Wayland Town Beach

Wayland Town Beach. show in Wayland, Iowa.
  • show in Wayland, Iowa.

  • LightSpeed1
    Mar 27, 03:58 PM
    I think apple has even more of a lockdown on iOS 5 and because there are no leaks they are reporting delay.

    Wayland Town Beach. WAyland hosting best of
  • WAyland hosting best of

  • bedifferent
    Apr 23, 04:46 PM
    not the icons the wallpaper
    and its Macintosh HD/Library/Desktop pictures

    icons are located by clicking get info on an application, then clicking the icon in the window and command+c to copy. open up preview and click file, open from clipbord

    LOL was going about it the hardware in CoreServices/Finder.app (which has all the sidebar icons btw). Didn't think it would be the obvious in the Contents of the app. DOH!


    Wait, so the desktop wallpaper should be 3200x2000? I'm only seeing 2560x1600. Hmmmm.

    Checked out the icons, the largest I see in the App's are 512x512. Strange.

    UPDATE: Launchpad.icns shows 1024x1024. Checking app's specific to Lion, just odd some don't have the reported 1024.

    Wayland Town Beach. 279 Main St, Wayland, Massachusetts real estate
  • 279 Main St, Wayland, Massachusetts real estate

  • ghostlyorb
    Mar 29, 07:50 PM
    Even though it's sad to everyone who wants to buy an iPod.. I'll refuse to complain about it. Japan was crippled by the earthquake. Japan is in our prayers!

    Wayland Town Beach. the annual Wayland High
  • the annual Wayland High

  • gkarris
    May 4, 03:03 PM
    But will be greeted with outrage here anyway, just you watch.

    So I guess we'll all just send you our AT&T Internet Bills when we go over their newly implemented data usage caps? :eek:


    Wayland Town Beach. Apartments at The Wayland in
  • Apartments at The Wayland in

  • skeep5
    Nov 3, 11:23 AM

    Wayland Town Beach. Wayland Cemetery
  • Wayland Cemetery

  • jnpy!$4g3cwk
    Nov 11, 09:28 AM
    Blah blah blah. Lack of AV software makes Macs very unattractive to business settings.

    One of the barriers to integrating Macs into corporate and business environments is the lack of anti-virus tools. Yeah, you can dismiss this as FUD (and maybe there's some truth to that) but the fact remains--someday, one way or another, there will be a Mac OS X virus. I defy you to find one IT dept. in the country that wants to be caught off-guard by that. If you're going to have Macs in a business environment, the IT staff needs to know that they're protected in the event of an OS X virus outbreak. Whether any OS X viruses exist now or not and whether AV companies are trying to sell products with FUD is irrelevant in that context.

    Those of you who want to see wider adoption of Macs in business environments ought to be happy to see this kind of thing showing up, regardless of whether you personally need it or not.

    Yes, a lot of organizations require Macs to run AV software to protect Windows machines from each other. The idea is to make sure that infected documents don't get forwarded through Macs from one Windows box to another.

    Since I haven't been that happy with NAV, I decided to try Sophos. After a day or two, something mysteriously trashed all my account desktop settings, so, I uninstalled it. It might be a complete coincidence, or, it might be something related to Sophos-- I didn't have the time to figure it out. YMMV. But, I do suggest some deliberate testing before adopting it on a wider scale.

    Wayland Town Beach. Lewises, N. Wayland, 2008 no2
  • Lewises, N. Wayland, 2008 no2

  • DavidCar
    Sep 16, 12:18 PM
    As I've postulated in other threads, this is why I believe the 19th is still quite viable for a MBP update release. Apple may be starting a precedent by releasing updated hardware before an event featuring announcements that will benefit greatly on those new updated systems.A note from a reseller posted on xlr8yourmac yesterday notes that ALL their MB/P orders were delayed until the 19th.

    Wayland Town Beach. G.E.,Betty JO, Betty, wayland amp; Ginger
  • G.E.,Betty JO, Betty, wayland amp; Ginger

  • radiohead14
    Mar 30, 03:11 PM
    just signed up. the whole process is actually really easy. i was up and running within seconds. i've been buying all my music from amazon for years now, and having the convenience of your digital music automatically sync'd up to your personal locker is great. it even scanned my 104GB music collection within 2 mins! pretty cool

    Wayland Town Beach. at the Wayland Union High
  • at the Wayland Union High

  • rhsgolfer33
    Apr 20, 06:19 PM
    Capital gains allows you to choose the timeline and the price to a point. If Capital Gains is special because of time-linked shifts in pricing, why isn't freelance income.

    In my mind, income is income.

    You certainly can't choose the price in a capital gains situation - that is definitely a market determination; sure, you could sell for less than market it, but that would be pretty stupid and of no benefit.

