william hung 2011

william hung 2011. William Hung - She Bangs. Order: Reorder; Duration: 4:10; Published: 15 May 2006; Uploaded: 26 Jan 2011; Author: mrsparkle482000
  • William Hung - She Bangs. Order: Reorder; Duration: 4:10; Published: 15 May 2006; Uploaded: 26 Jan 2011; Author: mrsparkle482000

  • wizz0bang
    Jul 20, 09:57 AM
    Bring on the multi-core GPUs! :)

    william hung 2011. HIlarious William Hung-She bangs Original video. Order: Reorder; Duration: 1:42; Published: 25 Mar 2008; Uploaded: 13 Mar 2011; Author: YouFaves
  • HIlarious William Hung-She bangs Original video. Order: Reorder; Duration: 1:42; Published: 25 Mar 2008; Uploaded: 13 Mar 2011; Author: YouFaves

  • k995
    Apr 20, 05:56 PM
    No, it wasn't shown before the iPhone, the F700 had a different interface when it was shown.

    I am talking about lg prada among others if you bothered to read my post you would see that .

    william hung 2011. Triple Bonds (04-03-2011)
  • Triple Bonds (04-03-2011)

  • Zargot
    Jul 20, 01:07 PM
    New Apple Mac Pro Dual Quad

    Dual Intel Xeon 8400 Quardro processors at 3.4Ghz (2 x 4 core)
    2Gb Buffered DDR2 RAM
    750 Gb Sata2 Hard drive
    Blue Ray Super drive 2x
    Regular DVD rom in second bay
    ATI X1900 video card 512mb PCI express x16


    More like $13,950


    william hung 2011. Dragon-i presents William Hung
  • Dragon-i presents William Hung

  • hulugu
    Mar 22, 04:13 PM
    No he did not. It was a mistake then, it is a mistake now. The only difference is, I oppose it in all circumstances, regardless of who's president. You only oppose it when it's a Republican in office....

    Right, because there can't be any other reason why Blue Velvet, or myself, might support military intervention in Libya, but not Iraq. They are exactly the same situation after all.

    And, there's absolute silence from the New York Times on Libya. Well, silence in the sense that you're obviously not actually reading the New York Times.

    There are nine articles in today's issue, including an op-ed, four centerpiece articles, and an article about the four captured New York Times reporters.


    william hung 2011. TITANS ANNOUNCE WILLIAM HUNG

  • danz1123
    Jun 11, 11:21 AM
    Anyone know if I place a preorder on the 19th what the chances are I'll be able to make a reservation for the 24th?

    william hung 2011. William Hung, will host
  • William Hung, will host

  • fivepoint
    Mar 17, 10:33 AM
    Back in Ron Paul warned us about Barack Obama and the fact that his foreign policy would almost certainly essentially mirror that of the Democrats and Neo-Cons for the past 60 years.


    �Change� means nothing. It�s just a word, and it�s a clich�. If you just repeat it it has no meaning. You have to say, what are you going to change, and I would argue, you offer no change. You have the same foreign policy, you want more troops in Afghanistan, you�re not talking about only going to war with a declaration, you don�t want to deal with the monetary/financial crisis in this country, you want to keep the system together for the benefit of the banks and the big corporations and the politicians. What kind of change you have on social policy? Do you care about sick people using using Marijuana, have you come out for that? [...]

    [Obama] doesn�t want change, he wants the status quo. [...] If you want change, what you need is someone who�s going to make sure you�re never going to have a draft, and we�re going to bring our troops home, we�re going to balance the budget, we�re going have sound money� [Obama] never talks about any of that.

    Since that day, Obama has failed to close Guantanamo, failed to end the war in Iraq, escalated the war in Afghanistan, promoted and maintained the Patriot Act, and today stands as the worlds' most powerful advocate for American military involvement in Libya!


    The Obama administration is seeking a UN Security Council resolution authorizing a wide range of possible strikes against the regime of Libyan leader Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

    The move comes as Qaddafi forces have made "significant strides" in Libya, the State Department said.

    The Obama administration and other supporters of action against Qaddafi were pushing for a Thursday vote on a draft resolution. Russia and China have expressed doubts about the U.N. and other outside powers getting involved.

    The U.S. wants the Security Council to approve planes, troops or ships to stop attacks by Qaddafi on the rebels, according to a diplomat familiar with closed-door negotiations Wednesday.

    The Obama administration said it would not act without Security Council authorization, did not want to put U.S. ground troops into Libya, and insists on broad international participation, especially by Arab states, the diplomat said.

    Yet another war, yet another military action which will inevitably cause 'blow-back', started by a man who sold himself to you as a military dove. When will the people realize that there's essentially no difference between the two parties? One advocates bigger government, but they both vote for it. One advocates for bigger military, but they both vote for it, there's no difference between them... and the end result is a trillion + of dollars in annual deficit, a failing economy, and a debt hole so large we may never be able to dig ourselves out.

