william and kate royal wedding pictures

william and kate royal wedding pictures. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • EricNau
    Jul 18, 02:01 AM
    Whether buying or renting, I hope these movies will be better quality than the current videos on the iTunes Music Store. I wouldn't pay a dime for a video that wasn't at least DVD quality.

    It's good that iTunes is gaining more features that will help keep it ahead of Microsoft.

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • BC2009
    Oct 24, 12:59 AM
    What a crock of nonsense. :rolleyes:

    Apparently, your idea of "corrupt" is to tell the truth about products instead of letting unsafe, Chinese garbage get pushed on the world with millions in advertising, but not a useful word in the bunch. Do you think Apple is going to advertise their antenna problem or Suzuki is going to brag that their vehicle is more likely to roll over than most other vehicles on the road? Heck no. Most magazines take money directly from the manufacturers that advertise in their magazines and thus have a total conflict of interests. Here's a magazine that doesn't take a dime from advertisers and thus has no reason to pick on anyone or lie about anything. But YOU call that "corruption." That's like Republicans saying they will create jobs (and leave out the "in China" part).

    First off, Consumer Reports makes money by selling subscriptions which means free press is good for them. Sensational popular bad reviews gets them publicity - good reviews get them nothing. In fact their video review was so obviously biased and unprofessional it was a joke. The guy should have been wearing an "Down with Apple" T-shirt with the Android robot peeing on the Apple logo.

    Second, the Suzuki Samarai is not a Chinese vehicle - Suzuki is a Japanese company.

    Third, save your political slant for some other forum - we talk tech here - not politics.

    Fourth, hate China much?

    Fifth, I personally tried to verify Consumer Reports claims in multiple iPhone-4 units to no avail. I'm still holding off for iPhone-5 to save my budget, but all I can say about iPhone-4 is that it's the best phone I've ever seen.

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. Prince William Kate Middleton
  • Prince William Kate Middleton

  • takao
    Mar 1, 03:52 PM
    and VW with their darn PumpeD�se engines sure didn't help ... the PD concept was always good for saving fuel but those engines could have easily put into a tractor pulling contest

    today IMHO the german carmaker diesels are leading the way only in fuel usage and torque ratings. In regards to emissions & noise/smooth running the french (PSA) and Fiat have very likely taken over

    and yeah it has mostly has to do with trucks using the diesel engines.. because you know even her in europe those trucks are smelly and noisy ... even if yourself are driving in a diesel behind them ;)

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. the royal wedding william and
  • the royal wedding william and

  • Linito
    Dec 4, 12:58 PM
    Actually, I was thinking they were working on a car ;)

    no no no think big, an airplane or a satellite maybe even a spaceshuttle :p

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. William and Kate royal wedding
  • William and Kate royal wedding

  • m4rc
    Apr 16, 05:05 AM
    Firstly, can't believe this is still ongoing!

    This is an interesting point of view (http://www.macworld.co.uk/news/main_news.cfm?NewsID=8320) on the whole topic.

    I always compare Apple to BMW. Maybe we should all start a petition for BMW as surely it too is dieing? After all, I can buy a ford for �6000, but not a BMW - I mean, what's going on there, they don't want to make crap cars or what?


    william and kate royal wedding pictures. royal wedding pictures william
  • royal wedding pictures william

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 10:01 PM
    Apple seems to be moving to the app-store model where you pay less at first but then you pay the same for every upgrade.

    iLife has done this for years and now Aperture is doing the same thing. Frankly, I prefer it to the old way.

    On iOS you pay ONCE and then all upgrades are free.

    Is this not the case on the Mac App Store? If I'm going to pay $80 for aperture there, I want to get Aperture 4, 5, 6 and 7 as a download and not be paying an upgrade fee each time.

    I thought no upgrade fees was the new model (just pay once.)

    Certainly for iOS apps that's the model.

    Update: June on the AppStore. Sounding like it will ship with Lion.

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. the impeding royal wedding
  • the impeding royal wedding

  • WhySoSerious
    May 3, 10:36 AM
    I'm all for merging the two OS's together....but do we really need to hype a feature like this on the main page or even in the keynote presentation in June? Seriously, it's just an alternate method to delete an app....BIG FREAKING DEAL.

