact of the matter is, Apple doesn't really want you recording TV. So, while not impossible, you do have to jump through a few hoops. Having used TiVo for years, I would never convert to such a complicated system. If Apple had a DVR, they'd also have my business.

    You don't understand. I am not planning to spend my entire day recording programming. Eventually there is a certain show or event that yes, I want to keep it and save for future viewing. This is where the elgato will come in.
    I have my dishnetwork dvr and I love it and I am not planning to get rid of it anytime soon.
    I think ITV is a great idea that has a lot of room to grow.
    Yes, I rather buy content from Apple and have it stream directly to my ITV without having to go through the hassle of using elgato. But at this moment I think is very expensive to get a 640x480 movie. I rather wait for eventually a HDTV content on itunes. It might take 3 to 4 years for that to happen. Meanwhile I am enjoying my elgato and ITV for things that I want to keep and using my dishnetwork dvr for things i don't want to keep.

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  • Penfold2711
    Apr 21, 07:02 AM
    I love the title simply because it reads like its discussing Steve Jobs' involvement in fragmenting Android :D

    Maybe thats why Steve has gone missing he's on a secret mission I can imagine Steve in dark glasses a trench coat and a hat running around google HQ with his macbook pro as we speak :D

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  • Apple OC
    Apr 22, 09:19 PM
    I would be willing to bet that if given time this thread will be a carbon copy of that one.
    That thread should be stickied, because I can't really think of any issue(relevant to this topic) we didn't cover in it.

    well let it be the Mods to merge them ... why tell someone to post in an old thread that died and tell them not to post in this thread?

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  • GGJstudios
    May 2, 01:00 PM
    It's not "helpful." I don't need to be "reminded" the file I downloaded a second ago was downloaded from the internet. I'm sure others find it useful, but for me, it's pointless and annoying..
    While you may not need a reminder for an app that you downloaded a second ago, what about an app that might get downloaded without the user's knowledge, perhaps with the name of a well-known app they currently use? The presence of this reminder would alert them to the fact that they're about to launch something other than what they expected. Besides, how often are you downloading and first-launching apps? It's not enough of an annoyance to worry about and the benefit outweighs the inconvenience for most people.

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  • nixd2001
    Oct 8, 04:35 PM
    Originally posted by WanaPBnow

    now back to Apple. Apple is only gonna make machines that are faster than Intel (i.e. G5, G6 etc...) if we DEMAND it. If we are content with 800MHz note books, while IBM makes 2.0GHz and Alienware makes 2.6GHz ones that smoke us, then we are doing ourselves a disservice.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 15, 11:30 AM
    I feel sad at how many of you are totally distorting the message of Christ. The real blame goes on those who use his name to sully his very purpose. Those false Christians make me sick.

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  • space2go
    Mar 20, 07:12 PM
    Music is too expensive, and the music industry doesn't do anything to fill the needs of the consumer - a aac file doesn't cost a penny to produce, unlike the CD, so why is a aac file so expensive? The music industry doesn't allow to sell mp3's - which is the format most likely to be accepted by the comsumer.

    Actually if i were an evil MI exectutive i'd developed (or rather have made my techs develop) DRM for mp3 and just sold it as mp3(with some explanation in tiny fontsize).
    With the mp3 format it would even be simple to have some explaining sound as normal audio content and the actual "protected" content in another frame so normal players tell you why you're wrong ;).

    Marketed as mp3, supported mp3 players play it and once people notice they got suckered it's too late.

    Of course a generic DRM system for arbitrary content is just as easy to do but selling it piece by piece sure is the better business strategy.
    Of course as no DRM system actually can work you'll never get out of business selling updates.

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  • roland.g
    Sep 20, 09:45 AM
    NO, it won't have a DVR. Get over it.

