will kopelman

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  • Howdr
    Mar 18, 11:23 AM
    People who complain that your service provider is going to make you follow the ru:eek:les unnerve me with their uncanny ability to disregard all that stands to reason with the sustainability of your "toys." They are like little sissies on the playground crying after a Barbie Doll has been taken from them. Those people should man up and start paying for the footprint they leave on the network.
    WOW in plain English......... If you use a lot you should pay for it.

    OK I agree

    but AT&T are the ones who advertise Unlimited Data

    Should they not "Man UP"? and stop this hiding behind definitions of nonsense in a contract.

    Essentially the point many and I make is

    we pay for Data that is contracted as unlimited,
    At&t then has a contract that says its unlimited Data with us and then says they can decide when its abused.

    OK using 5gb or less is not considered abuse by them, OK

    But tethering 100mb of that 5gb is abuse even though it does not go over the usage and it makes no network difference to At&t

    the problem is the contract itself is contradictory in how it is written and the enforcement of this issue is in huge suspect, At&t truly may not have one kb of proof that you tethered.

    I see many problems with this.

    Lawsuits? Class action maybe not individuals.

    and it would have to be those paying for tethering and or charged a fine for doing so or forced into a tethering contract.

    Not I, I have no emails nothing, = No harm.

    will kopelman. and Will Kopelman kiss at
  • and Will Kopelman kiss at

  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 06:48 PM
    Most Islamic countries are not inhabitable by homosexuals or religious minorities, your mileage may vary.

    The biggest muslim population right now is Indonesia, and they tried banning Christians from using Allah to describe their God. They're also trying to ban the Ahmadiyah sect...

    I don't think France or Britain are responsible for Iran's strict implementation of Islamic law and ruthless persecution of dissidents, and to claim that they are responsible is insulting to Muslims because it implies they're far too reactionary to deal with anything using Reason. Just like people who want to ban qur'an burnings and blasphemy because they're afraid of how muslims might react. Are Muslims animals who are so easily goaded? No, they're human beings so they should be expected to act responsibly and not go on rampages at the slightest provocation.

    The Ahmadiyya sect goes against the first pillar of Islam. :/

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  • boyfriend Will Kopelman,

  • CQd44
    May 2, 09:16 AM
    Bigger, most Windows PC have anti-virus, can you say the same for Macs?

    If this is safari specific, it shouldn't be that big. How many people *really* use it?

    will kopelman. Will Kopelman yesterday,
  • Will Kopelman yesterday,

  • entatlrg
    Mar 13, 01:58 PM
    It's hard to be a fan of anything on this planet that is capable of destroying the planet.

    Natural disaster, terrorism, sabotage, war, human error are all very real risks to nuclear power. Plus, disposing of, rather storing it's waste is just postponing problems...

    Therefore nuclear energy is not a good idea, (imo).

    Yes, other methods cost more, cause pollution or aren't as efficient, (in their current state) ...

    How do you proponents of nuclear power discount the very real risks it poses to mankind itself? War and terrorism especially. HUGE accident(s) waiting to happen.

    Decades ago more research and money should of been thrown at alternative energy's. Innovations from that could of put us more safely further ahead.

    There is a better way, timely and costly to find them and that takes away from the profits the already rich make from the 'nuclear industry', while they continue to brainwash the citizens of the world how safe it is .... "snap out of it I say"....

    will kopelman. Drew Barrymore Will Kopelman
  • Drew Barrymore Will Kopelman

  • rhett7660
    Mar 11, 10:13 AM
    Not to mention the videos of it happening.

    Wow.... Devastating to say the least.

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  • Drew Barrymore Will Kopelman

  • Lord Blackadder
    Aug 29, 03:55 PM
    I dislike Greenpeace - their list may or may not have some relevance but this is one messanger I wouldn't mind shooting.

    will kopelman. Drew Barrymore Will Kopelman
  • Drew Barrymore Will Kopelman

  • BRLawyer
    May 2, 02:08 PM
    They have done nothing to discourage it? Well, they introduced an annoying pop-up asking for confirmation that makes the developers customers frustrated. Any suggestion what other meaningful action they can take?
    Also, I can't think of any application I have installed on my Windows PC that behaves like this.

