volkswagen beetle 2009

volkswagen beetle 2009. volkswagen beetle 2009
  • volkswagen beetle 2009

  • BC2009
    Apr 6, 03:28 PM
    Nice...I'm glad to have a more rare piece of hardware. I love mine and have no issues, it'll only get better over time.Reminds me of the days of the RAZR, that's what the iPhone and iPad have become.

    Honda sells a TON more cars than BMW by a huge factor...I'd rather drive a BMW, I guess you're all happy with the Hondas :)

    I think its funny that when Google gains the edge in the smartphone marketshare battle the fandroids declare victory, but somehow the Xoom is the "BMW" of tablets when its marketshare sucks.

    Xoom is NOT a terrible product, but to be called the BMW of tablets would require that it is better than the iPad. This is more like Hondas and Hyundais. Android tablets are currently the Hyundais -- trying to copy the Hondas as closely as possible (Hyundai's name is close to Honda and so is there logo, and so are most of their car styles). However, what you find is that the Hyundai while it may be priced comparably and has comparable technical specifications that it is really not built as well.

    However, on the smartphone side, your analogy does in fact hold very well. Android is on high-end phones as well as the cheap freebies the carriers are giving away. There are variants of Android being used on devices that Google has no control over and behave in a far more inferior manner than regular Android phones, but are counted among the Android numbers. Android is the Chevrolet of the smartphone market (selling everything from Corvettes to Aveos) while Apple's sells only to the premier customers. People don't buy iPhone because they could not get an Android phone, but they do buy an Android phone because they could not get an iPhone for the price they wanted it. iPhone is the one that is more highly desired, though folks will settle for an Android phone because its cheaper to acquire and more widely available -- just like a Chevrolet.

    Apple creates premier products. With the iPad, they were the first of such premier products and they are experiencing what Henry Ford experienced with the Model-T. Five years from now there will be a fleet of competitors that are as good or even better, but right now iPad is the standard and the competition is basically trying their best to copy or anticipate Apple's next move.

    Ironically, the one area that Xoom got higher marks than iPad on Consumer Reports was "Versatility". This was because they had a Micro SD slot. I think its funny that a non-functioning Micro-SD slot is better than a $30 camera kit that includes two adapters that actually makes for a functioning SD-card connection or USB connection. I can connect SD cards to my iPad-2 all day long with my adapter. I also have a USB port via an adapter, HDMI, VGA, Composite Video, and Component Video. Sure it requires adapters, but at least I have the options -- they are all there. I also have better options at my disposal and only resort to wired connections when I have to (AirPlay >> HDMI -- wireless transfer >> SD card).

    In summary.... Xoom good, iPad better (both iPad 1 and definitely iPad 2). Even the idiots at Consumer Reports can figure out that the Xoom is only as good as the comparable iPad 1 (which costs far less).

    volkswagen beetle 2009. 2009-Pink-Barbie-Volkswagen-
  • 2009-Pink-Barbie-Volkswagen-

  • rezenclowd3
    Dec 12, 06:05 PM
    At least GT6 is already underway. ( (old news, but throwing it out there for those that don't know)

    volkswagen beetle 2009. Ultimate Dubs 2009 - ET Event
  • Ultimate Dubs 2009 - ET Event

  • bryanc
    Jul 27, 03:46 PM
    Well it's back to the future for all of us. Remember when the Mac was going 64-bit with the introduction of the G5 PowerMac on June 23, 2003? :rolleyes: Only more thanthree years later and we're doing it all over again thanks to Yonah's 7 month retrograde.

    Just so long as Steve doesn't say we'll be at 3 GHz in a year. :eek:


    volkswagen beetle 2009. 2006 Volkswagen VW New Beetle
  • 2006 Volkswagen VW New Beetle

  • bamerican
    Apr 25, 03:19 PM
    "Federal Marshals need a warrant. . . . . "

    Duh, the police always have to jump over a higher bar . . . I, personally, can come into your home, take your bag of cocaine, and go give it to the police and it will be admissible, even though the cops need a warrant. (I can be sued for breaking and entering, etc., but the drugs are still admissible.

    You are absolutely right. This lawyer is a complete idiot. The reason that federal marshals or any other goverment actor needs a warrant is because they are government actors. The Fourth Amendment protects people from the government, not private parties. Purely private searches are not protected by the Fourth Amendment.

    Apple is not a government actor and, unless they are acting in coordination or on behalf of the government, under the Fourth Amendment they don't require a warrant for a damn thing.