    Capital gains isn't special because of price shifts over time, its special because the government is trying to spur investment - in addition to raising revenue, the tax code is largely a tool to get people to behave in a certain manner. The thought is that giving people a preferential rate on gains from investment encourages people to 1) invest in our economy 2) save for retirement. Whether it works or not is debated by economists and we could probably argue about it all day.

    I feel like I'm just repeating myself. I've already addressed that capital gains is not necessarily income.

    I'd love it if you could point out where you addressed this, because as a tax accountant, I'm having a hard time thinking of a time when a realized capital gain isn't income - if you have a realized net gain (ie amount realized is greater than your basis in the capital asset), you certainly have income. Certainly you could reinvest that net gain, but that doesn't mean you don't have income, that just means you realized a gain and reinvested the old basis and the gain (income). You're only taxed on realized gains that are recognized by the code (and you can net against realized losses) - sure, I could have an unrealized capital gain that isn't income, but I wouldn't be taxed on it either. Not that I don't agree with some of your points, but I'd really love the same clarification on this that most other posters have been asking for.

    I suppose what you are getting at as a trader is that you buy a capital asset for $1000 and sell two days latter for $1100, then reinvest the $1100 into another capital asset. You'd be taxed on the $100 of capital gain even though you effectively have no cash in your hands to pay the tax. Unfortunately for traders, income doesn't mean cash. But a person who was in the trade or business of being a professional trader wouldn't qualify for capital gains treatment anyways, it would all be ordinary income.

    Wayland Town Beach. WAYLAND – The Wayland football
  • WAYLAND – The Wayland football

  • tekmoe
    Sep 16, 03:07 PM
    Quick question,

    Is it possible to order online and pick up in a specified store when available?

    This would be the most convinient way for me to purchase when the new MBP's come out.

    unfortunately, no. wish that option was available.

    Wayland Town Beach. Circle in Wayland called
  • Circle in Wayland called

  • Eldiablojoe
    May 3, 10:06 PM
    I'm okay following DP for the moment. I'm not so sure that the sequence is as pivotal as portrayed. I think it would be an obvious place, the first starting room, to place vital objects, so exploring is a must. I'm not sure I agree that the "Move, Explore" sequence is more advantageous than the "Explore, Move" sequence. Keeping in mind that we get attacked the moment we move into a room, so we would want to explore it after a monster is vanquished.

    Now that she's mi esposa, maybe I can get Beatrice to finally make me a sandwich.

    PS-- The BLOWjoe joke is not really as funny as you think it is. It's easier to refer to me as either Dante or EDJ.

    Wayland Town Beach. 24 Mitchell St, Wayland,
  • 24 Mitchell St, Wayland,

  • gonnabuyamacbsh
    Apr 18, 05:10 PM
    How dare Samsung use a black rectangle with rounded corners! * sarcasm*

    those sick twisted bastards!

    Wayland Town Beach. 47 Old Sudbury Rd, Wayland, Massachusetts real estate
  • 47 Old Sudbury Rd, Wayland, Massachusetts real estate

  • PBF
    Mar 30, 08:09 PM
    Still downloading (10 more hours to go)...

    Those who experienced non-quitting iCal in DP1, can you quit it in DP2?
    Also, can the Launchpad icon be dragged out of the dock?

    Please, say 'yes' to the above 2 questions. :o

    Wayland Town Beach. 34 Jeffrey Rd, Wayland, Massachusetts real estate
  • 34 Jeffrey Rd, Wayland, Massachusetts real estate

  • Spanna
    Aug 6, 06:25 AM
    If new monitors are introduced with built in isights, does this mean Apple will discontinue the standalone isight as all macs will now come with built in isights ? (presuming you buy Apples monitor)

    Wayland Town Beach. Historic Ada County Courthouse (Boise, Idaho). E
  • Historic Ada County Courthouse (Boise, Idaho). E

  • KnightWRX
    May 6, 07:33 AM
    What I really wanted to say is that Google is going to run their datacentres on ARM

    There you go again with facts. Citation needed. I think what you want to say here is :

    "There was some speculation last year that Google might switch to ARM for their datacenters and servers after an acquisition of an ARM technology company".

    There is no way you can state what you are stating as a fact right now. ;)

    But the fact that Google bought a company developing ARM processors and also hired engineers from PA Semi that previously worked on Apple's A4 chips

    Yes, that is a fact you can state.

    means that they ARE going to produce their own ARM chips

    Not all acquisitions end up in workable projects. Google does a lot of acquisitions, some of them just end up as IP port-folio fodders, some of them get recycled into products, some of them just get abandonned. Who knows what Google is planning ?

    either for their own Android phones or more likely for their datacentres.

    How is it more likely for their datacenters, in light of Google's staff saying ARM isn't ready for the datacenter ? I'd say at this point, it's more likely for the Chrome OS based netbooks that will probably never see the light of day officially beyond the Cr48.