    Guess I had/have higher expectations than most when it comes to Lion/iOS5...

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. Last night William and Kate
  • Last night William and Kate

  • zwilliams07
    Jul 14, 10:23 AM
    Faster processors, I'll take those of course. Blu-Ray? Hell no, I don't want that turd. Pretty much every format Sony has ever come up with is dead, just look at the UMD now, its a joke.

    I'll pass on that MPAA sponsored DRM ladden expensive dog turd.

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. royal wedding william and kate
  • royal wedding william and kate

  • lowbatteries
    May 2, 06:37 PM
    But my iPhone is far more limited than my first Windows PC in that regard. Even with Windows 95 I could go from one app to another while letting the other on load in the background. iOS freezes everything. If I want a video to upload on Facebook, I have no choice but to keep the app open until it's done. On my PC, I can start the upload and then move on to other things while the process is completing.

    I find moving to non-true multitasking as a step backward, not a step forward. As you said, out systems capabilites are able to do so much more. I can be playing a computer game, hit the Windows key, and open a media player and never see a drop in performance. Why limit your computer to one task at a time? Kind of defeats the point of multi-core processors.

    I upload large videos all the time on my iPhone, in the background. This has been built in since multitasking was introduced (if an app you are using doesn't do this, that's the developers fault).

    Weird. When I ask someone a yes/no question, I expect a yes/no response.

    Do you understand what I mean?

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. william and kate royal wedding
  • william and kate royal wedding

  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 26, 02:16 PM
    If you guys can't differentiate between the use of "application" or "program" and "app store" vs "appstore" then I'm clearly wasting my time haha.

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. william and kate royal wedding
  • william and kate royal wedding

  • wmmk
    Jul 13, 11:02 PM
    Will I be able to get a reasonably priced apple laptop with merom, 802.11n, blueray burner, possibly HD, and leopard (or whatever 10.6 is called) in late 2007 or early 2008?

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. See more Kate and William
  • See more Kate and William

  • uhzoomzip
    Aug 16, 09:45 AM
    Who gives a flying-you-know-what about an iPod with wireless capabilities?

    What, so the transfer speeds can be even slower?
    So someone can use terrible sounding, cheap bluetooth headphones?

    What is the point of wireless in an iPod? These sound like rumors started by technically-inept, idiot investors who are trying to sell Apple stock to their technically-inept, idiot clients.

    Macrumors: remember that part of your slogan where it says rumors "you care about"???

    Next please.

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • fertilized-egg
    Mar 24, 11:09 AM
    For those of us with large libraries or store our music in uncompressed or at higher bit rates, the Classic is the only game in town.

    There are still some quality HDD MP3s, most notably the Cowon X7, http://www.engadget.com/2010/12/01/cowon-x7-pmp-review/

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. william and kate royal wedding
  • william and kate royal wedding

  • Westside guy
    Mar 22, 10:09 PM
    Right now I've got about 1-1.5TB of music and I'm constantly adding more as I go through my old vinyl and rip things that are out of print.

    Wow, that takes dedication. I've got a bit of old vinyl that I keep telling myself I should rip...

    I've been telling myself that for about a decade now. :D

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. ALR_4626.jpg. Prince
  • ALR_4626.jpg. Prince

  • jav6454
    Mar 24, 01:24 PM
    Hmm I got crossfire 6970s wonder if will work in my hakintosh.

    Nop... CrossFireX support is disabled. Only single GPU solutions work. So if you want the best go with the HD6970...

    Also, so long nVidia, you sorry excuse for a 2-bit company.

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. Wills and Kate: Royal Mint
  • Wills and Kate: Royal Mint

  • miloblithe
    Aug 31, 04:00 PM
    Any chance of a new chip set with a newer GMA ?

    If so, Intel's keeping it a big secret.
    (which means no).

