sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images

sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini

  • Cougarcat
    May 2, 09:47 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Users are of course reminded that day-to-day system usage with standard accounts rather than administrator ones, as well as unchecking the Safari option for automatically opening "safe" files, are two of the simplest ways users can enhance their online security, adding extra layers of confirmation and passwords in the way of anything being installed on their systems.

    um, NO THANKS. why in the world would i add "extra layers of confirmation" to my OS X experience?!?! If I wanted nag windows, I'd use Windows!

    I despise the "X is a file downloaded from the Internet" dialog introduced in SL. Really wish you could disable it.

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10
  • Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10

  • AlBDamned
    Aug 29, 12:08 PM
    These groups don't care at all about the environment. They only want to hinder businesses.

    Sure, I guess calling them the greenest company will really hinder Nokia's business - or indeed any of the companies that got rated near the top. :rolleyes:

    The fact is this report says something which, as Apple fans, many of us don't like. However, if there was a comparable Lenovo forum, they'd all be saying the same thing –*"the report is rubbish"? Does it make it true? No.

    What if Apple still came fourth from bottom, but Dell was third from bottom. Does that make the report more credible? No.

    The fact that this report is gaining traction across multiple tech sites, not just MacRumors, plus the fact that Apple speedily responded proves that the issue is real. Did Apple reject outright the report's claims and say they are actually just as good as Nokia and whoever else? Did they come out and say, "greenpeace is b/s"? No. They said "we don't agree with the grading system used, it's not reflective of our other efforts" or some such politician-esque answer.

    It could just as easily have been Apple at the top if they were up to scratch with regard to the materials used in their products, then you same critics would be loving the report. For example, if tomorrow Greenpeace ran a report on the grading of tech company recycling programs and put Apple at the top, what would that say? That Apple was good in one area and bad in another so they need to do more.

    Stop being fickle and naive and understand the bigger picture. :rolleyes:

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 mini
  • Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 mini

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 24, 04:52 PM
    such that women are more likely to forget things.

    So, woman are addle-minded?

    I wouldn't wonder, they are kept barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen, all in the service of Allah. And proper schooling is only of-late, and just in certain 'forward' Islamic countries.

    I declined to read any further.

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. Sony Ericsson X10 Mini Gold -
  • Sony Ericsson X10 Mini Gold -

  • CQd44
    May 2, 09:16 AM
    Bigger, most Windows PC have anti-virus, can you say the same for Macs?

    If this is safari specific, it shouldn't be that big. How many people *really* use it?

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 23, 07:44 PM
    But this doesn't answer the question at all.

    Apple users question. Atheists/Agnostics question.

    You see a trend yet?

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini

  • liketom
    Sep 20, 02:09 AM
    to make this work better and for apple to take the number 1 slot of internet download movies - they need an TV ad like the mac/pc ones

    movie trailer then apple text - jack Sparrow+ Apple - download from $12.99 - iTunes store. simple infact i just made one as a looksy

    Apple might also do well in selling the DVD + download for $19.99 - 24.99 as an option.

    they have proved this concept works with the 125k downloads in 1 week now they need to feed people with movies for there iTV device

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini

  • phalseHUD
    Apr 21, 04:38 AM
    Its amazing how all those "smart" Android users are still poorer than the average iOS user, and spend less than the average iOS user.

    Amazing that all these "smart" people just make so much less money...

    I've browsed these forums for a while and used to post under a different name until I started work for a certain company which shall remain nameless! But this has to be one of the most pathetic comments I've ever read on here.

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. The Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
  • The Sony Ericsson Xperia X10

  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 14, 12:21 AM
    The small ones, like satellites dishes. You can buy them at Jaycar.

    Pretty much like a weather vein or TV aerial. Provides a couple of hundred watts at 24V or 12V. I was thinking about one for if there is ever a blackout (ie a drunk hitting a power pole, it's happened) instead of needing a petrol generator.

    Every home generating 500W of their own wind power with one of these little things on their roof in a city of Los Angeles with a million homes = 500,000,000 watts. As well as a solar panel at 500W too is up to a billion watts not required from any central power source.

    idea time only. Wind produces the most power during the night (not during peak load times) and again I would not want the noise from the wind turbines all over hte place.

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. Latest Sony Ericsson Xperia
  • Latest Sony Ericsson Xperia

  • firestarter
    Mar 13, 04:15 PM
    Well here is a solution to your "problem" at least.

