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  • Concentrated Solar Power Tower

  • CplBadboy
    Apr 5, 04:44 PM
    Hopefully there will be new iMacs to go with it. Refresh please!

    solar power tower system. Similarly, the power-tower
  • Similarly, the power-tower

  • orkle
    Nov 29, 06:53 AM
    The iTunes Store wouldn't be where it is today if Universal Music hadn't been so forthcoming with getting their catalogue on there.

    solar power tower system. solar power tower, Ivanpah
  • solar power tower, Ivanpah

  • parapup
    Apr 6, 10:20 AM
    For a programmer dealing with Terminal, Xcode, Netbeans, Eclipse, etc (not graphic intensive softwares), would this macbook air be a better deal than the 13/15" Macbook pro?


    Sure if they allow you to bump up the memory to 4GB it should be more than usable especially with the SSD. May be you will need to hook up an external disk for storage needs but apart from that it'll all be good with the i5/7 lineup.

    solar power tower system. solar power tower, Ivanpah
  • solar power tower, Ivanpah

  • WildCowboy
    Aug 16, 11:32 PM

    I don't know what ROFL stands for, but from context-clues, I'm thinking it means pretty damn funny. In which case, ROFL, dude.

    Rolling On Floor Laughing

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  • ps20 solar power tower.

  • Cougarcat
    Mar 25, 11:33 PM
    I think all this is just a dumbing down of what is an amazing OS. I don't use my mac with dual displays anything like I'd use an iPad, so why put that crap in there? I just don't like the direction they are taking OSX in general, and I doubt I will upgrade from snow leopard. To me this is very sad news, the day OSX and iOS merge is the day the mac dies.

    Relax. The sky is not falling. iOS and OS X rely on different user interaction. They will never be merged. Lion is not a "dumbing down." No features have been removed. You don't have to use fullscreen apps, or Launchpad, or the hidden scrollbars, or the gestures, or anything else that reminds you of iOS. Mission Control works better with Expose, IMO. The "All windows" view was way too cluttered. And normal expose for specific apps is still there.

    Versions, Resume, the new Mail, MC and refinements to the interface are all awesome features that still makes Lion worth it even if you decide to avoid the more overt iOS influences.

    I'm pretty susre you don't HAVE to use the new stuff. Old expose is still there for instance.

    Partly true. All windows is gone, replaced by MC. The app Expose views work the same, though. Best of both worlds, IMO.

    solar power tower system. solar power tower diagram.
  • solar power tower diagram.

  • obeygiant
    Mar 17, 01:03 PM
    Obeygiant, you have a way of distilling issues down to their core. The funny thing is, I don't think Lee even realizes he's doing it.

    Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm on his ignore list. lol

    solar power tower system. solar power tower diagram.
  • solar power tower diagram.

  • toolbox
    Mar 26, 06:33 AM
    Good stuff, waiting and ready to pay! :o

    Same! soon as available for pre order / order

    solar power tower system. solar power tower diagram.
  • solar power tower diagram.

  • krcbkidz
    Mar 22, 05:07 PM
    You obviously don't know much about samsung. Samsung makes RAM and CPU that apple uses in iphone/ipad. Possibly LCD too. A4 was definitely made by samsung. It's pretty certain A5 is also made by samsung, despite rumors TSMC will make them for apple.

    Samsung being samsung, they can match Apple in price in tablet forever (well maybe not forever but for a long time) even without making much profit (not that they would do it). Samsung is HUGE. They have plenty of other stuff they can sell with profit.

    I know about Samsung & the company's size. Yes, Samsung does manufacture parts for Apple; the parts they manufacture are according to Apple's R&D specifications & are designed by/for Apple only. Apple holds the license for specific parts (ie. the A5/A4 chip designs). Therefore even though Samsung manufactures the parts, they cannot put these parts in other hardware unless deemed so by Apple. Apple pays Samsung a fee to utilize their production facilities, which is a profit for Samsung. This profit is small compared to the margin of parts/production to MSRP that Apple reaps on each iPad. Apple controls hardware development, OS development, & UI development by keeping everything in house. Samsung utilizes a third party OS, & third party processor technology. I don't feel their user experience is as good as it could be. Samsung ultimately controls the manufacturing of the Tab but they leave money on the table as opposed to Apple's business model.

    solar power tower system. solar power tower diagram.
  • solar power tower diagram.