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. royal wedding william and kate
  • royal wedding william and kate

  • HunterMaximus
    Nov 25, 03:09 PM
    Some ski pants (black to go with my on-hill uniform, green for fun):
    New glasses. First time for me, astigmatism correction takes some getting used to, but I think they look good:

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • Time Less
    Mar 25, 03:41 PM
    Can the new GPU even do 1080p?

    i would think so since apple says the ipad 2 will output 1080p to a tv. only 720p for iphone 4.

    william and kate royal wedding pictures. of the royal wedding of
  • of the royal wedding of

  • Indiana Mac
    Mar 20, 10:23 PM
    First is advertising. Sure Apple's commericals are cute and award winning. But for once can we show some hard hitting ads that are shown more than just occasionally? Apple needs to advertise, and more than just the chic oh, that was nice. What I want to see is ads showing how much easier it is to use a mac than a pc, or how less venerable macs are to virus and hacking, then show the things for goodness sakes!!

    Second is quality control.

    Considering the recent problems with the ibook's logic board (over a years worth of laptops sold before admitting a problem?), problems with the 15in powerbook (wait almost a year for memory problems and white spots?) problems with the 12in powerbook(warping cases), and the old windtunnels, I'd say that Apple's quality control is slipping. Are they crap, no, but for the premium that we all pay they deserve to be better.

    I do not mind a 500 dollar computer dying on me, but a 1700 laptop less than a year old? Yes I most certainly do. Having to pay $300 dollars to cover it? yes i do. Knowing a guy who sent in a 15in Albook three times for the screen? yes I do. A friend who owns a 12in whose case is warping, yes i do.

    Price is not as much of an issue. Many of the people who buy 500 dollar computers would not take the time to learn about why a mac is better, they are too dollar concious(the Wal-Mart mentality, if its cheaper its better.)

    Do I think Apple is dying, no. But we have an opportunity to regain market share if apple plays hardball.

    Jul 18, 08:16 PM
    i wouldnt even pay a $1.99 if the resolution is the same as the current video content on iTunes... HORRID!
    I'm definitely with you there. I want to both rent and purchase movies, but if they're going to be 320x240 then forget it. I'm not paying my hard-earned cash for that.

    DVD quality and at least 5.1 surround is what I would require before I rented any movies from Apple.

    louis Fashion
    Apr 21, 08:40 PM
    You and Full of Win must be related. Or married. Or both.

    No they both married their sisters.

    Mar 22, 12:51 PM
    goddamn i can't make a joke on these forums.
    Sarcasm on an internet Forum never works well. :p
    Besides you didn't type it in blue. ;)

    Apr 19, 02:15 PM
    Seriously?! How long have you been waiting? Since last refresh?

    Keep dreaming. They couldn't even get a Radeon HD 5770, let alone a 5850. The best that could be done was a 5750 in the 27", and while it's not a terrible GPU, it's certainly nowhere near pro-level.

    Lulz to that. It's not like those things weren't key to the Early 2011 MacBook Pros being as critically acclaimed as they are now.

    No. While Mac mini updates could be right around the corner, the two are on different release timelines and aren't always released at the same time. Essentially, it's irrelevant.

    If the 5750 was the best that we got on the highest end model of current, then I'd be shocked if we got anything past 6770. We're definitely not getting cards that use up as much power as the iMac itself or require a second six-pin connector in the Desktop PCIe equivalent.

    Since July 2010; not even a full year really.

    Sure, but that doesn't mean it'll ever happen.

    How many of those machines have you seen naked? As in, without the glass or panel with bare innards in full view? My guess is not very many. They don't have the room to engineer a better video card in the 27". It's almost a wonder they even have the room for something like the Radeon HD 5750 in what they have now. It's not like they took the design of the 21.5", gave it a larger chasis and screen and suddenly had more room to play with. Even so, as it stands, both sizes of iMac get extraordinarily hot. Sure, the 5750 in the Mid-2010 27" model draws less heat than the 4850 in the Late-2009 27" model, but that difference is negligible and even with a 6 series GPU's improvement, I doubt the difference will be substantial enough to warrant THAT much more power relative to the 6 series' lineup.

    So, no, they couldn't engineer THAT much better of a card if they wanted. Not without making the iMac thicker than it already is. But it's Apple, they never do.

    Sep 7, 06:46 AM
    Judging by the ratings, I get the sensation that some of us here don't like disney movies. Anyhow, Apple's not really trying to break into any new markets with this, nor are they trying to be revolutionary. They already have an incredibly robust content distribution system, and it costs them next to nothing to host these movies on it. If people download them, great, if not, so what. But seriously, for the price, these mofos better be Hi-Def!

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