    The biggest limiting factor is cost, but when you factor in the cost of the environmental impact, it becomes cheap in comparison.

    Thanks, that's an interesting technology!

    really ?
    i live in a country which isn't at war .. and hasn't since quite a few years.. and by years i mean decades
    and the nuclear power plant we built was stopped before getting turned on by a popular vote (since then we have a constitutional law forbidding to build nuclear power plants...)

    wow look at how i am suffering from the terrible consequences

    I wouldn't be so smug if I was you. Looks like Austria uses over 60% imported oil and gas for electricity manufacture ( that Persian Gulf political turmoil must be pretty exciting for you guys, yes? Probably costly too.

    You're also reliant on those nice people in Russia to keep their natural gas pipelines open (–Ukraine_gas_disputes), aren't you... being land-locked and all.

    I grew up in a country where even a right wing government won't entertain the idea of nuclear power,where one of it's major allies (the U.S.) are not allowed to bring naval vessels into territorial waters because they will not reveal if nuclear weapons/propulsion are involved.Which has just suffered a major earthquake and as far as I know is the only country that is a nuclear free zone.To New Zealanders this policy is totally sacrosanct.Guess what they are doing fine.

    Is that also a country with a tiny population and an abundance of hydro and geothermal sources? (Not really comparable to Japan or most of Western Europe).

    A country where the power system is so good, they managed to cut off all power to their largest city for a month and a half? (

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. sony ericsson xperia x10
  • sony ericsson xperia x10

  • tigress666
    Apr 10, 01:08 PM
    Honestly, I think what will be a major deciding factor on how well the iphone/android does against dedicated handhelds is how many developers decide to also put their games on the iphone/android as well as how many very good and unique to the handheld game the handhelds get (basically can these people deciding if they are also going to buy a handheld on top of their smartphone still play the games they want on their smartphone even if it isn't as good as an experience on the hand held? I think many people might decide it's not worth buying that extra handheld long as they can get the games they want to play on the device they already have. And that there aren't games that entice them to get the handheld that they can't get on their smartphone).

    I don't think a 3D screen is going to make a big difference more than just game availability (for example the 3d screen is neat to look at, but I wouldn't buy the 3Ds for that. I'm more likely to be enticed by the new Sony hand held coming out as I suspect it more likely will attract the games I want to play. So far I'm less than impressed with the games out on the 3Ds. And I know I"m very disappointed in the type of games Nintendo tends to attract. My mom gave me her wii and I still haven't found a game I want to buy for it :( ). I think having some really good games that you can't get on the smartphones will be what convinces people that it is worth it to buy that extra device.

    But in the end, when talking about gaming systems, it doesn't matter how good your hardware is, the most important deciding factor is games available. You could have the best hardware in the world, the best designed controller, the prettiest screen, but it won't amount to a hill of beans if you can't attract a good amount of *good* games.

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini

  • splintah
    Sep 26, 05:38 AM
    very interesting . . . . .. .

    so where are the new notebooks ?

    or mac mini/macbook with a lowest end ati or geforce would be cool too
    just not the shared graphics ram scheiss
    gives me tons tons of errors in 3d programs

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. Sony-Ericsson Xperia X10 mini
  • Sony-Ericsson Xperia X10 mini

  • Patch^
    Sep 12, 06:38 PM
    I Can't see Apple adding a DVR (TV recorder) because they want you to buy TV shows, Movies and Music off iTunes not off the TV! lol. If they did, people would probably stop buying content off iTunes.

    In the future I'm sure we will see more HD Content on the iTunes store and some other features :) i.e. When broadband speeds increase a bit more (HD content is huge! Ever tried watching a HD Trailer? lol)

    Also I hope they change the code-name from iTv to something else because there is a Television network in the UK called ITV :O...could get confusing and possible lawsuits.

    (sorry if all of this has been mentioned already)

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 mini,
  • Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 mini,

  • rkriheli
    Sep 25, 11:39 PM
    yeah, this will be great if we want to run a small country with.

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. green Xperia X10 Mini.
  • green Xperia X10 Mini.

  • R.Perez
    Mar 13, 05:36 PM
    Opinions should be the same. Nuclear is clean and efficient, but has potential dangers. Shouldn't take a meltdown to remind anyone of that.

    efficient yes, clean NO.

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. The Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
  • The Sony Ericsson Xperia X10

  • yg17
    Mar 18, 03:02 PM
    DRM= digital rights management= copy protection

    I'm also quite surprised that Apple DRMs the songs as they are downloaded. All it takes is a hack into the servers housing the music and there goes the neighborhood.