    Did this guy miss the day they taught law in law school?

    volkswagen beetle 2009. volkswagen beetle 2009
  • volkswagen beetle 2009

  • OzyOly
    Apr 6, 11:43 AM
    Can't wait. Shall be my new Work machine. :)

    volkswagen beetle 2009. 2009 vw beetle
  • 2009 vw beetle

  • Moyank24
    Apr 27, 12:30 PM
    I suspected it was a copy, I've never trusted the president, and I probably never will.

    You suspected what was a copy? Had you just read the article before commenting, you would have known it was a copy.

    And you don't trust the President? Shocking.

    volkswagen beetle 2009. March 10, 2009 1:30 pm By Zack
  • March 10, 2009 1:30 pm By Zack

  • ProwlingTiger
    Mar 31, 08:44 PM
    I like everyone bashing on the Apple "fanboys." It's comical. Somehow telling it like it is hangs a sign around your neck saying "i'm a fanboy, flame me."

    People defending Google here by saying Google is still open are simply delusional. Now, if you defend Google by saying, "hey, Google was wrong these past few years, they're going in the right direction now," I'll give you credit.

    But, somehow, Google changing its policies that were clearly not in the best interest of consumers gives people a reason to bash Apple customers.

    Google is practically admitting what Apple "fanboys" have been saying all along.

    "You can't handle the truth!"

    SactoGuy18: Good idea. I've been wondering why Google never did this originally.

    volkswagen beetle 2009. Volkswagen Beetle in India in
  • Volkswagen Beetle in India in

  • dscuber9000
    Mar 1, 08:13 AM
    Yet another case of straight people telling gay people how being gay works. I just don't get it.:rolleyes:

    volkswagen beetle 2009. volkswagen beetle 2009
  • volkswagen beetle 2009

  • epitaphic
    Aug 19, 05:53 PM
    And I'm not convinced this is only an application problem. When I run Handbrake on the Quad G5 alone it uses just over two cores 203%
    So what happened to:
    Both Toast and Handbrake can use 4 cores EACH
    Looking at the handbrake forums, speeds seem to vary drastically between users with the same machine. Definitely seems to be affected by whatever else you have running or configured in the OS or otherwise. I suppose the "cleanest" install to test is in the Apple store (I'm just assuming they do a clean ghost copy at shutdown or end of day?)

    When I ran tests on the Mac Pro at the Apple Store last Saturday between Toast and/or Handbrake, their use of more cores alone and together was much better.
    So your benchmarks show the Mac Pro using 15-33% less CPU than the G5? There's no doubt that Woodcrest is a superior chip architecture to the G5 (one would hope after 3 years) and so that's why you're seeing more FPS inspite of less CPU use. But why does it use less cores though? Seems like either its a software problem OR some hardware is being maxed (I/O or FSB perhaps?)

    So would it be correct to say that the only app that is even remotely "Quadcore aware" is Toast? It seems like by the time professional apps are made to take advantage of 4 cores we'll probably be on more than 8! :eek:

    If only they could build something in the CPU itself that delegates tasks to n cores, we'd all be sorted. :)

    volkswagen beetle 2009. 2009 Volkswagen Beetle
  • 2009 Volkswagen Beetle

  • Nuck81
    Aug 13, 12:21 AM
    It's refreshing that I don't have to go to gamespot forums to see a pointless immature fanboy pissing match :rolleyes:

    volkswagen beetle 2009. volkswagen beetle 2009 pink.
  • volkswagen beetle 2009 pink.

  • takao
    Dec 4, 09:01 PM
    I started the Italian Tour thing earlier today. Half of it is fun but half is just annoying. Theres a race with a murcielago at night, which is awesome but the damn car spins out if you dont hold the wheel perfectly straight while you break or accelerate, making it very difficult to keep any reasonable speed. The Alfa Romeo in the first leg of the tour is almost as bad. But the Ferrari race at Monza? Easy as pie, i got gold on my first attempt without much fight from the AI.

    hahe same here.. though i was close on the first alfa and rally challenge but the ferrari one: 1st corner you are first place and then you can just finish the race 'safe' but the lambo one... what a PITA .. it even spined out on me in a fast corner just because i went off the throttle slightly
    i already took a mental note to avoid _that_ lambo for the challenge

    volkswagen beetle 2009. LEGO Transformers VW Beetle
  • LEGO Transformers VW Beetle

  • yadmonkey
    Aug 11, 03:17 PM
    Apple's reasons for being secretive about product releases don't apply to their potential phone because they don't have a current product which they want people to buy in the meantime. In fact, this time around, it'll be advantageous to Apple for people to know it's coming, as they may hold out for one instead of getting something else. Once there is an iPhone, then they will probably be secretive about the next version.

    volkswagen beetle 2009. volkswagen beetle 2009
  • volkswagen beetle 2009

  • Nuvi
    Apr 12, 05:50 AM

    Avid is holding a great promotion to switch over to Media Composer if you are an FCP user. I am considering it based on what Apple shows us today.

