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  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 25, 01:54 PM
    why isn't there an opt-in (apart from the general 'eat **** or die' TOU) or at least an opt-out for this?
    It's opt-in. When you first use an app that requests to use location data iOS asks you if that okay and you can deny it. You can also opt out by turning location services off..

    why is it so easy to access the data?
    Put a pin/password on you phone and encrypt your iTunes backup (it's a simple checkbox in iTunes preferences). You're secure.

    I can't possibly see how the plaintiffs can win this one.

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  • iEvolution
    Apr 19, 06:51 PM
    So when is apple going to sue over the letter "i"?

    Or how about suing companies for using certain shapes?

    This kind of garbage just makes them look petty, just like the youtube videos demonstrating other phone antenna problems.

    the white house floor plan. white house floor plan 1st
  • white house floor plan 1st

  • AidenShaw
    Aug 27, 08:17 AM
    I believe Intel has been having trouble getting the required chipsets out on time to the desktop market.

    You can get the chips themselves without much trouble- the retail versions are available at Newegg for the 1.86, 2.13, 2.66, and 2.93 Extreme Core 2 Duo chips, with the sole out of stock chip being the 2.4GHz chip, with an estimated time of arrival being Sept. 1st at 2:30PM.
    I was at a local DIY store Saturday, and they had stacks of Core 2 Duo (Conroe) chips in all speeds, and lots of mobos with 965 and 975 chipsets.

    It would be unusual for that store to have all that kit if there's a supply problem.

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  • Type-B Floor Plan

  • rovex
    Apr 11, 05:52 PM
    All i want for iphone 5 is dual core and 1GB ram, was hoping that Apple would do a silent update like they did for the macbook series.

    I don't see 1 gig of ram coming, but It may well be upgraded. On top of what you said, larger screen, 4G, 8 MP 1080p video and FaceTime hd and that would 100% be a worthy upgrade. Sadly, it won't turn out that way.

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  • Floor Plan of First Floor

  • AidenShaw
    Jul 14, 11:14 PM
    OTOH, its been great to finally read the benchmark figures for the new apple processors. It hit me that the mac community will finally have overclocking hardware readily available! Wow!
    s/mac community/all the Intel vendors/wh

    You have been assimilated.

    Apple == Dell == IBM == Gateway == Lenovo == ...

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  • Semi open floor plan Apartment

  • Multimedia
    Aug 21, 01:25 AM
    Mac Pros will need 64bit Leopard to achieve their full multi-core potential. Expect all Core 2 based Macs to hold value well through the next release cycle of OSX Leopard.

    Apple is still selling G5's on the website for $3299! Until
    Adobe gets out - and optimizes - universal binaries, Quad G5 will sell for more than Quad Xeon Mac Pros! :rolleyes:Quad G5 is only $2799 on the SAVE refurb page. Refurbs are the same as new with a new warranty. But I think that would be a poor choice compared to a Mac Pro. The Mac Pro is not cheaper because you have to add more expensive RAM. But it is faster overall and Rosetta Photoshop performance isn't bad. Quad G5 will also benefit from Leopard don't forget. It's not like Leopard is going to not be written to take advantage of the 64-bit G5 as well.

    But I would not recomend a G5 Quad to anyone at this point. I'm pondering a Mac Pro purchase myself. But I'm going to try and hold out for a refurb or even see if I can wait for Clovertown. But I'm likely to be one of the first to snag a Mac Pro refurb when they hit the SAVE page in November-December. By then I may even be thinking about waiting for the January 9th SteveNote. Quad G5 is no slouch. But Mac Pro is faster overall.And I thought you were married to your quad last week ......While I may be married to my Quad G5, we're not exclusive and she likes a threesome with the younger faster models as much as I do too. :p

    the white house floor plan. Big White house rental - The
  • Big White house rental - The

  • jonnysods
    Mar 26, 01:15 PM
    I love Snow Leopard, really love it. Of course there are a few things I want to change in it, but I really enjoy using it and it seems to be the most light weight OS I have used for a long time.

    I'm going to hold off on Lion a little. I think it's the iOS marriage that is making me hesitant for now....

    And I remember the issues when people jumped from Tiger to Leopard. I don't want to be one of those posters!

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  • blueprints of the white house

  • rdowns
    Apr 28, 08:04 AM
    Step out of your little fairytale world

    I loves me some irony.

    the white house floor plan. White House floor plan
  • White House floor plan

  • kavika411
    Feb 28, 08:20 PM
    According to the school's website (, he was not fired as the OP's article suggests. Rather, his contract was not renewed. AFAIK, adjunct instructors do not enjoy the same privileges as tenured professors. If his contract ran out and was simply not renewed, then that's that, unless it can be argued that the college has some legal obligation to offer a new contract.

    But threads like this are above further research. Not sure why you'd want to mess up a perfectly good party.

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  • Consultant
    Apr 7, 10:23 PM
    Oh no. BB is a good way to find an ipad 2 in some areas.

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  • iSamurai
    Apr 6, 10:20 AM
    I would love to see a 15" laptop with no optical drive, with the specs and price somewhere between the MBA and MBP.

    the white house floor plan. Floor plan of the White House
  • Floor plan of the White House

  • shawnce
    Aug 16, 11:21 PM
    Still waiting for game benchmarks...
    I think you will be happy with rather amazing performance boost you will see from WoW in the near future when running on a Mac Pro (it isn't all a result of just hardware either). Expect other games to improve as well.

    the white house floor plan. time atop the White House
  • time atop the White House

  • ABernardoJr
    Apr 25, 03:12 PM
    statistics show that distribution of firearms mainly lead to more homocides and also suicides using firearms.
    if guns are outlawed, their distribution is greatly limited, making it a lot harder for outlaws to obtain them.

    the more you spread guns, the greater is the risk of them being used in illegal activities.