    When I first started using a Mac seriously, which was when Vista was out and got criticized for UAC, I was really surprised to discover that OS X has the exact same thing. In Windows 7 you not only have the option to switch it on and off, you can also customize the intrusiveness of it, I find it much more user friendly than in OS X.
    I think a lot of people here need to actually try Windows 7 out instead of categorically dismiss it.

    To compare Windows' extremely annoying UAC crap with the non-intrusive one-time authorization requests for newly-downloaded files on Mac OS X is ludicrous...not to mention the fact that OS X's user password validity lasts for a while after it is typed.

    Conclusion: You've probably never really used OS X.

    will kopelman. boyfriend Will Kopelman
  • boyfriend Will Kopelman

  • Hunabku
    Apr 20, 06:28 PM
    I guess if you want a computer that is cheap and weak, you can get a Windows computer.

    Cheap (maybe) - Weak (no) unless you're taking reliability into account.

    will kopelman. His name is Will Kopelman and
  • His name is Will Kopelman and

  • Multimedia
    Oct 25, 11:20 PM
    I think price will be the key. These are pricey chips. Apple will have to work their magic.

    I wonder how many current Mac Pro owners will just buy the new chips off pricewatch.com and pop them in.Not pricy at all. 2.33GHz Clovertown are same price as 3GHz Woodies $851. 2.66GHz Clovertown's only $1172 each.

    So premium for 2.66GHz 8-Core will likely not be more than + $1100 - $3599. That's down to just over $450 per same speed core from the current price of four 2.66GHz Xeon cores for $625 each.

    will kopelman. boyfriend Will Kopelman,
  • boyfriend Will Kopelman,

  • ppmanguin
    Apr 21, 05:28 AM
    I just hate that people have to blindly bash Android products, and this isn't aimed directly at you, just the majority of users on this site in general.


    I have iPhone 1-4. Recently I switched to Android 2.1 on Xperia X10 for the bigger screen and handsome white exterior.
    Don't even expect the experience to be anything like iOS - you guys say it's like Windows - and it is like Windows...definitely.

    I eventually got the hang of the Android system and I'm now quite knowledgeable wit it - so don't say the problems I'm about to tell you are user issues...please - I've got it all figured out.

    There's a few very MAJOR problems with Android:

    1. Takes ALOT of customization to get the way you like - the original stock firmwares released by the manufacturers are total crap. I had to root (like jail-breaking the iphone), install mods/themes to improve usability and a lot of others here and there. There's also crap software loaded onto the phone by the manufacturer and the carrier that slows the phone down, use battery etc etc etc... it takes a lot of time & effort to make the interface comparable to the elegance of iOS.

    2. BIGGEST problem - APPS - you have to download everything you want. Most of the Google apps are in fact fragmented and Rubbish!
    Eg. There's 2 email apps - 1 called "Gmail" and the other called "Email", except "Gmail" can't connect to anything other than Gmail while "Email" can connect to anything - so why have 2 apps. On top of that you can search emails in "Gmail", but not in "Email" Confusing? yes.

    Along with that, standard apps you find on iOS are just missing and you have to download ugly, non-uniform apps for notepad, stop watch, voice memo stocks, weather and so on - not to mention they are unstable, quality not comparable to to iOS on many aspects, and not free.

    will kopelman. linked to Will Kopelman,
  • linked to Will Kopelman,

  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 04:47 PM
    There, fixed it for ya (and the "'s too) ;)

    OS X and Windows have their pro's and con's, no OS is 100% secure. However (and read my posts), working in the field I can assure you 75%+ of my clients have security/virus/malware issues with everything from XP-W7. Executable's are the equivalent to barfing into your system; they get everywhere and are difficult to remove.