    It's good to remember that Avid is offering the production suit version for FCP users so you'll be getting some additional software like Sorenson Squeeze, Boris Continuum Complete etc. If I remember correctly Boris Continuum Complete is around $1500, Sorenson Squeeze is $800. That's nice when you think that under a $1000 you get Avid MC 5.5 and all the rest of the apps and you're still left with your original FCP license.

    volkswagen beetle 2009. volkswagen beetle 2009
  • volkswagen beetle 2009

  • rwilliams
    Mar 22, 01:13 PM
    This is just a preview of the future, Android based tablets will clean the iPads clock. Apple made the so-called iPad 2 as a 1.5. Low res camera, not enough RAM, and low res screen. It's going to be a verrrry long 2012 for Apple. Sure it's selling like hot cakes now, but when buyers see tablets that they don't have to stand inline for, that have better equipment and are cheaper ... Apples house of cards will come crashing down around them.

    The only strength that Apple has is the app ecosystem; which is why they are going after Amazon for spiting on the sidewalk. They know the world of hurt coming their way.

    Well, you knew it was only a matter of time before this cat showed up.

    volkswagen beetle 2009. volkswagen beetle 2009
  • volkswagen beetle 2009

  • dakwar
    Mar 22, 02:40 PM
    Display playbook = 7"

    Display iPad = 9.7"

    That's not half the size.

    And before calling out irony, "your maths" has an 's' at the end. Thanks for playing.

    Dude go back to school. And pay particular attention to learn about diagonal lengths and surface areas of rectangles.

    volkswagen beetle 2009. .com/1971-vw-eetle-
  • .com/1971-vw-eetle-

  • madmax_2069
    Dec 12, 04:57 PM
    It's not a bad game but it could have been a lot better

    Yeah for the amount of developing time and the money that went into GT5 yes it could have been way better then how it turned out. many things can be fixed with patches, but it should not have needed to on release. i can see a few bugs and such but not like when it first came out.

    volkswagen beetle 2009. volkswagen beetle 2009 pink.
  • volkswagen beetle 2009 pink.

  • ssamani
    Sep 13, 07:28 PM
    I have to say that I think a lot of people have missed the point around various software not using all the cores. There is a simple reason. Developing multi threaded apps is hard. And until recently (~1 yr since G5 Quad) developing for more than 2 simultaneous threads (cores or processors) was pretty pointless on a Mac and completely pointless on a PC. Why would a developer bother to develop for more than two thread unless they expect threads to get blocked easily or there to be more than two cores? That's why browsers are one of the few genuine multithreaded apps, rather than 2-4 threads, the threads block easily, so having multiple makes sense. In a lot of cases where there was the opportunity for parallelism using a vector processing unit often makes more sense than multiple threads. Why spend development and testing effort on a solution with no hardware to even test it on, let alone deliver and make use of?

    The whole industry is taking a 90 degree turn and the tools for developing multithreaded applications are not up to scratch. Look at some of the commentary about XBox 360 and PS3 development.

    The dev tools will come, the software will catch up with the hardware, in the meantime just be glad that you can play your stolen MP3's and browse your pr0n without interfering with each other and stop whinging.

    volkswagen beetle 2009. 2009 Volkswagen Beetle
  • 2009 Volkswagen Beetle

  • Scarlet Fever
    Jul 20, 08:23 AM
    wow. 8 cores. *drool

    and i was just getting used to dual cores...

    i cant wait till they turn up as refurbs... ill own one faster than you can say "no you dont"

    volkswagen beetle 2009. 2009 Volkswagen New Beetle
  • 2009 Volkswagen New Beetle

  • john123
    Sep 19, 09:32 AM
    That whole comment had the tone of a spoilt 13 year old...

    You have no idea why some ppl are waiting for the next revision or upgrade - don't benchmark your rationale with others in way that dismisses other ppl who have equally legitimate reasons and opinions...