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  • dudemac
    Mar 18, 03:58 PM
    To all but a few of the replies so far that seem totally out raged by this,
    First there is no support for itms on linux as it currently stands and this just allows user of linux to purchase songs from the itms and play them on that platform. It also allows someone like me who has a high speed connection at work to purchase music and take it home with me. Yes I have a couple of mac's and an ipod, so my loyalty hasn't changed.

    Secoundly this doesn't hack the DRM that apple supplies, however it does violate the EULA, which I don't know anyone that doesn't violate a EULA at least once a day. But that is really a different argument.

    Finally why is there no outrage that DRM is not optional or that there hasn't been a standardized format for music. There are reasons why the mini disc failed and it had nothing to do with quality. But it was a propriotary format that needed to be liscencsed. So when looking at the delima of DRM it should be more of a how do we get everything to play everywhere kind of question then just limiting how the user can play/share the music at home. I really hate being limited for "my own good". or more appropriately for the good of a corporation. If WMA beats apple it will only be because they failed to standardize and work within the industry.

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 13, 05:53 AM
    Unfortunately, its already the case. When the DTP kicked in Apple was all pro and nothing else. Apple was for media creators and scientists. Now its the opposite.

    That is a bit of a retelling of history.

    When DTP kicked in in the late 80s, early 90s's, Jobs was already out of Apple and Apple started it's slow, painful downslide. The publishing and scientific markets were the only ones Apple had, not because that was Apple's stated mission, but because it was its lifeline, and mostly because Pagemaker, then Photoshop & Quark, on the Mac was superior to the Windows version. (Quark was Mac only for a couple years)

    Apple badly botched the consumer market in the '90s by making 1001 Performa desktops confusing just about everyone, plus Macs were 2x more expensive than PCs with 1/2 of the popular s/w titles. Apple wanted this market, it just didn't know how to capture it and make a profit.

    Every long time Apple follower knows that Jobs original mission for Apple, and especially the Mac, was to produce a computer for "the rest of us." Jobs has always been about making computing simpler and more refined. He did not set out to serve the pro community.

    Lets dismiss these myths, and brush off the snobbery, contending that Apple was originally built to cater to the pro community and it sold out. That has never been its mission. It makes products that pros like, but it is a consumer electronics company, just like Sony or Panasonic, or Canon or Nikon, etc., etc.

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  • appleguy123
    Apr 22, 10:33 PM
    Would it make a difference if a huge portion of what you've been exposed to, regarding religion/Christianity, was fundamentally incorrect? For example, there's no such place as hellfire; nobody is going to burn forever. Everybody isn't going to heaven; people will live right here on the earth. If you learned that a huge portion of those really crazy doctrines were simply wrong, would it cause you to view Christianity/religion differently?

    I would first like to know by what standard you could call those doctrines wrong while verifying your own.

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  • emil.lofman
    Aug 29, 12:45 PM
    Greenpeace can shove it.

    Now that's an appropriate handle you've got there!

    One question for you, and all other posters that in some words or other wants Greenpeace to f off...

    Do you think that

    a) Greenpeace is lying


    b) it's pretty cool that the human race will soon be extinct?

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  • emotion
    Sep 20, 08:50 AM
    I have one of these devices, it's excellent. Especially with the user community at

    There's some good info on using one with a Mac here

    The stock EPG on the unit is a bit crufty but it's deffinetly improving. I'd recommend one to anyone looking for a decent PVR.

    I'm glad I piped up about this now, thanks for that info tyr2.

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  • Prof.
    Jun 19, 01:13 PM
    Didn't their slogan used to be "The carrier with the fewest dropped calls"? Or something to that effect.

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  • balamw
    Sep 21, 02:53 PM
    iTV isn't being released until the Leopard timeframe, and Leopard has major unannounced features which we won't hear about until Macworld '07. Could it be some Mac media centre functionality as some have suggested?
    We're expecting a bunch of new stuff from Apple in early 07, any of which could be critical for iTV's success. The most obvious of these is QT8, we already know it will support H.264 captions, but what else will it do? Leopard will bring Front Row to all Macs and iLife 07 will be expected around the same time. However the fact that iTV has been announced as supporting both Mac and PC makes me assume that either it will not depend on features in Leopard, or iTunes on Windows will gain some functionality to support sharing of photos.

