Sutures On The Skull

Sutures On The Skull. baby#39;s skull, the sutures
  • baby#39;s skull, the sutures

  • flir67
    Nov 26, 11:51 AM
    the success of this tablet will really depend on its design. if its like the pc's ones that are ultra thin with no media drive and the swivel screen it might make it. but if its just a flat panel square single sided tablet then it will fail..

    it sounds like a macbook replacement. thinner and lighter same price.

    history will always repeat itself sometime.

    Sutures On The Skull. the sutures of the skull.
  • the sutures of the skull.

  • poppe
    Aug 3, 11:42 PM
    Wow! Tip of the hat to Apple and Intel. But why aren't the Blue Man on my TV selling the Core 2 Duo? Somebody tell them to put the LSD away and get to a studio.

    And of course, nobody's talking about the elephant in the room. These new chips are SIXTY FOUR BIT BABY. Is 32-bit the new G4? Cuz we all know the G4 is the new G3.

    64-bit OSX by the end of the year perhaps? With quadruple binaries to support the G4, the G5, the Core Duo, and the Core Duo 2? Or will Apple deny us our 64-bit freedom?

    64 Bit has been talked alot about. There is a thread called 64 Bit Core Duo (why not core 2 duo, I don't know) acctually I think, but I know nothing about it so I can't comment. It won't make 32 bit things even close to G4. 64 Bit, from what i've read, isn't really optimized until two things: the operating system is ready to manage it, and the software is designed for it. The Core 2 duo will be faster than the core duo, but for multiple reasons and not only on the 64 bit computing.

    Sutures On The Skull. Skull Sutures
  • Skull Sutures

  • Macman1993
    Apr 26, 02:07 PM
    Some will be bothered about IOS not being the most dominant. I personally don't care, I just want the best mobile OS.

    Sutures On The Skull. Skull #1. coronal suture
  • Skull #1. coronal suture

  • 0010101
    Nov 25, 10:30 AM
    I know LG makes an MP3 player.. when I said Apple has about as much of a chance entering the cell phone market as LG has entering the MP3 market, what I was referring to is POPULARITY and MARKET SHARE.

    When I said Apple doesn't have a history of 'working well with others', I was referring to other companies.

    You don't just wake up one day and start selling phones.. there are a whole lot of other companies involved.. most importantly, a cell phone service provider. One who is willing to pay Apples per unit price and give the phone away for next to nothing in exchange for an end customer contract.

    That's how the majority of cell phones are sold.. not walking into target and plunking down $250 and it's yours.. but signing a contract for a year or more and getting the phone at a significantly reduced rate, or even 'free'.

    In order to be successful in the cell phone market, you need to have more than one cell service provider on board, willing to push your phones, and you have to do it at a price point thats comfortable for both the manufacturer of the phone, and the guy selling the phone.

    Then in order to do that, you have to offer that particular provider something special.. like a special model available only at that particular provider. Which means Apple would have to either stick with a single carrier, or have multiple models.

    Then finally, you have the convergence factor. I know a lot of people with cell phones. I know a lot of people with PDA's. I know a lot of people with MP3 players.

    I don't know a lot of people who want all three devices wrapped up into one unit.

    An iPod with the ability (but not a requirement) to connect to cellular networks to download content, I can see and think would be a hit.

    Being able to add OPTIONAL, basic phone functions and texting to such a unit for those interested in such a thing, not bad.

    But a full blown 'iPhone'? Big mistake.

    Sutures On The Skull. Joints called cranial sutures,
  • Joints called cranial sutures,

  • can.rules
    Apr 5, 03:54 PM
    Hmmm, a car company catering to a group largely comprised of teenagers and young adults whom (presumably) have little disposable income? Doesn't sound like the best idea to me personally, but what do I know...

    That actually sounds exactly like the target market for Scions ;)

    Sutures On The Skull. Anatomy of the normal skull
  • Anatomy of the normal skull

  • iApples
    Mar 26, 10:20 PM
    I didnt realize a release date was set:cool:

    Neither did I :P

    Sutures On The Skull. The bones of the skull are not
  • The bones of the skull are not

  • 0010101
    Nov 27, 12:28 AM
    November 23, 2006 CNN
    NEW YORK (AP) -- Cell phone owners will be allowed to break software locks on their handsets in order to use them with competing carriers under new copyright rules announced Wednesday.