    When you voted for 'change' in you really voted for more of the same. Expansion of the government, expansion of the Military Industrial Complex, and the direct and indirect reduction in personal liberty. There was only one candidate in 2008 and will likely be only one candidate in 2012 who ACTUALLY stood for REAL change... and that is Ron Paul.

    The difference between Ron Paul and Barack Obama (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVKSfwfy0h8)

    william hung 2011. contestant William Hung
  • contestant William Hung

  • bruinsrme
    Apr 27, 08:57 AM
    He did furnish his official state-certified short-form birth certificate.

    Before yesterday?

    william hung 2011. william hung
  • william hung

  • srxtr
    Apr 11, 01:19 PM
    You guys know the average Joe don't go shopping for a new smart phone every other month?

    This is a big deal to some of you guys only because you obsess over this topic almost daily.

    william hung 2011. WILLIAM HUNG!

  • ZoomZoomZoom
    Sep 19, 10:02 AM
    You should thouroughly read a post before you quote and attempt to disprove it, or in this case, call the poster a name like fanboy...

    The poster before you mentioned how these "sub-$1000" laptops are JUST starting to ship THIS WEEK, not a month ago as you claim. If Apple were to release new MBP on Monday and announce them as "shipping today," then Apple would only mere days behind, not a month.

    P.S. If you skipped to the end of this post again and are about to reply angrily, please go back and read the post as you will better understand what I am trying to say...

    I found information on another forum and read it a bit incorrectly.

    Nonetheless, even after re-reading sources (which a quick google of "shipping merom laptop" will bring up), Apple is at minimum a week and a half behind, assuming that shipping in blindingly fast. And seeing as they didn't update MBPs today - and (assuming rumors are correct) they might update next week, this puts Apple a solid two and a half weeks behind.

    And that's on sub-$1000 notebooks.

    william hung 2011. Donald TrumpWilliam Hung?
  • Donald TrumpWilliam Hung?

  • Tommyg117
    Aug 5, 09:51 PM
    Come on iPod and iPhone! and Mac Pro with blu ray!

    william hung 2011. Well William Hung will be
  • Well William Hung will be

  • Multimedia
    Aug 19, 12:33 PM
    And I'm not convinced this is only an application problem. When I run Handbrake on the Quad G5 alone it uses just over two cores 203% @ about 100fps analysis (1st Pass of 2) speed. If I add a Toast encode while that is happening, Handbrake takes a huge hit down to below 150% @ 70-80 fps analysis while Toast can only use about 130% instead of more alone. So the Tiger OS X seems to have difficulty managing more than one multicore application's core usage allocation up to its maximum capability - IE Tiger is not so MultiCore Enabeled as it could be IE Leopard probably will be much moreso - let's hope that is one of its TOP SECRETS.

    When I ran tests on the Mac Pro at the Apple Store last Saturday between Toast and/or Handbrake, their use of more cores alone and together was much better. Handbrake alone can analyze up to around 134fps while writing at about 107 fps using about 1.5-1.75 cores. So while not yet fully optimized for Mac Pro yet, it's already outperforming the Quad G5 significantly. Handbrake would appear to analyze files about 33% faster while writing them about 15% faster while using 1.5 to 1.75 cores. Quad G5 does analysis @ about 100fps and writes about 93 fps (2nd Pass) using up to about 2.2 cores.

    Toast 7.1 UB uses Mac Pro cores much more than it does Quad cores - in the range of 280 - 310% IE about 3 cores compared to only about 1.5 cores on the Quad G5 as well as on the Dual Core G5. Unfortunately I didn't have encode times for each of the sample files I brought with me from the Quad so I don't know the real time how much faster that really amounts to. Running simultaneously on the Mac Pro, Toast would use over 2.5 cores while handbrake would use only one or less than one at best.

    Together simultaneously on Mac Pro 2.66 it's
    2.7 cores/1 core best
    2.5 cores/.75 core worst

    Handbrake during Toast is down to as few as 60fps but sometimes up to 100fps as well. Toast meanwhile is Still consuming up to almost 3 cores with Handbrake running at the same time. So Toast would appear to be much more optimized for the Mac Pro's MultiCores than it is for the Quad G5's Multicores. Same could be said for Handbrake - especially since it is not really fully Optimized for Mac Pro yet.

    william hung 2011. William Hung American Idol
  • William Hung American Idol

  • Derekasaurus
    Jul 20, 05:18 PM
    If you want wild speculation, here goes.... Apple might use the Conroe and ConroeXE in the first Mac Pros and then add in support for Kentsfield (quad) when it becomes available. This could well be the reason why Intel has brought forward the release of Kentsfield.
    Apple is playing with the big boys now. Intel moved up Kentsfield in response to AMD's 4x4, not anything Apple might do. Intel sells hundreds of millions of CPUs per year; Apple's demand is barely above the noise.

    william hung 2011. American Idol 2011.
  • American Idol 2011.