    All sounds very intriguing.


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  • myamid
    Sep 12, 06:52 PM
    Wow, a TON OF YOU totally miss the iTV purpose, to stream content FROM YOUR MAC! That's why no tuner, no storage, no anything!! Does Airport Express have storage, an antenna, etc?!? NO!!!

    I love this! I want one today! I'm going to get a huge HD, maybe two of them and start my stored media collection on my G5 that I can wirelessly access in my HT room from the iTV's wireless remote!! I love it!! Music, Family photos in a slide show, eyegato to record HD programs!! Awesome!!!

    This so rocks and will make a ton of money for Apple! I can't wait, this is truly what I've been looking for as there's no HDMI out on my G5!!

    Ok, if you're SOOOOO thrilled, you've been living in a cave because you could've been doing that for years, there's nothing new here aside for an apple logo on the box... the EyeHome could do that for the last 3 years (no storage, with a remote, streaming from my mac over Wifi - the eyehome physically connected to the router, my Mac on Wifi) ( ). And you're right, it's great... Too bad you still have to wait 6 months :P

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 09:18 AM
    I meant "installed base" more than shipments.

    Let me try to explain what I mean from a different angle:

    The number of PCs being sold could remain constant and still fall behind tablet sales in the future. Why? The market expands. Think about who could use a mainframe back in the day. Very few companies. Then minicomputers came along and suddenly many more companies could get one. The market expanded, and even if mainframe sales remained constant, minicomputer sales surpassed them.

    Tablets will appeal to those who never got comfortable with PCs. Or who never bothered getting one at all. I've personally seen toddlers and 80-year-olds gravitate toward the iPad naturally. It just fits them perfectly. There's none of that artificial abstraction of a keyboard or mouse between their fingers and the device, they just interact directly. It appeals to them.

    Someone who uses a PC almost exclusively for email and web surfing will find a tablet appealing to them.

    Programmers and professional writers used to keyboards will not find a tablet appealing to them. Not yet, at least.

    So when the market balloons yet again to take in the Tablet Era, PCs will continue to be sold, but the number of users in this new market will be larger than the market that existed in the PC Era. Many PC users will move to tablets, and many folks who never enjoyed (or even used) PCs will grab a tablet. It will be bigger than the PC market by 2020.

    And by the way, the price premium referred to earlier in this thread? That's unique to Macs versus PCs because Apple does not compete in the low-end of the market. But in the smart phone and tablet markets, there is NO price premium. One day people will forget that Apple ever made "high-priced" items since it simply won't be true compared with the competition.

    As for Apple never making headway, they are merely the most profitable computer company on the planet. Nice lack of headway if you can get it.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 23, 09:56 PM
    How many people became atheist because of religion? Or have their atheistic views strengthened as a result of religion?

    Hello!!! Me!! Me!! Been there, done that. :p

    Then tell them that they're not true believers.

    I would not presume to tell them anything. And I expect the same consideration in return.

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  • linux2mac
    Apr 28, 01:16 PM
    The fact this has turned into Apple haters galore is awesome!! Its funny watching them. I guess they are hoping all their Apple hate will make Windows more stable or "leading edge." ROFLMAO

    I love how Windows 8 will feature "Modern Reader." Sorry Windows fans but PDF readers have been built into Linux and OSX for a decade now. Go back to your "leading edge" Windows OS sites. Double LOL!!

    Mar 18, 09:43 AM
    People who complain that your service provider is going to make you follow the ru:eek:les unnerve me with their uncanny ability to disregard all that stands to reason with the sustainability of your "toys." They are like little sissies on the playground crying after a Barbie Doll has been taken from them. Those people should man up and start paying for the footprint they leave on the network.