    The music has to be stored un-DRMed which is a huge risk for the iTMS or Napster or any other online store. The difference is when it gets the DRM added to it. If it gets the DRM at the server before its sent out for download, then this will solve the problem. But either way, the music has to be stored without any DRM somewhere and hacking into the servers would indeed be trouble

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. unboxing sony ericsson xperia
  • unboxing sony ericsson xperia

  • TennisandMusic
    Apr 21, 02:46 PM
    I own 3 macs and 5 advices. I have a PhD in electrical engineering and designed microprocessors for 14 years, including microprocessors used in many PCs. I've written millions of lines of source code in C, assembler, C++, etc.

    And most of the folks I know who use Linux or solaris all day at work to design chips use macs at home and carry iPhones. I don't know a single one of them who uses an android phone (many carry blackberries however).

    Just out of curiosity, why do you suppose that is? The *NIX family? Or something else? I'd like to hear your perspective.

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 mini
  • Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 mini

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 22, 10:40 PM
    Would it make a difference if a huge portion of what you've been exposed to, regarding religion/Christianity, was fundamentally incorrect? For example, there's no such place as hellfire; nobody is going to burn forever. Everybody isn't going to heaven; people will live right here on the earth. If you learned that a huge portion of those really crazy doctrines were simply wrong, would it cause you to view Christianity/religion differently?

    If there is a god(s), it probably won't be anything like what these manmade religions have concocted. There could be multiple gods, or gods that don't give a crap about you, or who knows what. Also, the existence of a creator doesn't mean that there is an afterlife for any human.

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. Sony Ericsson#39;s X10 mini and
  • Sony Ericsson#39;s X10 mini and

  • javajedi
    Oct 13, 05:48 PM

    I have my theory as to why java took the lead over C in the sqrt example. There is quite a common misconception about Java that it's always slow, and there is a reason for it. Back in the early days prior to 1.2, it wasn't uncommon to see something like we did here run 10,20, or even 30 times slower then C. VM's today (1.4 /w hotspot) are much smarter than they were years ago. IMO, Hotspot makes the conventional "just in time compilers" look like a thing of the past.

    Anyways, when you really think about it, Java really has an extra card up it's sleeve. Sure we tell GCC we want max optimizations, (03, etc), but GCC is limited to compile-time optimization. I think since java has adaptive runtime optimizations, specifically hotspot, the runtime optimization is what really makes the difference.

    The reason why it's called "HotSpot", is literally because it looks for "hot spots" by profiling on the fly at runtime. Pretty cool, huh? Your first adaptive optimizations kick in second time the loop is ran. Not to mention the conventional JIT optimizations... code will natively compile and so you eliminate the costly overhead of bytecode translations.

    Lastly, I am going to do the matrix operation you spoke about, I have to finish up some course work, so I may not get to it tonight, but as soon as I can devote some time to it, I will.

    sony ericsson xperia x10 mini gold images. Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia X10

  • ~loserman~
    Mar 20, 07:25 PM
    Not to the holder of the copyright.


    If these people who argue against copyright were having their creations stolen and it was affecting their living they would feel differently.

    Apr 13, 04:33 PM

    Thanks, man. I connect to other drives so rarely that I have never bothered to look this up myself.

    OT: Does anyone one know why Apple hasn't got this built in? Licensing rights?

    May 5, 12:49 PM
    AT&T should be embarrassed. Seriously, I had Sprint PCS in the late 90's that had much better call performance than AT&T does today. Having been with Verizon prior to switching to AT&T to get the iPhone I used to think the device was the problem but it's clear it's AT&T.

    Worst part is that I got an email from AT&T just last week saying they just "completed a major upgrade" in Chicago. I'm still getting dropped calls left and right and 3G isn't that great either. And this is AFTER the upgrade??

    Aug 29, 11:48 AM
    I could not care any less.

    Although, I do know of one thing Apple does that hurts the environment. They make me drive 3 hours to get to the closest Apple Store and 3 hours to get back home plus sitting in all the traffic in Atlanta. However, I drive a Nissan Armada (of course it has a V8) so I'm not too worried about gas consumption. ;)

    Mar 18, 04:26 AM
    stop gouging the customer. first we pay for 'unlimited' data thats capped at 5gb then they limit it to 2gb and force you to pay more to tether.

    Apr 9, 03:40 PM
    It's like a "revalation" without the "angals" sanging.


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