  • iStudentUK
    Mar 26, 06:16 AM
    Can't wait. Hope it's awesome

    Got to wait for the results from the beta testers who buy 10.7 on release. Learn the lessons of 10.6, I waited until 10.6.2 was out!

    Wish my MB had a multitouch track pad though! :(

    solar power tower system. solar power tower diagram.
  • solar power tower diagram.

  • azzurri000
    Sep 18, 11:30 PM
    I went ahead and bought my MacBook Pro because I can't do my schoolwork without a laptop. So, I'm really not paying much attention these days about future announcements :)

    Is that irony?

    I'm also a student, and I don't think I could wait any longer than a month for these long-overdue MacBook Pros to ship... so a possible late November arrival is worrying to say the least.

    solar power tower system. Solar Power Tower Systems
  • Solar Power Tower Systems

  • Trowaman
    Aug 7, 01:22 AM
    Ok, my predictions:
    Leopard (iChat 4.0 ready to go for the iPhone)
    Mac Pro
    XServe (MacServe?)
    new displays (iSights and probably IR. If I get my wish, S-Video and RCA in)

    Paris: All about the iTunes and iPod ending with Steve saying available worldwide "except here." Possible iPhone here.

    the other 4 Macs will be upgraded at some point going into Q1 with MBP and iMac getting Core 2 and MB and Minis getting the top Core Duos.

    solar power tower system. solar power tower diagram.
  • solar power tower diagram.

  • ThunderSkunk
    Mar 26, 10:26 PM
    I have a question.

    I don't expect we'll be able to use iOS apps in OS X as early as Lion, and I understand based on the different chip architecture, it shouldn't be able to run at all...


    I distinctly remember watching that first keynote when they made their dev program available, and walked us through the iPhone dev tools, and seeing an OS X On-screen emulator, that would let you code and test your apps as you wrote them right there in OS X, with a big clumsy dot for a "fingertip"...

    If they'll run in that emulator, isn't it conceivable that in some way, your iOS apps would find a way, using that emulator layer, to look something like dashboard, to run in both environments?

    I'm thinking, syncing the data between both mobile and desktop iOS apps would be simple enough to be done automatically, like dropbox for instance, or a basic itunes information sync... Then on your desktop or MBP, you'd have access to content you've created on your mobile device, for a seamless user experience. None of this "sent to itunes, download from itunes" nonsense, with verions all over the place to keep track of.

    I imagine a macbook pro will come someday, with a standard vertical screen and basically an ipad for the horizontal keyboard area. Imagine the possibilities there, of integrating the two ecosystems... how could they NOT give that a try?

    We're not there yet, obviously, but Lion seems like something of a step in that direction.

    solar power tower system. solar power tower diagram.
  • solar power tower diagram.

  • AlligatorBloodz
    Apr 8, 02:30 AM
    I heard galaxy tab is better than Ipad. Is it true??

    Technically it is a safer product. No one is going to mug you for your galaxy tab.

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  • solar power tower plant. ps20

  • reden
    Apr 6, 03:07 PM
    Xoom-1.6Lbs vs iPad 2-1.3Lbs

    solar power tower system. Power Tower
  • Power Tower

  • Blue Fox
    Apr 25, 01:56 PM
    I dont understand how anyone would get the info from your phone.

    And even if they did, what would they do with it? Go to my friends house and come visit me at my address? All that information has been in the local phone book for decades.

    Not to mention, doesn't the file only store the nearest cell tower and/or WiFi network? I've even read that it can be 2-5 miles aways from where you were even at, hardly the "tracking" people make it out to be.

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  • solar power systems is

  • leekohler
    Apr 28, 05:44 PM
    all want to know is was why it always has to go to name it..wacko christians, teabaggers or racists seems like every thread any of the liberals on the forum posts always goes to calling names at whatever group it is that they have a problem with today.