    Given the above news, NO cellphone company may soon be subsidizing ANY phones.

    Sure they will. They give you the phone at a discounted rate, or free, if you sign a service contract for X number of years.. which is how they get their money back.

    The new rules are intended for people who buy the phones at full price, or decide to move to a competing carrier after they have fulfilled their obligations under their service contract/agreement.

    The people this might sting would be outfits like Virgin Mobile, TracPhone, and other 'pre-paid' wireless companies, who often sell their phones at or below cost because they'll make up the money in sold airtime.

    They hook you with the low price and no contract or monthly fee, but then sock you with .25 cents a minute or more airtime charges.

    Sutures On The Skull. SUTURES: Identify by location
  • SUTURES: Identify by location

  • Chupa Chupa
    Mar 28, 09:54 AM
    Makes sense if Apple wants 10.7 and iOS5 to be the focus. Also gives a little more life to the VZW iPhone 4 (fewer bitter customers, even if caused by their own impatience). Finally, while the fall is usually iPod update time, let's face it, iPod updates are getting kinda boring. A new iPhone 5 in Sept would def be more buzzworthy. Then Apple gets back to the summer iPhone releases w/ the iPhone (6) LTE.

    Sutures On The Skull. Illustration of a normal skull
  • Illustration of a normal skull

  • Sydde
    Apr 15, 04:18 PM
    Assuming (1) changes in tax policy have immediate effects, and (2) there is no such thing as as normal economic business cycles that overlay tax changes.

    Is there such a thing as a "normal economic business cycle"? Seems like every cycle involves a different regulatory environment, different tax structure and different fad currents. How can one even suggest that what worked before will work again? (My car was overheating and losing coolant, so I replaced the water pump, therefore, if I experience more overheating and leaking, that is what I should do again.)

    Really, the cycles appear to be too steep on both sides. To me, it looks like the sheep converging on what is hot at the moment are causing the bubbles. A roaring economy almost always leads to a crash, we should have smoother growth with shallower cycles, perhaps by throttling massive movements of capital. An unregulated market does correct itself as needed, but the corrections sure look a lot worse than they need to be. At least as far as I can see.

    Sutures On The Skull. The skull width was positively
  • The skull width was positively

  • BeyondCloister
    Nov 22, 05:52 AM
    What's he banging on about? By "PC guys" who does he mean? Microsoft?

    Being a company that produces PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) then he is probably refering to PCs actual meaning of Personal Computer (the term popularised by Apple Computer a long time ago).

    Sutures On The Skull. Skull Sutures Photographic
  • Skull Sutures Photographic

  • ChrisTX
    Apr 20, 05:25 AM
    Wirelessly posted (iPhone : Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I am happy for this, this means when my upgrade happens, iPhone 6 will be a HUGE one :-)

    The only problem is now your upgrade will be more than the 2 year mark if they decide to bump the iPhone refresh cycle to the fall.

    Sutures On The Skull. Drill a skull hole (ø 2x2 mm,
  • Drill a skull hole (ø 2x2 mm,

  • JoeG4
    Nov 26, 10:43 PM
    Buy out OQO and make the resulting device a little thinner.

    Sutures On The Skull. Skull: bony structure
  • Skull: bony structure

  • -Ryan-
    Mar 30, 07:54 PM
    WOW. In my years of OS X development and beta releases, this is the first time I believe Apple has released a developer preview with little to no beta releases, and pushed right into a half arsed possible GM build without the numerous beta's for 10.X refinements. For developers and companies who have been accustomed to Apple pushing bi-weekly beta's as the GM release approaches. This may not bold well for developers and companies transitioning their products/applications in time and with little "bumps" in the road.

    This also makes me believe Apple has certainly, finally, officially drawn a line with regard to their main focus: iOS. It truly is about mobile devices for Cupertino, with iPhones and iPads and numerous iOS beta releases that have pushed OS X off center stage since Leopard. Gone are the excellent days of a dedicated LCD display line with three size variants, gone are the days when desktop PowerPC towers were affordable, and soon the professionals who spent thousands of dollars and hours investing in Mac products for their work will be pushed out the door for the general mass consumer. This is a sad sign for us, for those that supported a struggling yet profitable Apple dedicated to professionals, consumers, quality products and improved operating systems.