  • MrNomNoms
    Apr 10, 04:08 AM
    Hoping for some better multi-core support(although probably going to have to wait for Lion for the newer QuickTime engine) and a UI that isn't from the 90's. Only thing that's changed is the scroll bars.

    In Lion they're providing AV Foundation which leads me to believe that QtKit will be a stripped down bare basic framework with AV Foundation going to be used for future heavy lifting projects. In Snow Leopard AV Foundation is provided but it is a private framework so the rumours a while ago that Lion version will be 'better' than the Snow Leopard sounds that it'll probably rely on AV Foundation in Snow Leopard but the Lion version, the one with the AV Foundation that is a public API, will probably have more features etc.

    william hung 2011. what the….william hung cousin
  • what the….william hung cousin

  • bretm
    Apr 10, 10:44 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Hoping for some better multi-core support(although probably going to have to wait for Lion for the newer QuickTime engine) and a UI that isn't from the 90's:

    ^ Final Cut on Mac OS 9

    Final Cut on Tiger/Leopard/Snow Leopard:

    Only thing that's changed is the scroll bars.

    Visually still similar. Until you look at the timeline. Since then the entire patch bay system is changed and we have keyframe editing in the timeline. As well as audio tool, waveform vector tool, and pretty high end 3 way color corrector built in.

    It's still a more functional and better looking interface than premiere CS5.


    william hung 2011. Heidi Khzam American Idol 2011
  • Heidi Khzam American Idol 2011

  • asphalt-proof
    Aug 11, 02:38 PM
    If Apple pick a carrier, I hope is not Cingular. But from past situations, that's very likely.
    The ideal is a carrier free phone. That way the iphone can reach many more people and make it possible to upgrade phones without asking people to terminate their contracts.

    I agree that a carrier free ohone is the way to go but a carrier-subsudized phone is cheaper for the consumer (or at least appears that way in the beginning). I think there maybe networ issues as well. Doesn't Verizon or Nextel operate on a different freq than Cingular/AtT? Not sure.

    william hung 2011. Maybe William Hung will join
  • Maybe William Hung will join

  • asdf542
    Apr 10, 10:39 PM
    This is kind of ironic. My brother works in the video editing field and I was just talking about this only 5 minutes ago. He was lucky enough to "NAB" a ticket (pun fully intended) literally seconds before they sold out, and he'll be there for the presentation. He was telling me about this radical new overhaul for FCP, and I thought it was kind of weird that I hadn't seen any mention of it seeing as how I check Apple rumor blogs almost daily, so I logged onto macrumors and sure enough, it was the first story listed.

    I guess there's a lot of drama among the industry about Apple's refusal to release any kind of road map for FCP, not unlike their other products, and apparently a lot of people are starting to jump ship to Adobe's offerings. Everyone is pretty worried about this new overhaul because the guy who botched iMovie is the guy now in charge of FCP. I'm not into video editing, and I've never never used FCP or any product like it, but after hearing about all the drama and excitement surrounding this new overhaul I'm pretty stoked to see what happens.

    My brother is a diehard Apple guy, but he, along with a lot of other people apparently, are basically giving Apple this final shot to fix a lot of FCP's limitations, or they're going to fully move over to Adobe's offering. (I can't remember the name of heir FCP equivalent, and I'm too lazy to look it up) Tuesday can't come soon enough!The guy who 'botched' iMovie is the same person that created Final Cut and continues to work on Final Cut. Randy Ubillos has been the head of Apple's video editing suites/applications for as long as I can remember.

    william hung 2011. William Hung
  • William Hung

  • wordoflife
    Mar 26, 01:52 AM
    I won't be updating soon if it will cost $129. Lion wouldn't be worth it to me for that price.

    william hung 2011. publicity William Hung has
  • publicity William Hung has

  • maelstromr
    Apr 25, 02:33 PM
    Honestly If this does not bug you it should Apple along with Law enforcement have know about this they have been using devices to read this info and use it against the Phones owners if the info proves useful. Good I totally support a lawsuit Apple should be embarrassed and ashamed this is a big deal. Nothing should trace where your going and keep a record. This info can also be used by criminals but the true criminal here is Law Enforcement since they knew about this info and used it against suspects.

    Please take note suspects are not criminals they are you and me and getting pulled over or involved with the Police. It can happen to anyone for many reasons other than causing a crime.

    Apple has just brought us the closest we have EVER been to 1984.