    Well, you tell me what we're supposed to call people who do things like this? Sane, sensible people? They aren't. I for one am not going to treat a bunch of idiots in tin foil hats like they're respectable. Same goes for people who wish to deny me rights. I'm sorry, they have not earned my respect.

    solar power tower system. ps20 solar power tower.
  • ps20 solar power tower.

  • nickspohn
    Apr 25, 04:08 PM
    If you notice, Congress has been conspicuously absent since sending off a letter to Steven P. Jobs.

    Actually they haven't.

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  • A solar power tower or central

  • jon1987
    Apr 25, 01:53 PM
    So as far I can make out, the information is only stored on the users iOS device and computer. So not a big deal really. I know people are saying someone could steal your phone and access the information, but surely they could also then access every piece of personal information the user put on there?

    Then again I'm from the uk, I'm recorded by CCTV on every street corner, so perhaps im used to it?:p

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  • ^Completed solar thermal power

  • Mister Snitch
    Mar 31, 02:46 PM
    I knew it would happen eventually.
    It was.... their DESTINY!

    Mar 7, 07:51 AM
    I won't rejoin this discussion. But since neko girl may be waiting for my reply, I'll only suggest a source (
    Here's a tidbit from the pdf:
    This book is dedicated to the
    Holy Family, the sublime model for all
    families, and our sure guide in the
    reaction to the sexual revolution and
    homosexual offensive.

    May the Blessed Mother intercede
    with Her Divine Son for all Americans
    committed to defend the sacred
    institutions of marriage and the family.
    Interesting... wasn't Mary knocked up by an angel and was she really married to Joseph? :confused:

    Whoever wrote this nonsense has no idea how the world really works and what the social and cultural consensus was in the 1700s, the Renaissance and all the way before. Any idealized tradition in family, culture and society the Christians of today are pining for would completely eradicate everything we've worked for to be free and live without fear to be who we are.

    I just have one thing to say to all the righteous religious folk; it's over, end of the line, the jig is up. You've had your chance and you blew it. Join us in the 21st century where liberty, freedom and equality prevail - it's not perfect but it's the best we can do. So, rather than fighting it, join it and help it make better.

    Apr 6, 01:27 PM
    What a joke of a tablet. Nothing but a piece of crap.

    Apr 25, 02:33 PM
    Perhaps this is like CCTV systems in the workplace.

    You are allowed by law to fit them, however staff must be told they are there.

    Perhaps it's just that the public need to be made away this is being done, and not done secretly. If people knew, then this would be a non story in the 1st place.

    Jul 14, 04:39 PM
    2003: "In 12 months, we'll be at 3GHz".
    Mid 2006: "I want to talk about 2.66GHz" although 4 cores running at 2.66GHz (Yum! :D ).

    Kind of odd/funny how we seem to be going backwards in processor speeds. Instead of 3.6 GHz Pentiums, we are looking at 2.x GHz Intel Cores. It would be interesting to see how well a single Core processor matches up to PowerPC, or a Pentium, or AMD.

    However, I am finding one of my predicitions finally appears that a ceiling has been currently met on how fast the current line of processors can go, and now we are relying on multiple cores/processors to distribute work, instead of relying on just one fast chip.

    So when will we start seeing 8 chips in a computer? Perhaps this will become the new measurement...not processor speeds, but the number of processors (or cores).

    Apr 11, 06:41 PM
    Then that just begs the question, "why haven't these people left already?" FCP has been fairly stagnant for years. There are plenty of other alternatives, so doesn't that kinda make them fanboyish too for sticking it out when up to this point Apple has given zero hints about when or how it will take FCP to the next level?

    They are abandoning it. I know quite a few FCP editors who have switched to Avid MC5 or Premiere Pro.

    We are large facility with about 10-12 full time FCP editors and we will probably switch to Avid MC5 unless Apple provides *needed* features for the future.

    I'd there's a general mood of 'Apple is abandoning FCP' in the post community and facilities/users are setting up their exit strategies.

    And its a strategy. Buying into new software is expensive and time consuming.

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