    ..oh wait... this forum is about apple and computers, right? :rolleyes:

    Do you know what an outlaw is? Much less how an outlaw determined to obtain something is not going to stop "because it's harder" or because they are not allowed to? Hence the "outlaw" term?

    the white house floor plan. Current White House Floor Plan
  • Current White House Floor Plan

  • Jon'sLightBulbs
    Aug 26, 04:08 PM
    You're screwing up, intel. We don't want 300 trillion transistors on a 1 nm die. We want longer battery life. Idiots.

    the white house floor plan. Current White House Floor
  • Current White House Floor

  • hansolo669
    Mar 31, 10:47 PM
    As far as I can tell its still an open source project.
    This is the first time a company has made a fully open source mobile device operating system, it's Awsome. However with google placing more control in it's hands (and the projects hands) it will motivate companys to stay current and thus level the os playing field. How many people install updates on their computer? How many on phones? The difference is 1:1000 but that's because the phone forces you too.

    On a different note any complaints about button layout need not apply, it takes two seconds to learn a new layout and unless you review divides you won't have to worry about button layouts (how man of you pick up a friends android(or any os) phone WITHOUT looking at the buttons?

    the white house floor plan. Current White House Floor Plan
  • Current White House Floor Plan

  • centauratlas
    Apr 6, 04:39 PM
    You both ignored HOT DOGS! Sheesh, hot dogs rule. The only problem is kids under 6 choking on them unless you cut them right. But that will be fixed in the v3.0 hot dog, they will come pre-sliced.

    You busted me.

    I am a hamburger fanboi, and will turn into a raving lunatic, foam at the mouth and make up opinions based on nothing all to defend my beloved hamburgers. After all they're lighter, slimmer and tastier than cheesburgers!!!

    Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk

    the white house floor plan. White House Floor Plan
  • White House Floor Plan

  • SevenInchScrew
    Sep 1, 09:50 AM
    So i'm wondering, if the standard cars are indeed copy/pasted from GT4, then what about the new standard cars they will be adding (like updated models from the past 5 years)? Obviously the ps3 can handle higher poly models, so surely they wouldn't build new models then scale them down to match gt4... That would be idiotic.
    As I understand it, all of the Standard� cars are using the models from GT4 and GT PSP. The models used in those 2 games are basically the same. GT PSP had well over 800 cars itself, and came out just last year, so it has quite a few newer models. So, subtract a few from the lists of those 2 games for the cars that have been updated to Premium� status, and you could still have well over 800 Standard� cars, as they say it will have. To me, that seems like the most likely solution that they've done.

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 12, 07:41 AM
    Again I am amazed at how many people here think a 4" screen is the wave of the future. It is not.

    A 4" display is already the standard size.

    Just because Apple has not progressed is no indicator of their plans for the upcoming model. To continue to lag behind the rest of the pack with a little display would be sad.

    the white house floor plan. current white house floor
  • current white house floor

  • maclaptop
    Apr 11, 05:42 PM
    Do you really think they care? Even if they make a phone that doesn't make calls people will think it's the greatest innovation in the history of mankind.
    This is so true it's sickening.

    The number one function I'd like to see in the upcoming model is a phone that works as well as every other smartphone I own. Then I'd be able to rely on it, and promote it to my primary phone. Id like nothing better.

    Mar 31, 04:31 PM
    Oh, then I can take the Honeycomb source code and do whatever I want with it?

    Oh, wait, I can't? Then how doesn't this make Android 'closed source'?

    Sure, just buy a Honeycomb powered device. Until then Google has no legal requirement to let you have the GPL portions of source. As for the rest, it is licensed under an Apache License, which does not require Google release the source at all but does allow a user to modify and redistribute what they do have.

    FOSS does not mean they have to put the source out in the open.

    Apr 11, 02:19 PM
    Depending on what features are available on iOS 5 for iPhone 4 compared to 3GS, I might upgrade. Getting sick of my 3GS.

    Apr 25, 01:45 PM
    Ah, the perfect storm! A (probable) bug that does not clip the data the way Google does it, a story that gets reported months ago and then it forgotten, a new story that appears and blows it way out of proportion, news articles that imply Apple is SPYING ON YOU (even though Apple does not get this information), and lots of ignorance spewed all over the Web.

    Natually this leads to stupid lawsuits. This is America, dammit!

    *sigh* This is turning into another Antennagate, misinformation and all. Steve is going to have to do more than that email to get people to shut up about what is a very small issue that is being exploded into a very large misinformation campaign.
    Pretty well said.

    Mar 22, 05:52 PM
    I'm not american, perhaps you should be utilising the 'proper' English that was invented here.

    And you're last sentence makes you look rather condescending and quite frankly a bit of a pretentious moron.

    And I'm sorry to say, I've never been to the states, but of course you make an unfounded and ignorant assertion that I have never travelled. Really, you're not doing yourself much good with that mentality you have.

    Glad that you're just showcasing your pitiful character to the rest of us.

    Just stop already. You made a couple of stupid and incorrect statements. You got called on them. Suck it up and admit you were wrong. It happens to the best of us :)

    Sep 13, 11:55 AM
    Lets not forget things like Spotlight that can now run more rigorously without affecting CPU resource much. You will get more intelligent software that can prepare for what you want to do so that when you go to do it it will be much more responsive. In other words just because some tasks cannot be easily broken up to leverage multiple cores doesn't mean that tasks such as those cannot be speculative run by software on idle cores in preparation for you doing the task.

    Yes, that's definitely true. And I'd be happy to divert a whole core just to frickin WindowServer. :D

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