    Some ppl (who don't have allot of money to drop every year for the next best thing) have to spend wisely - and perhaps just want a revB machine that is more stable and refined. I for one keep my macs until they I will be waiting for revB to maximise my chances of a solid bug-free machine.

    If that makes me spoilt - b/c I don't want to purchase new products year after year - then there is nothing I can do about your perceptions...

    I don't know how many times we have to go round and round with this here. I've been on MacRumors since '01 and it's always the same-old, same-old. It's not legitimate. It's "I-wantism." You have no basis to believe that a Rev B would be more "stabled and refined." That's a hope, backed by nothing -- and nothing Apple ever comments on, either. The bottom line is that you can hope if you want, and you can wait if you want, but to bash Apple for being slow on the trigger, and to make the argument that Meroms are amazing and Yonahs are crap is, frankly, horse manure. Like I said, 64 bit is pretty irrelevant for most users, and the speed and battery differences are quite negligible. And the argument that Apple is losing tons of sales to PC manufactuers is, frankly, laughable too.

    Mar 31, 03:20 PM
    This is a smart move. It had to happen sooner or later.

    John Gruber would eat Steve Job's ***** if he could. His opinion is extremely biased.

    Yet what he said is 100% accurate..Weird how that can happen sometimes.

    Except... he's right. This was a bait-and-switch from Google. I don't think it was a bad move for the future of the platform, but it does render a lot of their PR commentary through history as bogus. As for Gruber, you clearly don't like him, but while he is certainly a fan of Apple he is usually correct.

    Despite what the fandroids think, the Android Ecosystem is in a world of hurt. Fragmentation is a much bigger problem then even Jobs said and they have almost no market at all for paid applications today. They will continue to dominate the worthless bottom of the market and nothing else if they do not do something to reign in these manufacturers.

    noire anqa
    Mar 26, 07:35 AM
    Thank you for your constructive reply but I have a feeling it will all fall on deaf ears given that most have never actually gone on Google and researched what has been added/changed/enhanced to Mac OS X Lion. For example SAMBA has been removed and completely replaced with a ground up clean room implementation of SMB2 which will translate into better support for Windows Vista and 7 clients as well as the latest versions of Windows. Why hasn't that been mentioned by the nay sayers here?

    OpenGL 3.2 has been added and funny enough not a single thing has been said about the fact that it lays the foundation for future updates that will be more prompt.

    Then there is Webkit2 based web browser whose knock on effects go well beyond Safari and into applications wishing to utilise web based technologies with framework that provides said functionality but handles all the mundane security/process isolation/etc behind the scenes.

    The merging of AV Foundation that serves as the foundation for future development for media products that will span iOS and Mac OS X; that you can have the same media core on iOS and Mac OS X then build upon it to differentiate between the desktop and tablet version by having a different interface, more features on the desktop version etc.

    Sandboxing is being enhanced further and more system components are being put into it as to reduce the security exposure when a bug is found.

    I'm sure others can note even more enhancements but it is frustrating when I hear the same nauseating ignorance over and over again from the cheap seats screaming there are no new features and yet they've done zero in the way of researching and reading on the matter.

    You can't hear me .. but i'm cheering for you.

    Mar 17, 11:18 AM
    So please 5P, provide some evidence on how Obama sold himself as a "dove".

    How many times did Barack Obama attempt to draw a difference between himself and Hillary by saying "I was against the war from the beginning."? Lots.

    How many times did he attempt to portray himself as the polar opposite of George Bush, especially his foreign policy? Lots.

    How many times did he say that he was going to repair the view of America in the eyes of the Muslim world? Lots.

    How many times did he say he would talk to leaders of 'terrorist nations' without preconditions? Lots.

    The point is... he talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. On foreign policy, he's more of the same. On everything else, especially domestic spending, he's much much worse.

    Apr 11, 03:23 PM
    So a 50" SD tv is better than a 42" High Def tv?

    Nope. But a 50" 1080p is better than a 42" 1080p.

    Aug 26, 06:12 PM
    ... those who understand binary and those who do not.

    Just sell Merom as "64 bit", that's twice as much as "32 bit".

    64 bits is not twice as big as 32 bits.... it's 2^32 (roughly 4.3 billion) times as big. Just like 1000 is not twice as big as 10.

    33 bits would be twice as big as 32 bits.

    But yes, you're right, the important thing here is not that merom is 20% faster (or 20% more power efficient), it's that it's 64 bit.

    Leopard will be 64 bit, and you can bet that once leopard is the shipping OS, there will be 64 bit only software that you will want to run. That's why it's worth having a Core 2 Duo system.


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