    Wayland Town Beach. E
  • E

  • firewood
    Mar 26, 11:21 PM
    My thoughts exactly. Our school district (ISD 482) just bought 1,465 iPads for its students, and I can see us getting really mad if Apple were to release a new iPad 6 mos. later.

    So how is that much different from them releasing new iPads 11 months later... like they just did? All the iPads in use didn't suddenly stop working.

    Wayland Town Beach. E Wayland|ryanbirthday 026 ryanbirthday 026
  • E Wayland|ryanbirthday 026 ryanbirthday 026

  • MSUSpartan
    Apr 23, 04:30 PM
    Wish Apple did something towards resolution independence and not make images bigger and bigger. :confused:

    Wasn't that a big thing from the Leopard announcement?

    Wayland Town Beach. E Wayland|DSC05078.JPG DSC05078.JPG
  • E Wayland|DSC05078.JPG DSC05078.JPG

  • ravenvii
    May 4, 12:07 PM
    i think it only restores health that was lost, up to your level.
    since we just started we are at full health, so it has no effect.
    i don't know if we can come back later and use it, or take it with us and use it later.
    i would imagine we can, otherwise it seems kind of pointless to put this treasure in the first room (unless treasure placement was done randomly).

    do we get a map of the next room? are there any other doors?
    EDIT: i see we have a map, but shouldn't we see the next room?

    I updated the map, look at above post.

    And nope, the healing treasure is gone forever. I put it there because I'm cruel. :D

    Wayland Town Beach. E Wayland|ryanbirthday 027 ryanbirthday 027
  • E Wayland|ryanbirthday 027 ryanbirthday 027

  • dernhelm
    Sep 11, 03:40 PM
    I really think Apple will offer atleast 3 resolutions ie QVGA, DVD and(crossing fingers) HD 720p(may be at an extra cost and limited in number of available titles). Apple needs to do something which will set them apart from Amazon. I`ll be really disappointed if all we get is the same as Amazon.

    Apple is not concerned with the width of your internet pipe, they will be concerned about the pressure everyone else puts on their own pipes.

    All I can say is plan on being disappointed. You will get wide-screen aspect ratios but there is no way they will start out with (720p or 1080i) HD quality for an internet download. Amazon didn't do it for the same reasons. A movie download store is of no particular use to anyone if you could drive to the store and purchase the movie quicker. Geeks who don't mind fiddling around with BitTorrent not withstanding, John Q. Public needs something straightforward and simple.

    I'm more interested in the way Apple plans on getting around the "you gotta watch it on your computer screen" problem. Computers are fun and all, but when I watch a movie, I want to do it curled up on the couch in front of my TV. I don't live in a dorm room and I have no particular desire to replace my TV with a computer screen. The number and types of movies that I will download will be severely restricted if they are limited to those that I am willing to watch on my computer.

    Apple has to solve that problem if they want their video store to take off. And I think SJ knows it. Really high quality video would be a bonus, but non-HD, widescreen aspect ratio video that I could stream directly to my TV with little or no headache would suit me just fine.


    May 6, 08:12 AM
    ... Arm haven't got a leg to stand on!

    Nov 26, 04:24 PM
    Too many buttons - if there were any more I'd think it was a Microsoft product. :D ;)

    lol my point exactly... and look at the status lights! What a joke. Was this mock-up meant to be a joke, or was it actually serious? Kind of lacking in the apple-ness department (OSX aside)

    Anyway... thank god at least for a new rumour. Was getting annoyed abotu having to read the 'thanksgiving sale confimed' BS.

    give me an ultraportable... interface is up to steve.

    Aug 7, 03:09 PM
    Nice machine indeed.
    Good job Apple.
    I would buy one in a heartbeat with Adobe apps were universal. Oh well, just wait for next year. Plus is always safe to get the rev.b for this Intel MacPro.

    Love Leopard!
    More things coming next week?

    Aug 4, 12:03 AM
    Why not? They did it with the iBooks for quite some time...
    Yes, but the G3 was a more power efficient chip than the G4, while the opposite is true of the Core vs the Core2. Apple should put Core2 chips in the MacBooks ASAP, if only for the power saving. And Apple should also try to maximize the percentage of its user base that is 64 bit capable prior to the release of OS X 10.5, which should be 64 bit.

    Don't forget that when they ship, the Core2 chips will cost as much as the Core chips do now. So, if Apple doesn't upgrade the MacBooks to Core2 or drop their prices, it will start to look like it is less competitive in pricing again.

    Aug 3, 11:23 PM
    are people not expecting merom to go immediately into the macbook as well? i don't see a reason for apple to purposely gimp their best-selling notebook when a merom chip is supposed to cost the same as its yonah counterpart.

    Why not? They did it with the iBooks for quite some time...

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