    Given that Apple sold over 4 million Macs last quarter, that must equate to around $7 billion in revenue. Macs still make up around a quarter of Apples revenue, so while iPhones might be where the most money is coming in, Apple can't ignore $7 billion per quarter...

    Sutures On The Skull. The skull is made up of the
  • The skull is made up of the

  • RalfTheDog
    Apr 7, 11:28 AM
    I can't believe the number of positive votes and gloaters we have in here. Aren't you the same people who are outraged because you can't get your iPad 2 because the scalpers bought them all up?

    Look, if Apple dominates the tablet market because the iPad is genuinely better than the other guy's tablet (and don't get me wrong, I think it is) and that causes Apple's sales to far eclipse everyone else, then GREAT! People vote with their wallets and the dominant winner is clear. But if Apple becomes the dominant player because, heck, they're so big that they can simply BUY THEIR WAY to the top, then that's not really fair for anybody, is it?

    Isn't that how Windows got their market share? Because Microsoft got so big that they could start dictating deals to the PC makers? Didn't we bash them for "forcing" Windows on consumers, not giving them a fair choice?

    scalpers nothing, it was customers. People want the iPad.

    They only need like ~100,000.

    RIM is no Google. I can't picture them using more than 10,000 in the same time frame

    Sutures On The Skull. The skull is made up of
  • The skull is made up of

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Nov 23, 01:10 PM
    I've been holding off on the smart phone thing until Apple comes up with something that makes sense. I've tried palm and windows mobile phones and both are so clunky. I'm sure I could reasonably learn their quirks and incorporate them into my life, but I don't want to. I just want it to do what it's supposed to and get out of my way, just like my macs and my ipod. The "solutions" out there now force you to do it their way.

    Sutures On The Skull. Skull Sutures.
  • Skull Sutures.

  • Willis
    Sep 16, 09:32 AM
    Oooo updates.. yay!

    You know, I love the Macbook, but I love the MBP too. I just hope the price comes down a bit so I could get one comfotably with work discount. :o If not, MB it shall be in the new year

    Sutures On The Skull. Figure 5 shows the skull
  • Figure 5 shows the skull

  • SmileyBlast!
    May 4, 03:09 PM
    This sounds high risk to me.
    Better to go with optical media.
    I wonder if this could leave a number of Macs crippled if their current OS is unstable or otherwise impaired?
    Still they test this stuff right? In multiple scenarios. Will antivirus software and the like let these OS changes occur?

    Sutures On The Skull. Anatomy of the normal skull of
  • Anatomy of the normal skull of

  • pavetheforest
    Sep 15, 09:40 PM
    I really hope they update the MBP with the C2D, a new enclosure would be great too, heres to hoping...

    Sutures On The Skull. been found in one skull.
  • been found in one skull.

  • Popeye206
    Apr 7, 10:23 AM
    If Apple was found to be abusing its position... yes. But this is NOT my point, my point was 'countries start to investigate Apple due to a shortage of components due to Apple buying up the available stock for a prolonged period of time'. This is very different from Apple being found guilty etc etc.

    Stella, Nothing wrong or illegal about a company securing parts. RIM, HP, and others have the resources to do the same, but they did not and Apple did. Just because one company is smarter than the others does not make it illegal.

    It does show though... I'd invest in Touch Panel makers. They are going to be expanding like crazy! Great investment opportunity!

    May 3, 10:49 PM
    I don't know what you guys mean by leaders. We make our decisions individually in the thread, right?

    Apr 23, 09:34 PM
    Now that looks good. :)

    Nov 23, 04:55 PM

    May 6, 01:14 AM
    And putting ARM as a secondary processor so that Macs can run iOS apps? There's absolutely no need...

    Trying to graft an ARM processor into an Intel based system seems like a lot of added complexity. Apple doesn't like making things more complicated. Think of how simple and small the logic board is in the iPad.

    A ton of design decisions... How do the ARM chip and Intel chip share memory? Do we instead give each separate memory pools? Communication between the two chips... at what cost to performance? Who gets control of the display at what times? I very seriously doubt that a hybrid system will transpire unless Apple has developed some "secret sauce" for dealing with this problem.

    Do these two architectures even use memory in the same way?

    Apr 23, 08:51 PM
    we wont see it in macs until mid 2012

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