    If Windows followed Apple and developed hardware to utilize their OS instead of coding an OS for a myriad of profiles (and ditching antiquated BIOS for EFI) it would allow for a better end user experience and for MS to focus on better security. Yet this would mean millions to billions for businesses to reinvest in new hardware as well as MS producing a good product (based on their industrial design team and product history, I wouldn't bet on it).

    OS X based systems are generally more secure than Windows systems. I could google "OS X safer than Windows" and find as many claims as you suggest, but that would be bias. Google " 'OS X versus Windows' security' ", you will most likely discover articles/studies with no bias/agenda. If OS X wasn't more secure than Windows OS systems, why aren't more users running anti-virus/malware utilities?

    Ah well, forget google-ing "windows is more secure than OS X",

    just ask google; they know better I guess. ;)

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  • Th3Crow
    Apr 28, 08:13 PM
    Are you? Why do you think Windows 7 sells so well? All Mac users need to buy one.

    That's hilarious! Do you really believe that? Half of the people I know started out with Windoze, and have since migrated to Mac. They've never looked back. None of them would think of contaminating their Mac with Winblows. I don't know a single person that started out Mac and moved to PC. Not one. And none of them feel any need to run Windows.

    will kopelman. Drew Barrymore Will Kopelman
  • Drew Barrymore Will Kopelman

  • Phat Elvis
    Sep 12, 04:07 PM
    There's no need for DVR functionality. Apple will replace your cable subscription. You just subsribe to the shows you want and al la carte other shows after that. Networks will probably even do the season premieres free to get you hooked or add sponsor the shows to make them free. TV on demand is obviously the next wave - even the cable companies know it and have on demand etc. I mean not to be racist but I'm happy to stop paying comcast for the 10+ stations that are in languages I don't even speak. I barely speak english - hahaha.

    In conclusion - its the same data - just different timing.

    I totally agree with this. This is the perfect device for Apple to start selling subscriptions to shows to replace cable. A la cart cable legislation is picking up steam and this will put iTunes in the cable business. Think about how many households have iPods, now compare that number to the HUGE number of houses that have cable. Wouldn't you rather pay for only the shows that you watch?

    The think that worries me is that there is no mention of this device being able to play non-iTunes movies. What about if you back up a DVD to your computer. Can you play it on this? We'll have to wait and see.

    will kopelman. Will Kopelman On The Rocks
  • Will Kopelman On The Rocks

  • emw
    Mar 18, 10:16 AM
    I wonder how long it'll be until Apple comes up with a fix for this?Probably before the the end of the day, I would imagine.

    But is this really a surprise to anybody? I mean, really, how much can the RIAA bitch about this? They sell CDs that anyone can burn and share - they should be happy that Apple is trying to improve upon this model in the first place. Of course, I know they will still bitch...

    will kopelman. will kopelman images.
  • will kopelman images.

  • bluap84
    Mar 11, 03:25 AM
    The Guardian has a good updated feed here (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog/2011/mar/11/japan-earthquake) if anyone wants to be kept updated

    will kopelman. Drew Barrymore Will Kopelman
  • Drew Barrymore Will Kopelman

  • OllyW
    Oct 8, 07:11 AM
    As for the prediction of Android surpassing iPhone's market share -- maybe, maybe not. But if it's going to do that, it'll have to suddenly hit the 'wow' factor and also gain an international distribution, network, and support of some kind.

    I hear GOOG and VZN are in bed now but that seems U.S.-centric. To have any prayer of surpassing the iPhone, GOOG is going to have to hook up with a lot of other providers in other nations.

    They already have the major networks in Europe.