    Protect our Freedoms

    Rants are harder to read without punctuation.

    Where'd you get the info on Apple and law enforcement? Little green men? Perhaps you tuned it in through your tinfoil cap?

    william hung 2011. William Hung#39;s known to play
  • William Hung#39;s known to play

  • ergle2
    Sep 13, 12:53 PM
    Only the Yonah based Core Duo iMacs are 32bit (Well, and the G3/G4 too). G5 and the new iMac Core 2 Duo models on sale now are 64bit. Not that it matters per se.

    The Chipset in the Yonah iMac is still 945, which works fine with Merom's long mode (64bit/EM64T more).

    Jun 14, 08:49 PM
    Now they're saying white won't be available until later this summer. dammit, i wanted white!
    http://modmyi.com/forums/iphone-news/714102-exclusive-iphone-4-only-black-initially.htmlThat's BS. I bought my white 3GS last year on launch day. No way is Apple only making black phones to begin with.

    I guess this means the only way to be sure we can get a white one is to pre-order with Apple. So much for the Radiio Shack trade-in program. I'll just let Fed-Ex do the walking for me.

    Aug 25, 04:06 PM
    So far, i havent been the happiest camper with Apple's support. Having Apple Care on my PowerMac G5, I can tell you I got more of a run-around then any other time ive needed service on a unit. It started with Apple sending me to an Authorised Repair center to replace my Ethernet Card (so the entire logic board had to go, this story btw dates back to xmas) and from there on, my unit with Kurnil Panic all the time, i mean 7 times a day. 2 or 3 random programs opening and back, complete lock up with a full shut down needed.

    I had to of course drag my PowerMac 30 miles everytime, drag it to a store (6 times over all before they took care of the problem and dragging a PM through the mall, it gets heavy real fast) and they then blamed it on everytime from "heat" to my "battery backup" to "envirmental issues" to "external HDD". Just every single BS they could think of because all these devices for 2 years prior worked just fine but now they suddenly wanna glitch up? come on now. Finally, finally, 6 visits, 2 calls to AppleCare and a month and a half later did they replace my LogicBoard and processor and find one or both of those to be the problem. Sorry but this is what I get for buying a Pro consumer computer, .Mac service and AppleCare :mad:

    Im not saying other units dont have problems. Everything does but it sure as hell seems like from the 1st time the MacBooks hit out, we have seen an uprise in problems from heat, to freezing, to failed drives etc.

    Im sure ill get alot of "pro apple kool-aid drinker" attacks from this but this dosent make me any less of an Apple enthusiest or whatever but I work hard for my money and I demand the same quality and service from Apple as I do from any other company. Clear Example iMikeT

    Jul 27, 11:02 AM
    "...Core 2 Duo chips need less electricity, drawing just 65 watts compared to the Pentium 4’s 95 watts and Pentium D’s 130 watts"

    Good Lord - does anybody know what the G5 is? I'd imagine that the elaborate cooling system in the current G5 towers probably won't be needed it it's running anything like the D's...

    1) The watts numbers listed are TDP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_Design_Power). They are not the amount of power the processor consumes ("drawing").

    2) PPC 970fx falls in the realm of Conroe in terms of heat generation but of course the Conroe has better performance.

    I should note that the PPC 970FX is a single core chip while the PPC 970MP is the dual core one... don't have good numbers for the later but I would guess it would be about 1.75 times (or more) the PPC 970FX in terms of thermal generation and power consumption.

    Apr 6, 03:50 PM
    Wow, that's success that only a Ballmer could love.

    Apple does need some competition. I hope these competitors focus on some of the Apple shortcomings like the religious adherence to the Cocoa Touch UI. Ideally there would be a more hybrid iOS/MacOS functionality in an iPad such that it could morph up to a more desktop like experience when docked. And conversely, it seems like MacBook Air/ Mac OS X Lion is getting a more iOS like feel. There's a middle ground there that Apple needs to get to. I suspect they will. But as with tethering, and allowing re-duplication of core apps by third parties, it will take Apple a while to let go here and allow the iPad to become that perfect combo.

    They still seem to ultimately strike this balance better than any other vendor.
    Not really. They built an excellent product, at what is still a leading price point, all without ANY competition.

    It is the other manufacturers that need Apple as a competitor. First the iPod, THEN all the clones that came out after, the iPhone, THEN all the clones and finally the iPad THEN . . . . you get the idea. Apple has been creating innovative products, in a vacuum, that cause the rest of the market to follow, for decades, just fine. Unlike other manufacturers, they strive for excellence with out the need for a product to "duplicate" and spurn them on.

    Apr 27, 09:13 AM

    There you have it. The birthers aren't satisfied. I knew it.

    The tinfoilhatism in the comments on that link is out of hand.

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