    Cox Orange
    Apr 20, 06:28 AM
    as said before...
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    Sep 20, 12:28 AM (

    Besides announcing the number of movies that Disney has sold, iPod Observer notes ( that CEO Bob Iger also provided some impressions of Apple's pre-announced iTV device which is due in the first quarter of 2007.

    Iger describes the device's functionality:

    It's wireless. It detects the presence of computers in your home; in a very simple way you designate the computer you want to feed it and it wirelessly feeds whatever you downloaded on iTunes which include videos, TV, music videos, movies or your entire iTunes music library to your television set.

    And also explains that it is very easy to control and the appeal to content developers is to provide them a way to sell content to the DVR/TVR audience.

    ...if they've forgotten to set their TiVo device or their TVR or they just have no plan to do it but they want to watch an episode that they missed, they can go to iTunes, buy it for $1.99, [send it] to the set-top box source wirelessly and watch it on the television."

    Iger also indicates that the device does indeed contain a hard drive... a fact that was not entirely clear from the preview.

    MacCentral has posted ( a question/answer article for iTV which gives an overview of the device, in case you missed the original preview (

    Long term Apple fans will remember that Apple almost launched an Apple Set Top Box ( years ago but it was never officially released. Interestingly, the system was described as "Apple's ITV system" ( in a press-release, indicating that Apple has recycled this codename (iTV). The final name for the upcoming system has not yet been decided.

    louis Fashion
    Apr 9, 12:04 PM
    Real games aren't played on an iDevice. Say what you want, it's true at the moment. No need to look into the future..........cause you don't know what it holds. And if you do tell me if i'll be at work Monday please! (Gov worker)

    Hey the more games the better. Who knows they might have the next great thing.....

    Mar 12, 06:16 AM
    Ugh, just as soon as I had posted...

    Beg to differ. You've been praising Japanese nuclear power plant construction as being superior to the impoverished Soviet ones that go into meltdown. Well, we've all now seen your argument for the 'testament to building codes' by 'experts on Japanese nuclear regulations' totally explode and is now lying in rubble. Unless of course you now insist that the building exploding and cllapsing on the core is part of the building codes? ;):

    I haven't "been praising" their construction, I "praised" their construction in one post, if you can even call it that. The Japanese know what they are doing by and large in many of the things they do; that's why Japan has had 30% of its power delivered via well-developed, and well-understood nuclear sources for years, while the west is still outright paranoid of so much as a mention of the word nuclear.

    The only thing I did was compare it to Chernobyl, or rather defend against it, as it certainly is not Chernobyl, and was built to higher standards than anything in the USSR during that time, that meaning Chernobyl.

    You think they built the plant 40 years ago and have done literally nothing in terms of maintenance and/or upgrades since that time? You don't think regulatory statutes and codes have changed during the time, and they've had to comply with those and be subject to normal regulatory inspections that meet todays 2011 safety and energy protocols?

    Just because the plant was built 40 years ago, doesn't mean it is the same plant as what was built 40 years ago. Trust me, I was and am full aware that the plant is older than Chernobyl. But the difference is that Chernobyl ate it during a time of 1980's USSR safety standards, when the international nuclear community wasn't nearly as effective as it is today. Today's plant may be 10 years older than Chernobyl, but it's 30 years further up to date. Nuclear plants in the first world don't exactly get the "build it and forget it" treatment.

    I don't want to argue about this, because it's pointless since we are all hoping for the best and fearing the worst. But I do know a thing or two, and it gets tiring correcting false information proliferating throughout thanks to a bunch of people in the media who have no technical training and haven't a clue about anything. The Japan forums are ablaze with misinformation.

    Nuclear power is generally pretty safe, and it's a shame the west hasn't been able to embrace it, IMO. That isn't to say tragic accidents can't happen, as they can, but by and large they are extremely, extremely rare.

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