    The four major European networks, Vodafone, T-Mobile, Orange, and Telefonica (O2), are all planning to launch handsets powered by the Android platform during the second half of 2009. (http://www.talkandroid.com/1364-european-networks-shift-to-android/)

    will kopelman. boyfriend Will Kopelman,
  • boyfriend Will Kopelman,

  • PowerGamerX
    Apr 9, 08:19 AM
    These people that are trying to claim they're a hardcore gamer, aren't. A true gamer plays games, regardless of where they are played or how they are played. A gamer plays games. There's nothing more too it than that.

    That said, I don't find iOS games all that compelling personally. I like to have games with a little more depth, which is why I'm a fan of the PSP. There are plenty of great iPhone games, they just aren't great for more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time.

    This doesn't mean I don't like short games, no. This just means I like games to have "more than meets the eye".

    will kopelman. Drew Barrymore amp; Will Kopelman
  • Drew Barrymore amp; Will Kopelman

  • NT1440
    Mar 16, 01:48 PM
    I was talking about the invention of hydro?

    Regarding nuclear subsidization, I'm quite aware of this fact. We subsidize ethanol, we subsidize oil, we subsidize nuclear, we subsidize wind, we subsidize solar. Seems kind of pointless, doesn't it? It's like playing roulette and putting a chip on every single number.

    Naturally we should just hedge our bets on one right? :confused:

    Here in reality, its pretty obvious to anyone paying attention that in the interim until renewables are able to take the stage as our top producers we have to go with an "all in" approach. There is no silver bullet at this point in time.

    will kopelman. Drew Barrymore amp; Will Kopelman
  • Drew Barrymore amp; Will Kopelman

  • skunk
    Apr 24, 11:00 AM
    So why would you need to adapt your beliefs, unless of course the god doesn't exist and the Bible was just written by a bunch of blokes performing a rather cynical political exercise 2,000 years ago.How could you even think such a thing?

    Mar 27, 04:56 PM
    Although that's true, it doesn't show that homosexuality is a healthy quality to have.

    It's funny how social attitudes change. In Christian Rome it was considered perfectly normal for men to have (male) child partners (although this seems to be coming back into fashion in the Catholic church).

    In Sparta homosexuality was encouraged because it was thought that spending too much time with women would weaken and feminise the male warriors.

    In other city states in ancient Greece homosexuality was also considered the norm.

    Mar 18, 12:25 PM
    This is a simple and cheap way for AT&T to address the most abusive users in a way they give themselves the choice.

    Why now? It may have iOS 4.3 as a small factor, but the larger factor is uptake on (fully paid) iPad data plans is so brisk and invites more legitimate use of the network, they need to create network capacity fast, before they install more backhaul or towers. This is that way.

    A small percentage of users really are using the bulk of variable bandwidth.


    Jun 24, 02:48 AM
    Do a lot of travel around the U.S., about 25 trips a year. I have a Verizon phone with the US GOVT. and my cool Iphone. Let's just say that with every four or five dropped calls on Iphone, I get maybe 1 on the Verizon overall. Recently dropped a friend four times in a row using IPHONE at home, and I have no landline phone. As much as I like Apple and the Iphone, this DROID X is too beautiful of a screen for me to avoid July 15th, since I watch so many movies during travel on my iphone, not to mention the better service with Verizon.

    Iphone it was nice knowing Ya!

    I am going to keep my macbook pro and Hackintosh beast at home though! :)

    Aug 29, 02:00 PM
    How the hell can nokia be one of the top companies - here in the UK, the phones it makes are seen as throw-away. If you get the average pay as you go user upgrading every 9 months or so, the amount of waste produced is ridiculous.

    Also nokia is based Scandinavian country (finland i think) and i'm sure there are tougher laws on environmental issues over there than the US/UK. Therefore, is what nokia does because of it's own volition, or because they are forced to.

    Full of Win
    Mar 18, 10:37 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    What we need need to do is to use our rights to their maximum amount. If you are on the so-called unlimited plan, download all that you can until you reach 4.5 GB per month (as shown by myAtt.app). Also, download during the day if possible, to cost them even more for peak usage. Leaving data on the table every month is for suckers.

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